View Full Version : Argh! Long hair abuse

December 19th, 2011, 06:20 AM
Just saw this video on YouTube and HAD to post it here...
Those with heart problems or weak stomachs may wish to look away :p note that this video has over 1,300,000 views! Argh. Is it any wonder long hair sighting are so rare?
Also, anyone else unnaturally excited about the 1,000th page of posts? Hehe can't wait.

December 19th, 2011, 06:24 AM
Auch.. hear that sizzling.. :|

December 19th, 2011, 06:29 AM
Poor hair it was fried and it had potential to be nice.

December 19th, 2011, 06:37 AM
Those sizzling sounds brought back horrific memories of me with my straightening iron :S

December 19th, 2011, 06:40 AM
Eeeek! I don't even like the end result, the top part looks too mushroomie for me, but hey I suppose whatever floats your boat!

December 19th, 2011, 06:40 AM
Those sizzling sounds brought back horrific memories of me with my straightening iron :S

Same, and I never used heat protection on my hair. :S

December 19th, 2011, 06:41 AM
that is hilarious, don't worry about the sizzling its not damaging:rolleyes:

December 19th, 2011, 06:45 AM
Being that I used to use my flat iron on damp hair to get it to dry faster... I don't think I can call her out on a little sizzling from hairspray. :rolleyes:

the curls were pretty though, but really, I didn't like the top part either.

December 19th, 2011, 07:00 AM
"Since I'm using a ceramic curling iron, I'm guaranteed to not get any damage."

Uhhhhh, INCORRECT, ma'am.


A. Correira
December 19th, 2011, 07:07 AM
The thing that made me laugh is that she said the sizzling and popping noises are ok and that she wasn't frying her hair. She actually acknowledged that it was sizzling!

December 19th, 2011, 07:15 AM
'If you hear a popping.. it's natural.. it isn't frying your hair or anything' Oh erm, well actually, yes it is :disgust:

'You need to get a hairspray that works with hot products' Oh and then it won't be damaging? thanks for informing me on this...


December 19th, 2011, 07:19 AM
"Since I'm using a ceramic curling iron, I'm guaranteed to not get any damage."

Uhhhhh, INCORRECT, ma'am.


These ceramic irons are sold as being guaranteed not to damage hair, here in the UK. It's a major selling point. In one of the shopping malls near me (Drake's Circus, in Plymouth) some company selling ceramic hair straighteners had a stand in the mall and were stopping women as they went past, telling them that these hair irons COULDN'T do damage. (No of course I do not believe it, but I think the sales people really did, and as I said, it's a big big selling point.)

December 19th, 2011, 07:26 AM
These ceramic irons are sold as being guaranteed not to damage hair, here in the UK. It's a major selling point. In one of the shopping malls near me (Drake's Circus, in Plymouth) some company selling ceramic hair straighteners had a stand in the mall and were stopping women as they went past, telling them that these hair irons COULDN'T do damage. (No of course I do not believe it, but I think the sales people really did, and as I said, it's a big big selling point.)

That's outrageous! :blueeek:

December 19th, 2011, 07:31 AM
I didn't listen with sound but I noticed that first off, her hair is very very coated in silicones. It looks full of product. Second, the hairspray... so. much. hairspray. Then of course, the curling iron. Not very surprisingly, her hair looks stiff. and almost wet. Third, the teasing.. gives me shivers every time I see someone do that. Pull apart some hairsprayed strands... Finally, finish off with MORE hairspray. Only this time it's a different brand/kind. lol

December 19th, 2011, 07:56 AM
this type of ignorant girls make me just want to.. ah i dont know scream.. how on earth can she call those stringy curls beautiful?
the result was quite nice, but it was obvious that her hair will fall out very soon, such a shame she could have such pretty hair.!

December 19th, 2011, 08:04 AM
You are correct, video girl, your hair is not frying. It's boiling. :rolleyes:

The thing is I like the look of the big curls but I'd never do it because I'd never use a curling iron on my hair.

December 19th, 2011, 08:08 AM
Yes what she is doing is very damaging for her hair and she probably doesn't realize....but I think is her hair and she can do what ever she wants with it. I think her hair looks gorgeous, in her other videos her hair looked really good too. If she rather have her hair damaged and have it look good, so be it

December 19th, 2011, 08:10 AM
I could feel my hair stand up on end with fright when the sizzling and frying started :disgust:
Bad memories!

December 19th, 2011, 08:12 AM
Hate that girls like her dont understand that the best you can do is to work WITH your hair instead of AGAINST it... :( but if you have straight hair you want curly and vice versa. I used to flat ron my hair once in a while but now i just enjoy my spirals ;)

December 19th, 2011, 08:18 AM
At least she doesn't flat iron her hair before curling it like I've seen some teens on youtube do...

December 19th, 2011, 08:44 AM
I love how she says "Leave that curl in the back, let it rest in peace".

How appropriate!

December 19th, 2011, 09:07 AM
"Not frying your hair or anything". Yikes! I learned the heat damage thing the hard way too, but it's actually sizzling! That poor hair.

December 19th, 2011, 09:55 AM

I didn't like the outcome either.... It looks... so fake.

December 19th, 2011, 10:01 AM
Youtube will link her back here.. I don't know if it would feel so good having people bash her hair/video. Just saying so people know how it works. She will see her views coming from here and see everybody's comments.

Paranda Belle
December 19th, 2011, 10:10 AM
"I know it's kinda crispy right now..."

So that's where I've been going wrong. I've been buying cheap products and not using my curling iron the right way! :confused:

Even if youtube does link back here, I'm just expressing my own opinion. I don't think she shouldnt do that to her hair, but I have my way of doing my hair and she has her's. And I don't think they are very similar!

December 19th, 2011, 11:59 AM
Youtube will link her back here.. I don't know if it would feel so good having people bash her hair/video. Just saying so people know how it works. She will see her views coming from here and see everybody's comments.

So? It's not like the comments are offensive or anything. If she is uninformed and giving people wrong advice then she should be called out on it.

December 19th, 2011, 12:08 PM
So? It's not like the comments are offensive or anything. If she is uninformed and giving people wrong advice then she should be called out on it.

We already had cases like this before where people were commenting on a person's hair and how they treated it. Some of the comments were a bit out of hand the person was offended.

She has grown out her hair to where she has and it hasn't fallen out of her head yet so she must not be totally ignorant or giving "wrong" advice. As far I am concerned there isn't a right or wrong when it comes to hair. She can do with it what she wants.

December 19th, 2011, 12:17 PM
The sizzling was a little cringe worthy for me but I do think there wouldn't have been NEAR the sound effects if it hadn't been for the hairspray. Any moisture along with heat is going to make it sound awful.

It is impossible to use heat and not sustain some damage but she is probably okay if she doesn't want to go much longer. Plus she obviously uses tons of product and that can go a long way to hide up damage.

So, although it may not be LHC type hair care, she might as well do it if she likes it. No skin off my nose.

December 19th, 2011, 12:28 PM

Well if she likes her hair that way.. but if you ask me the end product looks more like a styled wig than her own hair even though it is!

December 19th, 2011, 05:54 PM
'If you hear a popping.. it's natural.. it isn't frying your hair or anything' Oh erm, well actually, yes it is :disgust:


That's what my old hair dresser said the first time she flat ironed my hair. She said it was just the product steaming off.

I just wonder how people who do that to their hair still manage to keep their hair long. I baby mine and still have issues.:confused:

December 19th, 2011, 06:24 PM
I like the way it looks lol...
dont hate me.

Id rather have hair that looks good then its just hanging there looking blah.

December 19th, 2011, 06:31 PM
I hope she does see this, and also that she has the strength to handle the criticism. I want her to know that I honestly think she should start with a disclaimer: "fine-hairs beware." This works for her hair but could be damaging to other hair types. I think that as someone who is posting a tutorial, they have a responsibility to make sure people get the right information.

Not all hair is made the same. Some hair can withstand damage more than others. She obviously has hair that can tolerate a moderate amount of heat styling and product otherwise her hair wouldn't be as long as it is.

Not everyone's hair is like that. Some people would get split, velcro ends after doing this one time and might have to cut off a couple inches worth of damage.

As for my own opinion, it's not my style. I love the giant sausage curls but you can tell the hair on top is teased out and it doesn't look any thicker for it. It's like wearing a padded bra, usually the illusion doesn't work.

December 19th, 2011, 06:32 PM

That does not look appealing.

December 19th, 2011, 06:36 PM
Another thing! I don't understand how people think that putting product on your hair really protects it from the iron, or that certain irons are damaging and others are not.

I dare people who say these things to coat their arm in some product and put the curling iron on it. Tell me it doesn't do any damage.

Heat denatures proteins. Hair is made of protein. Heat damages hair. Product doesn't stop the iron from being hot.

December 19th, 2011, 06:42 PM
I don't care for the look either but I still think she's adorable. I couldn't (and wouldn't) do this to my hair either, but there are a lot of tutorials/ways of doing things out there. To each their own.

I'm glad not everyone is an LHCer or I'd have a heck of a time getting on here. :)

December 19th, 2011, 06:43 PM
I'm surprised that almost everyone seems to be ok with the idea of posting a video just to mock the person in it, yet are outraged when a picture of a long-haired person ends up on People of Walmart. Kinda cruel, actually.

December 19th, 2011, 07:03 PM
As long as nobody tries to do that to my hair, I'm o.k. with it.

December 19th, 2011, 07:12 PM
I'm surprised that almost everyone seems to be ok with the idea of posting a video just to mock the person in it, yet are outraged when a picture of a long-haired person ends up on People of Walmart. Kinda cruel, actually.

The difference is this girl is telling other people this is a good thing to do to their hair. The lady in Walmart was just minding her own business. I also don't think the tone of most of the posts were mocking.

I don't think it's okay to spread myths and lies. What she did to her hair could cause serious damage to other hair types.

December 19th, 2011, 07:13 PM
She's a cute young woman, but I really don't care for her hair style in this video. She must have naturally strong, coarse hair to be able to withstand all that product, heat and handling she does with it.

December 19th, 2011, 07:22 PM
I cringe just looking at the video. It she wants to fry her hair that is fine. I most certainly agree she should not be spreading her misinformation to others. She might as well light a match to her hair with all that she is doing to it.

December 19th, 2011, 08:02 PM
I agree that the posts here are cruel and out of hand. She can do what she wants with her hair, and probably has no idea what she's doing to it. I know I didn't before I found LHC. And even then maybe she would still be styling her hair this way because she likes how it looks. I think it looked OK... and her hair looks long to me. Having the defense of SHES SPREADING LIES AND MYTHS is absolutely ridiculous. She isn't purposefully lying and definitely not trying to start myths... that comes from magazines and product info. Wherever she bought her curling iron and hairspray which are supposedly professional she said in the video... probably told her all the things she repeated in the tutorial to get her to buy their products and are probably built to last longer so they are more expensive. I don't like the hate going on on this thread and I am also really surprised considering how upset this community gets when a healthy long hair is made fun of for how they style their hair (boring updos, hanging like it's blah, etc.).

December 19th, 2011, 08:05 PM
vanillabones, I wasnt making fun of anyone, im sorry..
I was just stating my personal preference.. if I dont do anything my hair literally hangs there with no style what so ever, and it doesnt look good natural, others does.

I was talking about MYSELF. :)

December 19th, 2011, 08:09 PM
I am glad everyone has such different opinions, lets all agree to disagree, i mean really, i would not do this to my hair, knowing what i know, but if someone chooses to do this, it is there choice. Please also respect others who believe she is wrong and those who think she is alright, do not get mad at others just because we all have different opinions, that is all.

December 19th, 2011, 08:32 PM
I am feeling :( and also :confused: that my post was interpreted as hateful.

That curling irons don't cause damage is a lie, and that product stops irons from damaging your hair is a myth. She didn't come up with them, but she certainly is spreading them. If I followed her tutorial I would end up with no hair. That to me, is hurtful.

ETA: I was not using that as an excuse to be cruel. I've reread my posts and they do not seem cruel to me, could you please point out specific things that you feel are cruel so that I know for the future?

If I were her, I would appreciate if someone stepped up and told me what I was saying was incorrect, that I was spreading lies and myths, so that I could stop! Or at least better inform my audience, which I would feel a responsibility towards.

I suppose it was the way I worded it and for that I am sorry, I am certainly not full of hate and it makes me sad that I was interpreted that way.

December 19th, 2011, 09:08 PM
omg hahaha from a professional POV...she is doing this SO wrong how she brings the curling iron to the ends of her hair then rolls it up. that is the BEST way to fry the ***** out of your hair.
not only that her "hair cutting" guide is completely whack. the way she does it wont cut all the hairs evenly at all. shes directing every single hair to the front of her face. ugh it makes me lmao when i see people who make silly "tutorial" videos like this who arent even licensed professionals. especially when theyre doing it wrong

December 19th, 2011, 09:41 PM
Why are people so into defending the girl so much? I don't understand O_O I don't think people said anything bad... LOL pretentious much?

December 19th, 2011, 09:49 PM
We already had cases like this before where people were commenting on a person's hair and how they treated it. Some of the comments were a bit out of hand the person was offended.

She has grown out her hair to where she has and it hasn't fallen out of her head yet so she must not be totally ignorant or giving "wrong" advice. As far I am concerned there isn't a right or wrong when it comes to hair. She can do with it what she wants.

It's wrong in that she is telling people that if you buy expensive irons, they won't harm your hair at all. There's a good chance she has an affiliate link and makes money off of people that buy that. She may not be lying if she believes what she says, but she is wrong. If she wants to damage her hair (or extensions - I don't know and don't really care if it's real or not- but extensions make it easier to pull off the appearance of no damage to unsuspecting viewers,) that's her choice, but I don't like her telling viewers untruths.

It's good for people to be aware that she may read our comments, but whether ornot a person gets offended is not a good gauge of whether or not what we say is appropriate. People get offended when their ideas are challenged. That doesn't mean the challengers are wrong in expressing their opinions or sharing their knowledge.

December 19th, 2011, 09:51 PM
Why are people so into defending the girl so much? I don't understand O_O I don't think people said anything bad... LOL pretentious much?

it seems alot of people are very sensitive here and take offense to EVERYTHING that is said, i mean, typed. :cheese:i dont get it. hehe.

Miss Catrina
December 19th, 2011, 09:57 PM
omg hahaha from a professional POV...she is doing this SO wrong how she brings the curling iron to the ends of her hair then rolls it up. that is the BEST way to fry the ***** out of your hair.
not only that her "hair cutting" guide is completely whack. the way she does it wont cut all the hairs evenly at all. shes directing every single hair to the front of her face. ugh it makes me lmao when i see people who make silly "tutorial" videos like this who arent even licensed professionals. especially when theyre doing it wrong

Not saying what she's doing is a good idea, but how is it wrong from a professional perspective exactly? The manner in which she used the iron (ends to base) looked like the ordinary spiral method of curling to me.

December 19th, 2011, 09:59 PM
Not saying what she's doing is a good idea, but how is it wrong from a professional perspective exactly? The manner in which she used the iron (ends to base) looked like the ordinary spiral method of curling to me.
my response was totally biased i admit. ive only ever seen it done from the middle of the shaft and twisted the length up into it as it is rolled up the hair..if that makes sense. only to avoid burning the ends like crazy. its just the best way to evenly distribute the heat and not put too much heat on one spot (like the ends) at once

December 19th, 2011, 10:02 PM
it seems alot of people are very sensitive here and take offense to EVERYTHING that is said, i mean, typed. :cheese:i dont get it. hehe.
:rolleyes: Yep, makes my eyes roll.

December 19th, 2011, 10:25 PM
it seems alot of people are very sensitive here and take offense to EVERYTHING that is said, i mean, typed. :cheese:i dont get it. hehe.
Mhm :rolleyes: That's what I've noticed.

December 19th, 2011, 10:30 PM
Aaaaaaaaarh! (In regards to the sizzling :) )

December 19th, 2011, 10:39 PM
I watched one of the other videos by this girl called 15 steps to healthier hair. I was just curious. Anyway, she talks a lot about using name brand "professional" products but she also lists a lot of helpful advice most of us at LHC follow. She says to lay off heat styling for as long as possible and wear your hair up often. She talks about using hair masks and oiling your hair. Not brushing or combing the hair while wet and stretching washes. So maybe she takes better care of her hair than we're lead to believe by her comment in the video linked in this thread.

December 19th, 2011, 10:40 PM
i think the sizzling was because of the spray she putted first, if you put something liquid type into heat is going to make that sound, but it was funny and even more strange is that her curler look like a dildo. :shrug:

December 20th, 2011, 01:36 AM
I don't think anyone was being particularly cruel in their comments. :shrug: And really, if shes gonna post videos on YouTube for the whole Internet to see, well...she should be prepared for any possible criticism.

wicked kisses
December 20th, 2011, 02:24 AM
that is hilarious, don't worry about the sizzling its not damaging:rolleyes:

Actually the sizzling you hear is the hair spray... it's like a flat iron on wet clothes. It's gonna sizzle. I will agree with you on the weird haircut. She had another video on how to get her haircut. I've cut my own hair for ages now(no money for salons) and I have to agree with her that it just takes practice (and watching the pros):blossom:

wicked kisses
December 20th, 2011, 02:25 AM
On another note: New product claims to speed hair growth!

December 20th, 2011, 04:20 AM
i think the sizzling was because of the spray she putted first, if you put something liquid type into heat is going to make that sound, but it was funny and even more strange is that her curler look like a dildo. :shrug:


If you want my opinion on the criticism she's getting: it's not her fault she thinks she isn't damaging her hair like that. Like another poster said: she has a video on 15 tips that mostly follow LHC sense, she just a bit.. *brainwashed* into thinking that 'professional' tools and products don't damage/work better. She's even promoting better diet for hair health.

That said: I just didn't like the end product, her hair still looks to be in nice shape in all her other videos.

edt: forgot we don't have spoilertags here.

Miss Catrina
December 20th, 2011, 01:42 PM
Personally, I don't see what the fuss is about one way or another. Everything in this video is very run-of-the-mill styling methods, performed every day in countless homes and salons. It may not be good for her hair, but it's certainly nothing groundbreakingly terrible.

December 20th, 2011, 01:55 PM
Most likely she cuts her hair frequently and isn't interested in getting her hair long enough for it to show excessive damage. So from her perspective (and for a lot of her viewers) what she is saying is true. I don't know that a person posting a Youtube is required to know what will work for every hair type. I have gotten plenty of advice on LHC that has caused damage to my hair, and yet I just recognize that the same advice will obviously work well for someone else. :shrug:

The difference is this girl is telling other people this is a good thing to do to their hair. The lady in Walmart was just minding her own business. I also don't think the tone of most of the posts were mocking.

I don't think it's okay to spread myths and lies. What she did to her hair could cause serious damage to other hair types.

December 20th, 2011, 02:08 PM
Just saw this video on YouTube and HAD to post it here...
Those with heart problems or weak stomachs may wish to look away :p note that this video has over 1,300,000 views! Argh. Is it any wonder long hair sighting are so rare?
Also, anyone else unnaturally excited about the 1,000th page of posts? Hehe can't wait.

To be honest I don't see the problem. I have a curling wand myself (the enzo milano one) and I create curls whenever I go out (using this tutorial, incase anyone is wondering:
By the way this girl has gorgeous WL/Hip length hair)

It didn't cause any extra damage and I have been using this thing for a while now. For me, creating the curls has the advantage that my hair looks great 3 days straight. I only have to rake my hair through it once a day and brush it a bit with my boar bristle brush if it needs tidying up, but other than that I don't have to touch my hair all day, whereas my hair when it's not styled needs to be brushed/combed more than 5 times a day to keep it looking nice.

On the off days I put my hair up in a bun.

I always use a conditioner after I wash it which I leave in for 10 minutes and once a month I will do a cassia treatment. My hair looks good and healthy.

Some people's natural hair texture looks great throughout the whole day. I am not one of those people. My hair tangles up/strings together within 5 minutes of brushing. It has always been this way, even when I was 11 and had TB length virgin hair. As a child I didn't care, now I do.

Also, this girl has managed to grow pretty long hair which looks quite nice so she must be doing something right. If she says her method is not damaging I think what she really means is that she has not noticed any damage on herself. Everyone's hair is different. There are people here on LHC who dye their hair pale blond and look like an elf from a lord of the rings movie, whereas others doing the same thing look like they fried their hair off. It all depends. Aren't people wise and mature enough to judge for themselves whether their hair can handle something or not?

December 20th, 2011, 02:19 PM
Personally, I don't see what the fuss is about one way or another. Everything in this video is very run-of-the-mill styling methods, performed every day in countless homes and salons. It may not be good for her hair, but it's certainly nothing groundbreakingly terrible.

Wait. Do you mean that *gasp* this isn't in the same category as kicking kittens or stealing from little old ladies? But...but....she was using HEAT! ;)

I kid. I kid.

December 20th, 2011, 02:23 PM
Wait. Do you mean that *gasp* this isn't in the same category as kicking kittens or stealing from little old ladies? But...but....she was using HEAT! ;)

I kid. I kid.

Haha yeah, "heat" in LHC is like Voldermort in the Harry Potter Universe. It shall not be named :D

December 20th, 2011, 02:28 PM
I almost cried when it sizzled... My hair never sizzled when I straightened it! But I did use lower heat than most...

December 20th, 2011, 02:34 PM
Its only sizzling because she sprayed hairspray on her hair first.

Miss Catrina
December 20th, 2011, 02:51 PM
Its only sizzling because she sprayed hairspray on her hair first.

Yeah... it's not that big a deal. It's not like the hair itself is sizzling.

December 20th, 2011, 02:51 PM
That is so unneccesary now, although I would fry my hair like that whenever I wanted curly hair...

All I need to get the same results now is a headband and a brush :D

December 20th, 2011, 05:04 PM
We already had cases like this before where people were commenting on a person's hair and how they treated it. Some of the comments were a bit out of hand the person was offended.

She has grown out her hair to where she has and it hasn't fallen out of her head yet so she must not be totally ignorant or giving "wrong" advice. As far I am concerned there isn't a right or wrong when it comes to hair. She can do with it what she wants.

I agree that she can do what she wants with her hair, but disagree that just because her hair hasn't fallen out of her head that means her advice is not totally wrong.

I mean, that's like if I posted a video telling people it's perfectly healthy to eat McDonald's every single day for every meal, with ice cream for dessert, and then "proving" that my advice isn't totally wrong by pointing out that I'm not dead yet. Some things just aren't true. Obviously false hair advice isn't quite as serious as false health advice, that was just an analogy.

Now true, some things aren't right for everybody or wrong for everybody, there's a lot of gray area, especially when it comes to hair. But that heat styling is damaging on most hair types is a fact. No hair spray is magically going to cancel out the effects of heat styling. You can still choose to do it and you can still make a tutorial telling people how to do it, but to say "don't worry, this isn't damaging at all!" is not true, and if she is saying that because she doesn't know any better, I don't see what the problem is with people telling her the truth.

So I don't think there is anything wrong with threads like this, unless of course they get nasty and personal, but up until the point where I had posted, there was nothing out of line being said, nothing personal towards the girl, just disagreement with what she was saying. I don't know since then, since I haven't kept up with the thread.