View Full Version : Help!!! Bald spot on my temple!

January 8th, 2012, 01:23 AM
Hey everyone! I'm in a bit of a panic, because just this morning, I noticed a fairly large bald spot on my temple... Is this a receding hairline that went back very very quickly?
Is there something I could do about it?
I have started CO in October, and I put my hair up everyday, to protect it...
My hair is about an inch away from APL.

Never had this problem before, so I'm wondering if this is my hair falling out or my hairline pulling back? Either way, I want it to stop, so if anybody has an idea what I can do about it, please tell me!!!


January 8th, 2012, 01:38 AM
CO can cause increased shedding, it might be worth switching to CWC or SC with diluted shampoo until you've worked out the cause.

See your doctor, and get full blood tests done. If your body's low in something, it will cut off your hair's supply to it first, so that the more essential parts of your body get enough. How's your diet? Do you get enough iron? Have you been stressed lately? And on the off chance, have you just had a baby or surgery? (They can both cause a shed.)

In the meantime, gentle castor oil massages can help with growth, mixed 50/50 with extra virgin olive oil (castor oil is quite sticky on its own). :)

I hope it clears up quickly. :flower:

January 8th, 2012, 01:47 AM
Also, are you pulling your hair back too tightly when you put it up? The tension can cause hair loss

January 8th, 2012, 02:51 AM
CO can cause increased shedding, it might be worth switching to CWC or SC with diluted shampoo until you've worked out the cause.

See your doctor, and get full blood tests done. If your body's low in something, it will cut off your hair's supply to it first, so that the more essential parts of your body get enough. How's your diet? Do you get enough iron? Have you been stressed lately? And on the off chance, have you just had a baby or surgery? (They can both cause a shed.)

In the meantime, gentle castor oil massages can help with growth, mixed 50/50 with extra virgin olive oil (castor oil is quite sticky on its own). :)

I hope it clears up quickly. :flower:

This sums it all up, also you might be tying your hair too tight, if not so I'd say a doctor's visit is a must.

Also try out some castor oil massage ie diluted one, it really helps, as pepperminttea suggested. I personally recommend this because I have been on your side of story and castor oil help me regain my hair.

January 8th, 2012, 03:39 AM
I have two "bald" spots on either side of my temples. They aren't completely bald, but they are noticeably thinner. I know it is not due to a receding hairline, because they have been there since childhood. It is just the natural contour of my hairline, unfortunately. Is it possible that this has been there all along, but you are just noticing it because of an increased awareness to your hair?

I'm not sure how bald is "bald" to you, though, so it is really hard to say without a picture. Because of the way my hairline goes, I've always paid close attention to other people's hairlines. I've noticed that a lot of people of varying ages have a hairline that is shaped like mine. Although, a lot of people don't as well. It could be genetic?

Anyways, I second the opinions about castor oil massages and talking to your doctor, especially if you are absolutely sure that your hair was not thinner there before than it is now.

Purdy Bear
January 8th, 2012, 06:44 AM
There is a form of Alopecia that comes at the front of the hair line called Androgenetica. It typically starts at the front hair line but also happens on the crown of the head.


As far as I can remember its usually connected with hormone imbalances and has a few treatments connected with that. Onion juice has been used on this type of Alopecia and has shown some good results.

The only way for certain to know if it is Alopecia or not is to see a Dr/Dermatologist who will do various blood and scalp tests.

January 8th, 2012, 12:47 PM
Thanks for your reactions!

I am going to see a doctor, because it could very well be that I'm lacking some iron, vitamins or other elements. I try to eat a balanced diet, but indeed I am under a lot of stress at the moment at my work, trying to run my household at the same time, and 3 small children. I am still breastfeeding the youngest, so it could be something hormonal. I will get some bloodwork done, because lately I have had recurrent yeast infections, problems with my gums, probably my overall condition is not so good.

It could also be that I pull my hair too tight in my updo's, I finally have enough length, so I french braid alot, and it could be causing tension...

Thanks again for the help!!!!

January 8th, 2012, 07:56 PM
I have two "bald" spots on either side of my temples. They aren't completely bald, but they are noticeably thinner. I know it is not due to a receding hairline, because they have been there since childhood. It is just the natural contour of my hairline, unfortunately. Is it possible that this has been there all along, but you are just noticing it because of an increased awareness to your hair?

I'm not sure how bald is "bald" to you, though, so it is really hard to say without a picture. Because of the way my hairline goes, I've always paid close attention to other people's hairlines. I've noticed that a lot of people of varying ages have a hairline that is shaped like mine. Although, a lot of people don't as well. It could be genetic?

Anyways, I second the opinions about castor oil massages and talking to your doctor, especially if you are absolutely sure that your hair was not thinner there before than it is now.

My hair is exactly the same way! :) The way I pull it back it looks really thin sometimes, but it's not noticeable when it's down or when I put it up more carefully.

January 8th, 2012, 08:15 PM
Same here. In fact, every girl in my family has the same thing. It only shows up when I pull my hair back and up.

January 9th, 2012, 06:33 PM
Some people have had luck using Monistat on their bald spots to regroup hair. My aunt has a bald patch because of alopecia and uses a eye shadow that matches her hair color to disguise it.