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View Full Version : The official "I Gave A Hair Compliment" thread

February 15th, 2012, 12:24 PM
There are tons of threads on compliments received, and I frequently see in the "Longhair Sighting" thread something along the lines of "I wanted to say something nice, but was too shy". We all know a properly-delivered, non-creepy hair compliment can make our day, so why are we so chicken to say something nice to someone else??

Me, I'm a stranger-complimenter from way back, so I thought we should have a place to share our stories. I'm making a prediction right here that there will be more "She smiled and thanked me" than "He looked at me like I'd just sprouted a second head, and scuttled away in terror"... although let's share those, too :p

So! A couple of days ago at the supermarket, my checker had an enormous cinnabun. I said "Excuse me if this sounds a bit hair-obsessed, but I can't help wondering how long your hair must be to make a bun that size..." She gestured around her hip, and we ended up having a lovely conversation.
She told me about her most recent trip to the salon, when she asked to only have it styled, and the stylist's response was "Fine, first I'm going to cut it off to about bra-strap length..."! :mad: To which she said "NO, you are not! Either you're going to do what I asked - and no more - or I'm going to find someone who will, and pay them instead of you." I praised her for not letting herself get railroaded, told her "Rock on with your big-bunned self!", and we parted grinning.

Get it? Parted? :henny:

February 15th, 2012, 12:45 PM
I gave a compliment to a woman with knee length hair at walmart a few months ago, she seemed relieved to hear some kind words.

February 15th, 2012, 12:51 PM
I complimented a lady in Krogers who had hip-length silver hair. She had it down, and I couldn't not compliment her, it was just so beautiful! She was very nice and thanked me for noticing.

February 15th, 2012, 12:55 PM
Few years ago I complimented a girl on the train station who had a beautiful naturally golden shoulder lenght bob with bangs. Few months later, my friend met the same stranger girl at a mutual party and my friend remembered my description of her hair and outfit and asked her if she was the girl who recieved a compliment from me. She told my friend that the day I gave her that compliment, she had a really bad day and was feeling miserable and thanks to my comment it made her day!

February 15th, 2012, 12:56 PM
I saw a woman who was at least above 70 with white waist length hair, using a walker at a doctors office, she was feeble, but her hair was gorgeous and suited her well.. Her hemline was a tad fairytale, but thick, especially for her fine texture, and it was straight and silky and i was super envious ;)

I told her it was beautiful and looked like white silk and she was SOO happy, I'm pretty sure most people probably say things about her "being too old for waist length" because of her response.. She looked at her husband when I said it like, "see? i look gooood" lol :p

February 15th, 2012, 12:58 PM
I have made friends with a girl who has tailbone length hair. She's not interested in joining the site but appreciates the interest I've taken in her hairs health. She has even taken some of my tips! I love her hair and tell her constantly. I've had to try to restrain myself from giving too many compliments because I'm afraid of sounding creepy.

February 15th, 2012, 01:00 PM
Sadly, any time I have given a Longhair a compliment, they act annoyed.
I usually say, "Your hair is gorgeous! Im so envious of your length!" Then they look and me and kinda say, "Thanks."
Short Thanks. Nothing more. Not really even a smile. :(

February 15th, 2012, 01:02 PM
I have made friends with a girl who has tailbone length hair. She's not interested in joining the site but appreciates the interest I've taken in her hairs health. She has even taken some of my tips! I love her hair and tell her constantly. I've had to try to restrain myself from giving too many compliments because I'm afraid of sounding creepy.

I get terrified of sounding creepy too!! I always try to have a super sweet look on my face and act really genuine. (Cause its true!)
I LOVE paying people compliments! But they usually dont take them well.

February 15th, 2012, 01:05 PM
I always try to compliment any long haired people I see, as long as I don't have to yell at them to get their attention or run after them!

There's a girl who works at my local supermarket who always wears her hair in a high braid that reaches from her crown to her tailbone. I went up to her and said 'I hope you don't think I'm strange but I just wanted to say how awesome your hair is and ask where it reaches to when it's loose?' she just smiled and indicated mid-thigh. Couldn't chat for long as she was working though.

Another one was a lady at a biker bar who looked to be in her 50s or 60s, renegray and with hair somewhere between tailbone and classic that she was wearing loose. I went straight over and said how amazing it was. She seemed a bit bewildered but pleased.

The most recent one was just last weekend - my friend runs a shop in our local town centre and soon she's going to start renting out the room above to a lady who does dreadlocks and body piercing. She has a facebook page so I looked her up and her own dreadlocks reach past her knees! I had to send her a message as that's the longest hair I've ever seen outside of LHC. She said my compliment made her day and she looks forward to meeting me in person once the studio is up and running :D

February 15th, 2012, 01:10 PM
I gave a hair compliment a while ago to a girl that visits the same coffee shop as me. I've been admiring her hair for a while but was afraid to approach her because she seemed so shy and quiet ... She has some health issues with her legs and can hardly walk, it hurts to see such a pretty girl how she struggles. So one day I just couldn't help myself and I told her she has the most healthiest, shiny and thick natural blonde hair I've ever seen in real life and she started crying ... She never got a compliment in her life, she said. Then she told me her secret - benign neglect. Go figure :)

February 15th, 2012, 01:26 PM
I was grabbing a cup of coffee for a coworker a couple days ago and while I was chatting with one of the girls who works there (we go to the same school and were catching up on how things were going in our programs, etc.) and the girl came up behind me and I stepped out of the way since I was done, I turn to take a look and she has this super thick, gorgeous shiny black hair with loose curls up in a high side ponytail (yes, vaguely 80s) that looked like it would reach below BSL when loose, and I had to tell her how gorgeous I thought her hair was! She was a little shocked, but had a big smile on her face and was pleased. She seemed confused a bit, and told me that the hairstyle was nothing special, she just didn't have time that morning, and I had to tell her that it didn't matter what style it was in , her hair was pretty enough to pull it off. :)

February 15th, 2012, 01:55 PM
Well, do you count complimenting strangers on this community ?^^

In real life i guess i am little shy. I sometimes do see some beautiful hair but i'm worried to come and tell that. Finns are usually very introverted and i guess i'm afread of the reaction if i say something even a compliment. But i do tell to my cooworkers or people i just see more often. Kinda suprising now that i think, that i've heard myself more compliments from strangers ( god only knows why ) than i have given them. Maybe i should try :)

February 15th, 2012, 01:57 PM
Ohh, Almoust forgot! I did compliment a bride and congratulated as she had stunning hairdo! But i love to congratulate wedding couples anyway when i see them :D

February 15th, 2012, 02:09 PM
Aw, this thread is so nice! Next time I see a long hair I'll have to compliment them. :)

February 15th, 2012, 02:21 PM
I saw a really cute Arab girl in the supermarket last month, i think she was 7 years old and she had an amazing hiplength braid,thicker than my own.
I told her she had such pretty hair and she thanked me while looking very shy,so sweet..

February 15th, 2012, 02:31 PM
2 days ago I complimented a girl on her classic length hair. She complimented me on mine! Then we talked about how long we had been growing.

Last month I complimented a renegray on her curly BSL hair. She admitted to permining the top as it gets flat, but the ends were all hers. It was beautiful.

I have never had anyone react strangely when I compliment someone, which I do as often as I can.

February 15th, 2012, 02:47 PM
My parents always stressed to me growing up that you should always think of at least one nice thing to say to people you meet, you don't always have to say it but just think it sometimes. My mother would always compliment people or strike up friendly conversations. So as a result I'm that person you pass on the street who will compliment you out of nowhere, I'm not shy about it at all and I like to see people smile.:p

Anyways, I was at Whole Foods on Saturday and the cashier behind me as I was going through the line had beautiful, long, loosely dredded hair. I asked my cashier if he would get upset if I interrupted him working to compliment his hair, she said no so I turned around and told him I thought his hair was gorgeous. The best part - he had the best accent to go with the hair. I can't even describe it but it was so rockin! :D

There are other times that I give someone a compliment on the street or at the store and they just look at me like I'm stupid:rolleyes:. Like yesterday, this girl had pretty blonde hair with brown, red and black highlights and it was cut into a punk style. I said 'Hey you have pretty hair' and was walking away. She just looked at me like I had told her something rude in vulgar language. :confused:

February 15th, 2012, 05:29 PM
I work as a cashier and I always compliment the customers with exceptionally long hair. It makes them smile. :)

February 15th, 2012, 07:17 PM
I was helping a woman with thigh length grey hair. I told her that she had amazing hair and how much I loved it. She wouldn't look at me and grumbled "thanks", as if she was angry/offended by my compliment. Never have I had anyone react like that. It got me thinking if I somehow said something wrong.

February 16th, 2012, 04:27 AM
I've given 2 hair compliments that I can recall in the past couple of months. Both were to middle-aged ladies with beautiful silvery hair (more salt then pepper). I struck up quite a long conversation with one, who would often receive compliments on her hair (think Jamie Lee Curtis's cute silver pixie). For both, I kept thinking how striking their hair would be if long! (Although I didn't voice that opinion! :p)

February 16th, 2012, 10:13 AM
When i went to see harry potter 7 part 1 there was a girl there with hip length blond hair.. She saw me kinda looking at her and i froze but found the guts to say "Sorry i was staring, it's just that your hair is totally awesome!" She laughed, said thanks, and then everybody enjoyed the film n_n

February 16th, 2012, 11:44 AM
I haven't complimented anyone on hair in recent memory (I don't get out much) but I'm enjoying reading the stories! Now I'll be on the lookout for someone to compliment!

February 16th, 2012, 12:04 PM
hmm, this reminds me of a time in the grocery store, when I told a lady with beautiful gray hair in excelent condition like bsl,"you have great hair!" hahaha it cracks me up because she looked so shocked and said," thanks" I think she might of thought at first that I said"you have gray hair":o

February 16th, 2012, 12:07 PM
My parents always stressed to me growing up that you should always think of at least one nice thing to say to people you meet, you don't always have to say it but just think it sometimes.

Wow what an awesome thing to teach your kids! I am going to practice this myself and hopefully pass it on to my kids, too!

Cool thread idea :) It's been awhile since I have doled out a hair compliment. I usually just whisper it to my DH (psst...look at her hair...it is awesome!) but am usually too reserved to say anything. I would if it was someone I was already interracting with, like a cashier, but that is about it.

Just sitting here, I can think of half a dozen hair sightings where I wanted to compliment but never got the nerve.

The lady with knee+ length silver hair in the Cincinnati library, the girl with waist length dreads at King's Island two summers ago, the girl in the craft store with a classic length braid, the lady just a couple days ago in wal-mart who had almost BSL super curly hair that looked so healthy and shiny, I bet it was waist + stretched. The girl with the HIP length dreads in Savannah last December. The list goes on. I have only ever said something aloud maybe once or twice.

February 16th, 2012, 12:25 PM
I've complemented a couple of ladies with long silver hair that I've seen when I was walking around the city.

February 16th, 2012, 12:32 PM
My co worker has hip length hair and I took a picture of it to show a friend of mine. She has beautiful brown natural hair.

February 19th, 2012, 11:15 AM
I complimented my friend's hair the other day. I know she has issues due to severe acne on her chest and back, so I tried to slip in a nice compliment, and she really does have very good hair.

February 19th, 2012, 11:37 AM
Ohhh I have this girl in my Spanish class whose got some super gorgeous hair. She's decided to let off on "taming" it so to speak and is just letting it fly á la Tina Turner. It's at least as long as mine, and I'm sure longer if the curls were stretched out. I told her I thought it was absolutely gorgeous. I stopped before I got to the point of asking her if she'd let me play with it! :-P