View Full Version : Birds of a feather...?

December 26th, 2011, 02:49 PM
Do birds of a feather flock together? How many of you have friends with long hair?

I never really thought about it much, probably because two of them live in different countries, and the third keeps hers up most of the time, but I realized recently that 3 out of my 4 best friends have long hair (waist or longer).

We've never really discussed our hair too much, except that my BFF and I will, every now and again, comment on each other's hair length in a video call.

December 26th, 2011, 02:54 PM
Nope. Most of my friends have extremely short hair, have never grown their long, and think I'm insane for judging the quality of a person's hair.

Then again, my friends come from wildly different backgrounds. When I was at home with my family, or people from the same background, a lot of the women wore their hair similarly.

December 26th, 2011, 02:59 PM
not me, im the only long haired guy out of....yeah. And my hair is longer than the girls i know.

December 26th, 2011, 03:31 PM
The vast majority of my friends have hair that's somewhere around shoulder length to BSLish. I'm pretty sure I have the longest hair out of all of them.

December 26th, 2011, 03:32 PM
not me, im the only long haired guy out of....yeah. And my hair is longer than the girls i know.

Now that I think of it, during highschool, MOST of my friends (guys and girls) had long hair. But then again, I hung out with the heavy metal crowd in Estonia. (The "hairies", haha) I'm not really in touch with too many of them anymore, and most of them have since "grown up" and chopped their locks.

These days I don't think I have any guy friends with really long hair. My, uh, well, a friend of mine, has really curly flip length hair, but he's the only one who has any need for a hair tie.

December 26th, 2011, 03:54 PM
Yeah, actually my best friend/sister has long hair about my length, we give each other tips and both love our hair.

December 26th, 2011, 04:02 PM
I have one long-haired friend. other than that, all of them have shoulder-ish length, if that.

December 26th, 2011, 04:25 PM
My boyfriend used to have extremely long hair. He ended up shaving it for a more professional look. I'm helping him grow it back out now, and I put smoothing milk in his hair every morning to make it more tame. He loves when I fawn over him :D he's got about 4 inches before he can tuck it behind his ears, but I swear, he'll be there in two months. Grows like a weed! Enviable.

Most of my online blog friends have gorgeous, natural hair. One of them actually talked me into going more natural with my hair techniques and was very supportive the past year I grew it out.

My other friends are hairdressers (so, in a way they count!) or had really long hair for a long time, got mad after a bad dye job and chopped it. And come to think of it, when I was in highschool, nearly all of my close friends had TBL hair at one point.

December 26th, 2011, 04:41 PM
Most of my friends are boys with regular short hair.
My little brother wants to start growing his hair out though, so proud :D

December 26th, 2011, 04:47 PM
All of the dozen or so people that I regularly socialize with have long to extremely long hair.

They're all LHC members. :D

December 26th, 2011, 04:56 PM
Not really for me. One of my friends has quite long hair, but her curl shrinkage (3a-ish) takes her up to BSL, but another friend is growing hers longer (currently nearly BSL) after recently growing out her fringe, so who knows! :)

December 26th, 2011, 04:59 PM
One friend has TBL hair. One has BSL. One had waist, but trimmed back to midback. Mine has almost always been the shortest.

December 26th, 2011, 05:06 PM
Yes! My two best friends have long hair

December 26th, 2011, 06:17 PM
My sister is growing with me and so is my mom and cousin....not sure if they count but yeah haha.:cheese:

December 26th, 2011, 07:36 PM
My friends almost all have very short hair, even the girls. I know a couple girls with long locks but not very many, no close friends.

December 26th, 2011, 08:04 PM
Most of my friends have shoulder length hair. But that seems to be the most common style in general I've noticed (outside of LHC of course).

December 26th, 2011, 09:31 PM
I have a cousin who has APL length hair. Everybody else in my immediate friends and family group has shorter hair than her. So, I stand out a bit with my just-about-classic hair :D

I see a few people around my neighborhood who are at waist, but nobody I know well. And nobody longer than that.

December 26th, 2011, 10:07 PM
I have two long haired friends. There hairs longer then mine.

December 26th, 2011, 10:38 PM
None of my friends have hair that is even near my length. They all see it as really long but I have such a different perspective- I want it longer! :)

December 27th, 2011, 01:46 AM
My sister is growing with me and so is my mom and cousin....not sure if they count but yeah haha.:cheese:

I think that counts!

My mom had gorgeous long hair before my brother was born... then she chopped it :(
She has had short hair forever now and says that "old people" should never have long hair. :rolleyes:

I'll have to see if I can find a picture of her.

Ms Strangelove
December 27th, 2011, 02:22 AM
Hm, three close female friends with gorgeous long hair way below bra-lenght ... two of them very aware and caring of it the other one just naturally lucky I guess. =) I especially admire the super-strong, spliss-free, straight mane of one of them.
Drew my attention to LHC.

December 27th, 2011, 02:24 AM
My mom had gorgeous long hair before my brother was born... then she chopped it :(
She has had short hair forever now and says that "old people" should never have long hair. :rolleyes:
My paternal grandmother once infuriated my mother by telling her that she had no business having long hair at her age, and that she looked ridiculous and should get it cut short. At the time, my mom was only in her 30's. She was like... 36-38, I believe? I remember the incident because of how much it upset her. In any case, her hair wasn't that long. It was about BSL or a tad shorter, which is about where she has kept her hair for most of my life. She is 54 now, and she still has BSL hair.

I don't think my hair is that long, either, honestly. It has stayed around waist length to hip length for the majority of my life, yet none of the people I have ever been friends with have had hair as long. I have occasionally SEEN very long-haired people in public, but that is a rare occurrence.

I have one friend who was offended when I made an offhand comment that she doesn't have long hair, but her hair is just about an inch past BSL, I think. And it has layers. I apologized, but inside I was thinking... "Well... obviously we have different ideas of what 'long' hair means." I honestly don't think my own hair is all that long, either. I just consider my hair "long" by comparison - of everyone else I know.

It goes the same way with thickness. I've never met anyone whose hair is as thick as mine (I know there are people out there who do have thicker hair, though), but I have known a lot of friends who protest very loudly about how "thick" their hair is. I'd say most of those are between 3" and 3.5" in diameter, and I guess that IS pretty thick by "normal" standards. When someone gets very emotionally invested in convincing me that their hair is soooo thick or soooo long, I figure that it's obviously very important to them. So I don't contradict them. I just... have different standards about what is thick and what is long.

My roommate right now has been growing her hair out over the past year, and it's gotten to be just about waist length on her, finally. So she is now officially the second longest haired person I know in my daily life (the first being myself). Her hair is in horrible condition, though, thanks to constant coloring, heat styling, and improper care. She complains about it all the time, but when I try to offer gentle suggestions about how she can care for the damage, she practically snaps my head off. She is convinced that I have no idea what I am talking about. It kind of hurts, a little because... really? If she is so adamant against my hair knowledge, maybe that means she thinks my hair is ugly?

But anyways, yeah... I really don't know many real life people with long hair. A few with BSL hair, most with hair that's more like APL or shoulder. Or in pixie cuts.

Milui Elenath
December 27th, 2011, 03:27 AM
My hair is almost classic and all of my friends and family members hair is shoulder length (most of them chin) or shorter so I guess I have to say no. . . Although I've noticed the girls in my workplace are growing their hair long and two of them are between BSL and waist at the moment. I am not certain if that is my influence.