View Full Version : - How to get blue/black hair from natural henna/indigo?

November 10th, 2011, 09:52 AM
- I've used henna for many years to make my hair red, now I want to go more natural and use some kind of natural thing like henna to make my hair more black/blue, it's usually dark brown .

If I use pure indigo, will that work ?
What recipes are good ?
Anyone who's done it ?
I searched in the forums but my forum fu is very weak, couldn't find any info . . I'm sure I have a vague memory of a "show me your indigo'd hair" thread . . or am I wrong ?


November 13th, 2011, 11:58 PM
I've tried getting blue-black hair from henna and indigo with great results :)
First, you need to do a full on henna coloring, you want heavy intense red pigments in your hair (there are plenty of tutorials on here and on other websites so I don't want to do list through the process xD). Then, after that's all rinsed out, do the indigo (make sure you mix it right before you're about to use it, indigo's pigments don't last as long as henna's). After you apply and rinse that out, the result will be lovely, blue-black hair. What happens is this: the indigo will bind to the henna in your hair, which is why you want to be really thorough with the henna before-hand because you need to give the indigo pigments something to bind to. If you use indigo on it's own, the results are really strange, uneven blue & green tones.
Even though your hair has already been hennaed, I recommend doing a fresh hennaing before the indigo, because the indigo will take much better to freshly hennaed hair. I hope that answered your questions :).
Btw, make sure that you really, really want black hair before doing this, once all of this stuff is in your hair, it's extremely difficult to get it out. It's much more permanent than henna alone.