View Full Version : A pitbull just chewed on my hair!!!!!!!

December 6th, 2011, 07:32 PM
So walking home earlier tonight, I decided walk thro the park. Lots of people walk their dogs in this park every day, so I normally feel very comfortable when I'm there, I sometimes even pet a few of the dogs I see there. But today a guy was walking his pitbull there, and his pitbull decided I would make a good chew toy. The dog ran up to me so fast I really had no time to react. He jumped up on top of my chest and started chewing first on my coat. Thankfully it is a thick cashmere coat , and it didn't get damaged at all, just a bit coated with dog saliva. :o Then, he got a huge chunk of my hair in his mouth and starting nibbling on that!!! :doh:

The owner finally ran up to his dog and pulled him away by the collar. He apologized for me. Thankfully, I wasn't bitten or seriously hurt anything, but still my poor hair!!

I just came home right now and I am checking my hair's condition closely in the light. So far, I don't see or feel any signs of damage at all, so I think I was lucky. But still, I will soak my hair in oil later tonight and then CO it out with my favorite conditioner.

December 6th, 2011, 07:35 PM
Goodness, that's scary! Glad you and your hair are both okay!

December 6th, 2011, 07:36 PM
Oh my! Glad to hear you're okay! People should really keep out of control pets on leashes!

December 6th, 2011, 07:37 PM
Wow, I'm sorry that happened to you. That must have been very scary in the moment, but also now thinking back on it. I'm thankful that you are ok.

I'm glad your hair appears undamaged.

December 6th, 2011, 07:37 PM
Dog drool as ends treatment? I wonder.....
Seriously though, scary! Thank goodness you wern't injured!

December 6th, 2011, 07:44 PM
Holy cow, that's scary. And gross! (and still scary!)

You and your hair definitely deserve a good pampering after that.

December 6th, 2011, 07:45 PM
That's too bad. Hope your hair is OK! I was once walking on the street and a mad dog came running straight for me and bit my leg, before I even knew what happened. It happened so fast! Thank God I was wearing thick jeans that day, still I had to get 3 injections since there were teeth marks on my leg.

But the dog must have really jumped high to do this, in your case.

December 6th, 2011, 07:51 PM
That is scary. Just glad you are OK because you don't know what kind of temperaments these pit bulls. Ours think she is a lap dog and will jump right on top of you.

December 6th, 2011, 08:05 PM
Thanks guys for all the condolences, I appreciate all of them.

And I agree KwaveT. I love all animals and that goes for pitbulls as well. However, knowing that pitbulls in particular are notoriously very aggressive, the people who decide to raise a pit should really take better control of their dog. I personally think there should be a special screening process for people who decide to adopt a pit or any other potentially dangerous pet, to determine whether or not that person can control their animal from attacking the rest of the general public.

December 6th, 2011, 08:36 PM
However, knowing that pitbulls in particular are notoriously very aggressive, the people who decide to raise a pit should really take better control of their dog. I personally think there should be a special screening process for people who decide to adopt a pit or any other potentially dangerous pet, to determine whether or not that person can control their animal from attacking the rest of the general public.

I totally agree.

(I personally don't find pits an attractive dog in the least.)

December 6th, 2011, 08:49 PM
Yikes! On a side note, my German Shepherd will sometimes sneak up on my and lick my hair...

Glad you're okay!

December 6th, 2011, 08:57 PM
Ugh I hate shi**y owners who don't control and train their dogs. Bad owners who let their hyper dogs jump all over people in the park doesn't help at all the stereotype of pitbulls as violent. Fffffff. I'm sorry. If the dog wasn't biting it sounds like he was just wrestling/playing way too rough. But man -- stupid owners.

December 6th, 2011, 09:03 PM
Also can I just say that pitbulls are not inherently violent. There are a lot of messed up pitbulls in the world though because they are the most abused dog in America. It's not their fault that thousands of them are kicked around and never taught how to play nice. They're a very high energy and social dog so when they don't get trained, or when they get trained to be mean on purpose, it turns out real bad. But even if you think they're ugly, their temperament is not the problem, it's hte owner. Please check out this (http://www.pitbulllovers.com/pit-bulls-and-human-aggression.html) article for an objective test of pitbull temperament compared to other dog breeds. Did you know that pitbulls historically were called the "nanny dog" because they were good family dogs.

I want to add that a HUGE problem for the pitbull reputation is now that the reputation is in place, pretty much anyone who wants a tough, violent dog gets a pitbull, and so often they are abused. Abused dogs are often not very nice. Roughly half of dogs euthanized in shelters are pitbulls. Solid fact, the majority of dogs euthanized in shelters are not because of behavioral problems, it's because there are too many dogs and not enough homes. Infer that the majority of dogs surrendered in shelters are pits, meaning that lots of people have pits who are not committed to a forever home with proper care for the animals. I work with dog rescues and it's true, pitbulls come through that are violent, but so do hound dogs, great dane mixes, carolina dogs bite. I had a hound dog mix from age 4 months to age 8 months and he was a terror and was aggressive towards my dog. Of all the pits I interact with through this particular rescue, which I would consider a random sampling of pits in America, the majority are very friendly bundles of energy. The abused ones are obviously abused and have corresponding temperament issues which they probably would not have had if they were not fought, beaten, chained in yards for years, etc. Also a lot of dog fighters use pitbulls as bait dogs too - these are dogs that won't fight, but are good for setting a fighter onto to practice. Why don't we stereotype pits as submissive bait? Please don't hate pitbulls for being abused so much. They really don't deserve it.

December 6th, 2011, 09:36 PM
check out this link... http://www.pitbullsontheweb.com/petbull/findpit.html
most "pitbull" attacks aren't even pitbulls. They've gotten a really bad rap with all the dog fighting but 90% of the time it's not even a pit that attacks.

edited to add that I have a pitbull and it took me 7 try's to find the right one!

December 6th, 2011, 09:36 PM
I know how you feel! When we visited my mom's cousin who has a farm, his cows started nibbling on my hair...and leather jacket.

December 6th, 2011, 09:44 PM
That's terrible how badly pitbulls and other dogs are abused coffinhert. I full heartedly agree that it is not the fault of the animal, who most likely has spent his or her entire life being beaten and raised to become aggressive and violent all for the sick pleasure of people who use them in dog fights. Its such a terrible fact, that so many abandoned pets are euthanized. I am glad to know that you have worked at dog rescues, at least you and everyone like you are doing your very best to give these animals a good home.

December 6th, 2011, 09:51 PM
I know how you feel! When we visited my mom's cousin who has a farm, his cows started nibbling on my hair...and leather jacket.

Oh my, I'm so sorry that happened to you. The cow must have mistaken your hair for very long blades of grass!

December 6th, 2011, 10:30 PM
How coincidental! I went to a barbecue on Friday, and as I knelt down to pet the host's dog, it started chewing on my ends!! (*(oo)*)

December 6th, 2011, 10:54 PM
My pitbull chews my hair when she gets all jumpy and excited I quickly put a stop to that though. I always get a.pit in my stomach whenever the word pitbull comes up in the media or anywhere in conversation because I know a lot of people are going to jump on the pitbulls are vicious, ugly mean dogs bandwagon and that pisses me off so coffinhert your post made my day its nice to see people who know the real pitbull. They are the most loyal dogs when given half the chance. I think anyone with a dog needs to keep them undercontrol no matter what breed.

December 6th, 2011, 11:02 PM
Yikes, I'm sorry this happened to you! I hope there was no serious harm done to your hair. It's very unfortunate that the dog's owner wasn't more responsible about leashing his dog in public.

Pitbulls traditionally were not bred to be human aggressive--in a fight, their handlers needed to be able to pull them off without risking injury, so they were bred to be game and have a high prey drive but very human friendly. In fact, historically human-aggressive pits were culled. The problem is that now that they're the badass breed du jour, human aggressiveness isn't always an unwanted trait and may be selected for by unscrupulous breeders, plus of course there's unfortunately a lot of pit owners who shouldn't have the breed anyway. It's certainly not a breed for everyone, and takes a certain level of responsibility, but human aggressiveness is not a breed trait as the breed was originally developed. The breed also shouldn't be the oversized "hippo" dogs you often see. A true pitbull is medium sized and lean; those 'roid dogs are an abomination to the breed.

December 6th, 2011, 11:06 PM
Yikes! You were lucky. Pitbulls have a pretty strong bite...not the strongest but they hold on when they do.

Glad you and your hair weren't hurt too badly.

December 6th, 2011, 11:09 PM
OH boy pups love hair , recently I had gone with my best friend to a dog kennel and there was a bunch of irresistible little german shepherd puppies , i had not realized i left my hair down that day and they were all tugging my hair .As damaging as it was it was adorable . It is a problem when someone can not control their dog though it is really not hard to hold a leash, its kinda made for a hand..

December 6th, 2011, 11:16 PM
Also can I just say that pitbulls are not inherently violent. There are a lot of messed up pitbulls in the world though because they are the most abused dog in America. It's not their fault that thousands of them are kicked around and never taught how to play nice. They're a very high energy and social dog so when they don't get trained, or when they get trained to be mean on purpose, it turns out real bad. But even if you think they're ugly, their temperament is not the problem, it's hte owner. Please check out this (http://www.pitbulllovers.com/pit-bulls-and-human-aggression.html) article for an objective test of pitbull temperament compared to other dog breeds. Did you know that pitbulls historically were called the "nanny dog" because they were good family dogs.

I want to add that a HUGE problem for the pitbull reputation is now that the reputation is in place, pretty much anyone who wants a tough, violent dog gets a pitbull, and so often they are abused. Abused dogs are often not very nice. Roughly half of dogs euthanized in shelters are pitbulls. Solid fact, the majority of dogs euthanized in shelters are not because of behavioral problems, it's because there are too many dogs and not enough homes. Infer that the majority of dogs surrendered in shelters are pits, meaning that lots of people have pits who are not committed to a forever home with proper care for the animals. I work with dog rescues and it's true, pitbulls come through that are violent, but so do hound dogs, great dane mixes, carolina dogs bite. I had a hound dog mix from age 4 months to age 8 months and he was a terror and was aggressive towards my dog. Of all the pits I interact with through this particular rescue, which I would consider a random sampling of pits in America, the majority are very friendly bundles of energy. The abused ones are obviously abused and have corresponding temperament issues which they probably would not have had if they were not fought, beaten, chained in yards for years, etc. Also a lot of dog fighters use pitbulls as bait dogs too - these are dogs that won't fight, but are good for setting a fighter onto to practice. Why don't we stereotype pits as submissive bait? Please don't hate pitbulls for being abused so much. They really don't deserve it.

coffinhert, thank you for this!! :) I have known several well-raised pit bulls, and they are wonderful sweet dogs. When I see badly behaved or aggressive ones, it always makes me sad.

ericthegreat, I'm so glad you and your hair are ok!! Having a strange dog jump up on you like that is scary. :eek:

December 6th, 2011, 11:44 PM
How coincidental! I went to a barbecue on Friday, and as I knelt down to pet the host's dog, it started chewing on my ends!! (*(oo)*)

Ok its official. I'm now spreading the word out to the entire Asian American community. Beware of all dogs my fellow brethren! They have now developed a taste for our shiny, silky straight tresses. :bigtongue:

December 7th, 2011, 03:28 AM
That sound really scary, didn't he have a leash on the dog?

December 7th, 2011, 04:13 AM
Yes, I know such kind of a situation, too.
My parents dog likes cewing on hair very much, so I try to remember to only wair buns around him, no braids or open hair allowed... he's a Great Pyrenee, so big teeth, too.

December 7th, 2011, 04:17 AM
Yikes! I'm glad you (and your hair) are all right!
Any owner of a potentially dangerous animal has to keep the animal under control, and having his dog running around loose is SO not the right way to do that! And even the most amiable and friendly dog can bite under the wrong conditions!

December 7th, 2011, 05:34 AM
As a pit bull owner I'm sorry that happen to you. I take my dog to my park and he loves it and loves the children. The situation sounds like owner neglect not watching the dog.

December 7th, 2011, 05:37 AM
Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! *hugs* Must have been scary! Let us know how the oil soak goes!

December 7th, 2011, 06:42 AM
I have known and loved several pit bull terriers in my life, and they really do get a bad rap. Based on the ones I've known, their personalities aren't that much different than a Jack Russell terrier, except the Jack Russells are viewed as cute because they're so much smaller.

I think pit bulls just need a good publicist. I remember when I was growing up, Rottweilers were the Big Scary Dog du jour, but then a series of children's books came out featuring Carl the Rottweiler (http://www.gooddogcarl.com/books.htm) and suddenly they weren't as scary.

December 7th, 2011, 06:52 AM
Goodness Eric! Thank heavens he didn't decide to nibble on your jugular!

Do you carry around kibbles n bits so you can lure the dogs over to nibble you, thus in turn making their handsome owners come to your rescue? bwahahahaha

Just kidding, you always have some crazy tales of adventure, I'm glad there's no damage. :)

ETA: After reading the rest of the replies....I personally think that Pits are beautiful poochies and it isn't the pooch that is at fault when they become mean. The have such lovely little faces and just like any other animal, all they want is love and affection....and in Erics case.....hair. ;)

December 7th, 2011, 07:01 AM
Wow Eric that's so scary. I'm so glad you are ok.
Pitbulls are illegal here in the uk so I have no experience with them as a breed although I know some of our members own them and say they are a wonderful breed.
Just glad you are okay.

December 7th, 2011, 07:03 AM
Oh no! I'm glad your hair sounds like it made it out ok. My sister's dog was attacked by a pitbull. He's a rough collie, so he also has a lot of long luscious hair... maybe there's a connection? Ha, J/K, his attack was actually an attack, not a hair eating fest... Of course, the owners claim "he's never done his before!" Sure... like a nice dog randomly decides to leap out of a moving car window to attack another dog out of the blue... But I know it's the owners' faults and never the dog. I love Daddy on Cesar Milan's show!

December 7th, 2011, 07:04 AM
I have known and loved several pit bull terriers in my life, and they really do get a bad rap. Based on the ones I've known, their personalities aren't that much different than a Jack Russell terrier, except the Jack Russells are viewed as cute because they're so much smaller.

Oh... oh my god.... you're right. I never even realized it... I own one jack russell mix (w/ dachshund) and one pit mix (with french bulldog) and they DO act the same! They are bestest friends. Kinda two peas in a pod. For the life of me I can't teach the JRT to not jump up on people when she greets them, she learned everything else but she is just so excited by people or dogs she jumps all over them. She's small and fluffy so it's cute. My pittie learned not to jump up but I think his weight is part of it, haha.

December 7th, 2011, 07:46 AM
I got attacked off a yorkshire terrier once, its not the breed its the owners and how you bring them up IMHO. I have a staffie with trans breed syndrome she thinks shes a pekineses or something similar! aww sorry though it went for your hair, and happy it wasnt much worse, agreed dogs all dogs, should be kept under control. In the UK pitbulls have to be musseled in public as they come under the dangerous dog act, though the amount of time people have said mine is a pit is annoying, shes a stafford shire bull unrelated!

ETA- hows your hair now?

December 7th, 2011, 07:48 AM
I have known and loved several pit bull terriers in my life, and they really do get a bad rap. Based on the ones I've known, their personalities aren't that much different than a Jack Russell terrier, except the Jack Russells are viewed as cute because they're so much smaller.

I think pit bulls just need a good publicist. I remember when I was growing up, Rottweilers were the Big Scary Dog du jour, but then a series of children's books came out featuring Carl the Rottweiler (http://www.gooddogcarl.com/books.htm) and suddenly they weren't as scary.

I think pitts are cuter, Jack Russels scare the crap out of me!

Of the Fae
December 7th, 2011, 09:03 AM
Also can I just say that pitbulls are not inherently violent. There are a lot of messed up pitbulls in the world though because they are the most abused dog in America. It's not their fault that thousands of them are kicked around and never taught how to play nice. They're a very high energy and social dog so when they don't get trained, or when they get trained to be mean on purpose, it turns out real bad. But even if you think they're ugly, their temperament is not the problem, it's hte owner. Please check out this (http://www.pitbulllovers.com/pit-bulls-and-human-aggression.html) article for an objective test of pitbull temperament compared to other dog breeds. Did you know that pitbulls historically were called the "nanny dog" because they were good family dogs.

I want to add that a HUGE problem for the pitbull reputation is now that the reputation is in place, pretty much anyone who wants a tough, violent dog gets a pitbull, and so often they are abused. Abused dogs are often not very nice. Roughly half of dogs euthanized in shelters are pitbulls. Solid fact, the majority of dogs euthanized in shelters are not because of behavioral problems, it's because there are too many dogs and not enough homes. Infer that the majority of dogs surrendered in shelters are pits, meaning that lots of people have pits who are not committed to a forever home with proper care for the animals. I work with dog rescues and it's true, pitbulls come through that are violent, but so do hound dogs, great dane mixes, carolina dogs bite. I had a hound dog mix from age 4 months to age 8 months and he was a terror and was aggressive towards my dog. Of all the pits I interact with through this particular rescue, which I would consider a random sampling of pits in America, the majority are very friendly bundles of energy. The abused ones are obviously abused and have corresponding temperament issues which they probably would not have had if they were not fought, beaten, chained in yards for years, etc. Also a lot of dog fighters use pitbulls as bait dogs too - these are dogs that won't fight, but are good for setting a fighter onto to practice. Why don't we stereotype pits as submissive bait? Please don't hate pitbulls for being abused so much. They really don't deserve it.

True, this is a sad thing.

By the way, I am very annoyed by people allowing their dogs to be agressive. Jack Russels are permitted a lot more because they are seen as cute, but if you don't raise your dog properly it can surely develop issues, wether it is small ore large.

How scary that this dog jumped right at you!
Good thing your hair and the rest of you is ok, and uninjured.
I don't like agressive dogs at all, I got attacked once by a rottweiler, and the owner did nothing about it. The only reason I got away is that I ran like hell.

December 8th, 2011, 05:13 PM
Oh thank heavens the boards are back!!! I had a heart attack not being able to post here for these past two days!!!!!!! :scared:

That sound really scary, didn't he have a leash on the dog?
The pit ran up to me so fast I really had no time to react. I have no idea if his owner purposely left his dog to run around without holding his leash. But at least he apologized for me, so he's a decent person in my book. Its clear that he certainly didn't want his dog to jump on top of me, so I will let it go and assume this was an accident.

Yikes! I'm glad you (and your hair) are all right!
Any owner of a potentially dangerous animal has to keep the animal under control, and having his dog running around loose is SO not the right way to do that! And even the most amiable and friendly dog can bite under the wrong conditions!
I agree, I think in some ways animals are an even bigger responsibility than human children, because you must take responsibility for both your pet and the safety of the rest of the public.

Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! *hugs* Must have been scary! Let us know how the oil soak goes!
I did the oil soak and left it in for an hour, then CO-washed it out with my favorite conditioner. My ends look just as good as new. Whew!!!!!! :D

Goodness Eric! Thank heavens he didn't decide to nibble on your jugular!

Do you carry around kibbles n bits so you can lure the dogs over to nibble you, thus in turn making their handsome owners come to your rescue? bwahahahaha

Just kidding, you always have some crazy tales of adventure, I'm glad there's no damage. :)

ETA: After reading the rest of the replies....I personally think that Pits are beautiful poochies and it isn't the pooch that is at fault when they become mean. The have such lovely little faces and just like any other animal, all they want is love and affection....and in Erics case.....hair. ;)

Trust me, my whole life is a crazy movie/ TV reality show/ soap opera/ drama/ Broadway play.

Wow Eric that's so scary. I'm so glad you are ok.
Pitbulls are illegal here in the uk so I have no experience with them as a breed although I know some of our members own them and say they are a wonderful breed.
Just glad you are okay.
Oh wow, so pitbulls are in fact illegal in your country, I guess their reputation was clearly bad enough that such regulations were deemed necessary.

Oh no! I'm glad your hair sounds like it made it out ok. My sister's dog was attacked by a pitbull. He's a rough collie, so he also has a lot of long luscious hair... maybe there's a connection? Ha, J/K, his attack was actually an attack, not a hair eating fest... Of course, the owners claim "he's never done his before!" Sure... like a nice dog randomly decides to leap out of a moving car window to attack another dog out of the blue... But I know it's the owners' faults and never the dog. I love Daddy on Cesar Milan's show!

I'm so sorry about your sister's dog. Clearly the owners of the pit that attacked him were not good owners.

I agree, ultimately the responsibility still falls on the owners. Yes, pitbulls can indeed be an aggressive and violent breed, but they only become that way when they are abused/raised to fight/ mistreated by their owners. I'm sure even a naturally friendly dog would become violent if he were treated that way all his life.

I got attacked off a yorkshire terrier once, its not the breed its the owners and how you bring them up IMHO. I have a staffie with trans breed syndrome she thinks shes a pekineses or something similar! aww sorry though it went for your hair, and happy it wasnt much worse, agreed dogs all dogs, should be kept under control. In the UK pitbulls have to be musseled in public as they come under the dangerous dog act, though the amount of time people have said mine is a pit is annoying, shes a stafford shire bull unrelated!

ETA- hows your hair now?
See, I like the laws in your country. I agree, any pet that can be a potentially dangerous animal like a pitbull should be muzzled for the safety of the rest of the public.

I'm sorry you were also attacked by a dog before. I am glad that you are clearly alive and well today to tell us all about it. :)

True, this is a sad thing.

By the way, I am very annoyed by people allowing their dogs to be agressive. Jack Russels are permitted a lot more because they are seen as cute, but if you don't raise your dog properly it can surely develop issues, wether it is small ore large.

How scary that this dog jumped right at you!
Good thing your hair and the rest of you is ok, and uninjured.
I don't like agressive dogs at all, I got attacked once by a rottweiler, and the owner did nothing about it. The only reason I got away is that I ran like hell.

I was taught to never run away from an aggressive animal who is attacking you or looking to attack you. Running away from them will only further fuel their predator instincts, and they will chase you down and if you are unlucky enough to be caught by them, they will enter into a feeding frenzy :hatchet:.

I'm glad though that you were able to get away when you were attacked by that rottweiler, that must have been a scary encounter.

December 8th, 2011, 05:36 PM
So glad you are o.k.
Must have been terrifying.
But now that its over,
I was bit by a deer as a youngun(at a deer park,I stuck my hand right in her mouth)
The story made me consider Deer a totem animal, w/a lesson for me/my life..
Could Pitbull/dog, have a life lesson for you?
I think they are gorgeous.
The build,the danger,then the gorgeous eyes..
I check out Pitbulls like some people might gaze at sportscars.
Love them(but don't have one, nor would I get one. . Agree they sure can be dangerous)
Fan of both Pitboss & parolees & pitbulls tv shows

December 8th, 2011, 05:43 PM
So glad you are o.k.
Must have been terrifying.
But now that its over,
I was bit by a deer as a youngun(at a deer park,I stuck my hand right in her mouth)
The story made me consider Deer a totem animal, w/a lesson for me/my life..
Could Pitbull/dog, have a life lesson for you?
I think they are gorgeous.
The build,the danger,then the gorgeous eyes..
I check out Pitbulls like some people might gaze at sportscars.
Love them(but don't have one, nor would I get one. . Agree they sure can be dangerous)

Fan of both Pitboss & parolees & pitbulls tv shows

Oh I'm still too young to even fathom whatever moral I'm supposed to learn from this experience. I'm jsut glad I wasn't hurt.

December 8th, 2011, 06:00 PM
You are lucky. Imagine if you were a child, and that dog ran over. People need to keep their beasts on a leash!

December 8th, 2011, 06:20 PM
If the thread read a poodle just chewed my hair I bet a lot of people would be saying ohh how cute lol

December 8th, 2011, 06:52 PM
Thanks guys for all the condolences, I appreciate all of them.

And I agree KwaveT. I love all animals and that goes for pitbulls as well. However, knowing that pitbulls in particular are notoriously very aggressive, the people who decide to raise a pit should really take better control of their dog. I personally think there should be a special screening process for people who decide to adopt a pit or any other potentially dangerous pet, to determine whether or not that person can control their animal from attacking the rest of the general public.

Exactly! Not only that, but why is it so hard to put a damn leash on the animal?!?!?!

I grew up with 7 dogs, and all of them were never out of a leash in public to avoid this situations. At home they were not.

I'd be so pissed if it was me, mostly because I have small children.

December 8th, 2011, 06:59 PM
If the thread read a poodle just chewed my hair I bet a lot of people would be saying ohh how cute lol
I don't know...I've met some pretty vicious poodles - from standard right on down to teacup.

December 8th, 2011, 07:07 PM
ErictheGreat - Hi! So glad to see you posting here, have not seen you in a while. You have the most beautiful hair!

December 8th, 2011, 09:31 PM
ErictheGreat - Hi! So glad to see you posting here, have not seen you in a while. You have the most beautiful hair!

I'm glad to see you're still alive and kicking. Keeping fighting that cancer!

And thank you for the compliment. Clearly the pitbull also loved my hair. :D