View Full Version : Lessons for a fine-haired girl with a long face

December 2nd, 2011, 10:38 AM
I am so pleased with progress and wanted to share the following:
Tips on this site are amazing and my hair is showing signs of great improvement and is now collar bone length and not looking too bad at alll..shiney, swingy ...

1. Ktani's CO soaking before my Tints of Nature hair dye improves condition and dye uptake where there is resistant, coarse grey hair.

2. Being very gentle. Occasionally brushing...

3. Growing out layers ALMOST ... I would really like to know if there are others with very fine hair who benefit from the finest, face framing layers...that's what I want to ask my hairdresser to maintain...

4. Gentle, 3-4 daily shampooing of the oily roots (all sorts) and rich but not over rich conditioning from 2 inches down the hair shaft to the roots.

5. Using this great thickening product which you do need to use a hairdryer to activate (so I do that very quickly and at distance:)) but which makes my hair so much swingier at this length and suitable for my face shape than it would be. I use Copper Peptide amplifying thickening styling spray by Michael di Ceasare (QVC sell it) and it has removed any desire to get hair extensions.

December 2nd, 2011, 11:10 AM
I have a long face, thin collarbone length hair, and face framing layers. I like the layers for the most part, but they are a pain in the butt if to try put up into a bun if I don't want hair around my face!

I'd like to see pics of your hair...it seems to be really similar to mine. :)

December 2nd, 2011, 11:12 AM
how long are your layers uptosomeone? I have a few ..they are officially been grown out..and new hair creating its own layers..and I can put my hair up with ease now, the shortest are jaw length.

December 2nd, 2011, 11:25 AM
Mine are right at about jaw length too, I haven't had any cut back in since the beginning of the summer though so they've had a bit to grow (they were quite short originally). They're hard to keep up without pinning them into buns, so maybe they're a bit shorter than yours.

December 2nd, 2011, 12:49 PM

hi..hmmm, yes perhaps some other shorter ones or perhaps you are doing a different style from mine or perhaps mine are super light layers now so they don't show so much..

I keep promising to put pics up and have tried with my mobile phone .. I can't get the nack and it doesn't receive or send them. My sis in law has a digital camera and I'm seeing her later in the month so I will ask her to take some head shots.


December 2nd, 2011, 01:42 PM
I have to say I am quite curious about this thickening spray you use? How much time does it need under a dryer for it to activate enough? I do sometimes feels my hair is quite flat at the roots and it still bugs me, even with it being as long as it's getting now, I should be used to it. However if it requires too long under the dryer it would be a no-no for me.

I too have a long/square face (Still no idea if it's one or the other, or both!) and fine straight hair. Every hairstylist would tell me to lop it off so it's no longer than shoulder length. Bah, like I've ever listened to anyone lol. Layers aren't something I can do, my hair is just too fine. I try to make my fringe work for me as much as possible.

It's nice to hear I'm not the only one hell bent on long hair despite it going against all the typical style advice :P

December 2nd, 2011, 02:42 PM

I'm from magical England too and stylists give me layers which thins my hair and then suggest it should be no longer than shoulder length because it is so fine.

I spray it onto the roots really lightly when the hair is slightly damp and then use the dryer to partly dry the hair, just making sure it gets a good blow of warmth and then clip it back using a hair 'claw' so that it dries with some width and a little height.

There is a video presentation and some reviews on the QVC site + you can order just one bottle at a time not just the duo bottle offer....

December 2nd, 2011, 02:50 PM
My hair isn't long enough for it to be an issue yet but I did have that problem when it was long. Very fine and thin and I have a long face which gets longer when I have extra pounds (pregnancy!). Squirrel cheeks. Not flattering.

I think I might have more volume this time around so I'll cross this bridge when I come to it but if I don't like the way my hair makes my face look I will cut some layers into it, especially if I get pregnant again. I don't mind having thin ends because my hair is a little wavy and I like the wispy windblown look anyway.

December 2nd, 2011, 03:24 PM

hi. I struggle with the unflattering effect of a long line of hair emphasizing my oblongish long face! So I do 'get' your issue. Mind you in your pic, your face doesn't look that long. Your face is a lovely shape.

Anyway, the styling spray (not a crunchy one) and a mostly blunt cut with tiny number of fine layers, even just one, seems to be the answer + a moisturising spray to keep the ends in shape.


December 2nd, 2011, 04:04 PM

hi. I struggle with the unflattering effect of a long line of hair emphasizing my oblongish long face! So I do 'get' your issue. Mind you in your pic, your face doesn't look that long. Your face is a lovely shape.

Anyway, the styling spray (not a crunchy one) and a mostly blunt cut with tiny number of fine layers, even just one, seems to be the answer + a moisturising spray to keep the ends in shape.


Thank you for the compliment! :)

A lot of people complain about the "wings" that wavy hair has when it grows out from a pixie but they are very flattering on me. They have this optical illusion effect of widening and lifting my face. The last time my hair was long it was not wavy (I developed the waves after I had my baby- freaky!) it was just straight and the optical effect was to pull my face down to the floor and make it look long- my face might not actually be long but straight fine thin hair makes it look that way.

This time I plan to fully utilize my wispy waves to not drag my face down. I like your idea of having very fine layers around the face, just to keep a couple of up-turned hairs there. We'll see, though, I'm not going to cut unless I need to.

December 2nd, 2011, 04:59 PM
You are welcome Holothuroidea!

And you do seem to suit width as do I... I clip the hair back in semi-updos (height is not required) and all of a sudden I have cheek bones. My hair looks nice shaped/layered away from my face (but is horribly thin as a result elsewhere ...)and falling forward at an angle but not straight up and down...oh behind my ears is good as well using clips. People comment on how nice it looks when i do all those things etc etc

I hope your waves persist as you grow. Keep us posted!

December 3rd, 2011, 05:42 AM
Holothuroidea, I agree with kapri, your face looks a lovely shape - I would say it looks heart-shaped? Actually when I saw your new avatar pic I thought it was from a painting or book illustration! You look beautiful - I think updos will really suit you.

Kapri - sorry for the quick thread hijack! Its great that you're liking your hair and seeing improvements - look forward to seeing pics.

December 3rd, 2011, 06:02 AM
Just to add that I didnt mean to imply anything negative about long face shapes, they can look beautiful too!

December 3rd, 2011, 12:51 PM
Kapri: Ah thanks for that. This is mostly definitely going on the "Consideration" list. I've tried a lot of tricks to put some volume into my roots but nothing so far has worked. Not even vertical pigtails!

December 3rd, 2011, 02:31 PM
'I thought it was from a painting or book illustration!' me too! Like a Greek statue!

Glad it was of help Saeth x

December 3rd, 2011, 10:01 PM
Aw, geez you guys! :o

Thank you so much! It really means a lot because I've been working hard to get rid of all of my commercial "beauty" products and embrace whatever I am without them. To hear such compliments on a make up, jewelry, and hair style free picture is really validating. I've had people being critical about not doing all the "normal" female stuff, and I hear the word "lazy" a lot. Now I will just think on your kind words and drown out the dissenters. :) :)

Now all I need is the long hair!! :D