View Full Version : Well water...

December 22nd, 2011, 11:16 AM
I have noticed that when I have had well water, instead of city water, my hair has always grown at lightning speed..
Unfortunately.. I have no access to well water :/

Please reply: Do you have well or city/tap water? How fast does you hair grow on average?

December 22nd, 2011, 11:24 AM
I have noticed that when I have had well water, instead of city water, my hair has always grown at lightning speed..
Unfortunately.. I have no access to well water :/

Please reply: Do you have well or city/tap water? How fast does you hair grow on average?

I have well water, and I average about 1 inch of growth each month, sometimes more. I also noticed that when I had city water, my growth was much less...about half an inch a month. Then again, city water where I live is pretty much like pool water. There's so much chlorine and such in it.

December 22nd, 2011, 11:28 AM
I have city water now, but when we had welll water it grew much better. I think the diffrence is all of the chlorine and chemicals that have to go into city water vs. well water.

December 22nd, 2011, 11:48 AM
Used to have well water, I think my hair did grow faster then. Now have city water. Ugh.

December 22nd, 2011, 12:07 PM
I'm on a well, but haven't noticed a difference in growth. However, I definitely get a ton of mineral build up and have to clarify more often. In fact, I just switched to using Suave Professionals Aloe and Ginseng Volumizing Shampoo instead of a moisturizing one. ACV rinses seem to help get rid of the build up, too.

December 22nd, 2011, 12:17 PM
I have always had well water so wouldn't know a difference in growth. I will say the well water does put a nasty orange in my hair which is why I color it dark brown.

December 22nd, 2011, 12:18 PM
When I lived at a lake during the summer and swam in lake water plus drank well water, my hair did seem to grow faster. If course, at that age I didn't really give a rat's behind about my hair, so I can't be sure that it actually grew much faster.

December 22nd, 2011, 12:18 PM
This summer I had well water and it was horrible. We had a water softener, and the landlord said he would put the salt in, but he never did. And it smelled so sulfury and gross it made me nauseous sometimes. It was seriously bad. I couldn't even use the water to brush my teeth, I had to get purchased water from the fridge. A brita filter couldn't even help.

So, not surprisingly, I only had bad experiences with this water. It made my hair crunchy, and it didn't help that I was still growing out a little bleach. Ugh... I don't even want to think about that water. I pretty much felt grosser after showering in that water, and that's saying something because I worked on a dairy farm feeding calves, and by the end of the day I was covered in calf saliva and poop and milk that had been on my skin in the sun for 12 hours.

It makes me really glad I don't have well water now and makes me scared to have to deal with it ever again.

December 22nd, 2011, 01:34 PM
We have city water. Sometimes I wonder if my hair would be better with better water... Our water is hard, and it tastes kind of bad to me. My growth is about average, maybe a little less than average -- I don't pay too much attention. But I'm not about to buy distilled water or something just to wash my hair.

December 22nd, 2011, 01:37 PM
Interesting... we have well water and I definately notice the growth each month, about 1 inch a month. But it's hard to keep my hair soft because of all the calcium, there's so much that my husband has to drain out our water heater every few month's because of the build up, I always can tell when the water heater is full of calcium from my hair.

December 22nd, 2011, 02:33 PM
I've been on a well for seven years, and before that on city water. I really can't remember an obvious difference in growth, but our well water is definitely a challenge because of the hardness and minerals in it. It's very hard to find anything that doesn't build up rapidly because of it. The only thing that really works is herbal cleaning and rinses.

December 22nd, 2011, 03:23 PM
I have well water... not sure about my growth since I don't measure but you can check my albums for my growth, not too bad.

Tea Lady
December 22nd, 2011, 03:51 PM
What do all suppose is the substance in the well water that is promoting the increased rate of growth? And is because of drinking it or washing in it that the increase in growth may be occurring?!

Tea Lady

December 22nd, 2011, 03:59 PM
As strange as it may sound, I think for me it was the lack of chemicals on my hair and ingesting less chemicals and probably some beneficial minerals. But I'm not a scientist, so I can't really tell you. I was also swimming multiple times a day and waling/hiking everywhere.

December 22nd, 2011, 07:18 PM
Could be sulphur in the water, since that's supposed to be good for hair. I'm not sure what else could do it.

December 23rd, 2011, 06:15 PM
I bought a home in November that is on a well with a water softener. My hair went through a two-week adjustment phase, and now I am thrilled with the taste and quality of water. It makes the best coffee.

December 24th, 2011, 09:14 PM
Awesome responses! I truly believe that it is the lack of CHLORINE (EW!) in the well water, and also the natural sulphur. Well water can cause build up, but the tap water where I live is so hard and chlorinated that my scalp itches even if I go 3 days in between washes. I would much rather ACV with well water than deal with treated tap water..

I DO NOT drink city water or tap water.. I only drink distilled water, just because I can't stand the taste of chlorine. When we had well water, I used a brita filter, and it tasted AMAZING.

I would like to say though, I am in Florida and both wells that we have had water from came from a spring that runs through and around our area... so maybe some well water from other places would be worse/better than this water...

December 25th, 2011, 07:30 AM
That's interesting you noticed this! Makes me want to run out and seek well water immediately hahaha. But what's the difference between hard and soft water? I've heard bad things about both But I'm not sure if I understand the difference between the two.

December 25th, 2011, 10:48 PM
That's interesting you noticed this! Makes me want to run out and seek well water immediately hahaha. But what's the difference between hard and soft water? I've heard bad things about both But I'm not sure if I understand the difference between the two.

I'm SO not an expert on this! lol.. In my experience, soft water is water that leaves you feeling kind of filmy, or like you didn't get "clean".. Hard water leaves your hair and skin feeling dry and sometimes itchy... The well water I've used in our 2 homes that had it was PERFECT I never felt filmy or dried out... I miss it :(

I'm sure both "hard" and "soft" water have different additives or naturally occuring minerals or whatever that make them cause build up.. but as for my hair/skin, chlorine has been the worst to me..

December 26th, 2011, 11:20 AM
I've been on well water most of my life, lived in the city for 7 years but I don't think there was much difference with my hair. My hair grows approximately 1,3 cm a month, and that's what it's always done I think. So for me well water doesn't make any difference at all.