View Full Version : Advice on minimizing hair damage during beach vacation?

Ms Strangelove
December 27th, 2011, 02:40 AM
Dear LHC-ers,

I'm going on a snorkeling/diving-holiday to Egypt, so for about two weeks I will

a) dunk my head in saltwater on a daily basis
b) have scarce time during the day to do something with my hair and probably I will just put a towel on it and/or wear it half-dry in a ponytail, very probably without a chance to wash out the salt till at least evening, back in the apartment

I've just started caring about my hair three months ago and I can already see very good changes. I don't want to mess it up again...
Do you guys have advice on handling your hair during a beach/sea-vacation? Is there something I can put on the hair in advance to protect it or something I can put on during the night? Will the saltwater be very damaging?

I have to add, I have stopped using anything with "repair" in its name as well as anything with silicones... for the moment I use a shampoo and a conditioner both from natural cosmetic lines.

Any help will be appreciated! :D

December 27th, 2011, 03:17 AM
I read in a magazine a while ago that you can put deep conditioner into wet hair and tie it up in a bun when you go swimming at the beach. That way it protects it and I guess when you get back from snorkelling you can just rinse it out and your hair will be well conditioned.

December 27th, 2011, 03:20 AM
The "condition before" trick does work! I was on swim team in highschool and it kept my hair from having any problems.. I also do that when I go to the beach, it works like a charm!

December 27th, 2011, 03:26 AM
Bring lots of coconut oil. After swimming in the sea rinse your hair amply with fresh water, put the oil in, braid it! Next day precondition and repeat. This procedure saved me last summer when I spend two weeks camping at the mediterranean sea. I didn't use shampoo and conditioner at all but that was a personal preference.

December 27th, 2011, 05:20 AM
Make sure you protect your hair from the sun. Wear a white hat, bandana or scarf on your head at all times (one that covers your scalp AND your hair). It might be worth the time to braid it too because it is tougher for water and sun to reach all of your hairs. And most importantly have fun on your trip! :D

Ms Strangelove
December 27th, 2011, 05:29 AM
Make sure you protect your hair from the sun. Wear a white hat, bandana or scarf on your head at all times (one that covers your scalp AND your hair). It might be worth the time to braid it too because it is tougher for water and sun to reach all of your hairs. And most importantly have fun on your trip! :D

Thank you everybody!
Roscata, scarf on the head sounds reasonable.... do you happen to have a link to a "how-to"? You're talking to someone who can "do" two hairstyles, open and ponytail; and has no idea about style. I'm afraid to look extremely stupid without practicing opportunity. :D

December 27th, 2011, 06:00 AM
How exciting! New hairdos are the funnest part of having long hair. Practice makes perfect so don't get discouraged. :D

Here is my favorite braiding resource: Braiding Instructions (http://www.dreamweaverbraiding.com/Braiding_Tips.htm) and youtube tutorial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yz25lTii_LA).

December 27th, 2011, 06:05 AM
When I go swimming, I always oil my hair pretty heavily beforehand then put it up in a protective style. Side braids are good because they're easy to re-do even when it's wet.

Ms Strangelove
December 27th, 2011, 06:08 AM
Thank you!! I think I'll start with the Arwen Braid from "The Two Towers".. ehm, I mean the Basic 3-Strand Braid. :D

Do you know any how-to's for wrapping scarves, sheets, clothes around my head to protect my hair like you suggested, preferably in a stupid proof way?

December 27th, 2011, 06:46 AM
This is a cool tutorial for different styles: how to wear scarves (http://www.tasaram.com/tying-head.html) (3,4,5 and 6 are going to protect against the sun).

Ms Strangelove
December 27th, 2011, 06:59 AM
thank you so much! Glad I have two days left for practice :). Holiday is going to be fun!

December 27th, 2011, 07:13 AM
Wow! You are going to have so much fun! Lucky you:) Take lots of conditioner and oils for your hair. If you get a regular jaw or claw clip, its easy to just twist your hair up in a coil and put the clip on it. Don't forget to moisturize your skin too. And lots of sunscreen and a hat and sunglasses... Oh, and take pictures!

Ms Strangelove
December 27th, 2011, 07:24 AM
I read in a magazine a while ago that you can put deep conditioner into wet hair and tie it up in a bun when you go swimming at the beach.

Bring lots of coconut oil. After swimming in the sea rinse your hair amply with fresh water, put the oil in, braid it!

Make sure you protect your hair from the sun. Wear a white hat, bandana or scarf on your head at all times (one that covers your scalp AND your hair).

Take lots of conditioner and oils for your hair. If you get a regular jaw or claw clip, its easy to just twist your hair up in a coil and put the clip on it. Don't forget to moisturize your skin too.

Thank you, you are being really helpful! :)
Right now I'm thinking of combining all this into:

1) Putting conditioner in my hair and braid it before going into water.
Question: Do you actually mean putting the conditioner in and going into the sea or do you mean putting it in and rinsing it out?

2) When I get out of the water I will rinse with water, put coconut oil into it, which I will try to buy tomorrow morning. Anything special recommended or do I just ask for "pure coconut oil" or something? Do I put it into the ends only or do I brush it into the whole lenghts?
Then I will braid it and let it be overnight.

If I'm out in the sun and not in the water, I will use my great scarve-skills I will have hopefully learned by then. :D
Kelikea, I will try to take pictures, still need a signature picture anyway!