View Full Version : How to self trim really long hair?

November 12th, 2011, 03:08 PM
Not that my hair is that long yet (fingers crossed, that eventually it will be a problem :D )

For the time being, my DH cuts my hair - I do the Feye-thing and slide down the elastic myself - then he cuts.

But when/if it gets really long, how do I do then?

Guess I can get him to slide the elastic down and cut - but how do YOU do it?

November 12th, 2011, 03:25 PM
Why couldn't your hubby keep doing it for you? Anyway, the last time anyone else cut my hair, it was about shoulder length (thank god for that, I thought the lady made me look really goofy). After that, I just grew it out for years without trimming. I finally realized the benefits of trimming and also that my hair desperately needed it, so I figured I'd do it myself. All I did was put it in a pony and trim the ends off - easier said than done because my ponytail was probably only a foot and a bit long, which required a decent amount of flexibility and dexterity. Sometimes I could manage by gently pulling my hair over my shoulder, which made things a lot easier. However, right now my ponytail is over two feet long, which makes it just long enough to get under my arm. The longer it gets at this point, the easier it'll be.

November 12th, 2011, 03:47 PM
Flip over your head. Trim in straight line.

November 12th, 2011, 04:01 PM
I don't have anyone to cut my hair for me, so this is how I cut my hair.
I part hair down the middle. Comb the right side & get all of the tangles out of my hair. Part my hair from crown to just behind ear, comb in front of right shoulder & trim the ends or dust them. Pin up the section just cut. Comb center back section over right shoulder make sure all is even - look straight head - then trim or dust ends.

Do the same to left side of head.

Very easy to do.

November 12th, 2011, 04:09 PM
Do the Feye - thing and DONT slip the elastic downwards. Add another and slip that one downwards. And so on till you reached the end. Then you can flip it to the front and cut it yourself. Be sure the hair is fully detangled when starting. After cutting you can detangle once more and repeat procedure for touch ups. Its really simple, also works for curly hair (done that myself).

November 12th, 2011, 04:26 PM
Hi there! Check this site, it's really good! She gives different methods for self trimming Feye's Hair Trimming Instructions (http://feyeselftrim.livejournal.com/) I see cmg mentioned it. I'll add the link in case you couldn't find it yourself.

November 12th, 2011, 04:54 PM
I just bought a creaclip and get my daughter to trim mine, though you could use the smaller clip and cut using Faye's method!

November 12th, 2011, 05:23 PM
I've only done my own fringe. Get hair scissors, water mister, and a small comb. Comb hair out dampen the fringe. Clip up the longer pixie pieces. Place professional styling tape and cut. If you want pixie layers you take the hair pull it straight up and cut the hairs that don't fall down. If you cut the ones that fall you will cut the length. To trim the longer pieces hold hair between thumb and finger and trim at angle. The back of the hair I don't know about.