View Full Version : general hair unhappiness thread.

November 30th, 2011, 10:09 AM
I thought that this thread could be seeked out by those victims of discontentment in order to show that someone else loves their hair :)
So they would compliment the person before them's hair and so on..
What do you guys think?

November 30th, 2011, 10:13 AM
I'm in! :)

Your hair looks gorgeous! Curly, not frizzy at all, and you have nice length. Your hair looks like it also grows pretty fast, and it's very thick- which I know people envy. Rock that hair girl! :D

November 30th, 2011, 10:29 AM
Are you kidding Amber_Maiden? I envy your hair to a great extent xD

It's awe-inspiringly (is that even a word?) thick and full, a perfect length and though I know you're unhappy with the colour at times (sorry for stalking your journal :o) I think it looks great in the pictures you have up :) Great volume and body, also a very envy-worthy lack of frizz ;)

November 30th, 2011, 11:15 AM
At the moment I have hair rather like amber maidens avatar, Lol. And no, I am not posting a pic!

November 30th, 2011, 12:01 PM
I'm not unhappy with my hair necessarily, but I am hitting what seems to be an awkward length. But the health, texture, and routine I'm happy with.

November 30th, 2011, 12:02 PM
Awwh this is why I love you guys!
Not really sure what you're saying frozen britiania? :(
Firstly Chetlana all I gotta say is WOW!
Your hair is waist length and super flattering, a lovely inky, ebony dark colour which looks stunning and has the kind of wurly renisance fallen out ringlets that make me think of Morgania on Merlin (look it up) :) its beautiful!

November 30th, 2011, 12:03 PM
Mariead and Britannia you both have lovely hair which I'm sure many people want to compliment however the point of the thread is to comment on the person above you :) showing that everyone has hair insecurities but there is always someone who wants your hair :)

November 30th, 2011, 12:04 PM
Sorry if I was unclear!

November 30th, 2011, 12:09 PM
Awwh this is why I love you guys!
Not really sure what you're saying frozen britiania? :(
Firstly Chetlana all I gotta say is WOW!
Your hair is waist length and super flattering, a lovely inky, ebony dark colour which looks stunning and has the kind of wurly renisance fallen out ringlets that make me think of Morgania on Merlin (look it up) :) its beautiful!
Just that the porcupine and I have got a similar hair situation going on.

Mariead and Britannia you both have lovely hair which I'm sure many people want to compliment however the point of the thread is to comment on the person above you :) showing that everyone has hair insecurities but there is always someone who wants your hair :)

sorry, I misunderstood, I thought it was a place to post about feeling discontented with our hair as it is now and accepting it. Oh well.

November 30th, 2011, 12:18 PM
Sorry about that :( I feel quite bad!
Feel free to start a thread about that?

November 30th, 2011, 12:24 PM
Sorry about that :( I feel quite bad!
Feel free to start a thread about that?
Nah, it's ok:) carry on!

November 30th, 2011, 12:27 PM
So I believe you compliment my hair? Or alternatively one of the other people on the thread who haven't received a compliment as of yet :)

November 30th, 2011, 12:32 PM
Right then, well, for starters, I love the curls! Your hair has lots of volume and a lovely shape to it as well:)

November 30th, 2011, 01:04 PM
Okay :) so now someone compliments your hair and so on :)

November 30th, 2011, 03:20 PM
This is such a sweet thread!! :heart:

FrozenBritannia, your color is lovely!!! Wow, great growth too!! Yay, you can make a nice pony now!! :cheese:

November 30th, 2011, 03:33 PM
Honeyblonde, the color of your hair is beautiful! And the waves you have in your pictures are so pretty and romantic. :)

November 30th, 2011, 03:38 PM
Zesty--you have my dream hair! Smooth and silky, a lovely dark brown! It's perfect hair!

Trish in SC
November 30th, 2011, 03:43 PM
Girlcat ~ I love your curls (ringlets?), they look very healthy. Also like your profile picture because it looks so soft in that updo!

Also love your skirts! :) Did you make them?

November 30th, 2011, 04:16 PM

What gorgeous hair! It's that classic walnut brown I used to see in fairy-tale illustrations as a child, plus it's got a wonderful thickness to it. It looks really healthy; whatever you're doing to it is really paying off. The color and texture also set off your skin and classically pretty features, too.

November 30th, 2011, 04:35 PM
I like my hair except for the length its growing but slow in my book. I love the color and texture.

November 30th, 2011, 04:52 PM
Okay people, sorry to be all b#tchy about this, but I'm having a rotten day (one of several lately), my hair's lost almost half its thickness this year and has hardly grown at all ... it also desperately needs a root touch up. In short --- I NEED A COMPLIMENT RIGHT NOW, OKAY?

Go ahead and lie to me, I don't care! I just need to read something nice about myself. Sorry if I sound all unbalanced and crazy.

November 30th, 2011, 04:57 PM
Barb: I can't see any other pictures than your avatar but it looks striking there! Love the streak of colour especially. It looks so full and thick in that picture as well :) (and no I'm not lying ;)) I also love the contrast with your skintone and the dark hair :)

Firstly Chetlana all I gotta say is WOW!
Your hair is waist length and super flattering, a lovely inky, ebony dark colour which looks stunning and has the kind of wurly renisance fallen out ringlets that make me think of Morgania on Merlin (look it up) :) its beautiful!
It's actually not as dark is it is in the picture (it's still slightly wet there) but thanks! Reinforcing my wanting to dye it darker xD And I did, she has really pretty hair! ^_^ thanks so much =)

November 30th, 2011, 05:08 PM

Thanks sweetie, I feel better now, lol! That Avatar is several months old and I probably should update it, but it's such a good picture I hate to change it.

By the way, your hair is totally fabulous. Any secrets to pass on?

November 30th, 2011, 05:26 PM
Take pictures right after your wash your hair, makes mine look a zillion times better ;) and why update a perfectly fabulous picture? ^_^

I'm actually kind of with you on the hairloss part and I know how frustrating it can be, so you're not alone :) (and I'm sure your hair still looks fabulous no matter what).

November 30th, 2011, 05:39 PM
Chetanlaiho you hair looks lovely and healthy to me, I love your colour and curls. try garlic capsuals or the real thing it helps with shedding! I eat so much of the stuff, I hardly shed!

I don't have a problem with my hair, apart from I wish I could get more inches a month :D don't we all eh? but just wanted to say what a really lovely thread, I think you all must have funny mirrors because you all have lovely hair, try not to be too hard on yourselves. Everybody is unique as is there hair!

Miss Maisie
November 30th, 2011, 06:20 PM
Jojo, your hair looks so lovely, shiny, and soft! It's a great length (even if you want more inches a month!), and I would love for my hair to be that thick!!

I have had an awful day today, and my hair has added to that. It feels so thin, fine, and stringy. I've started using sls shampoo again instead of CO (was out of town and used my sister's shampoo - and spiraled out of control), and I just feel like it looks so blah. Also, it's between SL and APL, so the length is really irritating. I pulled it up into a ponytail so I wouldn't be tempted to take scissors to it this evening :-P

November 30th, 2011, 07:02 PM
Miss Maisie- You hair is beautiful! I love the color! (It looks different in your albums- did you dye it? Or is it the lighting?) And I'm quite envious of your waves; they're so smooth and frizz-free. Stick with the plan and put it up- you'll have Rapunzel hair before you know it! :)

December 1st, 2011, 01:49 AM
Kristin your hair is long, pretty and such a beautiful colour.Your straight hair is gorgous. Very sleek and shiny :)

This such a sweet thread :heartbeat

December 1st, 2011, 09:32 AM
I'm pretty new and don't have any pictures of my hair in my sig or avvy, so no one has to compliment. :) I just need to use this thread to vent about moments of hair unhappiness!

Today I went to the window to examine my hair in the sunlight, and a pretty big lock was so full of split ends. It was as if I got my hair caught in a zipper, it was so bad. I just sat there for 5 minutes nipping split ends. -___-

December 1st, 2011, 09:52 AM
janeytillie....I love your waves, absolutely gorgeous!

December 1st, 2011, 09:53 AM
Where do I begin. :)
Your hair is lovely and long, a beautiful colour and wave pattern and looks amazingly soft and silky as well as lovely and thick!
Its gorgeous!
I'm so sorry about that :(
I've had a couple of bad experiences like that and they make me want to dissolve :)
But don't worry!
Try sealing down those ends with a huge amount of oil like I do :)
Bythe way thank you so much for everyone saying this is a sweet thread :)
Its really nice of you guys!

December 1st, 2011, 09:57 AM
Where do I begin. :)
Your hair is lovely and long, a beautiful colour and wave pattern and looks amazingly soft and silky as well as lovely and thick!
Its gorgeous!
I'm so sorry about that :(
I've had a couple of bad experiences like that and they make me want to dissolve :)
But don't worry!
Try sealing down those ends with a huge amount of oil like I do :)
Bythe way thank you so much for everyone saying this is a sweet thread :)
Its really nice of you guys!

December 1st, 2011, 10:00 AM
Ignore that!
Epic mistake *facepalm*

December 1st, 2011, 10:01 AM
Thanks for the tip, LovingLife. :)

Trish in SC
December 1st, 2011, 02:15 PM
Barb ~ Thanks for such a nice compliment. It made me smile & trust that I am doing something right with this hair care....I'm a newbie so I'm not always sure! Anyhow, I appreciate your kind words. Hope your day got better yesterday.

December 1st, 2011, 02:20 PM
I'm really hating mine at the moment. It's frizzy, flat and I wish I had more thickness!! It's so ugly!

It's also gone really straight over the past 3 years which makes me sad. I've tried changing routines, clarifying etc but nope, it's just changing by itself. It used to be 2b/2c...now it's nearly a 1b :(

December 1st, 2011, 02:45 PM
I wanted to play too - but then I got confused about who was above me? I think PrairieRose got missed somehow?

Anyway - PrairieRose, I love your bun in your avatar picture, plus your color looks so nice!

LovingLife, you jumped back in to your fun and wonderful thread, and I have to say, I love your hair too! It makes me want to reach through my computer and give one of your curls a gentle “Sproing!”

Trish in SC, your hair has such fun waves, and it’s the color I’ve always coveted.

Irishlady, you have some of the cutest updos in your album! I adore your use of fun clips, and your hair is so neat and shiny looking!

I think that gets us back on the compliment track? Cheers!

December 1st, 2011, 03:19 PM
Oooh this game looks like fun! :)

Trillian - After I stalked your photo album, I must say WOW. You have beautiful fantasy/medieval/renaissance/elvish hair. It has perfect texture and the kind of thickness I've always wanted for my own hair. It looks like you can style in any way and you'd never have to worry about not having enough for the style to work, or it being too fine to stay in place, or having parts of your scalp showing whenever you wear it up (like i do). It's the kinda long hair you'd expect a princess to have! :)

December 2nd, 2011, 09:48 AM
Just wanted to say that your name is adorable kiwibun :)

December 2nd, 2011, 03:43 PM
Kiwibum, I love the colour of your hair! And it lays so prettily too!