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November 18th, 2011, 10:35 PM
Looking at the thread of spotting people with long hair and possible jealousy (in nice fun of course on all of our ends), has anyone ever worried about someone cutting a chunk out your hair do to jealousy or just plain meanness?

November 18th, 2011, 10:52 PM
I had a girlfriend along time ago who had an abusive boyfriend who did this. Cut a huge chunk right from the top of her head while she was sleeping. The extra sad part was that she stayed with him for a long time after that.

November 18th, 2011, 10:55 PM
Omg I would go homicidal!

November 18th, 2011, 11:01 PM
I would kill the person and most of the people I know know that...so they wouldn't dare. haha And I wear my hair up pretty much all the time so nobody knows my hair is so long.

November 18th, 2011, 11:12 PM
Yes, I've been scared to do that. Especially because I work in a costume shop and one of the workers joking pretended to take a scissor to my hair when it was in a braid. Traumatized and it was just a joke.

November 19th, 2011, 01:34 AM
I've been terrified of this ever since I saw A Little Princess, specifically that scene where Lavinia (the mean one) dips the curly-haired girl's hair into her inkwell.
It doesn't bother me so much now, because I usually wear my hair up, but if it's hanging down in a pony I definitely think about it. Of course, my hair's so thick that if anyone tried something it would take them a minute just to get through all the hair, and I'd definitely notice by then!

November 19th, 2011, 02:10 AM

I always wear my hair up if I'm going to the movies or going to be in the same room with a lot of people I don't know. Realistically I know that this will most likely never happen, but it just takes one kid playing with scissors or some disturbed person and within seconds the one thing I like about my appearance will be gone. I was forced to have short hair as a kid and was teased mercilessly, so I consider short hair on myself as hideously ugly. Cutting my hair shorter than a certain length shatters my self esteem and the fear of that happening is the basis for the fear of having my hair cut against my will.

November 19th, 2011, 02:29 AM
There is this paramore music video that had me scared to wear braids for a while.. in the video there is this really mean girl who walks up to this girl with a really long braid, taps her on the shoulder and when the girl turns around she see's that the mean girl has the braid in her hand.. naturally the girl with the used to be long hair freaks out. It's called misery business.

November 19th, 2011, 05:46 AM
Yes. No car, live in the city, so bus it everywhere. I watch ever since kids put a wet cherry life saver on top of my (down) hair, on a crowded rowdy mall bus commute. Was definitely hair jealousy. Sine, in similar situations? If my hair is down, I throw it all over a shoulder & obscurely down my shirt & tuck it all into my bra to hold secure for the bus ride.
Was very thankful it was a lifesaver & not gum, ler alone scissors.

November 19th, 2011, 05:46 AM
Yes. No car, live in the city, so bus it everywhere. I watch ever since kids put a wet cherry life saver on top of my (down) hair, on a crowded rowdy mall bus commute. Was definitely hair jealousy. Sine, in similar situations? If my hair is down, I throw it all over a shoulder & obscurely down my shirt & tuck it all into my bra to hold secure for the bus ride.
Was very thankful it was a lifesaver & not gum, ler alone scissors.

November 19th, 2011, 05:53 AM
There is this paramore music video that had me scared to wear braids for a while.. in the video there is this really mean girl who walks up to this girl with a really long braid, taps her on the shoulder and when the girl turns around she see's that the mean girl has the braid in her hand.. naturally the girl with the used to be long hair freaks out. It's called misery business.

Haha, I love that video (and the song)

Has anyone read "Bernice Bobs Her Hair" by F Scott Fitzgerald?
Bernice cuts off her cousin Marjorie's long blonde braids while she's asleep (in revenge, as it's Marjorie who's encouraged Bernice to cut her own hair off)
(This was in the early 20s, when the very fashionable and daring girls were starting to cut their hair short, but it was still pretty controversial!)

November 19th, 2011, 06:21 AM
When I was a teenager a certain mean girl threatened to do this to me on the bus from school. I sat in front of her paralysed with fear (although my hair was just apl) and ignored her. She didn't do it however, I guess I would have killed her, or at least made sure she got what she deserved.

Nowadays when I wear my hair down, which I usually just do when I have curls, I have the insane fear that someone will put gum in my hair. I usually sit in the back of trains etc, just to avoid that!

November 19th, 2011, 06:38 AM
I worry about it sometimes, one of the reason why I almost always wear buns while out, I wear them to protect my hair form any damage, including idiots.

November 19th, 2011, 07:04 AM
I went through it first hand. When I was young (8? Maybe younger?)
I had between waist-hip length and didn't trust hair stylists or my mom with scissors (I wish I knew better, my mom only did damage trims).
I went to my bestows house and somehow was convinced for a tiny trim by her mother.
I told her exactly how much she could trim max. In my mind then all trims should be micro.

So I sat down and she brushed my hair. Then in one lighting moment I hear the scissors close and her go "Oops. Hahahaha". She chopped %50 of my hair to my shoulders.

I ran out of their crying and went home. My mother was LIVID. I never trusted my friends mom again with anything. Less than a week later she did the same thing to her eldest daughter who had the most beautiful long red hair ever.

Only person I ever really trusted after that with anything besidss color was my mom. I rarely got trims I grew it back out, enjoyed & cared & loved it through my teens. At 21 I had it (purposely) cut short by an aunt-in-law. It was a Traumatic and yet happy experience. I was scared she'd cut WAY more than I asked and was almost crying the whole time.
After she was done, I loved it.

Every cut is still like this. Wracked with untrusting anxiety.

November 19th, 2011, 07:06 AM
Sorry for spelling above. On the iPhone.
Bestows=besties(aka best friends)
Besidss = besides

November 19th, 2011, 07:36 AM
This is why I almost exclusively do side braids instead of ones down the back of my hair-easier to keep it safe and tuck it in discretely if I want to. If I wear my hair down I have it over one shoulder, again it makes me feel a little safer.

November 19th, 2011, 07:45 AM
I once had the very tip of my braid tassel cut out by a stupid student during class. She had to undergo a discipline counsel where she was sentenced with a 3 day exclusion from school, but I'd have gladly torn her head off and pooped in her neck :angry: .

November 19th, 2011, 08:42 AM
Yes. People have teased me about that before, but they aren't the people I fear cutting it. I'm actually more anxious about the kids at school. Many of them have poorly established physical boundaries- despite the fact that they are in 8th grade- and touch my hair without permission frequently. (We're talking kids I do not know or have in class, but see me in the hall.) I've also had a legitimately disturbed student pretend to stab my back with scissors. So, yes, I fear having a chunk cut out of my hair; I also fear being stabbed in the back with blunt school scissors. A little.

November 19th, 2011, 08:49 AM
I would call the police and charge them with assault. That will look good on their permanent record.

I doubt anyone would try it though. I watch my back.

Carrie Ingalls
November 19th, 2011, 09:29 AM
Looking at the thread of spotting people with long hair and possible jealousy (in nice fun of course on all of our ends), has anyone ever worried about someone cutting a chunk out your hair do to jealousy or just plain meanness?

Yes, I had a coworker a couple years ago that told me (in front of most of our other coworkers) that if I ever happened to fall asleep at work he would cut my hair. I really think he would have done it too. It was also totally unfair because the rest of them slept at work all the time with no repercussions. It was alright though, because I had no intentions of dozing off anyway because it goes against the basic principles of our job. It was also a little unnerving that no one said anything in my defense (no one had my back), thankfully it was seasonal work.

November 19th, 2011, 10:51 AM
The words justifiable homicide come to mind.

November 19th, 2011, 10:53 AM
I can't say as I think about this very often, but it's another good reason to wear hair up when out and about.

November 19th, 2011, 11:16 AM
The words justifiable homicide come to mind.


November 19th, 2011, 11:18 AM
I can't say as I think about this very often, but it's another good reason to wear hair up when out and about.

This exactly. I've never really worried about it for myself, even though I have a friend with waist-length dreads, who's had individual dreads "liberated" more than once. In my opinion, that could be considered a hate crime.

November 19th, 2011, 01:55 PM
Nope, I'm too busy worrying about all the things I do worry about (none of which involve my hair :)).

November 19th, 2011, 04:34 PM
I don't worry about my hair. If I worry about anyone trying to do messed up things to me, I worry about people trying to 'liberate' my service dog. Happened to someone who got their dog from the same school I got mine from - someone tried to take the dog's harness off and walk off with the dog while she was looking the other way.

November 19th, 2011, 06:48 PM
I don't worry about my hair. If I worry about anyone trying to do messed up things to me, I worry about people trying to 'liberate' my service dog. Happened to someone who got their dog from the same school I got mine from - someone tried to take the dog's harness off and walk off with the dog while she was looking the other way.

That is SERIOUSLY low. I had never thought of someone actually doing that either. Makes me keep it in mind when we finally get ours.

November 19th, 2011, 07:37 PM
I have heard of this happening before. A friend told me last year that she'd heard of a guy who was going around chopping off women's ponytails in Melbourne :bigeyes: and that sort of freaked me out.

I don't think it's a normal or everyday occurence, but I do believe it CAN happen, particularly if one is in a large city and has to catch public transport. There are some real whackos out there!!

November 20th, 2011, 12:07 AM
I thought of this just tonight on my way home. I was on the bus and I thought I felt a tug on my hair, and it crossed my mind that someone could potentially cut it, if they wanted.

Unlikely, but I started wondering what I could possibly do in that situation. lol

November 20th, 2011, 12:23 AM
Like many, I fear that this will happen on the public bus. Similer incidents like this haved actually happened on my city's public transport, so at least my paranoia is remotely justifiable.

I first saw the aforementioned Paramore video right before I entered High School-you can imagine what THAT did to my confidence. :p

If it did happen, I would attempt to charge assault. Having a sharp instrument anywhere near my head also scares me, what if they slipped? If somebody that I trusted did this to me...I don't even know what that would do to me emotionally and mentally.