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View Full Version : Considering cutting - any advice?

November 28th, 2011, 07:24 PM
I have come to the realization that my goal length is simply not possible for me. I was going to grow to waist, then maybe to terminal, but I'm having more than enough problems with BSL.

My hair is simply so heavy! All I can do at the moment is wear it down, low pony, or four or more braids. Everything else simply hurts too much. I have tried just about everything. I've tried layers. I've tried sectioning, but no matter what I do, nothing works.

If I do a low bun, it falls out within 30 minutes. If I do a mid or high style, it stays, but hurts after about 30 minutes. It doesn't matter if I do one bun or ponytail, two, three, or even four. If I do a single braid, it pulls no matter how tight or loose I do it. If I do two braids hanging down, I feel the weight, then it pulls.

I have tried hairsticks, hair forks, barettes, flexi8s, ficcares, slides, pins, and more. Every barette or clip I've tried snaps open after a few minutes no matter how much or how little hair I put in. Hair sticks and forks simply fall out from the weight no matter which technique I use (for the record, i could get them to stay at APL). Same with flexis. The only thing that holds is ficcares, but even those get uncomfortable after a little while.

I've tried using pins to secure a style, but I seriously need at least ten bobby pins to hold, and those hurt. I know I'm distributing the weight evenly because it doesn't hurt at first, only after 20-30 minutes. Again, I could use them no problem at APL, but I can't do much with my hair at that length! :mad:

I am so frustrated because the reason I started growing my hair out was to be able to do all those pretty updos, and I can't even do a simple bun. When my hair was shoulder to APL, it was too thick to do much with (ponytail, cheaters hairstick bun, messy bun which always fell out) because it was wider than it was long. Now that i have the length, I still can't do anything. Yes, it looks nice in pictures, but that's about it.

Has anyone gone through this? I want to have long hair, but this is ridiculous. All the women in my family with this problem simply cut their hair short after reaching shoulder length, so no help there. Any tips, advice, etc? :(

November 28th, 2011, 07:40 PM
Yep. I have very thick hair, very close to 6in circumference. My hair is extremely heavy. When I was a teenager I would cut it just because of the weight. I have found, though, with growing it long, that it feels better than when it was short. I can't do buns either, my hair is too thick. I do top knots though, and that seems to work for me. I have a thread I started yesterday about it.

I feel your pain. Seriously, I've been there. I used to get headaches because of the weight of my hair. It's something I just had to deal with if i wanted to grow it long, and now it seems to be a bit better.

November 28th, 2011, 08:51 PM
I know your pain I used to have thick hair and it would pull my head I'd have head aches as its been said the longer my hair got the less it seems to pull. I'm at arm pit length and I'm loving it. For once I'm loving it and I'm looking forward to bra strap length. Someday to my ultimate goal tail bone length and I wouldn't cut my hair to please anyone. My point being if you want long hair let it grow other wise you could end up with remorse. The pull might go away when it grows longer.

November 28th, 2011, 09:10 PM
The secret to wearing thick hair comfortably is to section it.

I had very thick, long hair when I was younger and used 3 inch crimped hairpins to secure my sectioned hairstyles.

Bobby pins are meant for very short hairs, not for anything longer than 2 inches at most.

If your hair is not accustomed to being drawn in another direction, then your scalp is going to hurt. Time and patience will eventually overcome this hurt scalp syndrome.

However, if you find that the weight of your hair is just too much, then cutting back might be more appealing.

November 28th, 2011, 09:36 PM
Have you tried using Amish hairpins? Bobby pins don't hold buns well, and they tend to pull. (In advance, you use Amish pins and all U-shaped hairpins oriented like little hairforks. They don't do well if you try to catch hair between the tines as though they were bobby pins.)

Ever tried putting your bun directly on top of your head, so the weight is supported by the top of your head instead of by the hair roots? My roots complain when I do this, but if you do it regularly you'll have them trained not to before long, and weight distribution will be less of a problem.

November 28th, 2011, 10:12 PM
Have you tried wearing it half up, half down? That might help. :)

November 28th, 2011, 10:33 PM
Also have you considered an undercut? Where you cut the bottom layer much shorter or even buzz the bottom back of your head?

November 28th, 2011, 10:58 PM
Have you ever had your hair thinned out using thinning shears?? I used to have to have this done as my hair was insanely thick.... but as I've gotten older it's thinned out naturally.

I would suggest having it done before you do anything drastic. The undercut isn't a bad idea either. I remember reading in that thread that someone has had success with putting little shaved strips on their scalp (which are hidden when hair is down or put up), another possible idea?


November 28th, 2011, 11:25 PM
Thanks for all the replies. Unfortunately, I don't think the pull will go away with length. In fact, it keeps getting worse.

I tried a topknot once, but again it hurt too much. Once, before I showered, I put my hair up in two buns on top of my head. One side I put up with an elastic, combed out really neat, twisted, and secured with a comfy scrunchie. The other side I put up in an elastic and just used a claw clip to secure. They were both so painful I couldn't stand it bu the time I got out. If you say it gets better, 'll try it. Now that I think about it, my roots used to complain when I put my hair up or french braided, but not anymore. But, that was a different kind of pain.

I'm quite used to half ups. While I like them, and it's the only way sticks every hold, sometimes I do need all of my hair up. Especially when I do things like dance or yoga, it would be really nice to have it all up and off my neck.

I'm not thinking of anything drastic like thinning of shaving. I've done both. The maintenance was annoying, and the grow out was horrendous. After APL is when I started to have the problem of hairtoys falling out and clips coming open, so no further than that, but I just want to be able to do things with my hair.

I haven't tried Amish pins yet. In fact, I didn't know you weren't supposed to use bobby pins for longer hair. All the tutorials I saw did, but they also had much finer hair. I'm thinking about getting spin pins. but I'm a little nervous because so far everything I've found that holds hurts. I guess that's what the swap board is for, though. One of these days, I'm going to have a big post with all the things that don't work (so, a lot ;)).

I'm also thinking of getting a hairagaimi (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PEw4mSOzqw&feature=player_embedded#!) or a qwikbun (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFdq3vh9HwY) to help distribute the weight of my hair more evenly. Any thoughts or experiences?

Thanks again for your replies!

November 29th, 2011, 02:03 AM
Hmmmm... you might just be tender headed. I'm that way a little bit. When I first do a particular hair style (say a french braid) after not doing it for a long time my scalp will ache.

I'm thinking you are worse off then I though.. :( For me, just taking an aspirin if needed and dealing with it for the first few times I do a particular thing gets me through it. Have you tried 'toughing' your scalp up? It sounds silly, but it helps. Just play with, tug and move your hair around randomly in the day. Nothing says you have to keep the same hairstyle in all day either. Switch it up, handle and tug (gently) and get your scalp more used to the hair moving. It helped me some.

That's all I can suggest. :/

As for your sticks and forks falling out.. I'd a much easier time with those when my hair was longer then BSL. BSL for me was a million low ponytails and peacock twists.

More hair to work with means they hold better. Now most of my hair is at waist I can do more.

Although. Amish hairpins or spin pins. Those things are really great! Bobbies are just for short hair or decoration.

November 29th, 2011, 03:07 AM
i cant wear my hair up for longer than one hour too, i will get a headache and my roots tend to itch, i have an circ. of 6 too,but cutting it? never.i dont think that if you cut it things will get better..the most wearable style for me is a braid,maybe you can try that too? i also think that around waist ,hair gets more manageble,just wait a bit and see how you feel in spring.if i would cut for every little thing that would bother me my hair would be permanently short,but growing it out is so worth it!!

November 29th, 2011, 05:32 AM
I agree with taking aspirin and trying to wait it out to accustom yoiur head to the pulling.

Have you tried spin pins (http://www.amazon.com/Goody-Simple-Styles-Spin-Color/dp/B003FVDNO6)? I could never use bobby pins, may as well stick little daggers in my head. Apin pins do the work of 10 bobby pins and if placed stretegically, don't pull at all. However, my hair is not as thick as yours and as it is I have to use 4 to hold a cinnabun.

November 30th, 2011, 07:27 AM
Your hair sounds a lot like mine, and I've usually found my hair less heavy and more manageable with layers. The downside, of course, is that my braids get messy very quickly, but for me that's a trade-off I'm willing to make, since I enjoy my hair more this way.

You mentioned that you dance - for dance I like 3" u-pins. I used to do my buns with bobby pins, and they would always come out, usually during turns, with pins sticking out of a braid or twist whipping me in the face - eek! I haven't had that problem since I started using the larger u-pins.

November 30th, 2011, 08:35 AM
This sounds a bit odd to me, because if a bun is sitting on top of your head, there isn't a way for it to pull. I'm wondering if perhaps you're using an odd anchoring technique that is making the hair toy pinch or poke your scalp when it ought not?

If you can wear a hat without crying in pain, chances are there are updos that will work for you. This brings to mind another thing... berets can be styled lots of ways (http://www.retrochick.co.uk/2011/11/02/3-ways-to-wear-a-beret/) and they work well with long hair. They also suit a lot of different faces. My knitting group is full of longhairs (nothing extravagant as the one with the longest hair is also 4'11), and none of us really look at all alike, but we all can make a beret look cute.

November 30th, 2011, 08:52 AM
2Peasinapod, have you tried a lace twist crown braid? Here's a tutorial for doing it on shorter hair:


Since you saw your hair is so heavy and thick, then I would not recommend the quikbun thingie. While it is very easy to use, your hair is concentrated at the back of your neck..and that might be uncomfortable to wear over a period of time.

Thick hair needs to be sectioned to be worn comfortably.

November 30th, 2011, 09:03 AM
Maybe long layers will help. I have my hair that way because it's wavy and I didn't want to get Chrismas-Tree Head lol. My longest layer is BSL; shortest is shoulder.

How I did it: I made a ponytail at the crown of my head, bent over the bathtub, smoothed my hand down the tail, and cut evenly across the end of the tail, taking off like 2 inches. Then when you put your hair back in place you have long layers. After that I made it into a U shape with Feye's self trim method.

November 30th, 2011, 09:41 AM
My hair is heavy and screw pins really help, as do keytlo's (sp) straight sticks are no good for me, these twisty sticks are brilliant. Chinese buns are excellent for longer hair too as they are more spread out.

November 30th, 2011, 09:50 AM
Thankyou for all your replies and ideas!

Madora, you are BRILLIANT! I did my hair like that video (kept messing up because it's so deceptively simple, lol). No pain after I put it up, and after a long shower and breakfast...still no pain! :banana: Well, it does hurt a little where I clipped it up. After seeing my ends all twisted up, I definitely see where need those Amish pins.

I have to admit, I'm a bit clueless. I thought I was sectioning properly by trying styles like the woven bun or braided Chinese bun, but now I see what you mean about the weight still being concentrated at the same place.I think that was the problem with topknots, too. It was on top of my head, but all the roots were still being pulled into a ponytail.

noelgirl I can relate! That was my problem, too. My hair would always fall out of what ever style I put it in (pins or no pins), and fall/hit me in my face, too. Especially during yoga. :mad:

Thank you LHC! You have saved my hair (and my head ;)). I think I'll maintain at BSL and find more manageable hairstyles (now that I know what I'm trying to to) before trying for waist. I already have layers (between APL and BSL), but I'm not sure I like them. I'll experiment with no layers and get long ones if that doesn't work. I knew there was a trick I didn't know yet! You guys are awesome! :cheese:

Off to buy spin pins! ETA:thanks for the Keytlo tip, too! Now that you mention it, all my sticks and forks are straight. The only one I could ever get to hold was wavy, but I outgrew it. :( Off to the swap board, too!

November 30th, 2011, 09:58 AM
I have days like that. I do a bun, take it out, do a braid, take it out ... etc etc. Nothing is comfortable. Thank goodness that I also have days when the first style I try stays comfortable all day. I think it has something to do with the alignment of the moon and planets ... haha.

November 30th, 2011, 10:52 AM
I dont know if these are the same as Amish pins, but I use extra long hairpins from a ballet/dancewear shop - they are only slightly longer than 'normal' pins but they are also narrower. They do have crimps. These have made a huge difference - I used to start the day with a bun so full of pins I looked like Mrs Tiggywinkle and by the evening most would have scattered far and wide! About 4-5 ballet pins hold my bun like a rock, and its far more comfortable. They are a similar price to hairpins from a chemist.

November 30th, 2011, 10:58 AM
Small claw clips work well around my buns to hold them up. They have good grip, they don't tug, they hold enough hair, and do not cause damage.

Then again I don't really notice the weight of my hair perhaps because I had it long most of my life. I do think the small claw clips would definitely help though.

November 30th, 2011, 01:43 PM
I have days like that. I do a bun, take it out, do a braid, take it out ... etc etc. Nothing is comfortable. Thank goodness that I also have days when the first style I try stays comfortable all day. I think it has something to do with the alignment of the moon and planets ... haha.

I would totally believe this LOL. I swear, there are just some days it can't be done.

November 30th, 2011, 04:28 PM
Glad I could help, 2peasinapod.:)

That style also lends itself to the 3 strand Dutch (or English) crown braid (but the lace twist effect is much easier..and faster..to accomplish). Enjoy!

November 30th, 2011, 04:33 PM
Have you tried getting your hair thinned when you get it layered? I also agree that you should try updos that are sectioned or distribute the weight more evenly. Also, I like to wear more than one updo throughout the day. I don't have a problem with heavy hair but I will usually start off the day wearing it up high on my head then later take it down and put it back up in a different updo positioned lower on my head. It prevents sore spots on my scalp for me. Try low ponytails and braids as well?

November 30th, 2011, 04:36 PM
Can someone help me!!! I'm new here and have no idea what the terms mean like BSL, Classic, terminal etc and how do you know if someone has written something in the post! sooo lost! lol

November 30th, 2011, 08:05 PM
Jdunn20, read the stickies (especially the Very Important Threads) at the top of the forum.

kidari, the layers are as a result of not trimming after I evened out the Mullet of Doom. I've had my hair thinned when it was short, but I hated how it grew back in. Low ponies are the only ponytail I can wear comfortably, but even they pinch after a while.

Everyone else, I bought some spin pins today, and they are magic! I was afraid they would hurt as everything else that holds does, but they don't! In fact, I could barely feel them. I kept thinking they were falling out because it felt like there was nothing there, but they held. Amazing!

I'm definitely going to stay a long hair! :cheese:

November 30th, 2011, 09:32 PM
Small claw clips work well around my buns to hold them up. They have good grip, they don't tug, they hold enough hair, and do not cause damage.

She's right. These are an easy and surprisingly painless way to wear a bun. They don't look like they would have enough holding power, but they sure do!

November 30th, 2011, 10:32 PM
buy a thinning shear! you can find youtube vids and how to websites all over the internet on how to do it yourself OR you can go to the salon. :) don't let it keep you from growing it long!