View Full Version : I did everything I shouldn't to my hair yesterday...

December 17th, 2011, 06:34 PM
Well, not everything, but I did brush when wet and blowdried, ripping my brush though trying to get it to dry in a reasonable fashion in only 15 minutes.

I could hear it cracking and breaking which broke my heart. I guess I should have just put it in a bun.

It was my daughters birthday party and after working on her costume for over a week, I was still finishing it off 45 minutes before we had to leave. Then I quickly jumped into the shower, washed my hair and proceeded to "kill" it trying to get it dry in time.

I feel awful about doing this but then I thought that this is possibly what I did to it every time before LHC.

What have I learnt from it?
1. Well, don't brush your hair when wet when you are in a hurry.
2. I could have blowdried it wavy and then just put it up in a nice updo.
3. I really don't like my hair straightened anymore. I don't identify with straight hair.
4. When I'm in a rush - I don't think rationally!!!

Today I think I'm going to wash it again and put a treatment on it (probably just so I feel better...)

December 17th, 2011, 06:45 PM
#4 is the story of my life! Whenever I am in a rush I do things that I know my hair hates, like blow drying, or running out the door with soaking wet hair. Thankfully I don't do either of these things too often.

Trish in SC
December 17th, 2011, 06:50 PM
I can relate. I had "hair guilt" a couple weeks ago when I flat-ironed my hair. I was going to a party and it just didn't look good...so out came the flat-iron. I felt so bad that I super conditioned it the next day, and kept it far away from hot, mean, damaging machines!

But, this does bring up an issue for me; maybe you can help. I don't feel like my hair looks very good, even though I know it's becomming healthy and long. I just don't feel like I have a "style," ya' know? It's really different than having a sleek, polished cut that you can hair-spray into submission and look decent all day.

(Hope I didn't just hijack your thread ~ is that what it's called when I introduce another topic into the conversation? Sorry if I did that! :rolleyes:)

December 17th, 2011, 07:11 PM
I can totally identify with #3. I got my hair blow-dried straight a couple of weeks ago because the tangles were driving me out of my mind. It was nice to have tangle-free hair for a few days but it didn't feel like "me" at all.

(I do #1 all the time though ... in every shower actually ... is it really that bad? I need a brush to distribute conditioner evenly.)

December 17th, 2011, 07:17 PM
Hi Trish - no this is my problem too. I don't have a style. Sometimes I feel like I just have this cape of hair and I do an updo and I feel like it doesn't go with my clothes or my "look". I'm having my hair cut on wednesday and I'm hoping that a good cut with some long layers will do the trick because I don't want to have to heat style it to make it look nice. The only go-to style I have at the moment is to twist a little bit on the sides and meet at the back - but it just doesn't look right with some outfits. And I don't want just one way of doing my hair that I know I'll like. Also I feel like I can't wear it out because it's so "big".

I think this hair appointment on wednesday is just what I need!

December 17th, 2011, 07:22 PM
(I do #1 all the time though ... in every shower actually ... is it really that bad? I need a brush to distribute conditioner evenly.)

Well, normally I do comb through in the shower. I do it very gently and with loads of conditioner in my hair. It's the brushing that's not good. Admittedly I did use a wooden quill brush with is pretty much like a comb anyway. But it was the speed at which I brushed and I pulled through my hair because I was in a rush. Snap, snap, snap. Amazingly there wasn't alot of excess hair in my brush - probably all damaged hairs on my head!

Trish in SC
December 17th, 2011, 08:10 PM
Hope you can take pictures of your haircut -- Before & After shots! :) I'm sure it will turn out well. It sounds like you know exactly how you want it done, and you can communicate that to the stylist. Best of luck to you!

December 18th, 2011, 06:26 AM
I can totally identify with #3. I got my hair blow-dried straight a couple of weeks ago because the tangles were driving me out of my mind. It was nice to have tangle-free hair for a few days but it didn't feel like "me" at all.

The same happened to me, its weird though, I used to wear my hair like that everyday only 2 months ago, but its such an odd feeling to see straight hair on me now. (Love the shiny tanglefreeness of it though!)

I will be massively conditioning to make myself feel better about it too!

December 18th, 2011, 06:37 AM
I've used damaging things in my hair. I used a narrow tooth comb before detangling my hair. I felt bad and I went back on my no stiffening agents.

December 18th, 2011, 07:37 AM
But, this does bring up an issue for me; maybe you can help. I don't feel like my hair looks very good, even though I know it's becomming healthy and long. I just don't feel like I have a "style," ya' know? It's really different than having a sleek, polished cut that you can hair-spray into submission and look decent all day.

Maybe heatless curls/waves are an option? I see you have wavy hair already, but that way you can have more defined curls that actually look "styled". There are a lot of options, try searching on youtube or here on LHC!

December 18th, 2011, 08:35 AM
Ive done this exact thing recently too. :(
For the past 3 months I have been very proud of the fact that I dont style my hair often, if at all.
Just in the past 2 weeks I have straightened, blow dried with a brush, and abused my hair more than necessary.
We just have to learn from it each time, and do better in the future.

December 18th, 2011, 08:37 AM
Oh no! :( It happens.

Trish in SC
December 19th, 2011, 01:47 PM
Mayflower ~

Thanks for that idea; I do need to learn more heatless styles. I did a sock bun once, and it was way curly, but only on the bottom half.

December 19th, 2011, 01:53 PM
Yesterday I wanted to braid my hair, so without thinking I grabbed my comb and combed it dry (snap, crackle, breakage!) and then I remembered - DOH!!! I used to do that all the time, and the damage is still growing out, and I wasn't thinking, and I just fell back into an old behavior. I think I may need to trim off the damage instead of try to baby it. Then an occasional slip up won't be so catastrophic...

December 19th, 2011, 02:20 PM
Don't fret, your hair is so beautiful, i'm sure it will be fine. My hair is alot like yours (different color though) I really wish i felt like i had a style as opposed to just a cape, every since i stopped straightening, my hair is so uncontrolable and just not sleek like it used to be...i just can't bring myself to straighten it and rish damage...i hope you find a style you will be happy with, and long layers are great!