View Full Version : what in the world am I doing wrong?

December 19th, 2011, 01:55 PM
It's been quite a while sine I posted. I have switched up my routine drastically since first coming here, and have seen some growth. My routine includes washing with Indian herbs once or twice a week, and co-ing twice a week. I have wooden combs that have been meticulously sanded so they are non snag. I put my hair up in a microfiber towel thing after washing so I'm not rubbing it dry. I use no hair spray, and don't ever tease it. I use coconut oil and rose water or jojoba oil and rose water as a spray in the mornings. I have satin pillowcases. About 6 months ago I noticed an inverted w shape hemline and had it cut straight. I asked about this on here and was told it may be from wearing my hair up in scunchies, so I switched to bunning with a stick. My hair is hennaed every other month, and sometimes I do a SMT. It is now a little past my shoulders, and I just got a glimpse from a 2 way morror of the back of my head, hair down, and am frustrated, and horrified. It seems the hair in the back of my head is very thick an inch or two from the scalp out, then gets drastically thin, dry, split and broken, looking awful. This pattern goes through all layers, and continues down to the nape of my neck, where the hair is thick for about 3 inches, then gets thin and breaks. The sides of my hair and my canopy look great, although the closer to the ends the thinner it gets, just nowhere near as drastic as the back. I sleep on my side, not my back, so I am at a total loss as to what is going on. When I bun, its a loose bun. I cant think of anything I can do to help the really thick hair stay that way as it grows, and its sad, because the thick part of my hair is very very thick and nice, but the longer it gets, the worse shape its in as far as splits and thinness. I did an S&D today that took just over 3 hours, and I also noticed that some of these split areas travel up a good 5 inches, and it is losing the henna color and a very light blonde. Where the hair hits its thick point, the henna color is very rich and soft. I don't swim in Chlorine, or saltwater. Am I doomed to have to cut it off and just admit I can't have long hair?:( Am I missing something? Also I'm still taking biotin and msm same as always. My hair was not damaged prior, and by this time it should have grown out just as beautiful as the sides and top, right? I'm hoping someone can come along and give me an idea...because right now I'm at the point of tears and giving up.:(

December 19th, 2011, 02:03 PM
I S&D every day and I have splits that are 5-7 inches up my hair. I also cut 13in off my hair this year. Everyone hair gets some damage no matter what we do. I'd suggest getting OCD like me and doing S&D everyday for a little while for about two weeks. I rarely see any splits anymore, and snip them when I do.

December 19th, 2011, 02:08 PM
What are you COing with?

What herbs do you wash with? Are you oiling thoroughly beforehand?

I'd suggest also reading this (http://blackbeautyblackhair86911.yuku.com/topic/511/t/Hair-Breakage-and-Shedding-101.html#.Tu-oGTiDmx8) and perform a wet assessment. Let us know the results.

December 19th, 2011, 02:53 PM
I co with suave coconut conditioner, and wash with a mix of (forgive my spelling) shikakai, aritha, tulsi, neem, amla, and brahmi. I wash my hair at night only, so I always oil before in the morning, and I also oil throughout the week, switching between coconut and jojoba. I read the article, and I did the wet test, last night actually, (I wanted to see if my hair was getting weaker or stronger, something I keep an eye on). I seem balanced. The breakage/split majority is right on the back of my head, but not on the sides, which is why I'm at a loss. I'm starting to wonder if I should try sleeping with a braid in, I cant sleep in a bun, a braid is going to be difficult as well.

December 19th, 2011, 02:59 PM
I have had serious problems with dryness and breakage if I get too much protein, as I got with the Suave Coconut. (None of the other varieties have the silk protein that this flavor has.) The ends of my hair would feel rough when I ran my fingers down the length. Your hair might be different from mine, but if you're experiencing the same thing, you might find you get better growth simply switching to a different scent. I like the Waterlily and Aloe.

In a completely different direction, any chance you're in the car a lot and your headrest is snagging your hair?

December 19th, 2011, 03:04 PM
funny you mention that...I noticed looking back that when I used the green apple my hair felt better, but I thought it was my imagination...I will definitely try switching and see if it helps. Any thoughts about my sleeping in a braid? Just spoke to hubby for confirmation, and according to him I do start out sleeping on my side, but then switch to my back once asleep...who knew:rolleyes:

December 19th, 2011, 03:10 PM
Maybe you could try doing S&D more often as Amber_Maiden suggested? Cut all the splits and damaged ends off right now and then start looking for them regularly so they don't get the chance to travel up the hairshaft. S&D for me is really the key (I'm so good at rhyming ha-ha) to avoid thin ends. If I neglect it for a few months, I will notice a difference in thickness.

December 19th, 2011, 03:14 PM
Have you had your thyroid checked just as a precaution? My sister had trouble with damage and hair loss until she was diagnosed.

December 19th, 2011, 03:25 PM
I have 1/2 of a thyroid left, and no, sadly Dr.'s keep telling me I'm fine, but that's another rant altogether. Its growing in thick and nice, just seems that after 3 inches it wilts, thins, splits and dies. I will try the s n d more often now, though.

December 19th, 2011, 03:27 PM
Are you on any medications?

Do you eat a lot of red meat?

Do you drink a lot of carbonated beverages? Like beer or cola?

Do you have a lot of sugar in your diet?

All of these effect hair growth.

December 19th, 2011, 04:18 PM
If it isn't breakage, could it be your hair just grows faster on the sides?

Could you have had a shed and not realised? A few more hairs a day wouldn't be that noticeable until they added up. Been stressed lately? How's your diet? You mentioned you saw your doctor; did they do a blood test?

On the sleep braid, maybe switch to twin braids instead of a single? Or there's always the oh-so-glamorous silk sleep cap options. ;)

December 19th, 2011, 04:19 PM
My hair is breaking off at the splits I did a search and destroy and my hair is doing better since putting pure coconut oil on the ends. My hair likes a leave in condish.

December 19th, 2011, 04:24 PM
I second the two braids for sleeping. I start on my side too and end up on my back, and i find this the most comfortable way.
Hopefully the switch in conditioner will help you out.

December 19th, 2011, 04:32 PM
the Dr did the generic blood tests, which came back "normal" but I know better, I do have many symptoms of low thyroid, and have for almost a year. Wish I knew a supplement for that. As for my diet, I eat a lot of fresh fruit and veggies, lean protein, herbal teas and water. I do fall victim to chocolate once in awhile :p. As for stress, well, it hasn't changed lately. I'm in a high stress job, and don't foresee any changes for the next few years until I'm through with school. I will try the twin braids, I know I can sleep with those in, the silk cap would be nice too, my hair is getting long enough that its getting in the way when I sleep.

December 19th, 2011, 04:33 PM
Ha! I just noticed my avatar pic, my hair is now to the top part of that shirt when I wear it, and that pic was taken this summer, so I guess I have had some major growth ;)

December 19th, 2011, 04:39 PM
the Dr did the generic blood tests, which came back "normal" but I know better, I do have many symptoms of low thyroid, and have for almost a year. Wish I knew a supplement for that. As for my diet, I eat a lot of fresh fruit and veggies, lean protein, herbal teas and water. I do fall victim to chocolate once in awhile :p. As for stress, well, it hasn't changed lately. I'm in a high stress job, and don't foresee any changes for the next few years until I'm through with school. I will try the twin braids, I know I can sleep with those in, the silk cap would be nice too, my hair is getting long enough that its getting in the way when I sleep.

It's hard not to fall victim to chocolate everyday now and then. :p On the silk sleep cap, here's a couple of options (Pretty Anntoinet's (http://prettyanntoinets.com/category_7/Bonnets.htm) & Tenderheaded (http://www.tenderheaded.com/sislbo.html)). :)

Ha! I just noticed my avatar pic, my hair is now to the top part of that shirt when I wear it, and that pic was taken this summer, so I guess I have had some major growth ;)

That's brilliant! :D

December 19th, 2011, 04:47 PM
I would stop bunning completely and wear it loose. Sounds like it may be damage from when you put the hair stick in or something since it is mostly in the back..

December 19th, 2011, 09:08 PM
Any thoughts about my sleeping in a braid?
Honestly, I prefer to sleep with my hair loose in a satiny sleep bonnet. So incredibly not-sexy, but I wake without tangles, and I think it's less stress on the fragile hairs around my hairline than a contained style. (I often end up sleeping not on my pillowcase or lying on top of any braids I do, so silk pillowcases and braids aren't usually my best bet.)

December 19th, 2011, 09:34 PM
do you wear alot of jewelry around your neck.? i know it sounds stupid and probably insignificant but every time i wear jewelry its like it rips out a ton of my hair. ive even reworked a few of my necklaces so they are ribbon instead of chain and ijust attach metal clasps to the ends of the ribbon. it seems to help

December 20th, 2011, 01:15 AM
You said your doc ran the 'generic' blood tests - did he only test TSH or did he test T3 and T4? Some people will have the right amount of TSH even when their T3 and T4 are not at the right level. I'm one of those people - we check all three twice a year because my thyroid fluctuates more than is normal, apparently.

December 20th, 2011, 01:52 AM
geosangel, you mentioned using rose water everyday on your hair. It's probably not the main culprit for your damages, but rose water is very astringent and thus can be quiet drying for your hair if it's not diluted.