View Full Version : Time for a trim

July 13th, 2008, 01:04 AM
I went to a friends shop today. She's a hairdresser. She works with another lady there that does nails.
I have really been neglecting my hair. In a bad way. I was putting my hair up in a bun today and this lady said to me, you need to cut your hair. Granted, my hair is in a bad way, but how rude. I decided not to trim my hair until I reaches a little bit past classic. That way I could have it cut back to classic and keep it there.

What is it with hairdressers? I dont walk around telling this lady you need to lose weight.


July 13th, 2008, 01:09 AM
Does she think your hair is in bad condition, or was it more of a reaction to the length? All I can say is at least you don't have to work or live with her. ;)

July 13th, 2008, 01:40 AM
I thought food, shelter, and clothing were needs. When did cutting hair become a need?

Seems to me your needing to cut your hair is less than her need to bite her tongue really hard.

July 13th, 2008, 01:45 AM
I work with some one like this, I regulary get that old chestnut " women over 30 shouldn't have long hair" I've come to the conclusion that if someone is that blantantly rude to you that it's absolutely fine to be rude back, but that's easier said than done. (please excuse the terrible spelling)

July 13th, 2008, 01:47 AM
Does she think your hair is in bad condition, or was it more of a reaction to the length? All I can say is at least you don't have to work or live with her. ;)

Those are really good questions. I think it may have been a reaction to both. To be honest, it I would just wash and comb my hair it wouldnt look so neglected. I'm going thru a few emotional issues right now, so my hair is really the last thing I think about.

And yes, she does need to bite her Tongue. Heh.

Riot Crrl
July 13th, 2008, 01:51 AM
Did you just go there to socialize with her? The part of the story I am missing is why you were at the salon. If you just went there to say hi, then yeah, I'd call that a mis-call on her part.

July 13th, 2008, 02:05 AM
Next time she says out of the blue you need to cut your hair you can reply with you need to lose weight.

Same insult, if she doesn't understand it and gets mad (she likely will) you can tell her that telling you what to do with YOUR body is just as bad as you telling her what to do with hers. And she can stick it up hers with that and I wouldn't discuss the matter any further by stating this discussion is closed if she does.

July 13th, 2008, 02:07 AM
Did you just go there to socialize with her? The part of the story I am missing is why you were at the salon. If you just went there to say hi, then yeah, I'd call that a mis-call on her part.

I had gone back because on Thursday I had got a wax to my upper lip. It broke out in tiny pimples. So K told me to come in so she could put some bacitration on it. Sorry I dont know how to spell it.

July 13th, 2008, 08:51 AM
How rude! she needs to learn more people skills.