View Full Version : My DBF's unique hair... tips?

December 30th, 2011, 09:38 AM
I love my DBF to death, and let me tell you he has some AMAZING hair! LINK (https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/316862_261013993933576_178023272232649_858296_5173 40810_n.jpg) (older pic)

About a year ago, he was tired of getting questioned for being 30 and having a full head of sparkly hair (he's had gray hair since he was about 20), so he decided to buzz it. The buzz cut looked great on him, but since I've taken more of an interest in my hair, he's become more accepting of his hair. Now, he's attempting to grow it back out.

Here's the thing. He had never grown it out from buzzed before, and since it's been growing from this length we've noticed new things about it. For one, his hair is almost as straight as mine, but it is SO thick, coarse and enviable! I've also noticed it has a frizzy appearance (I didn't know straight frizzy hair was even possible, lol).

So, the things that typically work for my hair don't really work in his hair since it's a different texture. Are there any tips anyone has for getting it to lay down a bit more flat as he grows it out? He has a professional job and is also a musician so having a clean appearance is very important.

Also, while it's growing should I just trim the back of it to let it even out? When we go to the barber, it seems like they just take off the same length all around which defeats the purpose, I'd rather just mullet-proof his hair with a pair of scissors myself once a month.

Any tips would be awesome! Thank you

heidi w.
December 30th, 2011, 09:44 AM
Men's hair is commonly a different texture compared to women. Men's hair tends to be more course, so I can see that frizzy thing happening. Understand that a fair amount of length may be needed before it lays down on its own, and that meanwhile, it might flop about in the ambient air.

A lot of women claim Aloe Vera Gel helps them witih frizzies. I have no idea how they use it, or if they add other stuff to the gel to make it work. But you could search the Mane Forum, Recipes and Articles to find info on aloe vera gel, or write another post inquiring. This could help to get him through important engagements.

A piano man, eh? Neat-o.

At the Barber Shop, if you're somewhat specific, you might be able to get the Barber to cut differently. In time, he may prefer to see a salon stylist over a Barber? I don't know. It's a thought to consider.

Good luck.
heidi w.

December 30th, 2011, 09:48 AM
A lot of women claim Aloe Vera Gel helps them witih frizzies. I have no idea how they use it, or if they add other stuff to the gel to make it work. But you could search the Mane Forum, Recipes and Articles to find info on aloe vera gel, or write another post inquiring. This could help to get him through important engagements.

A piano man, eh? Neat-o.

Thanks! That's enough to help get me started for sure, especially since I've wanted to experiment with Aloe Vera Gel too.

Yes, he's my piano man. :D