View Full Version : Hair wrapping?

January 15th, 2012, 01:23 PM
Hello all!
I was researching ways to get/keep hair straight without using heat. One way i stumbled upon was hair-wrapping.
So, I was wondering, does anyone know anything about Hair-Wrapping??

(video link about it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2h2fQgwHYQ )

I don't know if it work work on my hair, I'm not African-American (most of the ladies in the videos I found are) , and don't have that very coarse hair type. I was just wondering if anyone has experimented with this and if it works to preserve straightened hair to reduce the amount of straightening. I am also wondering, anyone who has tried this, if your hair starts to smell over time. I'm kind of concerned that my hair would be a little reeky and oily if this was used too many days in a row.

Let me know your results!

January 15th, 2012, 01:31 PM
I've tried but never suceeded in having it look good.

This being said, the thing that did work is this :

When I used to damage my hair with iron / blowfryer, etc. I'd do this to my already straiten and dried hair to sleep, secured under a silk scarf. That worked in having another day of straitness without weird sleep - or braid (etc) patterns.

But I never got it to work to straiten my 3a curls without heat. I prefer buns when my curls are driving me nuts, they give me loose waves... and no damage.

January 15th, 2012, 01:37 PM
Well, my hair is already semi straight and I used to straighten it with a flat iron to make it more so. It looks pretty but I don't do it anymore, except on special occasions.

As for the hair wrapping, I personally wouldn't do it because she uses products to get it that way. Those products pry cause build up; I don't use any styling products in my hair whatsoever. I only use poo, condish, and mineral oil.

January 15th, 2012, 01:40 PM
Maktub, thank you for sharing :)
Yeah it was definitely wishful thinking that it would magically straighten my wave/curly mess of hair.
I may try it to maintain straightness though.
It seems like it would work on already ironed hair, that way I could straighten it a lot less than I already do.

January 15th, 2012, 01:41 PM
I wrap it sometimes. My hair is wavy/curly. I do it on damp hair, after washing it. I just comb it around my head and secure it with bobby pins all around, making sure that all the hair is flat. Then I wrap a big silk scarf on my head, tie it, and sleep like that. When I wake up, I usually have my hair fall very nicely, and it is straight. The ends will curve inside a little. I put a bit of waxon it after I comb it out. I love how it feels. The only things that I don't like about the result:1. the top lays flat, no volume whatsoever, so I usually wear a headband with straight hair; 2. if it is humid outside, my hair will curl back in 10 minutes...and it will NOT look very nice. So that's about it. Check the weather report, and have fun experimenting.:D

January 15th, 2012, 01:43 PM
I do it all the time and love it!


January 15th, 2012, 02:09 PM
A member here, PraiseCheeses, uses a lazy wrap bun to straighten her hair. She makes a loose lazy wrap bun on top of her head, when her hair is damp, before putting it up the ends are sprayed to make the a bit moist.

I tried it out and it worked pretty well!! It did take some trail and error for me.

January 15th, 2012, 05:11 PM
I think I may start trying it!
Missalida: Yay! I'm so happy it works for some people! I hope I have similar results! And, it's usually not to humid where I live, so I'm hoping that won't be too much of an issue!
gogirlanime, do you use any sort of product when you wrap your hair? And how wet do you keep it? What kind of material do you use to wrap your hair? Its been a few months since your original post, and I was wondering if you figured out anything that made it look even better!
cheetahfast, that was another idea i was thinking of, if the wrap idea doesn't work out.
Thanks all for the ideas.

January 15th, 2012, 05:29 PM
I have wrapped before, my hair is pretty straight but it gives it a nice curled in ends look. I like wrapping it :D

January 15th, 2012, 07:38 PM
it actually works very well for me, but for DBF, who is probably a 3a or 3b, it turned his hair into frizzy, slightly relaxed curls.

I have pictures of my little escapade wrapping his hair, I just haven't uploaded them.. I guess I could. DBF is so good about letting me do strange things with his hair. :D

DBF, left is after, right is natural.
I got his permission, don't worry.

My hair gets to be like this:
(old pic, I don't usually get that bump in the nape anymore)
when it naturally looks like this:
(also an old picture)

January 15th, 2012, 08:03 PM
My results are a lot like Anywhere's, but a bit sleeker because I use oils during the wrap that mostly get absorbed over night.

I've never liked it as a straightening method, but maybe since you're a 2 and not a 3, you'll have more success.

Try and post piccies! :D

January 15th, 2012, 09:08 PM
Hello all!
I was researching ways to get/keep hair straight without using heat. One way i stumbled upon was hair-wrapping.
So, I was wondering, does anyone know anything about Hair-Wrapping??

(video link about it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2h2fQgwHYQ )

I don't know if it work work on my hair, I'm not African-American (most of the ladies in the videos I found are) , and don't have that very coarse hair type. I was just wondering if anyone has experimented with this and if it works to preserve straightened hair to reduce the amount of straightening. I am also wondering, anyone who has tried this, if your hair starts to smell over time. I'm kind of concerned that my hair would be a little reeky and oily if this was used too many days in a row.

Let me know your results!

I don't know how she keeps it that way, she is brushing her hair so much, this may work on African hair types beside her hair is been either chemically relaxed or she may have used flat iron to relax it with so much oil/cones in there are it seems sticky and can get stuck on itself, I do hair warp myself, I have fine hair between 2b and 3b, there is no way my hair will be stuck like the way how African hair does, what i do to hold the hair in place is use pins, like these http://www.amazon.com/Scunci-No-slip-Beautiful-Blends-48-Count/dp/B0045HWN22/ref=sr_1_3?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1326686768&sr=1-3 , I start wrapping like what she did and immediately hold it in place with a pin, then add more pins a long the way, every 2 inches or so, then wrap my head with a silk scarf so it stays in place till morning, I blow dry my hair after i wash it and it easily get straightened, this helps me from using the blow dryer every day, instead i use it once I wash every 3-4 days :D

January 15th, 2012, 09:13 PM
I've tried but never suceeded in having it look good.

This being said, the thing that did work is this :

When I used to damage my hair with iron / blowfryer, etc. I'd do this to my already straiten and dried hair to sleep, secured under a silk scarf. That worked in having another day of straitness without weird sleep - or braid (etc) patterns.

But I never got it to work to straiten my 3a curls without heat. I prefer buns when my curls are driving me nuts, they give me loose waves... and no damage.

Maktub, I have 2b/3b hair and blow dry it nicely and it looks straight after I do, i actually know how to blow dry it like professional do, use a very big round bristle brush and work with small strand at a time, it takes 20-25 min to dry my hair completely and make it straight, then at night I do the wrap with pins, read my other post about the pin, you need to hold the hair with pin otherwise it won't stay in place, I understand the African American have thicker coarser hair and this helps in holding it without pin but if your hair very soft and fine from 2b, 3b even 2 c, the method in that video will not work

January 15th, 2012, 10:10 PM
It can work. However, two things--it works best on blacks with RELAXED hair. I.E., processed straight hair. Thus, it'll probably work best on those with straighter hair types--although it CAN work, with some effort not to oversoak the hair, on those with curly hair. I never had the patience though.

Oh, and fyi--most AA hair is fine, in actuality.

January 16th, 2012, 10:52 AM
Maktub, I have 2b/3b hair and blow dry it nicely and it looks straight after I do, i actually know how to blow dry it like professional do, use a very big round bristle brush and work with small strand at a time, it takes 20-25 min to dry my hair completely and make it straight, then at night I do the wrap with pins, read my other post about the pin, you need to hold the hair with pin otherwise it won't stay in place, I understand the African American have thicker coarser hair and this helps in holding it without pin but if your hair very soft and fine from 2b, 3b even 2 c, the method in that video will not work

I agree it works when you blowdry (and/or iron) hair strait first. But I don't use a blowdrier anymore (or any heat) so that's why :)

I never had very good looking results with wrapping without blowdrying first. I did use pins, and a little EVOO. The result is kind of strait - yes - but looks pretty bad, not "free flowing strait hair" that has good movement in it, if you see what I mean...

But that's ok, I love my damp bun soft waves when I don't feel like going all curly :)

January 16th, 2012, 01:11 PM
I use this method. I have curly frizzy hair so I blow dry it to get it to look nice.then I wrap it at night. I am Spanish and we normally call it a dobie. It is similar, but I use no products. If you want a step by step pm me.

January 16th, 2012, 01:14 PM
If you want a step by step pm me.

Feel free to explain it here, I'm sure many people would love to read it :)

January 16th, 2012, 04:46 PM
- Hi!
I'm not African American either but I used to do it all the time and it makes my hair really nice and smooth and much straighter, I made a thread about it too:



My hair didn't get smelly and I would do it every night to preserve it and it worked fine .

Alex Lou
January 19th, 2012, 12:07 AM
I do strongly recommend that you try it. I tried. It worked with shoulder-ish length hair. But as my hair got longer I found it impossible to get it all brushed in a circle.

I didn't straighten my hair first. Instead, I'd wash my hair in the early evening. Then wrap it when it was slightly damp before going to bed.