View Full Version : New Person

December 19th, 2011, 03:18 PM
Hello Dear Sirs and Madams,

I've always wanted long hair ever since I was very little. No idea who my inspiration was I just always thought long hair was awesome.

Unfortunately I was a wild little tomboy who had a mom who thought the best way to brush my hair was for me to hang on tight to where was in front of me as she jerked the brush through my hair and I tried not to go with it. When I was nine Mom decided that though I brushed my own hair infrequently I never styled it and that it would be better that it was cut short to my shoulders. After they drug me out of my hiding place in the salon I sobbed as they cut my hair short. This pattern continued until I was old enough to go to the salon on my own and then I didn't letting it grow out unheeded.:p

Again, unfortunately high amounts of stress coupled with my horrific hair routine (seriously I could have wrote an article on here about things NOT to do to your hair; although I didn't blowfry or singe it I did wash it everyday, brush it wet, and it was down constantly) made my lower back length hair fall out in wads. Leading to a gap in the back of my head.:(

It was so bad, though I didn't realize it, that someone at school offered a $100 to anyone who would cut my hair (that was a terrifying few days).:(

When my Mom got out of the psy ward, (I have a habit of sharing too much, I don't care others might I'll stop if it's any inapropriate though) She took me in and got my hair cut to my ears. Then later they got it cut shorter than an inch....which I like if I didn't have to wash it twice a day and go to the hairdresser every other week to maintain.:rolleyes:

That was in 2004 and it's been growing with minimum trims since then. I've searched and scoured the internet for advice finally landing here at tail bone length. I'd already started stretching washings and BBB but I've started CWC and CO and braiding techniques, and product reviews, and oh my gosh I love it here and I never want to leave. :D

December 19th, 2011, 03:54 PM
Welcome to LHC :flowers: No worries, we won't ever make you leave!

December 19th, 2011, 10:11 PM
Welcome!! I love it here too :)