View Full Version : Do you spend more or less on your hair since joining TLHC?

December 22nd, 2011, 03:24 AM
I'm definitely spending less.

I used to be a total product junkie, and a salon product junkie at that, always looking for the next magic fix. Now I've settled into a routine and I don't want to change it. I still use salon shampoo - Nioxin - but I bought litres from Strawberrynet and they're not running out any time soon. My only other products are my oil blend, and I buy the ingredients from a local Iranian grocer, two drugstore conditioners, a leave in conditioner, and the things I use for SMTs. I've even taken to buying backups of my drugstore products when they're on sale.

What about you guys?

December 22nd, 2011, 03:27 AM
I'd say less. Not only am I saving on haircuts, which I now do myself, but I'm saving on the pricey dye treatments (even though I used to do those myself too) in exchange of henna. I buy MORE things, but the things I buy are cheaper. Where as a $7 bottle of coconut oil will last me a year or more, the $20 silkdrops I used to buy would only last me a couple months kind of comparison. And don't even get me started on how much I save on shampoo.

December 22nd, 2011, 04:07 AM
I spend more. At first I experimented with different products to see what shampoos, conditioners, and oils my hair likes. I also invested in essentials such as a horn comb, sleep cap, BBB, and hair friendly tools to put my hair up. Now I'm enjoying cassia treatments and starting to build a hair toy collection. I don't mind spending the money, I consider it a worthy investment and fun.

December 22nd, 2011, 04:37 AM
More. Before LHC all I used was a store-bought shampoo and conditioner (fructis, sunsilk, whatever I was using that week), a leave-in conditioner in the winter and a heat-protecting spray for the very, very few times I'd blow-dry or straighten my hair. After I joined LHC I've bought a new wooden comb, changed my shampoo and conditioner several times (still trying to find the ideal one for my flaky scalp), bought a Ficcare (it arrived today!), bought baq henna, and more. I'm having fun, though :D

(and I'll probably calm down once I settle into my hair-care routine)

December 22nd, 2011, 05:04 AM
More. Before I used to spend, may be, $25(pesos) a month in hair products... Now, between henna (which is *a bit* expensive here) oils, non-cone conditioners, etc I spend around $60... Mm... my hair feels the same, so I don't particularily know if it truly is a good change; more natural; yes, better regarding hair, I don't know...

December 22nd, 2011, 05:18 AM
I definitely spend more. I have never used a lot of products and got by with basic hair ties. I haven't changed much in the way of what I use on my hair (except for the henna, but I'm not counting that because that's how I ended up here in the first place), but thanks to LHC I am now a certified hair toy addict.:mad:

December 22nd, 2011, 05:21 AM
I'd say I am about even. Cutting/hennaing my own hair has really reduced costs, and CO washing saves me around £15-20 a month I'd say!

However, this forum has introduced me to my love of hair toys, and as a result all the money I save goes into that!

Curly Hermione
December 22nd, 2011, 05:21 AM
I think less. I can't be sure though. I was a product junkie, and still am, but less so as now I'm trying to restrict myself to cone free etc stuff, which means I have less choice.
I have several "safe" conditioners, shampoos and styling products I can get at my local boots (thank you naked bodycare!) I am always on the lookout for a bargain though, my cousin recently showed me her tesco own brand chammomile shampoo and condish, £1 each, which semmed pretty friendly and looked as if they worked well. I may steal them off her for a try!
I haven't been too bad with hair toys, but I can definitely see myself getting worse...
I don't go to the hairdressers anymore either, (my mum's mobile hairdresser friends just lobs any damage off every 3 months or so) but if I could afford it, I would spend money on stuff like coconut oil, which I have yet to try but can't wait to!
It should be noted that I was using redken, and then keratase before I came here. It just shows how expensive stuff like that doesn't make my hair look nearly as good as gentle handling and moisture, those are its only real demands!

December 22nd, 2011, 05:24 AM
More. Definitely more. Better shampoos, conditioners, brushes, combs, hair toys....

December 22nd, 2011, 07:11 AM
More, and I am not even done yet.. :| But when I got everything, I think i would spend less.

December 22nd, 2011, 07:32 AM
Less for sure. However, I never spent that much to begin with. The main things I use are EVOO, honey, ACV, $3 max CO/shampoo, aloe vera gel. I cut my hair myself and don't color. So, that is actually pretty darn cheap..

December 22nd, 2011, 07:33 AM
Less. Definitely less.

December 22nd, 2011, 07:37 AM
Less. Before LHC i would buy every new heat tool that came to the market, expensive salon shampoos and when my hair was really short I spent over £500 in one year on hair extensions.

These days I buy the cheapest supermarket conditioner (48p) as I CO wash and the most expensive hair product i have bought over the last two years were my curlformers.

December 22nd, 2011, 07:38 AM
MORE. I haven't been to the hairdresser since elementary school, so I didn't spend money on cuts or colour before LHC either, but now I buy hairtoys...

December 22nd, 2011, 08:16 AM
More. I go through bottles of conditioner so quickly now that I've discovered co-washing. I also indulged once and bought Biolage Conditioning Balm.

December 22nd, 2011, 08:19 AM
Probably more, since I'm always on the lookout now for soaps to use as a shampoo bar, and I love to try different conditioners. Although I'm over the hairtoy madness (at the moment), they tend to be "big ticket items" so those add up -- that's where the bulk of the hair-related spending has come in.

On the flip side, I don't pay for haircuts.

December 22nd, 2011, 09:22 AM
Much less. I'm not wasting money trying to get my hair to behave because it turns out that proper use of inexpensive products works much better. I cut my own hair. I no longer have any use for salons or their products. XD

December 22nd, 2011, 09:42 AM
I'm spending more. Mainly on conditioners and oils until now. I'm afraid to think about what might happen to my budget if I surrender to the urge of buying hair toys. I've restricted the access to etsy on my computer :D

December 22nd, 2011, 09:44 AM
More, trying out all the the new things i have learned about. :) I think in the long run it will be about the same. :)

December 22nd, 2011, 10:26 AM
Less. Much less.

No more keratin treatments ($250) or hair cuts ($60-80). I probably spent about 800 dollars last year at the salon alone :o.
My income is disposable and earn more than one would expect.
But that is ridiculous.

Even now that I'm using monistat :stirpot:, I haven't spend much on my hair since joining.

I bought a jar of castor oil ages ago, same for coconut. My EVOO I don't pay for since my house is always stocked with it. My spin pins were buy one get one free. I use cheap cone free conditioner. Even with my herbal hair dying and my new ficcare factored in I've spent less than $100 in the past year on my hair.

December 22nd, 2011, 10:32 AM
I would say about the same: less products but of better quality. And I try to chose products (oils, EO, aloe vera, honey...) that work for both my body/face and my hair, so globally I spent less on "beauty products".

December 22nd, 2011, 10:36 AM
I think I break even. I don't use conditioner and shampoo as often as I used to, and I don't spend a fortune on dyes every 3 weeks. I also don't spend money on hair elastics, flat irons, curling irons, blow-dryers, etc. I do buy Nightblooming's Panacea and the shampoo and conditioner I buy now is more expensive, but most of my "hair stuff" is really cooking stuff or things that I concoct out of cooking stuff. I might wind up eventually spending more as my hair gets longer, but as of now, I'm spending roughly the same amount of money.

December 22nd, 2011, 11:04 AM
Much, much more. Previously, I was a wash and go kind of girl. I very rarely used heat, even back then. My hair was short enough to wear it down every day so I didn't have to take time to style it.

Now there are rinses to make ahead of time, and oils to apply, all sorts of nifty updos that sometimes take a while, not to mention the time I spend on S & D. However, my hair looks and feels great. So the time is worth it.

December 22nd, 2011, 11:40 AM
Probably a little more. I didn't have any little clips to put in my updos, so I buy those now. Also headbands, combs, sleep caps, etc--none of that I had before, and it's all something I need now! I'm fairly thrifty with my spending though so it's not a significant increase.

December 22nd, 2011, 11:50 AM
I spend less. I don't buy salon products that hairdersser recommends, since I am not hoping miracle from them. Also diluting shampoo, self-trims, using oil drops instead of serum makes me spend less for hair

December 22nd, 2011, 12:42 PM
More, almost entirely on hair toys, but hopefully, amortized over the years I'll use them, it won't be much (for this to work I have to not keep buying new ones though, so we'll see how that works out).

December 22nd, 2011, 01:33 PM
Money? More. Oh the hairtoys. The many, many pretty hairtoys. :p

Time? Just a little bit more, but that time is more wisely spent, and enjoyed more too. :)

December 22nd, 2011, 01:39 PM
Closer to financial ruin than before - but my hair looks fabulous!:cheese:

Actually the same - less on products - more on toys - it balances out.

December 22nd, 2011, 03:08 PM
More. I rarely got salon haircuts before, and when I did my parents usually paid for it. I would go through one bottle of shampoo and one of conditioner every few months because I didn't use much conditioner and didn't think about my hair. If I did anything style-wise, it was with an elastic I would steal from home or a roommate. So it was basically $10-15 spent every few months.

Now, I go through a lot more conditioner (especially with SMTs), I buy more products to try out, I have lots of pretty expensive hair toys, I've gotten oils and a silk pillowcase and hair scissors... So I spend a lot more. But I enjoy my hair more. I consider it a hobby, and since my other hobbies are relatively cheap, I don't mind.

December 22nd, 2011, 04:04 PM
I bought pretty much all my haircare products before joining TLHC, when I stopped using shampoo. That includes jojoba oil, a wooden comb, and a BBB.

I'm currently CO, so I'm saving somewhere in the range of $20-50 a year on -coney SLS shampoos and conditioners. Each bottle of conditioner will end up lasting me about six months, and since I just buy Suave Naturals that's only like $3 a year haha.

Since joining here I've bought a pair of good hair scissors for about $20 and ordered my first Flexi-8 a few days ago. I also bought some coconut oil for like $4 :p It wasn't the extra virgin stuff, but I'll get that when this bottle runs out. I anticipate spending about $100 a year on my hair now, at least for a few years, until I have a supply of 3-5 each of Flexi-8s, Ficcares, and good hairsticks. Then the spending will slow.

Overall I've spent probably $100 on my hair since stopping shampoo almost three months ago. That's a crazy amount of money in comparison to the past, but it's all things that will last years, and are necessary for me to treat my hair gently/well and go the no-shampoo route.

December 22nd, 2011, 05:35 PM
MUCH MUCH More time and money unfortunately.

More money on conditioners (I go through alot of bottles for CO method) and hair accessories. In terms of time.. well since coming back to LHC I decided to try to embrace my natural wavey/curly texture more but as a result I fuss over my hair much more often. I now have to decide on a daily basis in the morning whether or not I can pull off second day hair then style or condition wash then diffuse. I spend more time fiddling with my hair in the bathroom etc etc. When I straightened it, life was much simpler with just a wash and 20 min flat iron or blow dry once every 4 days. My hair behaved through that entire stretch with no fussing or fiddling and I didn't even think about it... and yes it still grew and looked good imo. I'm adopting the no heat method more though because I really want to find out the potential of my hair and because the days when I do have a really good (natural) hair day it ends up looking far nicer than a day with straightened hair. So that's my story :) . Basically its a love hate relationship that I have LOL!

December 22nd, 2011, 07:49 PM
I havent been apart of LHC that long, but so far I have spent more. Ive been reading about what a lot of you all use so I want to go out and give it a try!

December 23rd, 2011, 01:39 PM
On actual hair care/products, it's probably about the same. I don't get my hair cut any more or less then I used to. I probably spend a similar amount on washing (though the routine has changed greatly). I've never used much for styling products (usually just oils that I have in the kitchen or in my lotion supplies).

The one place where I definitely spend more is on accessories and hair toys.

December 23rd, 2011, 02:41 PM
I would say I am spending less money on my hair since joining LHC. I trim my own hair now, saving a ton of money by not going to the salon every month. The only products I currently use are drugstore shampoo and conditioner. I am no longer buying styling products, that I needed when I had my pixie cut.

December 24th, 2011, 02:54 AM
Less, surprisingly, with the abundance of stuff LHC recommends using. Because of LHC, I have found more direction with my haircare and I've stopped product hopping trying to find the magic fix for my hair. LHC has shown me that what I already live by I can apply to my hair; simplicity is key. Acids and oils are my friend and to just be gentle and don't cook my hair. It's as simple as that. Since my hair is virgin I really do not need protein treatments. And since I don't wash my hair as often, every 3 days or so (I work at a place that is strict on cleanliness/presentability, so I can't stretch it a week anymore :() I'm essentially saving money on the more expensive health store poo/condish I buy.

I bought the products I did because I have to wash my hair more often, but I won't do it everyday. I'm willing to buy a commercial product that contains the oils we apply in our hair here (jajoba etc.), acids, and is SLS/cone free. That's the way I have been able to get around having to wash it so often and still cater to what my hair needs to stay happy and healthy. I am able to save money on oils because my cleansing products contain them. I spend maybe $15-25 every 2 months, depending if I want to buy hair toys, otherwise it's just the poo and condish which is 7 bucks each and it lasts a couple months and can extend about half way into the 3rd month if I stick to the 3 day wash regimen and don't try to slip in too many washes in between.

Ms Strangelove
December 27th, 2011, 03:13 AM
Hm, thus far and to my amazement, I spend less time and less money! =)

1) No (senseless) visits to the salon anymore
2) My shampoo is lasting 4 times longer because I don't wash the lengths anymore
3) No repair-sprays, anti-spliss-tonics, and the lot of them. Just one good conditioner.
4) No fighting for half an hour with my brush tangled up in my hair and ripping out hair, just easy combing every morning and night.

Only exception:
Because of wearing my hair in a towel after washing and afterwards letting it dry in the air, I need more time than I used need for dry-blowing it. I use the time for taking care of my body, moisturizing creme and such, so it is not wasted but new quality time for me in the bathroom.

December 27th, 2011, 08:39 PM
I definitely spend more time now. I conditioner my hair and let it set for thirty minutes before rinsing. I now use a wide tooth comb, tangle teezer and BBB to detangle and deshed my hair. That takes 10-15 minutes every morning. I use to just throw brush through my hair and be gone.

December 27th, 2011, 09:02 PM
I think I spend about the same, maybe a little bit more. Nothing compared to what I used to spend in salons but I stopped going to salons and cut and color my hair myself at home for over a year before finding and joining LHC.

December 27th, 2011, 09:19 PM
I spend way way way WAY more on my hair now! All my experimenting and toys...

December 27th, 2011, 09:42 PM
I spent more when I first started. Experimenting with all the different hair 'recipes', switching products and buying virtually everything I read about here drove the price up a bit :D ...but now I think I spend less.... Maybe not much less, but less.

December 27th, 2011, 10:41 PM
Less for sure. No salon visits every six weeks which would set me back 50-80$. No expensive salon products that the hair dressers bribe you into buying because "your hair would look terrible without it", and no expensive heat tools. I gave mine ot my younger cousin.
I spend about 10$ every 6 or months on a new jar of coconut oil, 50$ on an 8 oz jar of Nightblooming Panacea once every year and a half, and the rest of the items I use double as food items or skincare items that I already had to begin with. Better hair + spending less money = Happiness. :)

December 28th, 2011, 11:35 AM
I spend less for sure. I don't waste money on crappy drugstore dye or expensive styling products. I spend my money on coconut oil and henna now lol.

December 28th, 2011, 01:24 PM
I don't spend money on salon haircuts and dye jobs anymore. I bought hair scissors and self trim and use henna instead (way cheaper). I alternate between shampoo bars and AVC rinses and CWC with cheap conefree drugstore condish and I use coconut oil as a leave in now. Cheaper than the mid price drugstore brands I used to used.

I used to buy almost no hair toys at all, maybe some elastic bands. I bought a lot of hair toys in my first LHC year. I now use the money I used to spend on salon hair cuts on hair toys, well less actually around € 30-40 every 3 months. And I buy hair toys with special occasions, holidays, birthday, hair length milestones (those are special too :D).

2011 was a bad year for hair toys, I did a no trimming challenge. I got myself a Lady Idun stick when I reached waist and just bought a Ficcare with holiday gift money.

December 28th, 2011, 06:36 PM
Hummmmm..... I think i spent more in the beginning. experimenting with different oils and such. Better combs, and i just got new pillow cases :) But i think it will even out and become less in the long run.

December 31st, 2011, 12:19 AM
Alas - more. Definitely more. My hair used to be so low-maintenance. Where did all of these bottles in my shower come from?! And how come there are even more in the cabinet?? (>(oo)<)`

December 31st, 2011, 10:05 PM
More time but less money..I have been careful for years with my hair but since LHC I have found a love for oils. Of course the ever famous coconut oil (: amazing stuff for treatments and apricot oil is my other fav since it is a light oil and just soaks right up without leaving greasy residue or dullness. I also am very much into the SMT's now and the defrizz sprays :) last but not least...Henna!! I have fell in love with henna!!!

December 31st, 2011, 10:46 PM
More.. definitely more.

January 25th, 2014, 10:42 PM
I would say spending more. When I first started, I went the route of cutting back to basics for hair care but with growing my hair out the second time I'm more apt to splurge on my hair. It doesn't mean I'm buying the most expensive shampoo but it does mean I like to keep a good supply of shampoo and conditioner on hand. And I have definitely spent more on hairtoys.

January 25th, 2014, 11:52 PM
I just started LHC in December. If I stick to my hair plan I will spend significantly less in 2014. My conditioner/shampoo costs are already cut in half since i wash every other day instead of daily like i used to. I don't plan on seeing a hairdresser this year (i saw one for highlights, cut and colour so it was very pricey). I do need to get a good pair of scissors and a few hair toys but that's about it. I also need to look into this Nightblooming Panacea a few members have been talking about.

January 26th, 2014, 12:15 AM
Though I could potentially spend less I am probably spending more. I used to pay at least $50 2-3 times a year for a haircut, shampoo, hair gel (lots!), hair ties, and claw clips that I'd break very quickly. Since I've joined I've ditched the shampoo, hair stylists, hair gel(I now make my own), ties, and claw clips... but I've bought sticks, forks, ficcare clips, flexi8s, tried herbs, tried different oils, different conditioners for cowashing, and fell in love with kinky curly and shea moisture products. For the rest of 2014 I plan on trying to really cheapen up my hair care routine, even thought it will be hard to resist more hair toys!!

January 27th, 2014, 11:34 AM
Hmmm. I spend a lot less on products, thanks to stretching washes and discovering dirt cheap cone free conditioners. On the other hand, I spend a whole lot more on hair toys. :)

January 27th, 2014, 12:37 PM
I spend way, way, way less! I used to go to the salon every 4-6 weeks for color, highlights and cut or trim. Plus, I was sort of a product junkie. Now, I use hendigo, Feye's self trim, and CO with inexpensive conditioner. I do spend some money on hair toys, but it doesn't add up to what I used to spend at the salon. And my hair is in much better shape than it used to be. It's shinier and thicker and has virtually no splits or white dots.

January 27th, 2014, 05:36 PM
Definitely: Way less on products but way more in time. Currently practicing NW/SO method.

January 27th, 2014, 05:39 PM
Definitely less! But then I never used to go to hairdressers a lot once I hit my teens (lots of experimenting with dye and cutting it myself). It's been a long time since I went to a hairdresser! Of course I have a few hair toys (more than a few), but that doesn't even compare to what I would have spent would I have gone to hairdressers frequently.

January 27th, 2014, 05:40 PM
More more more.

It's not that I buy expensive products. But every time someone mentions some kind of method, no matter how crazy, I rush out and get the materials. And then there's the hair pretties. I shop for my clothes at Goodwill and won't spend more than $4 on a shirt, but I won't think twice about spending $20 on a hair stick.

I was never one for salons or expensive product anyway, so there's been no reduction there.

January 27th, 2014, 06:53 PM
Uhm... well, if we don't count in that I just bought hairtoys for over 70 dollar today (Yes, I am deeply ashamed) , I'ts soo much cheaper! No pricey coney salon shampoos, no hairdresser appointments, no more box dyes, hairsprays, gels or thousands of elastics and bobby pins.

The products I DO use (shampoo and conditioner) are more expensive but since I don't wash nearly as often as before, it lasts longer, and overall I tend to buy quality more than quantity since I found LHC.
There was some sort of starting LHC-time though, when I had to buy a bunch of stuff I didn't have like hair friendly toys, BBB, scissors and such. Technically I probably didn't have to, but "If it's not worth overdoing, it's not worth doing" :p

As long as I just stay away from Etsy I think 2014 will be my cheapest hair year ever.

January 28th, 2014, 08:10 AM
More because I had to replace everything and try new things. When I'm done experimenting I'll be spending less, but then there will be all those hair toys to look forward to... D:

January 28th, 2014, 06:29 PM
More, but I don't go through things as quickly, either. Before LHC I would just use super-cheap shampoo and conditioner, and that's it. It was always in decent condition until the bleach. Now I use oils and better (but still relatively cheap) shampoo and conditioner. I also buy baking soda for clarifying and apple cider vinegar because we have hard water. My hair is a lot healthier than it's ever been and I don't go through products as fast :)

January 30th, 2014, 07:20 AM
Definitely more! Not just the pretties to wear in the hear, also the oils, conditioners, brushes...

But then my pre-LHC hair expenditure consisted of a new bottle of some generic shampoo and conditioner every few months and nothing else, so it would be hard to spend less now.

January 30th, 2014, 07:34 AM
I spend less not washing as much but did add more products like dry shampoos. This all probably goes out the window with the amount of conditioner I use

January 30th, 2014, 07:50 AM
Definitely: Way less on products but way more in time. Currently practicing NW/SO method.

Same here... less in products... but waaaaaaaaaaaaay to much time reading the blog, day dreaming about buying hair toys and wondering if i should try new products/methods, etc... lol

January 30th, 2014, 08:33 AM
Well, probably more overall, but I did cut down a lot on certain expenditures :) I stretched my washes to weekly, and the first sulfate-free 'poo I bought was Shea Moisture. Besides a few short co-washing experiments and occasional clarifying, it's all I've used, and since then I've only bought one more bottle, and I'm only like 1/4 into it, lol! When I first bought it I was like "eughhh...$10 for shampoo and it's so small..." but I use way less than I used to! I actually might use less conditioner than before, because I used to pile it on thickly all over my head. Now I use enough to lubricate all of my hair from the chin down, and no more. About one or two small palmfuls...dunno if that's a lot or not lol but it doesn't feel like it's as much as I used to use. Then again my hair was much shorter :P And I only use Suave or Vo5--both $1. I've also saved money on haircuts, obviously.

But whatever money I might have saved on all of that, I spent on my growing hair pin/hair toy/detangling tool collection :rolleyes:


More more more.

It's not that I buy expensive products. But every time someone mentions some kind of method, no matter how crazy, I rush out and get the materials. And then there's the hair pretties. I shop for my clothes at Goodwill and won't spend more than $4 on a shirt, but I won't think twice about spending $20 on a hair stick.

I was never one for salons or expensive product anyway, so there's been no reduction there.

Hahaha exactly!! All of my clothes are either from Walmart, a thrift shop, handmedowns, or were on sale for dirt cheap (or several of the aforementioned). I recently bought a $30 hair fork, and I was like, "what is wrong with me?!!?!"

January 30th, 2014, 08:44 AM
I spend way, way, way less! I used to go to the salon every 4-6 weeks for color, highlights and cut or trim. *snip*

Amen! :applause:

Maintaining a pixie is expensive! Now that I henna, self-trim, and use Suave; I can spend my money on going out with friends! :)

January 30th, 2014, 08:56 AM
Hair toys
Hair toys
Hair toys
Hair toys


Heavy Raindrops
January 30th, 2014, 09:11 AM
An awful lot more! There are so many products and new things to try. :p

January 30th, 2014, 04:08 PM
"oh look a new hairtoy, so pretty *add to basket*"
"Oh silk pillowcases, I need those *add to basket*"
"A member on LHC said satin ribbon is best for braids *add to basket*"
"FINALLY I found a sulphate/cone free range of shampoo and conditioner..oh my it's £6 per bottle...OH WELL :D"
"I want a BBB *add to basket*"
"I want to try out this oil *add to basket*"


November 2nd, 2016, 10:20 PM
More. More for sure. Lol. Sorry to revive an old forum but. LMAO. I feel for it.

November 2nd, 2016, 11:59 PM
More. 'Cos hair toys :)

Kat-Rinnè Naido
November 3rd, 2016, 06:06 AM
More .... satin bonnets, quills

More .... time pampering and caring and learning from LHC and

November 4th, 2016, 12:51 PM
Much less. No salon visits, no shampoo, no conditioner. Only a few hairtoys over the years, none very expensive, and replacement Denman brush when the rubber backing goes bad. I feel as though I've saved a fortune... but I can't find where I put it! ;D

Groovy Granny
November 4th, 2016, 12:59 PM
It seems like more because I have a toy collection and buy the larger bottles of S&C as well as clarifying and whitening products....but it isn't; now it is actually LESS.

BUT that was when I first joined....AND I spent no more than if I was having salon visits every 5 weeks ....and had to buy products anyway (with no regard to savings back then).

NOW my hair toy collection is COMPLETE....and I buy the 33 oz bottles of S&C (on sale) which last Hubby and I @6-12 months.
And I trim my own hair...... so I am saving money :joy:

November 4th, 2016, 01:13 PM
It seems like more because I have a toy collection and buy the larger bottles of S&C as well as clarifying and whitening products....but it isn't; now it is actually LESS.

BUT that was when I first joined....AND I spent no more than if I was having salon visits every 5 weeks ....and had to buy products anyway (with no regard to savings back then).

NOW my hair toy collection is COMPLETE....and I buy the 33 oz bottles of S&C (on sale) which last Hubby and I @6-12 months.
And I trim my own hair...... so I am saving money :joy:

Not me lool I spend more money the more time i'm in this dang place :laugh: I'm always getting so many conditioners, treatments and fancy shampoos hahahaha but it's good finds tho and keeps my scalp and hair happy.

I leave my hair alone the same as before I joined here but here makes me take care of it better of it with oils. Like... I just rediscovered my black seed oil I had and now i'm using it again and wow I missed it so much *wipes tear* it makes my hair shed less too.

November 4th, 2016, 01:32 PM
Actually less. Sure I spend time here on the forum but other than that, not that often.
Compared to the past, I've had so much trouble making my hair look 'okay'. I definitely put more hours a week into my hair before I joined LHC. But the effort was rather pointless and only more damaging.

Groovy Granny
November 4th, 2016, 01:34 PM
Not me lool I spend more money the more time i'm in this dang place :laugh: I'm always getting so many conditioners, treatments and fancy shampoos hahahaha but it's good finds tho and keeps my scalp and hair happy.

I leave my hair alone the same as before I joined here but here makes me take care of it better of it with oils. Like... I just rediscovered my black seed oil I had and now i'm using it again and wow I missed it so much *wipes tear* it makes my hair shed less too.

ROFLOL :rollin:

I can certainly see that happening...good thing I am a 'frugal granny'...on a pension :lol:

Black Seed Oil.....now you have me curious as I have never heard of it...gonna go google it :eyebrows:

ETA: Oh yes...I have; I forgot I used to work with a chinese gal who made sesame pudding and had me try it.

It was great tasting but lacked eye appeal to say the least; as a retired nurse... I have cleaned up stuff like that :p lol

November 4th, 2016, 01:47 PM
ROFLOL :rollin:

I can certainly see that happening...good thing I am a 'frugal granny'...on a pension :lol:

Black Seed Oil.....now you have me curious as I have never heard of it...gonna go google it :eyebrows:

ETA: Oh yes...I have; I forgot I used to work with a chinese gal who made sesame pudding and had me try it.

It was great tasting but lacked eye appeal to say the least; as a retired nurse... I have cleaned up stuff like that :p lol

LOL my shampoo break my bank! I need to find a cheaper one for sure.

It'ss this one https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B016BT5UKI/ref=pd_sim_121_7?ie=UTF8&refRID=018GQEP0V55JHDXEVR96&th=1 not black sesame seeds, its Nigella Sativa seeds from arabia.

November 4th, 2016, 01:52 PM
More. All those hair toys. And worth it!

Groovy Granny
November 4th, 2016, 01:54 PM
LOL my shampoo break my bank! I need to find a cheaper one for sure.

It'ss this one https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B016BT5UKI/ref=pd_sim_121_7?ie=UTF8&refRID=018GQEP0V55JHDXEVR96&th=1 not black sesame seeds, its Nigella Sativa seeds from arabia.
Oh how exotic....no wonder your hair is so gorgeous :thud:

More. All those hair toys. And worth it!

:agree: they are worth it!

November 4th, 2016, 04:33 PM
I think I used to spend more before discovering LHC. For a while I didn't color my hair and stopped using salon brands and stuck with drugstore only. (I use salon brands now mixed in with drugstore and I'm back to coloring lol). The biggest thing is that I used to splurge on the latest miracle heat styling tool all the time back then. Since joining LHC I've actually given away my $$$ flat irons and such. Now I just use a blow dryer occasionally on cool to speed up the drying process on wash day if I'm pressed for time. In the beginning I was starting to get a little carried away with the discovery of nice hair toys but after collecting a few nice pieces I actually haven't made a hair toy purchase in 2-3 years now.

Oh and the biggest thing I save the most $$$ on is that I do everything on my hair myself so in the last 9 years or so that has certainly saved me a ton of money on haircuts and color.

November 5th, 2016, 03:58 AM
Neither, I never spent that much on hair anyway. I just take time to care for my hair.

November 5th, 2016, 09:49 AM
Less. Because I no longer go to hair salons for cuts. And I know longer use styling products: gels, serums, mouse, hairspray..etc.
I only use shampoo/conditioner and the oils I have in my kitchen. (ex virgin coconut oil).:p
For a time period I was going out into the desert and harvesting yucca roots and washing my hair with them! That was cheap, but LABOR INTENSIVE. So I went back to shampoo/conditioner.:D Getting lazy.

November 6th, 2016, 10:14 AM
Spent more than I ever did (or will) when I first joined. Now I spend the least I ever had. LHC made me enjoy my hair the way it is (mainly because getting rid of, and preventing damage). Because it's so healthy now, I've gotten to really pare down my arsenal now that I'm in "maintain" mode.

November 8th, 2016, 02:59 PM
More for sure. Oils multiple conditioners and clips...definitely more.

November 9th, 2016, 05:33 PM
Probably about the same. I started oiling and am more careful when combing etc which take time. I wash less, but air drying takes a bit longer too as the length increases. However, my routine is much improved so my hair looks better and I don't have to spend so much time struggling with it.

November 10th, 2016, 10:30 AM
Considering the fact that I neglected my hair so badly before finding this site a couple weeks ago, I know I am going to be spending more on my hair. I honestly am perfectly okay with that though because in the end, loving my hair and myself and being happy is so much more important than money.

November 11th, 2016, 05:03 AM
I went crazy on benign neglect. Although, when it's freshly washed I can't stop running my hands through it!
Besides it, I used to schedule everything for a week or so before, now I'll just use whatever is in hand and it's fine.

November 11th, 2016, 08:50 AM
Hard to tell. When I was 14-16 I used a flat iron every day and dyed it a lot. Then when I was 17-18 I stopped brushing and formed dreadlocks. I dyed occasionally.

Now I don't do any of those things but I do deep condition, oil, wear my hair in protective styles more often, and I'm generally just more careful with it.

November 27th, 2016, 07:36 AM
At the moment I'm spending more. But when I see the products that I've bought I think, I'm overall am gonna spend less. I always got a lot of products which I tried a few times. Sometimes they worked other times they didn't. I have had a drawer with half opend bottles that I have disposed of. I discoverd that my hair really likes oils (I always thought it would look greasy) But my hair is lovin it. And with my current hairlenght (bra strap). I don't have to use as much. I also am spending less on hairtoys, I now see the damagers in the whole collection. And I really want to grow as long as possible with minimal damage.

November 27th, 2016, 11:24 PM
Actually after thinking about it I think I spend less or equally.

I buy a lot of nice things for my hair - conditioners, oils and butter. A tangle teezer.
But I also use to spend up to 60$ on hair treatments and masks full of silicones all the time.

I buy henna and indigo to keep my hair dark.
But I also use to color and bleach my hair A LOT before growing out.

I usually get my hair cut professionally every 3-4 months.
But recently I started cutting my hair myself so that evens out too.

I think the biggest thing of all is I also use to buy HAIR EXTENSIONS! And those would run me upwards from 120$-300$.
I do not spend that much annually on hair toys, I could never, I have a few 1$ spin pins from china that work amazingly, 2 hair sticks i got for free, a flexi somone gave me and a flexi i bought (which i may need to swap someone for because i cant get flexis to work for me.. so thats more "free" hair toys eventually.)

So I actually retract my earlier statement, it feels like I spend more because i so recently spent so much money on new hair stuff.
Restocking oils and rebuying everything that works for my hair and rebuying ingredients for treatments.
But I am stocked up now.. so what feels like a lot now wont feel like a lot as my hair grows and i use everything i bought recently.

November 30th, 2016, 12:01 AM
At first I definitely spent more money on products ( waxy and mineral oil products, then sls and cone free shampoo and conditioners that are not cheap where I live, oils to try and mix) and supplies ( satin pillow case, wooden comb, bruches, and hair toys and bands) and more time day dreaming about the very long length my hair will reach , on the LHC, and marinating my hair in various stuff, and trying different routines and techniques ( WO preening and screeching, the inversion method, and messaging the scalp) .

But now as I settled on a routine that my hair likes and does not put a burden on my bugdet or time, I am spending less.
Now I use water to wash my hair, and use co washing only 2 or 3 times per month, and no more shampoo. I use henna every 2 month, and oil my hair and do pre wash oiling with an olive, castor and almond oils mix, which are all not expensive and easily found in my area.
No more hair toys to buy, until all what I have is either damaged or lost.
I also cut my hair now which pays off for the hair scissors I bought a year ago.

November 30th, 2016, 02:28 AM
Double post

January 8th, 2017, 08:47 PM
I have spent more in the past few months of joining TLHC. But I think most of that is start up cost. I wasn't using leave in conditioner or hair oils before.

January 9th, 2017, 12:02 AM
More. :twisted: But I'm trying to buy in bulk things that will last a long time. And I never even so much as glanced at hairsticks before and now I'm ogling them on Etsy...

January 9th, 2017, 07:27 AM
Same. I haven't had more money to spend, lol!

Trimming it myself saves about $30/trim, but I only went once or twice a year, so that's not a lot. I color my hair myself, but I always have, even before LHC, and that's about $5/month in upkeep. Shampoo I use less of, but I buy more conditioner than I used to. That works about the same. Hask conditioning products are LHC obsession, but they're only $1-2 and last for a month, so cheap.

And the sweet almond oil and essential oils I use allllll the time, thanks to LHC!, were gifted to me, and I have enough for at least another 2 years of hair care, so negligible costs there.

Mental costs? That's quite a toll. What's the quote, "Madness takes its toll, please have exact change,"?

hanne jensen
January 10th, 2017, 03:01 AM
I use a lot less money since joining LHC. Hubby dusts my hair for me as required so I don't have salon costs. I wash my hair every 6-8 days instead of every day so I save a fortune on water bills. What I've spent on hairtoys is less money than I used every 3 months maintaining a short do.

January 10th, 2017, 07:12 AM
More for sure. Oils multiple conditioners and clips...definitely more.

Um this. For sure.

January 10th, 2017, 09:58 AM
Most of my haircuts were at home to begin with anyway, but I think I spend just a little more now than I did before. I am replacing hairbrushes less often (my tangle teezers cost more, but also last longer), and hair accessories (goodbye claw clips I had to buy every month, you have been replaced with durable hair friendly hair toys, that cost more, but last longer). I buy more costly shampoos (gone from ~$1.99/bottle to ~$9/bottle), but I am only shampooing my scalp, so that lasts longer as well (I see a trend). I use way more conditioner, though. My hair is in great condition for its length, now. I say it's been worth it!

January 11th, 2017, 04:59 AM
I would suspect more as I get through way more conditioner!

January 12th, 2017, 11:14 PM
I was usually only getting my hair cut every quarter, but at a very pricey salon. Right now I think I'm spending more, but that's because I'm trying out so many new things and figuring out my routine. Overall I think my costs will go down as I'm finding cheaper drugstore alternatives for more expensive products I used to buy and doing all my haircuts myself.

February 10th, 2017, 05:46 AM
I would say I spend less time since joining TLHC. I only have to spend 20 minutes a day with washing, conditioning, and moisturizing but as far as spending each month it hasn't changed at all. No more than $50.00.