View Full Version : Growing my hair for my wedding

December 14th, 2011, 07:27 AM
Hi ladies, I've been lurking for a few months, but I think it's time to get serious! My hair is fine but plentiful (at least that's what my hairdresser told me, to me it just seems fine!). I'm a little past shoulder length, I want to get it as long as possible for my wedding next July. Sadly I chopped it to chin length in February, not thinking I might want hair for a possible wedding :(

I switched to CO-washing when I first came on here over the summer (thanks to all of you, what a wonderful thing!), and it's been going pretty well. I clarified once at the beginning, and since then used mostly Suave Naturals with Trader Joe's as a regular conditioner, CO-ing every 2-3 days. I've shampoo-ed twice in this time.

I also did a deep oiling once with coconut oil, which I think was great, but it's so hard to get the time to do it, and I use a little coconut or jojoba once in a while for shine.

I'm curious, especially for you other finer-haired ones out there, what you think might be the best next step to add? ACV rinses? Regular oilings? Supplements? Should I experiment with cones (I don't think my hair likes them, but should I make sure)? Henna (I've been blond for years, but really just a light blah shade of brown)? Any advice would be super-appreciated!

December 14th, 2011, 09:10 AM
A light oil for your ends, S&Ding. Definitely do not henna before your wedding- you can't change it if you don't like it.

December 14th, 2011, 09:48 AM
Congrats on your engagement!

So, what are your goals, other than longer hair by July? And what challenges, other than getting it to grow faster, are you facing right now? Answering those questions will help you figure out what steps you should explore next. (Amber is right about henna...if you're just looking to do henna for the benefits to your hair instead of color, check into cassia, which is "neutral")

Of course, I always recommend Snowymoon's Moisture Treatment (SMT). There's a huge thread in the Mane Forum that tells all about how to do it, all the variations people have tried (both good and bad), and where you can ask questions. :)

December 14th, 2011, 12:48 PM
Thanks Amber and Glass, I'll stay away from the henna! I bought the stuff for SMT over the summer, but got distracted and never tried it. I'll give it a try tonight!

Basically, I want to thicken, lengthen, strengthen and gloss up my hair, so I want everything, lol. It's very soft, so I guess that's the only thing not on my list. I used to get highlights but I'm holding off until the wedding at least to grow my hair, and then I'll decide if I want to get them again. I love the way I look blond (I used to be a natural one!), and I really miss it, but it definitely messes with my hair, which is easily damaged.

I have this slight wave that just makes it look messy, especially now that I rarely blowdry. I'd love to get a little more curl into it (or have none at all), though I haven't seen much on here to help with that (it's too short to braid, really). It also looks greasy relatively easily, though a little better now that I dropped the 'poo. I feel like now I have messy, greasy, mud-brown hair about half the time, and I'm scared to get it cut, so that just adds to the messiness. While it's healthier than ever, I need to find a way to look a little more presentable during this process!

Sorry if that was way too much detail, I'm a total babbler. I've read about tons of options for my next step on here, but I'm having trouble choosing.

December 16th, 2011, 02:55 PM
Hi MissLiner, I'm brand new here and you're likely a few steps ahead of me, but I think we have very similar hair. Mostly I wanted to chime in and suggest that you stay away from 'cones. I have noticed that any time I have used them, they make my hair super shiny, but slick and limp for the first day, then my hair quickly becomes Very dry at the ends. Dry and brittle and the silicone coating seems to seal out any moisture that I try to add. And then it takes a while to get it all washed out. Beware!

On the henna note, I used it for years and loved the color on my naturally medium brown (with some grey). Try saving your hair from your brush for a while and test on that. You'll get a good idea of the color you'll get and you can experiment with the processing time and it will also give you a heads-up if there will be any funky color reactions. Sometimes if your hair has been chemically treated or has product residue it can cast a bit greenish. Best to experiment first!

(and as a recent engage-ee myself, congratulations! and remember not to change anything too drastically before your wedding, you'll want to feel like yourself!) How long until your wedding?

December 17th, 2011, 06:52 AM
Hello MissLiner,

congrats to your wedding to come :)
I could just recommend, not to do to much to/with your hair. It needs time to grow. Till July there are only 7 m,onth to come, so that your hair will grow about for a Maximum of 3 inches. Please don't be disappointed when there will come not more to your important date.
But maybe this can eb a start for you to go on longer? All the best anyway!

December 22nd, 2011, 02:06 PM
Thanks guys! Gingel, I think I had similar problems with 'cones in the past, so I guess I'll just stay away from them. Congrats on your engagement! Mine's 7/28.

And I appreciate the warning, magda, it's true I can only do so much in this time but I do want to maximize my results as much as possible. You;re right that I should have humble expectations.

One of my biggest worries right now is haircuts. My shorter cut from Feb is really looking shaggy and weird now, but I'm terrified of going to the salon (and I suck at cutting hair). Also, I'll deifnitely want to get shaped up before the wedding, but if they mess it up I'll probably cry, a lot.

December 26th, 2011, 05:47 AM
Miss Liner: would an updo for wedding be a solution? Then the hair wouldn't need a cut. Or maybe there is a longhair (from this forum?) near you that knows about long hair, in whose hands you could trust?
And Maybe, if you should go to a coiffeur, lok for the hair of his/her customers (when they have finished!) and then take a friend with you who watches closely every single cut.

Merry christmas to you all!