View Full Version : Today I hate it
March 14th, 2008, 01:47 PM
It's hot. It tickles. It gets in my face. When I braid or bun it, at least one hair pulls so much that I can't stand it. I suddenly remember why I liked this cut:
Doesn't that look easy? Cute, too.
March 14th, 2008, 01:53 PM
Remember: This shall too pass.
*the self-appointed guru has spoken*
March 14th, 2008, 02:02 PM
I have those days too. But as hypnotica said, it will pass.
Miss Murphy
March 14th, 2008, 02:06 PM
Aaaw Spidermom - I feel with you. But, as hypnotica put it, it shall pass. And as long as the happy hair days outweigh the bad ones, life is good.
Should the balance tip in the other direction, you will always have the scissors to go to. And you'll know you'll look cute with a pixie!
March 14th, 2008, 02:21 PM
Aw, I understand what your going through... I've had to redo my cinna bun a gazillion times today cause it's just NOT coming out right, something's pulling or puffing.... blah.
But tomorrow you'll wake up and it'll be fine!
March 14th, 2008, 02:28 PM
I always massage my scalp a little with my fingertips after I put my bun up.That pinching hair is not your one way ticket to a pixie:hatchet:.Do you hear that Spidermom:waving::mad.Don't you dear have a date with the scissors.:demon:
March 14th, 2008, 03:28 PM
You just had a very nice trim, Spidermom and that ought to keep you happy for now. Yes, today you hate it, but tomorrow you will love it again. Your hair is so beautiful that you'll have to love it again. :flowers:
March 14th, 2008, 03:38 PM
*pets* But you have really, really lovely hair, and I like it ever so much better on you than the short cut.
March 14th, 2008, 04:02 PM
*pets* But you have really, really lovely hair, and I like it ever so much better on you than the short cut.
Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I know, I know. I don't want to go back to short unless I get so old and crippled up that I can't take care of long hair. Been there, done that ... ya know? But I still hate it! I'm in my - like - 10th style of the day (a simple knot stabbed into my head with a fork), and it has already twisted sideways and is pulling. ow!ow!ow!
Silver & Gold
March 14th, 2008, 04:09 PM
Ok, your short hair was adorable - so was that pixie grin of yours!
But now, seriously . . . turn away from the dark side!
Hee hee, I've had days like those. I just looked back to a picture of me taken in October 2006. My hair was short, cute and sassy. And I began to wonder if I looked terribly old in my long hair.
But I decided to implement the oft referred to "2 week rule". I'm hoping by that time I won't be so annoyed with my hair and will have found a new way to make it look nice.
March 14th, 2008, 04:23 PM
Don't you dare think of cutting your gorgeous hair. We all have bad hair days now and then :flowers:
March 14th, 2008, 05:47 PM
Silver&Gold - you look gorgeous in that short and sassy cut!
March 14th, 2008, 05:49 PM
Spidermom well regardless of the fact that you look as cute as a button in that short hair pic, I always love your long hair. Your new avatar and siggy rock so don't make us cry over here. Just tie it back and ignore it bacause tomorrow you will love it.
Silver & Gold
March 14th, 2008, 05:53 PM
Silver&Gold - you look gorgeous in that short and sassy cut!
Must fight the magnetic pull of the scissors . . .
Spidermom, you is baaaaaad, tempting me at a weak point.
But I will look again at the photo of your long, beautiful tendrils reaching down your back and remind myself that scissors are my enemy right now.
March 14th, 2008, 06:00 PM
I've still got quite a few splits, too. Pretty depressing considering that I recently lopped off about 2 inches.
Have you ever had long hair before, Silver&Gold? This is the longest my hair has ever been.
March 14th, 2008, 07:00 PM
*petting*massaging head*
Please don't cut. Your hair is beautiful. Yes, the pixie cut is cute, but.....your long hair is truly beautiful.
On the days when I can't stand my hair and it hates everything I do, sometimes a single french braid will work. Also, I've started keeping a rat-tail comb in my bag....not to comb my hair with, but when is pulling in an updo, I slide the tail of the comb into the updo and loosen the pulling hair.
And, if all that fails, I let it down, spritz it with my trusty mister, throw it behind me, and let it hang there.
All will be well soon. Your hair is beautiful....please don't cut it.
March 14th, 2008, 07:14 PM
I was almost just like this today. Maybe it's a moon phase lol. No seriously, my allergies are flaring up with the onset of Spring something awful and I have this sore spot on the back of my head that everything pulled on, even a french braid which is usually a lifesaver for me! I couldn't even do a halfup. Plus my hair really needs washing but I was at work and so I just felt sorry for myself and was annoyed. As my hair gets longer I have more days like this. It is harder to get it out of the way without it bugging me and since my scalp tends to be tender anyway, the longer it gets the more it seems to pull when in updos ACCKKK!!!
You may have read that a coworker of mine lopped all her longer than waist length hair off last week and was happy with it for about 5 days. Today she admitted she was very sorry she did it.
I have no advice, just thought you might feel better if someone joined you in your annoying hair day!!! :hugs:
March 14th, 2008, 08:03 PM
Think of the LHC people who are depending on you to be a longhair. We would all be so terribly disappointed if you sheared your locks off for nought.
Silver & Gold
March 14th, 2008, 08:12 PM
I've still got quite a few splits, too. Pretty depressing considering that I recently lopped off about 2 inches.
Have you ever had long hair before, Silver&Gold? This is the longest my hair has ever been.
This picture shows my hair at about the longest it has ever been and I barely remember it.
What I do remember is giving my mother a lot of grief about brushing/combing it. (She was too rough for my tender head as I recall and besides, it was precious time from my busy day having to sit and have my hair brushed.) So when I was about 5 or 6 my parents cut my hair in a pixie.
I hated it sooooo much. I felt like I had been neutered. I felt like a boy. It didn't matter to me that my parents kept telling me how cute and in fashion it was. I hated it. But what could I do?
I wasn't allowed to grow my hair until middle school. When it got to the awkward ugly stage I was always convinced that I should cut it again . . . that it hid my lovely face and eyes. That was what I was always told, that it hid my face.
Right now is almost the longest my hair has ever been since that first pixie haircut. By the end of the summer it will be just about where it was the last time I cut it because a beautician ruined it. If I keep growing it after this summer I won't recognize the woman in the mirror because I've never seen myself with hair any longer except for a few pictures taken when I was very small.
I hope I make it. I'm going to be 50 next year and if I can't begin to grow it now, I may not live to see myself with truly long hair.
Neon Gloss
March 14th, 2008, 08:23 PM
Short hair is so easy to manage, but I definitely have a preference for the appearance of long hair--I just appreciate it more. Monthly hair cuts are no match for many long strenuous years trying to grow your hair long...
March 14th, 2008, 08:32 PM
Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I know, I know. I don't want to go back to short unless I get so old and crippled up that I can't take care of long hair. Been there, done that ... ya know? But I still hate it! I'm in my - like - 10th style of the day (a simple knot stabbed into my head with a fork), and it has already twisted sideways and is pulling. ow!ow!ow!
:p Yep- it's the equivalent of the dreaded "fat day" with clothes.
March 14th, 2008, 08:33 PM
Spidermom - you have beautiful hair and you are one of the most prominent longhairs here. Tomorrow will be better. :)
March 14th, 2008, 09:14 PM
We all get days like this where our hair just seems like too much hard work, but remember all the time and devotion you have dedicated to your hair, its beautiful and you should feel proud.
sure your pixi cut looks sweet, but i know when i got mine cut how much harder work it was, fringe curling up, back stuck out, having to style it every day the list is endless.
Put it up and ignore it, do a faux bob, rag curl it anything but please don't cut it, i know you would regret it, it would take you years to get that length back.
March 14th, 2008, 09:28 PM
Every time my knot got loose and pulled, I'd take out the fork and invert the knot to cover the ends. Eventually I found that perfect spot of balance at the nape of my neck. It looks like a short bob with longer pieces around my face. Kind of cute. I think I might love it again!
Silver & Gold
March 14th, 2008, 09:38 PM
Every time my knot got loose and pulled, I'd take out the fork and invert the knot to cover the ends. Eventually I found that perfect spot of balance at the nape of my neck. It looks like a short bob with longer pieces around my face. Kind of cute. I think I might love it again!
*giggles at you* We are all so fickle about our hair. The person who initiated the 2 week rule knew what they were doing!
I'm glad you and your hair are no longer on the outs with each other.
March 14th, 2008, 09:55 PM
phew! you had me worried there, glad your feeling better about your hair, would love to see a picture of your 'Saviour' hair do!
March 15th, 2008, 02:07 AM
Some days are just plop it on top of the head and tie it in place with bandana days.
Out of the way. No bun will do. No braid won't pinch. Scarves, however, can be counted on to be CUTE.
March 15th, 2008, 09:01 AM
MPB, what a great idea about the scarf! I did that for awhile last summer, then got bored with it, then forgot about it. I think it's time to dig my scarves out again.
S&G, that picture of little girl you with the chickens is too precious for words!
Silver & Gold
March 15th, 2008, 09:46 AM
S&G, that picture of little girl you with the chickens is too precious for words!
Since you liked the one with the chickens, I just had to share my favorite picture taken that same day. I didn't put it in the other post because it doesn't really show my length as well but this picture shows the real me.
I totally remember this day. I couldn't wait to get outside and feed the animals. I loved playing with the animals more than anything else. My mother wanted me to wait until she could brush out my hair. I would have none of it . . . I didn't realize that my mother wanted me to look nice for this big 'photo op' and I wouldn't have much cared anyway.
So here I am with 'Billy'. I couldn't wait to pick him up and give him a big ol' hug. You can see from my expression that I am absolutely filled with joy . . . I think, however, that 'Billy' was a little less thrilled about the whole thing.
March 15th, 2008, 09:48 AM
I wish my hair problems included buns and hair pulling ;) All I've got are my 4cm nape hairs escaping from my tiny tiny ponytail. (Two week rule, people, two week rule! Nothing good ever comes from cheating!)
March 15th, 2008, 09:50 AM
Spidermom, your hair is gorgeous. We almost look like hair twins in terms of texture and length, except that mine is coarser and has more curl. I'm glad the urge to chop passed.
March 15th, 2008, 11:46 AM
Oh S&G; thanks for sharing! I love that picture, too. The goat looks like it just remembered an appointment and needs to get going. haha
March 15th, 2008, 11:47 AM
UrbanEast, my hair has more curl, too, when it is freshly washed and air dried. The picture shows day 3 hair. Repeated bunning takes out the curl.
March 15th, 2008, 11:47 AM
Spidermom, you are another of my hair idols - I love your siggy pic. I know you have been tempted by the scissors lately but please don't do it!
(I just had to cut off an inch as mine looked ratty and awful - but I kind of regret it :()
Silver & Gold
March 15th, 2008, 01:53 PM
Oh S&G; thanks for sharing! I love that picture, too. The goat looks like it just remembered an appointment and needs to get going. haha
I'm glad you liked the photo. But more than that, I'm glad that we were able to distract you from the magnetic pull of the scissors.
I've given in to the scissors too many times! They always promise to give you the solution but I've discovered that they are dirty, filthy liars! Scissors are a tricksy sort and you really should exercise caution when they begin to seductively whisper in your ear.
March 15th, 2008, 03:04 PM
Scissors are a tricksy sort and you really should exercise caution when they begin to seductively whisper in your ear
Hee! I love this! I think I will write it down and put it on top of my hair cutting scissors. :D
Im glad you got over your hair hate day Spidermom. :)
March 15th, 2008, 06:21 PM
SM, I did not find a solution to mine yesterday and did a braid this morning and STILL had a scalpache GRRRRRRR. However later this afternoon I clarified and did a good condition. I ALMOST blew it dry straight for a change and just COULDN'T bring myself to it ha ha. It's dry now and I like it again for now. I don't remember going through this when my hair was shorter do you? I mean yours is definitely much longer than mine but now it is a different kind of annoying sometimes such as updos cause worse scalpaches, it gets in your way all the time if it's down, you always have to move it around out of your way etc. Okay well I am SO glad you are okay now!
March 15th, 2008, 07:33 PM
I'm having a bad hair month or two. It's frizzy and the ends are trashed. It's at an awkward bunning length and anything with my hair even remotely down looks icky. I think it will probably all go away once I get it trimmed, but for right now it's driving me crazy!
March 15th, 2008, 08:42 PM
I'm having a bad hair month or two. It's frizzy and the ends are trashed. It's at an awkward bunning length and anything with my hair even remotely down looks icky. I think it will probably all go away once I get it trimmed, but for right now it's driving me crazy!
I hear you there. I got rid of a lot of splits when I cut off some inches end of last week. But I still have lots of splits. Less than before but too many for me to enjoy my hair. I can be sitting and look down and see a split glowing by the light of the computer screen. If I lift my ends to under the lamp or look at them in daylight against a dark shirt ... I'm ashamed.
Curlsgirl - yes! Increased length is extra weight. Plus forks, sticks, Ficarres, claw clips add weight. Sometimes a few hairs are accidentally pulled a little tighter while braiding or bunning ... the entire weight of all these things is hanging on only those few hairs. It's awful!
Long hair is worth it for the way that it comforts me. I like to feel it flow down my back in the shower, move in the breeze. It is relaxing to sit and comb it. Styling it is a good upper body workout. I don't know why I'm so annoyed with it lately.
Silver & Gold
March 16th, 2008, 08:21 AM
I hear you there. I got rid of a lot of splits when I cut off some inches end of last week. But I still have lots of splits. Less than before but too many for me to enjoy my hair. I can be sitting and look down and see a split glowing by the light of the computer screen. If I lift my ends to under the lamp or look at them in daylight against a dark shirt ... I'm ashamed.
Curlsgirl - yes! Increased length is extra weight. Plus forks, sticks, Ficarres, claw clips add weight. Sometimes a few hairs are accidentally pulled a little tighter while braiding or bunning ... the entire weight of all these things is hanging on only those few hairs. It's awful!
Long hair is worth it for the way that it comforts me. I like to feel it flow down my back in the shower, move in the breeze. It is relaxing to sit and comb it. Styling it is a good upper body workout. I don't know why I'm so annoyed with it lately.
Even though my hair is not nearly as long as yours, I'm beginning to identify with some of what you are saying. I've had one or two hair pulled by the entire weight of my hair by a clumsy updo - I can only imagine how much worse it would be if my hair were longer and the weight greater.
But I also am beginning to enjoy some of the comforts. (Since you are so far away from short hair you may have forgotten - so here's your reminder.) Waking up in the morning without short hair sticking up all over the place. If my hair is messy in the morning, it's kinda sexy rather than yucky looking. And I'm only now able to enjoy the pleasure of the scent of my hair. Some the the CV bars I use have such a nice scent that occasionally (when I'm alone of course) I enjoy lifting a bit of my hair to my nose and smelling it. Also, when I'm having a "bad face day" I can wear my hair down and hide behind the curtain.
Anyone else care to share some of their comforts? This seems a good thread for it, to remind those who are under the seductive influence of those tricksy scissors.
March 16th, 2008, 09:44 AM
I love that phrase "scissors are a tricksy sort." hehehehahaha
March 16th, 2008, 10:17 AM
Do you not find short hair is more trouble, as it has to be washed every morning? (well, mine did - and styled before work - a PITA if ever there was one).
Also, with a bit more length, you can wear it a different way every day of the week. Even with my barely shoulder-length hair, I can have e.g. Monday - ponytail, Tuesday - French Braid, Wednesday - single hairstick bun, Thursday - down avec bun waves, Friday - double hairstick bun, Saturday - down & straight. Plus I like the feel of it around my shoulders and it makes a good screen for what Silver and Gold endearingly calls a "bad face day" - heh! I have one of those after a night out.
And you've got enough hair for all those fancy buns I haven't got enough hair for yet, not to mention a long English braid (which is what I'd like at the moment more than anything!)
Can I have your hair if you don't want it? ;)
March 17th, 2008, 06:47 PM
But I also am beginning to enjoy some of the comforts. (Since you are so far away from short hair you may have forgotten - so here's your reminder.) Waking up in the morning without short hair sticking up all over the place. If my hair is messy in the morning, it's kinda sexy rather than yucky looking. And I'm only now able to enjoy the pleasure of the scent of my hair. Some the the CV bars I use have such a nice scent that occasionally (when I'm alone of course) I enjoy lifting a bit of my hair to my nose and smelling it. Also, when I'm having a "bad face day" I can wear my hair down and hide behind the curtain.
Anyone else care to share some of their comforts? This seems a good thread for it, to remind those who are under the seductive influence of those tricksy scissors.
Hijack, ok gold and silver you can start that thread now.
Silver & Gold
March 17th, 2008, 08:19 PM
Hijack, ok gold and silver you can start that thread now.
Point taken, so here it is, my thread is called "Tricksy Scissors (".
March 18th, 2008, 06:30 PM
Spidermom, please don't cut your hair. *puppy dog eyes* It's so beautiful! Did you trim it? I thought you were almost at tailbone.
March 18th, 2008, 06:45 PM
I did self-trim it, made it crooked, and had it professionally trimmed today. It's not almost at tailbone anymore. It's at the small of my back. The number of splits that I had was pretty overwhelming, but now I've got a fresh start and a lot of ideas for preventing the formation of a whole new crop.
I think I'm being too much of a perfectionist about my hair. #1 priority for me right now -- stop picking up the ends and looking at them. This always gets me into trouble.
March 18th, 2008, 06:52 PM
your hair is so beautiful. i would gladly put up with it.
March 20th, 2008, 12:34 AM
Ok. Is your sig pic from before or after? Are you still shooting for TB?
September 23rd, 2013, 10:14 AM
It's a passing phase.
September 23rd, 2013, 10:21 AM
It's a passing phase.
This 'phase' happened five years ago. I think spidermom made up her mind in the meantime.
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