View Full Version : Bentonite Clay

February 11th, 2012, 07:44 PM
Hi everyone!! :)
I just purchased a huge bag of bentonite clay. I love it as a face mask and I have heard that it is good as a hair mask too.
Has anyone tried bentonite clay on their hair?
What are its benefits?
What do you mix it with?
What is your favorite bentonite clay recipe? Mines is to mix it with apple cider vinegar

Besides a face mask, what else is bentonite clay good for..what other uses do you give it? Please share your recipe with us... Enjoy your day:p

February 11th, 2012, 08:21 PM
I have Sonne's#7 Bentonite clay. I take it as directed on the bottle--a spoonful in water in the morning or a spoonful by itself at night or whenever feeling sick to the stomach. It is an internal formula, but I've been wondering if it would make a good face mask. It would probably be very drying for hair. I also give it to my dogs on a cracker or with plain cereal if they have stomach illness. It is meant to "suck up" impurities so that your body can flush them out. Drink lots of water when taking clay internally.

February 12th, 2012, 07:04 PM
Ha! I tried this... after watching some videos about good results, I bought a 5 lb tub of bentonite clay and tried it out. Just mixed water with the clay...

(here's the glorious look as it's sitting on my hair and face)

After an hour or so, I COed it out in the shower.

Overall, it was messy to mix, messy to put into my hair, and messy to get out of my hair. (And messy to clean my bathroom from all the clay residue.) My hair felt dry and it was more tangly than usual -- I suspect I had residual dust left on it.

However, I suspect I didn't do it right and/or that my length made it more difficult to use appropriately.

Here's the video that I got the idea from:

And the post/thread where the idea came from: CLICK HERE (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=84760).

I have a sensitive scalp, so I'd like to figure out a way to make this work (runnier mixture? add an oil to the combo? CWC it out?). Anyhow, that was my experience to date, with one data point. I'm not going to give it up entirely, but my first trial run wasn't a great success!

February 12th, 2012, 07:26 PM
I use calcium bentonite clay mostly for clarifying my hair.

What I do is something I read on here (Syballa's Secret Softness Treatment - hope I spelled that right:D)

My version:

3 tablespoons of clay
1 teaspoon sea salt

I make this into a paste and work it into my wet hair. Then I put my hair up and cover it with a plastic bag for 10 - 20 minutes depending on how much build up I think I have.

Then I rinse rinse rinse.

After this I HAVE to follow with an ACV rinse or all the clay DOES NOT come out of my hair. My hair feels weird and coated even after washing if I do not do the ACV rinse (might be our hard water).

I do a very weak one: 1 teaspoon ACV in a liter of water. I rinse it out very well and can usually see the water a little cloudy.

Then I do whatever washing method I am using at the time.

I've tried doing only clay washes but they make my hair very staticky as a rule - so for me it works best used in the above manner.

I am doing one tomorrow since the Kapoor Kachli that I thought worked so well to clean my hair evidently left a weird protein build up on my hair.

I believe the sea salt helps remove the protein. If you don't think you have protein build up you can leave it out - but I think for some reason it works better when it is used (at least for me). (the sea salt also seems to help the clay mix up with less lumps for some reason!).

My hair loves these treatments. It is always soft and shiny after I do them.

Good Luck!