View Full Version : To all you long haired people

January 13th, 2012, 11:58 AM
I would like to ask what your most difficult stage was? and at what point did you feel you could of given up? :pins:

How did you overcome it? What has been your savour?


January 13th, 2012, 12:02 PM
This forum has been my resource for support. Not making impulsive decisions has been critical. I've learned that if I want to do something with my hair, I need to wait at least five days before proceeding.

The hard part is seeing my hair shed and seeing any breakage. It can be hard to remain positive when I see this.

January 13th, 2012, 12:03 PM
I call it "The Midback Abyss" the place between APL and just-above-Waist that just seems to take ages to get through. There were not a lot of styles that I could do at that length and my growth is slow to begin with.

The next phase was from Tailbone to Classic, another loooooooong journey. Growing hair really is an exercise in patience, I can't say that I was ever discouraged enough to give up though.

January 13th, 2012, 12:05 PM
Vannile I think I will have to put the 5 day rule under my list of musts! That is a good peice of advice!

Also off subject I love your little siamese in your picture( pressuming its siamese?) I am a siamese breeder :-)

January 13th, 2012, 12:05 PM
The next phase was from Tailbone to Classic, another loooooooong journey.

I've made the active decision to not think about it. I focus on making it healthy instead. Length will come in all due time.

January 13th, 2012, 12:07 PM
The most difficult stage was shoulder to mid back. I never gave up because I knew it was just a matter of time. You have to have a bucket of patience when growing long hair and not become discouraged when it just doesn't seem to be doing anything.

January 13th, 2012, 12:09 PM
I'm at chin length right now and it's very frustrating because there isn't a good way to put it up. Once I get past this stage it will be easier.

January 13th, 2012, 12:12 PM
What happend to the 2week rule??? :)

Well i never wanted short hair to begin with so giving up wasnt an option, just a matter of patience ,patience and some more..

January 13th, 2012, 12:14 PM
It is my love for short hair. Although I love long hair very much, from time to time I fantasize about having short hair. By short, I mean about 4-5 inches in length. I love how comfortable it is to not worry about how to get my hair out of the way, or how to wear my hair - it's ready! But I also wanted long hair so I just went with it. It was kind of just like that.

January 13th, 2012, 12:17 PM
The two week rule got whittled down ha ha!

My hair was chin length and I got through it by just stying the front bangs area either with plaits or accessories. Its frustrating I wish I had thought of growing my hair very long when I was half way there !

January 13th, 2012, 12:20 PM
Well, I'm not as long haired as most of the lovely chicas on here, but I'll chime in anyway. Hard parts for me are not bleaching since I love purple hair and not cutting it in the hot hot summer. Here in the northeast, we have weather which is best described by a sponge bob quote: "the summers are hot, the winters are brutal, there's a wild man eating clam in the backyard!"

Oh and how I overcome it... I look at inspirational pics of long haired women and remind myself how long it will take to regrow.

January 13th, 2012, 12:21 PM
I am on it now. :( From pixie to shoulder. I wont cut it because all I want is more length. I know because I have grown out at least two pixies to BSL before. I just have some urges to bleach it or something like that... The second difficult stage is obviously BSL. Then I start to feel that I have too much hair and then I cut it to pixie (or last time my hair was very damaged). It's been an endless cycle. That's actually quite scary. I hope that LHC will keep my hair safe as it grows.

January 13th, 2012, 12:38 PM
My hair isn't real long but I'd say waste would be a long time. I agree with the five day rule and no impulse decisions. I would say set goals and keep in touch with the forum.

January 13th, 2012, 12:39 PM
Mine was growing from a pixie to APL .I put a pic of an older lady my age, with long silver hair to her waist on my mirror where I saw it daily.That plus putting it up on bad hair days helped me.

January 13th, 2012, 12:42 PM
I've been through several difficult stages. I'm in a difficult stage right now. I've been growing my hair out for 11 years, and I'm tired of it. One day I desperately want to do something new. The next day I want to hold out and see how long my hair will grow.

January 13th, 2012, 01:07 PM
My most difficult length last time I grew it was from chin length down to shoulder, when it's long enough to get in the way, but not long enough to do anything with to get it out of the way. I got through it by having braided extensions put in for 3 months (which did leave me with some damage near the roots, but at least stopped me cutting).

I'm not sure how I'll cope with it this time. It will probably be on my neck just in time for the hottest part of summer!

January 13th, 2012, 01:19 PM
Mainly when I started seeing damage from the old things I used to do, but I just microtrim and S&D now.

January 13th, 2012, 06:32 PM
I am where you are with much shorter side hair. Mine is at bottom of jaw on sides. Mine is at length where it is too long and too short at same time to do anything with it. My bangs stretched out are in between the nose and upper lip. I finally got all my bang tips to clear my eyeball since they were stabbimg my eye. I am eliminating bangs. Back is just short of the shoulder blades. My hair just clears the collar so it tends to bunch up right there.

January 13th, 2012, 07:30 PM
This forum has been a huge help/saving grace, and for me, the hardest part is where I am at right now, just past shoulder until I reach BSL is going to be my hardest stage, because I remember what it was like to have long hair and I miss it, and I still *think* of myself as having long hair (even when I was bald!) and sometimes still feel startled when I look in the mirror and see how short my hair is. I don't think I'll feel like I have long hair until it is BSL, after that, I think it will be relatively smooth sailing, because once I have "long" hair again, I can be content patiently waiting for it to grow longer, but until I think it feels long, well, this is where the hard part is. Trying to keep it up and out of the way as much as possible, keep it healthy, have things I can "do" to help my hair grow (daily self scalp massages, etc.) so I don't feel like I'm just waiting for it to happen. I don't fear ever wanting to chop again because I've had short hair for way too long, and a lot of motivation to see this through to the end. If I'm feeling sad though, I'll look at a picture of my baby brother's hair and that usually fixes me up, his hair is beyond gorgeous and I want us to be "matching" hair buddies. :)

January 13th, 2012, 07:45 PM
I'm going through it right now. I have some minor fringe right at the eyebrow and many layers going from the base of my skull to BS. I pulled out two photos of when my hair was mid-back last night for motivation and put them on my bulletin board above my computer so I can see them constantly. I didn't put it in a claw clip today and it wasn't too bad, it felt good to let it be free and it felt great when the sun was kissing it and made it warm. Onward I go!:guns:

January 13th, 2012, 08:08 PM
Chin to APL. It just seemed to take a long time. APL to BSL seemed to take forever, too, but at that point it at least seemed long and I could bun it, etc. BSL to waist was a breeze; now working on waist to hip is a little tougher even though the distance isn't that much. I'm working on keeping my ends in decent shape with monthly dusting. Once I reach hip I'll probably maintain for at least six months and then decide if I want to try for TB.

I made it through just by waiting...and waiting...and waiting. You just have to be patient. :)

January 13th, 2012, 08:15 PM
Basically pixie to APL has been my hardest. I'm about halfway (I think; I know I'm not less than halfway) between APL and BSL right now. Pixie to shoulder took me FOREVER because I kept cutting when my hair got to the mullet stage in an attempt to even it out, even though I knew if I just left it alone it would get there so much quicker, and wouldn't look horrible for nearly as long. And I don't really know why shoulder to APL is bad, it just is. It was almost worst for me than my mullet from before. Now I have enough to actually fit into a braid, or throw into a ponytail, or use hair sticks (cinnamon-ish bun, and lazy wrap and nautilus on a good day).

January 13th, 2012, 08:29 PM
To me the most awkward stage is between chin and shoulder, not coincidentally, that's where I am now. It gets in my face, but is too short to put up.

What's motivating me now is, and I hate to say it, more negative than positive. In 2011 I reached shoulder and impulse-chopped back to chin three times. It was insane. I am tired of yo-yo-ing back and forth. My disgust at constantly being in that phase, along with a generous helping of "why did I do that to myself?" will power me onward. :D

January 13th, 2012, 08:44 PM
I haven't had hair shorter than shoulder since I was about nine, but for me the hardest part is where I am right now, about 3-5" beyond shoulder, a bit past APL. I have always hated this length and kept my hair around shoulder-APL for months because I dreaded having to go through it again. I just keep my hair up every day and forget about it. :p

January 13th, 2012, 08:57 PM
The hardest stage for me I think was from chin to bsl. I just hate HATE HATED my hair for three years (I cried about it all the time, stupid, I know. But I'm sure lots of ya'll know how it feels). I wanted it to grow but I was bleaching it every couple of months so it wasn't looking good or making progress. I've felt good about my hair for the past year or so, but recently not so great, because I still have so much damage. What gets my through the rough times is looking at inspiration pictures. THIS (http://weheartit.com/entry/10716872) was one of my first inspiration pictures and I return to it all of the time. I also like to do something nice for my hair when I'm feeling down about it, like a deep conditioning or henna or new updo. Also, the support of this community has helped wonders.

January 13th, 2012, 08:57 PM
I have to concur that the most frustrating time is the time when it's long enough to annoy you but not long enough to effectively pull up!

I'm trying to cut out thin ends/damage now, but know I won't cut back shorter than shoulder EVER for this reason! (Although sometimes I'm tempted to just cut off all the chemical/heat damage and be done with it...but I convince myself that a) I don't want a pixie again because no matter how easy it is to deal with after swimming, I don't even swim all that much and b) that I'll miss my long hair even if it's sorta damaged and not all that pretty right now).

January 13th, 2012, 09:43 PM
I have to agree with the "mid back abyss" It seemed like it just got stuck there. Now I'm between BSL and Waist; closer to waist than BSL. It seems every stage takes equall amount of time. Once you reach your goal/next stage you're happy, but then it's on to the next milestone which take the same amount of time. Growing hair is not for the impatient....

January 13th, 2012, 10:07 PM
Chin to APL, braids are too short ponytails are too small! I think I basically wore it down at that length most of the time.

January 13th, 2012, 10:17 PM
It is now, i am in the hardest part, Apl-BSL toWL stage, i am almost nearly BSl now, i just had 3 inches cut off (not happy!:mad:) and i feel like i am getting nowhere anytime soon. My goal is at least WL, but it seems everytime I get to BSL, i start being mean to my hair, it starts breaking and spliting and i forget to trim for months and months, all the while damaging it, i cut the damage out and i'm right back at just at BSL, although now it is the shortests its been in years and this is very frusterating...i think i am just gonna except short hair and give up long hair dreams....now. Excuse me but, how do i stop myself from seriously reconsidering my dreams just because it seems too hard to achieve?

January 14th, 2012, 01:56 AM
BSL to waist.

It took YEARS! I had a lot of damage that had to be cut off slowly from bleaching and over-bleaching.

I left LHC for about 5 years...suddenly, it was waist length and actually looks and feels healthy, so i came back!

January 14th, 2012, 02:06 AM
I would say right now is the toughest part for me. My hair is somewhere between waist and hip, possibly at hip. But it's been this length for years, so it feels like it won't ever grow to the length that I want it. If I weren't so concerned with keeping a neat hemline, it probably would grow... but the dramatic taper bothers me on some level that I can't place. Basically, my hair just won't do what I want it to do.

January 14th, 2012, 05:45 AM
Well I don't really have long hair yet, but I've been growing from pixie and pixie to chin is definitely one of the most annoying stages! Argh! I will never cut my hair that short again. It was so hard to deal with. I'm at slightly below chin right now and I can't even tie it back.

January 14th, 2012, 06:15 AM
I never had short hair so there are stages I don't know. For most of my life, I cut back to c. bsl or waist and then let grow again. I never had any kind of hairstyle where you have to go regularly for cuts so there was never a problem of transition.

I find it hard when I can't put up my hair. As soon as a French twist or French braid is possible, I'm happy. I just put up my hair and take good care of it and let it grow.

I don't measure any more and I have gotten over my obsession with length. At every length, there is something to enjoy. Make the best of the shorter hair because when you hit tailbone, you'll dream about having shorter hair again! ;-)

I'm somewhere in the great midbacks, there is nothing I can do but wait anyway. And I'm not even sure any more that the longer hair looks better on me. After seeing some pretty cruel pictures of myself...

But if you really want long hair, there is nothing to do but wait, eat well, rest and be active in healthy measures, experiment a bit with oils and herbs, read the boards and take a pic from time to time. Before you know it, your hair is long! Just back off those scissors.

January 14th, 2012, 06:32 AM
I would say shoulderlenght was the most difficult stage, because it always rubbed against my shoulders and clothes and bag straps so I always got a ton of split ends. I didn't put it up, ever.
I have a friend who's been at shoulderlenght for the past 2/3 years, because of this exact same problem.

January 14th, 2012, 06:36 AM
I call it "The Midback Abyss" the place between APL and just-above-Waist that just seems to take ages to get through. There were not a lot of styles that I could do at that length and my growth is slow to begin with.

The next phase was from Tailbone to Classic, another loooooooong journey. Growing hair really is an exercise in patience, I can't say that I was ever discouraged enough to give up though.

This. The Midback Abyss is quite awful isn't it? I keep telling myself it will be passed soon. For now I just grit my teeth and surf the LHC.

January 14th, 2012, 07:16 AM
Not cutting my hair in the summer is my biggest issue. It gets quite hot where I live, and there's no air conditioning.
So to keep cool, I have to wear it up constantly, which is a pain.
I just have to look at lots of pictures of long haired people, and spend lots of time on LHC. :D

January 14th, 2012, 07:20 AM
I never really had short hair...
But most difficult times were shedding times...I'd go so desperate, freaked out..
I'd dump LHC and want to cut my hair a lot...
It could be seasonal or stress shedding...but it was horror...

Fixed it....by well making myself do thingies like castor oil, nettle, massages, etc...after a while.

Also find it difficult growing past the ' longest it's ever been'...

January 14th, 2012, 08:13 AM
The most difficult part for me was shoulder to MBL. Especially since I had old black dye at my ends that I needed to cut out. My least favorite hair stage was around apl. It was short, the ends were black, the roots were red and I couldn't do much with it. After reaching MBL the summer before last, I cut the dye out of my hair which put back up to BSL. I sometimes think where my hair could be as far as length if I had never cut out the 6 inches of old dye :hmm:. I got over it by thinking to myself that it would be long soon, and it also helped that a lot of people started noticing my natural hair color and complimenting it, so that made me feel a lot better. :)

January 14th, 2012, 08:25 AM
I was around hip length both times I chopped. That seems to be where I get bored and think that my hair is in too bad of shape to go further. Looking back in pictures now, I realize my hair was beautiful and long! If you feel like you're in a rut and not liking your hair, have someone take a picture of you from afar. It lets you see how pretty your hair really is. :D

January 14th, 2012, 09:22 AM
The stages from bald to where I can braid my hair are very difficult and unpleasant. If I can braid my hair I can also do a ponytail and a cinnabun. Once I can get my fine and floaty hair into a comfortable and contained hairstyle, I'm happy with my hair.

January 14th, 2012, 02:39 PM
I would like to ask what your most difficult stage was? and at what point did you feel you could of given up? :pins:

How did you overcome it? What has been your savour?


Chin to shoulder, to APL was the most difficult, in descending order. It had to be styled to look OK back then, without heat styling it would look a mess. I just let it grow because I knew that past APL I wouldn't need to have it styled anymore.

January 14th, 2012, 02:43 PM
This. The Midback Abyss is quite awful isn't it? I keep telling myself it will be passed soon. For now I just grit my teeth and surf the LHC.

Ya it is... Poor you and I and everyone else there. I'm just above bsl with a goal of waist, ultimate goal of tailbone. Seems like its taking forever! :shrug:

January 14th, 2012, 02:45 PM
Im at a difficult stage as of now. My thickeness just went away due to stress and medications so im waiting to grow all that back in the next few years :shrug: What gives man. Length is there, thickness just not quite so. Waiting for thickness i think personally is harder to wait on. Im just puttin it in a bun, forgettting about it, and letting myself be happy. :) Happy health is a happier scalp.

January 14th, 2012, 02:51 PM
I love all this encouraging advice. Thank you all for sharing. My hair is between APL and BSL. I am forever trying to get to BSL. I tend to think it needs a trim too often. However, one day I will make it.

January 14th, 2012, 04:16 PM
I'm in my worse stage now.... Again lol! I had an asym bob with the back clipper short. It's about 3" long on the back and sides now - just long enough to look all shaggy and unkempt no matter what. Once it gets to SL I'm good cause I can start doing styles that don't require a ton of products or heat styling. SL to BSL went easy for me last time and I can't wait to get there!

January 14th, 2012, 04:23 PM
apl to waist I'd say. It's where my hair isn't short enough to not get weird dents and not long enough for the weight to straighten it out. Also it's just.. there... and it feels as if you're at that stage all the time. Hairstyles can be frustrating too. I mostly just put it up and try to ignore it, once you are past waist your hair will start feeling long enough to be happy about it - or at least it was for me!

January 14th, 2012, 05:43 PM
Well, for me the most difficult moments were because I trusted the opinion of loved ones and I did cut my long hair a couple of times.

Luckily-I always had a deep love for growing long hair and in the long run I followed my inner "voice" telling me that long hair is part of who I AM and since then I am very happy with my long hair and their progress so far :)

As for the stages of length, the most difficult was from army-cut to the middle of my back but luckily (again) my hair grows super-fast.

Happy growing people! If long hair is part of who you are, trust yourself on this one... ;)

January 16th, 2012, 05:06 PM
I didn't read all the reples but the worst for me was hip and beyond. It is just so unruly! I didn't actively grow my hair when it was shorter, I just stopped cutting it and didn't really pay attention. When it neared waist, I started getting long hair comments.

The worst for me is being aware of my hair growth and paying attention to it.

January 16th, 2012, 06:27 PM
I kept my hair pixie short during most of my 40's. Growing that out meant a mullet for almost a year, waiting for the top part to get long enough for an all one length haircut. Never again.

January 18th, 2012, 10:39 AM
...BSL to waist was a breeze;...

Waist is my ultimate goal so I think I'll think of this when I get frustrated :)

My hair isn't particularly long but the one I found most annoying so far was shoulder to apl. My hair looked awful, I couldn't do anything with it and I felt so much less feminine :/

January 18th, 2012, 01:02 PM
A couple of times in the past I have had my hair in a pixie. Growing out that to a nice, even length has never been fun. When I have managed to get it all nice and even at bout shoulder length, I have been happy.
Growing out bangs has been even worse, in many ways. I always hated the stage between where the ends of the bangs sticks directly into the eyes (that is where a curling iron can actually be helpful, though) and where I was able to tuck the hair behind my ears. :justy:

January 18th, 2012, 02:43 PM
I don't have much long-term experience, but I'm about one year into growing out my BSL hair, and for me the most difficult part has been dealing with mistakes of the past. I started with 9" of damage, and even now I've still got a good 6" of split ends to go. As a result of the damage my growth rate is slower from the breakage, and since I've been having to cut a lot it seems that my hair never gets any longer. :rolleyes: