View Full Version : Always splits, I give up.

December 1st, 2011, 03:53 PM
I get my hair cut and I find a splits a week or little bit later. I give up.

I have dark hair, and so I guess they show up even more. I'm also guessing that it is my long curly hair which is fine but thick in density. Maybe I need to wear it down less, because that is my preferred style??

I never use hair dryers or any sort of tool on it. I do use a gentle conditioner that is sulfate free when I wash. I use lots of condish, and try to do a deep treatment once a week.


December 1st, 2011, 03:57 PM
Do you cut it yourself? if so maybe your scissors are blunt which can cause even more splits, if not try switching hair dressers.

December 1st, 2011, 04:02 PM
Maybe you haven't been doing it long enough to make a difference?

December 1st, 2011, 04:38 PM
Check out the thread on catnip tea soaks to prevent splits, worked wonders for me. Good luck!

Miss Catrina
December 1st, 2011, 04:47 PM
Hm, I find splits are more visible on light hair. Maybe your hair needs more protein. How has your diet been lately? You might want to look into a conditioner that strengthens (with wheat protein etc)

December 1st, 2011, 04:50 PM
I would say the biggest issue is wearing your hair down. Try wearing your hair up in a protective sty;e at least one day more per week and see if that cuts down on the splits. :)

December 1st, 2011, 05:28 PM
My hair likes to split, too. But I'm not giving up. I'd rather have long hair with splits on the end than short, bushy hair that takes a lot of effort to control.

December 1st, 2011, 06:36 PM
It could be the hair stylist. Next time I'll ask if her scissors are sharp. ;)

Thanks for the advice everyone. I'll try catnip and see if that works. Perhaps it could be a protein issue. So I guess I'll experiment with a protein mask.



December 1st, 2011, 06:39 PM
I gave up on splits quite a while ago, too - that is, I gave up on trying to give the slightest damn :D .
Yeah, my hair splits - so what ? I seem to be doing pretty well enough with them, thankyouverymuch.

December 1st, 2011, 06:47 PM
If the splits are on the freshly cut ends (not up in the length where the scissors wouldn't have gotten them anyway), blame the scissors. Wearing hair in a protective style will prevent splits over wearing it loose, but even loose hair shouldn't be splitting after a week.