View Full Version : sadness about trim =/

January 1st, 2012, 05:00 AM
my ends needed trimming, so i took some off, not much, like less than half an inch, but it feels so damn short now, i hate it, instead of being like an inch under my bra strap it's just underneath it, i hate it =/ i measured it and it's still 26, although i was like 26 an a quater, but it feels like i took loads off =/ am i considered to be back at bsl? =/

i've never cried so much in my life.... might seem silly, but it's really bothering me for some reason......

January 1st, 2012, 05:51 AM
Oh sweetie :grouphug: I get this feeling when I trim too! But it's always for the best, the hemline always looks much better without the ugly dry ends off! It will be the lenght it was before in no time, but much prettier! :)

January 1st, 2012, 05:55 AM
my ends needed trimming, so i took some off, not much, like less than half an inch, but it feels so damn short now, i hate it, instead of being like an inch under my bra strap it's just underneath it, i hate it =/ i measured it and it's still 26, although i was like 26 an a quater, but it feels like i took loads off =/ am i considered to be back at bsl? =/

i've never cried so much in my life.... might seem silly, but it's really bothering me for some reason......

It is not silly when you have a goal length. You said your ends needed trimming. Look at it this way. It was the right choice and your hair will grow faster than you think, not because trimming makes your hair grow faster but because cutting off damage helps to remove ends that break off and can make hair appear to be shorter as a result.

January 1st, 2012, 06:21 AM
I have been in the same boat. I've trimmed and my hair felt light weight and it would curl more looking shorter. I hated it too. I found out the saying give it a week you might like it. It grew enough that I did.

January 1st, 2012, 06:32 AM
I´m sorry to hear you´re feeling so sad :(. And it's not silly at all! I have cried over haircuts (even tiny ones) as well, so you're not alone :grouphug:

January 1st, 2012, 06:47 AM
Oh sweetie :grouphug: I get this feeling when I trim too! But it's always for the best, the hemline always looks much better without the ugly dry ends off! It will be the lenght it was before in no time, but much prettier! :)

thats what i keep trying to think. I just feels like i'm not getting anywhere, i always seem to be trimming back to this lenght =/ i just feel like i'll never get to my goal....

January 1st, 2012, 06:48 AM
It is not silly when you have a goal length. You said your ends needed trimming. Look at it this way. It was the right choice and your hair will grow faster than you think, not because trimming makes your hair grow faster but because cutting off damage helps to remove ends that break off and can make hair appear to be shorter as a result.

yeah i see =/ it had started to stall a bit. I have had quite a stressful year this year (i've been quite ill =/ ), so i think it might be to do with that. new year, new start for my hair growth!

January 1st, 2012, 06:49 AM
I´m sorry to hear you´re feeling so sad :(. And it's not silly at all! I have cried over haircuts (even tiny ones) as well, so you're not alone :grouphug:

thank you for all your kind words, I'm just going to keep it up till i can face it down.

January 1st, 2012, 06:50 AM
I have been in the same boat. I've trimmed and my hair felt light weight and it would curl more looking shorter. I hated it too. I found out the saying give it a week you might like it. It grew enough that I did.

my hair does always seem to grow better after a trim, so it should be ok :) i find it looks as long, but it doesn't feel as long.....

January 1st, 2012, 12:33 PM
Not silly at all! When I first had my highlights done 3 years ago by a family friend who is also a (not that great) hairdresser, I ruined my virgin BSL hair in its natural honey brown colour by putting awful stripey white highlights in it! The day after I had it done, I woke up and just bawled once I remembered what had happened. Don't worry, your hair will grow back soon and look better than ever :love:

January 1st, 2012, 12:48 PM
I always have a mini panic attack when getting my ends trimmed. It's not just you, so don't worry. :D