View Full Version : Long hair and air travel?

December 23rd, 2011, 02:16 PM
In a couple of weeks, I'll be flying up to Minnesota to visit DBF. The cold, thankfully, I know how to deal with; however, the last time I flew, I had a pixie cut and checked bags. Such is not the case this time.

This time, my hair is BSL and I'll only have a carry-on bag. Those of you who have flown in the US in the past few years should be aware of the 3 oz limit they place on liquids. So my problem is that I'll be gone too long to get away with not washing my hair- I'll probably have to wash it twice while there- and 3 oz of conditioner is probably not going to be sufficient. So I'm wondering if it's possible to have two containers of the same liquid, with each falling under 3 oz, or if TSA workers are at all sympathetic if it's a sort of loophole.

Also, what's the best way to deal with my hair for the actual flight? Since I can see buns getting uncomfortable with the headrest (plus they don't fit well under hats, and it's cold enough that I'll want a hat when I get there), are there any particular braids that will stay at least reasonably neat for the duration of a 3-hour flight? And are there any other considerations that I haven't even thought of?

December 23rd, 2011, 02:24 PM
I just put my hair in a single three strand braid, it gets a bit fuzzy and frizzy and i have to redo it sometimes but it keeps tangels out and is easy. I would just tuck the braid into the hat when you get there to fend off the cold. Happy Holidays, and have fun! So sory, dont know what to tell youa bout the shampoo and conditioner, i always have a checked bag and could never bring only 3 ozs (too much hair!, it would be gone the first shampoo) try the 2 bottles of the same thing idea, worst comes to worst you have to throw one bottle out. Also, if it is cold, you may not have to wash your hair as often. buy some cheap dry shampoo or use cornstrach to stretch washes.

Dragon Faery
December 23rd, 2011, 02:27 PM
Anything sharp and narrow is iffy--this includes hair sticks and forks, and even pens and pencils. I would avoid these. Any metal hair toy will probably draw undue attention at the scanners, as well, so if it were me I'd go with simple elastics.

Liquid-wise, I would leave my conditioner at home and plan on just buying a bottle or three when I arrived. A little more expensive, but less bother at the airport and less chance of it getting confiscated.

Others may have different and better advice, but that's what I personally would do.

Good luick, and happy traveling!

December 23rd, 2011, 02:31 PM
how about Heidi braids?

December 23rd, 2011, 02:39 PM
Yeah, two side braids leave the back of your head free for comfortable head resting.
As of conditionner : you could go up to the total amount allowed in several vials of conditionner, or buy once at destination (unless you need something very partiicular not easily available). You could also use whatever amount you can bring diluted in water - same amount will go longer way, mix in a small water bottle, one part condish + 2 parts water.

December 23rd, 2011, 02:40 PM
I think that a simple English braid will be comfortable enough for a 3-hour flight. I just don't recommend a French or Dutch braid because they usually tend to be disarranged - at least in my case. And I agree with Dragon Faery. Safe travelling!

December 23rd, 2011, 02:45 PM
I would send dbf a cell phone picture of your conditioner so that he can show the clerk at the drugstore and she can help him find you the stuff you want.

Beatnik Guy
December 23rd, 2011, 03:28 PM
Several of the same would be ok, as long as it all fits into the clear plastic bag specified. Or, it'd be fine everywhere I've traveled (and these rules are international). Buying stuff when you get there is often a better option though.

December 23rd, 2011, 03:58 PM
I wore my hair in two reverse-rolls the last time I flew. They held up very well with just a couple of pins on each side.

Miss Catrina
December 23rd, 2011, 04:18 PM
I don't think they care a bit how many containers you have as long as they are all compliant.

December 23rd, 2011, 04:22 PM
Ive taken like 5 small bottles of the same stuff so your fine.

December 23rd, 2011, 05:36 PM
It's probably easiest to buy a bottle of shampoo when you get there. Even easier, ask your DBF to buy one for you. ;)

I put my hair in my lap whenever I'm in a car, bus, plane, or train. Having one's hair in one's lap can make a good conversation starter. :D

December 23rd, 2011, 08:29 PM
My issue if I buy it there is feeling like I've wasted it. He brings a carry-on when he travels to and from Texas between semesters, so he wouldn't be able to being any back with him, and who knows when the next time I end up back there again might be.

So I'll probably try two three-ounce bottles of conditioner and one of shampoo; that should see me through two washes if I'm careful. And an English braid is sounding like my best option for hairstyle. Two would be easier still, but I look much younger than I am to begin with; I don't need to make it any worse. A trait I'm sure I'll be glad of when I'm older, though for now it's a bit annoying at times. Like getting my ID checked to go see The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

December 23rd, 2011, 08:33 PM
You could just do a single basic side braid. That's what I usually do, as I have the same problem of looking very young with two braids. :)

December 23rd, 2011, 08:43 PM
I just recently went to Europe from Australia (24 hours of flying by the time we arrived) and I found an english braid down the back was the easiest for me. I kept it over my shoulder and just rebraided when it got too fuzzy. It stayed nicely out of the way when using those ridiculously small but gross restrooms and honestly I really didn't fuss with it at all.

In regards to product they are strict - whatever the rule is, stick with it. Can you buy some conditioner over there when you get there? Something from a dollar store that you can leave with whomever you are staying at the end?

Now I know what it's like to fly to see a boyfriend. My husband lived in Canada when we were "dating" and I in Australia. Every 6 months one of us flew to see the other and I remember how important it was to me to be looking fabulous when I got off that plane. Coming from another country meant that I could usually find a bathroom on the other end and make myself look as good as one can after 20 hours of travelling. 3 hours shouldn't really change how you look so my advice would be to find a nice style and just try to keep nice and quiet until you arrive. If you take a look at my updo album I have several different styles with a small french braid over the bangs area that I think does well for travel http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/album.php?albumid=9221&pictureid=120357

December 23rd, 2011, 08:49 PM
I say a english 3 strand side braid would be your best option.:rolleyes:

December 24th, 2011, 01:10 AM
Bun through security...I've never had a problem with blunt plastic sticks or blunt stainless steel chopsticks (which don't trigger the metal detector). Multiple 3oz containers is fine...or save the trouble and buy when you get there...trade the possible wastage against the pain and suffering of dealing with getting it there.

Down or braid on the plane, preen before landing...freshen up in the airport restroom on the way out. From my LDR experience, a little disheveled is OK...gonna get that way real quick when you meet up.

December 24th, 2011, 04:15 AM
I've never had a problem with bringing several bottles of products in my carry-on just as long as they are under 3 ounces each and all fit into the big Ziplock bag I bring, so you're fine there.

With hair, the best non-fussy hairstyle I do is a side English braid with any hat over it. If I braid my hair when it's wet and keep the hat on, then it doesn't look frizzy at all.

Good luck and have fun!! :D

December 24th, 2011, 12:54 PM
You could just do a single basic side braid. That's what I usually do, as I have the same problem of looking very young with two braids. :)

I agree with this; but what I would do (cause I don't give a rat's behind what I look like during air travel) is do two dutch braids and make sure my hair was damp and just-washed when braiding.... then when I was ready to land I would take the braids out and have the most amazing braid-waves when I got off the plane to see him:p

I also think I would just buy condish when I got there but I'm a Suave girl, so even if I didn't use it all it would be NBD.

December 24th, 2011, 01:10 PM
My issue if I buy it there is feeling like I've wasted it. He brings a carry-on when he travels to and from Texas between semesters, so he wouldn't be able to being any back with him, and who knows when the next time I end up back there again might be.

You wont be wasting it if you stash it at his place until the next time you visit :) There are bottles of conditioner and lotion in the linen closet at my in-laws that I stashed during prior visits. Always a nice surprise when I open the door :)

December 24th, 2011, 01:17 PM
I'd do braids or the dry shampoo. Its the only thing I can think of.

December 24th, 2011, 01:36 PM
You can definitely bring more than one container of the same thing, as long as everything fits in the quart-sized plastic bag.
Also, you might be surprised with how much 100 ml really is. I have thick hair past waist and washed my hair twice during a long weekend in London, and I still had conditioner left over in the 100-ml bottle.
I always wear my hair down when I fly (to look nice coming and going from the airport) and twist it up in a loose topknot/ballerina bun held with a claw clip during the flight. Easy, comfortable, and it looks good when you take it down.

December 24th, 2011, 04:19 PM
Here's a comfy style for shorter hair:


Once you arrive at your destination, perhaps you could dilute both your shampoo and conditioner to make them last longer?

Have a safe flight.