View Full Version : Hair Loss

January 16th, 2012, 10:04 PM
I've been loosing a lot of hair for a few months now. When I comb my hair in the morning my comb is full of hair when before I would only loose a few strands. When I take my hair out of my clip and tug at the end of my hair I get at least 50 more hairs. No mater where I tug on my hair I'll get a bunch of hair. This will happen no matter when I try it though out the day. My hair's been getting really thin. My mom keeps saying that it will grow back but like I said it has been a few months and it still keeps falling out. I've heard being under surgery can make hair fall out (i've had 2) so I'm assuming that is the reason. But the website don't say the hair grows back. Is there any shampoo I can use or oils I can put on my scalp? I have hair everywhere but my head. :mad:

January 16th, 2012, 11:19 PM
Hair loss can happen, due to the medication used to "put you to sleep."

Have you had your blood levels checked recently? Hair loss is a symtom of hypo and hyperthyroidism.

January 16th, 2012, 11:58 PM
Surgery can cause hair loss (if it's caused by the trauma, I don't see why it shouldn't grow back)
To be on the safe side, it would be a good idea to have a blood work done, if you haven't lately. Anemia, thyroid problems, vitamin D deficiency are among the most common problems that can cause hair loss. Food supplements might help.
Castor oil worked for me - it stopped my hair loss before my health problems were fixed, so I found it very effective.
Hope you had a speedy recovery! I'm sure your hair will grow back, even if the case is upsetting now :flower:

January 21st, 2012, 12:19 AM
So then it's in a resting state? How long do you think it will take for the hair to start grow back?

January 21st, 2012, 03:57 AM
I'm using a french shampoo, that is meant to combat shedding. I bought it in a pharmacy. It's called : Petrole hahn-prevention chute. Has a very strong mint scent, cleans hair well, but it seems to dry out my scalp. However, I did notice alot of new growth. It does feel pretty harsh, but I'm determined to use up the whole bottle, just to be sure if it helps with the shed or not. Good luck.:)

January 21st, 2012, 09:04 AM
The essential oi, rosemary, is supposed to stimulate growth, as is sage. Many have had great success with castor oil, as another poster here said. I would consider regular scalp massages and some aerobic acticity also so ensure the scalp gets good circulation, and eat as well as you can. Hope you get quick results.

January 21st, 2012, 10:47 AM
Surgery, anesthesia, hormonal changes, stress, aging, thyroid imbalance, change in diet, can ALL cause excess shedding. Mine has been due to hormones and I have used Pravana rejuvenator but it is expensive and I would like to find something more cost effective that last more than a month as this bottle did. Prenatal vitamins seem to help, too, whether you are prenatal or not!! LOL.