View Full Version : Drinking yeast for hair growth?

December 27th, 2011, 06:52 PM
Hopefully this is in the right spot!

My favorite beauty blogger recently posted about drinking yeast for hair growth.

The link to her post is here (http://www.venusianglow.com/2011/12/drinking-yeast-quickens-hair-growth-and.html), but basically she talks about how 24 women did an experiment where they drank yeast for one month to see if it had any effect on their hair growth. And apparently, it does! Side effects included increased rate of hair growth, more baby hairs, stronger, shinier hair, and other seemingly nice things. She doesn't explain what kind of yeast, or how exactly they drank it, but apparently she's going to make another post about it.

I just thought I'd check with the wonderful LHC to see if anyone else has any information about this, and what sort of negative side effects there could be in the long run. What do you guys think? :D

ETA: Here (http://www.venusianglow.com/2011/12/how-to-drink-yeast-for-hair-growth-and.html) is the follow up post on how to drink it, if anyone checks back on this thread!

December 27th, 2011, 07:10 PM
Interesting. Are they talking about brewer's yeast?

December 27th, 2011, 07:14 PM
Interesting. Are they talking about brewer's yeast?

I have no idea, she doesn't specify. But I'd imagine so? It couldn't be the yeast you use for baking bread, could it?

December 27th, 2011, 07:15 PM
I tried brewer's yeast for a few months (high quality vegetarian kind) and I saw nothing different except being thirsty more often... It has some vitamins in it, but if you're eating well and taking supplements, I wouldn't expect too much :/

December 27th, 2011, 07:18 PM
I tried brewer's yeast for a few months (high quality vegetarian kind) and I saw nothing different except being thirsty more often... It has some vitamins in it, but if you're eating well and taking supplements, I wouldn't expect too much :/

She does mention that you are less likely to see results if you are already eating well and getting all of your nutrients. For what reason were you taking brewers yeast? If you don't mind me asking! :o

December 27th, 2011, 07:40 PM
Maybe they meant nutritional yeast? Just a guess... nutritional yeast is not very much like brewer's yeast at all, it comes in yellow flakes that have either a "cheesy" or "nutty" flavor... vegans often use it to supplement with vitamin b12(common uses are for cheesy flavored sauces, as a flavor in recipes that are supposed to taste like eggs, sprinkled on popcorn, etc.)

If they meant brewer's yeast... well, blegh, I can't imagine that's fun to drink! It's not something I'd try myself but certainly interesting.

December 27th, 2011, 08:25 PM
Gee I would be worried about all the other kinds of problems excess yeast brings about in a woman's body. Not for me.

December 27th, 2011, 08:27 PM
Maybe they meant nutritional yeast? Just a guess... nutritional yeast is not very much like brewer's yeast at all, it comes in yellow flakes that have either a "cheesy" or "nutty" flavor... vegans often use it to supplement with vitamin b12(common uses are for cheesy flavored sauces, as a flavor in recipes that are supposed to taste like eggs, sprinkled on popcorn, etc.)

If they meant brewer's yeast... well, blegh, I can't imagine that's fun to drink! It's not something I'd try myself but certainly interesting.

Exactly what I thought- Nutritional yeast makes a bit of sense.

Gee I would be worried about all the other kinds of problems excess yeast brings about in a woman's body. Not for me.

Same... Not sure if I'd want more yeast then I already get in my diet...

December 27th, 2011, 08:29 PM
Maybe they meant nutritional yeast? Just a guess... nutritional yeast is not very much like brewer's yeast at all, it comes in yellow flakes that have either a "cheesy" or "nutty" flavor... vegans often use it to supplement with vitamin b12(common uses are for cheesy flavored sauces, as a flavor in recipes that are supposed to taste like eggs, sprinkled on popcorn, etc.)

If they meant brewer's yeast... well, blegh, I can't imagine that's fun to drink! It's not something I'd try myself but certainly interesting.

Just an FYI that has been proven to not be true, b12 can only be made synthetically or is found only in animal products, b12 does not exist in plants at all. Just an off-subject FYI :cool:

December 27th, 2011, 08:31 PM
Maybe they meant nutritional yeast? Just a guess... nutritional yeast is not very much like brewer's yeast at all, it comes in yellow flakes that have either a "cheesy" or "nutty" flavor... vegans often use it to supplement with vitamin b12(common uses are for cheesy flavored sauces, as a flavor in recipes that are supposed to taste like eggs, sprinkled on popcorn, etc.)

Ahh, this is actually what I mean't as well. But you'd think more people would take it as a supplement then...I've never heard of it before.

December 27th, 2011, 08:32 PM
Same... Not sure if I'd want more yeast then I already get in my diet...

I didn't know people were even supposed to get any yeast in their diet! :confused:

Becky Safari
December 27th, 2011, 08:37 PM
Watch out for Candida overload

December 27th, 2011, 08:38 PM
Just an FYI that has been proven to not be true, b12 can only be made synthetically or is found only in animal products, b12 does not exist in plants at all. Just an off-subject FYI :cool:
Sorry, I didn't specify that the nutritional yeast is fortified with b12.

December 27th, 2011, 08:55 PM
I make a drink with nutritional yeast and low-sodium V8 that was recommended for healthy skin. I take a can of the V-8, a tbs of nutritional yeast, and a squeeze of lemon or lime, and shake it all together. It is good for a snack or for breakfast. It is supposed to help maintain healthy, clear skin, but it could work for healthy hair, too. Nutritional yeast is grown specifically for food consumption and is a good source of protein and B vitamins. It does not contribute to the kinds of yeast that cause yeast infections, it is a different type of yeast. I ordered mine from Swanson's health. Nutritional yeast and brewer's yeast can be quite similar, or different, depending on how they were grown.

December 27th, 2011, 09:52 PM
I make a drink with nutritional yeast and low-sodium V8 that was recommended for healthy skin. I take a can of the V-8, a tbs of nutritional yeast, and a squeeze of lemon or lime, and shake it all together. It is good for a snack or for breakfast. It is supposed to help maintain healthy, clear skin, but it could work for healthy hair, too. Nutritional yeast is grown specifically for food consumption and is a good source of protein and B vitamins. It does not contribute to the kinds of yeast that cause yeast infections, it is a different type of yeast. I ordered mine from Swanson's health. Nutritional yeast and brewer's yeast can be quite similar, or different, depending on how they were grown.

Wow, that actually sounds quite good! I love vegetable juice. Good to know it doesn't cause yeast infections...

December 27th, 2011, 09:58 PM
I've heard this causes dandruff... Anyone else heard this?

December 27th, 2011, 10:03 PM
@Sav, I've heard that, too.

December 27th, 2011, 10:07 PM
Thanks cc, I'm very afraid of getting dandruff so I don't think this would personally be good for me lol. But I will watch this thread, seems interesting!

March 23rd, 2012, 09:18 AM
I'm reviving this because I am intrigued... Has anyone tried it?

Apparently you are supposed to pour boiling water over the yeast, killing it, but leaving the vitamins. I have heard that yeast is supposed to be very good for you.

Kelikea, your drink sounds good. Did you notice improvement in your skin?

I am also puzzled how drinking de-activated yeast would cause dandruff??

March 23rd, 2012, 11:56 AM
I tried it: I was dissolving it in a warm milk which was added cocoa, not to taste the yeast. My hair really grew too fast. It growed two cm in three weeks, this is very fast growth for me.

But I gained weight, so I don't drink anymore. But I wish I had no weight problem, I would continue it

March 23rd, 2012, 03:25 PM
does this actually work, i've never heard of this

March 23rd, 2012, 03:34 PM
I doubt it would have any effect on hair growth...

March 23rd, 2012, 04:27 PM
I'm drinking brewer's yeast for a year and a half almost every day. It contains a lot of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, calcium and magnesium.

I haven't noticed faster hair growth, but the thickness increased a lot, my hair doesn't fall out so much anymore and I have a lot of baby hairs.

I also gained weight so I stopped taking it for 2 month, but it didn't gave me any dandruff. Now I'm taking it again but my weight is not increasing anymore.

Well I'm also eating ground millet all that time, so I don't think it's all just because of the yeast.

March 23rd, 2012, 04:57 PM
I've taken Brewer's yeast tablets for about 2 months or so now. No side effects whatsoever. I guess my hair has grown fast or normal rate but I don't really measure it. However, I think it has an effect on the quality of your hair. It contributes with alot of B-vitamins which our body needs so therefor Im likely to assume it's good for hair anyway.

March 23rd, 2012, 05:05 PM
I drank brewer's yeast for like 6-8 months or more a couple of years ago. Did not notice any difference. Now I prefer different types of vitamines (not at the same time, hehe).

March 23rd, 2012, 06:43 PM
The only way that this would be beneficial for hair growth or health is if your current diet was deficient in some nutrient or vitamin that the yeast would provide.

March 24th, 2012, 12:05 AM
I doubt it would have any effect on hair growth...

I am sure it effected the hair growth on me. I had low B12 and some other vitamins (folic acid) levels, and it really made my hair and nails grow very fast, and nails not broken

March 24th, 2012, 12:23 AM
Whoa, thread revival :eek:

gazelle, I'm glad it at least worked for you in some way!

Just to clarify, the blog post says to drink "fresh" "baking yeast"...not brewer's yeast!

As Savahead and some others may have mentioned, this apparently only really works if you have a vitamin deficiency.

October 26th, 2018, 02:05 AM
I'm in the mood for resurrecting the thread :D
I've been drinking yeast and it really works - at least for me. It's a very popular method for promoting hair growth on polish hair-related blogs (next to drinking nettle and horsetail tea)
The average growth is 2 cm a month for me. I used to drink it ever day for a month than take a break.
It's fresh baker's yeast we are talking about. This single-celled fungus contains almost all of B vitamins - including biotin, they are also a great source of protein and such trace elements as phosphorus, magnesium and iron.
The procedure is as follows: use fresh baker's yeast (not powdered) I usually buy 50 gram portion and use half of it for a cup (that gives 25 g). You need to pour hot boiling water on it to ''kill'' the fungus otherwise it could fermentate in your stomach.
After it's completely dissolved I add some milk for better taste and - cheers:D
Some find the smell and taste repulsive. It's very individual. I like it - it reminds me my childhood when my grandmother would bake all kinds of pastry and cakes using yeast.
Anyway - I feel like starting a monthly challenge myself. I'll start drinking my yeast the 1 November and intend to continue for a whole month. I will measure my hair of course on the beginning and by the end of experiment.
Anyone tempted to give it a try feel free to join:D.

October 26th, 2018, 06:49 AM
It's really popular here in Russia too! I never tried it, because it has one nasty side-effect: it can cause weight gain. Not for everyone, of course, but since I'm already prone to it, I'll pass. I'll be really interested to see your results, paulownia!

October 26th, 2018, 07:00 AM
I'm a little skeptical as I've heard ingesting yeast makes you more prone to yeast infections in... certain areas. That was about brewer's yeast though. Would using regular baker's yeast when boiled take away that risk?

A little bit of weight gain would actually be nice, but that too makes me a bit skeptical. Is it because your appetite is increased, or does it slow your metabolism or just make you really bloated?

2 cm of growth every month is such a great rate though. :D

October 26th, 2018, 11:16 AM
.... I'll be really interested to see your results, paulownia!

I would to as well. The skeptic I am. 2cm is a little over half an inch. What is the normal growth without compared to taking yeast?

October 26th, 2018, 12:17 PM
A 25 grams portion of yeast it’s about 80 kcal. I doubt sincerely if this is making anyone gain weight;)
Yeast also contains chromium which regulate sugar levels in blood and it reduces appetite for sweets. So it’s actually good for those who want to lose weight.
It does absolutely not cause yeast infection. If treated with hot water it just gets digested. No way it makes to another body areas;)
Usual growth for me is 1 cm per month. Drinking yeast was always speeding the process.
The only side effects I heard about was some breaking out on the skin. But it never happened to me.

October 26th, 2018, 12:17 PM
I'm a little skeptical as I've heard ingesting yeast makes you more prone to yeast infections in... certain areas. That was about brewer's yeast though. Would using regular baker's yeast when boiled take away that risk?

A little bit of weight gain would actually be nice, but that too makes me a bit skeptical. Is it because your appetite is increased, or does it slow your metabolism or just make you really bloated?

2 cm of growth every month is such a great rate though. :D

It increases appetite. Some people take yeast specifically to gain weight. I don't know about other countries, but here yeast is sold in capsule form in pharmacies, some varieties even have added vitamins and marketed specifically for hair and nails. Not everyone experiences insane appetite though, so YMMV.

Also, I've never seen any reviews that said that taking yeast can make you more prone to yeast infections. Those are different kinds of fungi after all. But yeah, if there's even a shred of doubt about that, I wouldn't risk it.

October 26th, 2018, 12:20 PM
A 25 grams portion of yeast it’s about 80 kcal. I doubt sincerely if this is making anyone gain weight;)
Yeast also contains chromium which regulate sugar levels in blood and it reduces appetite for sweets. So it’s actually good for those who want to lose weight.
It does absolutely not cause yeast infection. If treated with hot water it just gets digested. No way it makes to another body areas;)
Usual growth for me is 1 cm per month. Drinking yeast was always speeding the process.
The only side effects I heard about was some breaking out on the skin. But it never occurred to me.

Last time I took something that promised to "regulate blood sugar levels" and "control appetite" I gained 15 pounds. It was biotin btw. So again, YMMV, we are all different.

October 26th, 2018, 12:55 PM
paulownia, how long have you been taking? Month, 6 months?

ETA: Sorry. You said every day for a month, then a break. Is the "break" necessary?

October 26th, 2018, 01:10 PM
I'm on my fourth series of drinking yeast right now. Each lasts 2-3 months, October has been the second month of the fourth round. With the previous 3 rounds I'd get faster growth, this time it's not so great. I got very little growth in September, I haven't measured this month's growth yet. We'll see.
I drink 1/2 of a block (50 grams) every day.

August 23rd, 2020, 10:58 AM
I don't know if I would suggest drinking active yeast but I do seem to have a higher than average growth rate and I typically eat nutritional yeas on practically everything. Who knows, it might be worth a try. It is known to have an incredible amount of B vitamins.

It's especially yummy on popcorn and avocados. :yumm:

August 23rd, 2020, 12:30 PM
Does beer count? (asking for a friend) ;)