View Full Version : Fading to red

December 2nd, 2011, 11:39 AM
I've been doing an amla/henna/indigo mixture. When freshly applied, the color is perfect: cool ash brown. Exactly what I wanted. But it keeps fading to red. I have already applied 2 times in a month an a half. Should I keep applying and hope that eventually it sticks? Each time when I apply the red it fades to gets stronger and more noticable.

I was thinking about doing an indigo gloss, but I know the 2 step henna/indigo is what people do to turn their hair black and I don't want black, just brown. Should I look into a buxus gloss? Will hennidoing eventually retain a brown color, or will it keep turning red over time? The red clashes with my skin tone, which is why I wanted a cool ash brown in the first place...

ETA I should add that the red looks much more obvious in fluorescent light. When I am natural light it doesn't show up much. But I wince every time I see a glimpse of my reflection in one of those bathrooms... complete skin/hair clash! When the henndigo is fresh, it doesn't have this effect under fluorescent light.

December 2nd, 2011, 12:08 PM
Henna is red and the most permanent of the three.
Indigo and amala fade and I don't think either even with multiple apps work like henna (saturation/permanency).
Hopefully some with indigo experience can chime in with more information.

December 2nd, 2011, 12:09 PM
Same problem I'm having...