View Full Version : Such a thing as too much S&D?

January 25th, 2012, 06:58 PM
I started S&Ding about a month ago and now keep my scissors in my car so I can snip damaged ends in between classes.

Today, I started thinking about how often I do this and how much I cut off (an average of 40 snips per S&D, sometimes more if I get really into it, sometimes less if I just happen to notice a couple).

How often should I S&D and if I stay on my current schedule of a couple times a week, will I noticeably have shorter hair? I contemplated biting the bullet and just getting a nice trim, however I have a feeling if I do that I will just be in the same position since I haven't figured out what is causing my hair to split so often/much.

Anyone have any experience with this? I'm oiling twice a week now, and shampoo only twice a week (CO in between). Minimal product usage, but low-heat blowdry twice a week as well. The conditioner I use is very coney, but I do have some other options. Also, I sleep with my hair braided and wrapped in a silk scarf.

Maybe the hair is simply damaged? Thoughts?

January 25th, 2012, 07:08 PM
I'd get the splits, because if you don't they'll just keep breaking off even shorter than they would be if you had cut them.
Make sure the scissors are very sharp and only used for hair, or every split you snip will fray and turn into a new split later.
Also, you only have to cut a quarter inch above a split, hardly enough to make it truly shorter.
If you have that many splits at your length, there very well may be some damage going on. Does it feel damaged to you?

January 25th, 2012, 07:42 PM
Funny, I asked exactly the same question like three weeks ago ! ^^

Finally after a while the question turns to be irrelevant : if you really take care of your hair, split ends will become only occasionnal. I use shea butter and wear them up five days a week for two or three weeks, and I've already seen a very big change !
And no, it's not only in my mind : my mother saw it too. :lol:

January 25th, 2012, 07:46 PM
Finally after a while the question turns to be irrelevant : if you really take care of your hair, split ends will become only occasionnal.

I wish!

I think that S&D can contribute to increased damage if you're not careful. A few times I've pulled a section out to where I could see it and heard that awful Velcro ripping-apart sound because I didn't carefully comb it out first. I'm sure I caused new damage when I did that.

January 25th, 2012, 07:51 PM
I wish!

I think that S&D can contribute to increased damage if you're not careful. A few times I've pulled a section out to where I could see it and heard that awful Velcro ripping-apart sound because I didn't carefully comb it out first. I'm sure I caused new damage when I did that.

You have a point ! I always forgot that wavy and curly hair really don't behave like straight one, sorry. I'm still pretty ignorant on this topic. >_<
As my hair is dead straight, I just need to comb it a little before S&D and I don't have this problem.

January 25th, 2012, 08:14 PM
I don't think that wavy/curly hair splits more frequently than straight hair. Fine hair tends to split more frequently than medium and coarse hairs. Since the OP has fine hair, it may be more prone to damage.

I think that in the early years of growing hair, S&D is very important. I still have damaged hair from pre-LHC treatment, so I still S&D every couple of weeks. :shrug: