View Full Version : Have you ever been through an "extensions" phase?

November 8th, 2011, 01:45 AM
I did. From freshman year of highschool, til senior year. I actually didnt actually STOP wearing them 100% til this summer apon starting LHC.

(Ignore the heavy make-up. I just like it. LOL)

I dont think it was too bad. Most people could NEVER tell I wore them.
I struggled to stop wearing them, because they made me feel prettier. Insecurities. Meh.
But I am very happy to say I jumped OFF that band wagon.

Anyone else been through this on here? :P

November 8th, 2011, 01:55 AM
When I had to cut my hair short because of severe damage I was tempted.. Especially because I was visiting the US and extensions there are much cheaper than they are here.. But I resisted temptation and I'm glad. ;) Also, the idea that people notice that suddenly your hair is longer, and then shorter again... strange, haha.

But they look nice in you pictures!

November 8th, 2011, 05:51 AM
I was very tempted to have it a year ago, did some resarch on google and found some horrible stories, voila temptation gone. :D

November 8th, 2011, 06:00 AM
when i was 16 i had copperred waist length hair, i bought extensions and i walked around with curly tailbone lenght hair for 2 weeks. i dont know why i stopped wearing them or where they went actually but i remember that it looked real and really nice, want that hair again but this time all my own..if i would just gain thickness

November 8th, 2011, 07:00 AM
- Oh yes,
Used to have black, purple and white extensions on clips and wear them all the time ^^

Nowadays I wear synthetic dreads every now and then and want to let my natural colour come out, but it's dark enough so I can wear black and it doesnt look weird or anything . . and I let myself bleach and dye my sidecuts, last night made them blue/purple . .
So I let myself still do some stuff like that, because I know the feeling of havign long hair is nice . Still I enjoy taking dreads or human hair clips out, because sometimes long hair is annoying and short hair is so much easier . .

November 8th, 2011, 08:12 AM
I go through "extension phases" on a regular basis. They usually follow an encounter with someone elses spectacular long hair. For me though, it is all about thickening up my fine hair and actually, for once, having the ends look as full as the length around my shoulders. My overall length is good these days with my ends falling nearly to my belt line. But when I see other longhairs with beautiful, thick, and even ends I think(for a moment at least, I think) that with a few extensions, added to my own fine hair, I could at least see and feel what that would be like. One of these days I'll either take the plunge and buy and try some, or my own hair will fill out at the ends on its own. It is good to be a patient person when you have long hair goals. My sig picture is from June '10 and I haven't had a trim since.

November 8th, 2011, 08:17 AM
I did, for 3 years. I still own some good quality clip in ones that match my hair colour, and I wear them for special occasions :)

November 8th, 2011, 08:28 AM
I did, when I was 15/16. I had BSL hair, blonde on top, black underneath, with reddish black glue in extensions that were TBL. Did I mention GLUE IN?? Haha.
My mama put them in for me, but they only lasted about a week and a half. They were a pain! I couldn't brush them, washing them was super hard, I was grateful to have them out.
I had to do a full head soak in EVOO, though, that was a ttreat :)
I then decided I wanted super long hair, that wasn't glued in :)
Luckily, my hair was never TOO damaged, and I was able to begin growing after I chopped all the dye off into a pixie :)
Now I'm to that length and super grateful for it. :)

November 8th, 2011, 08:28 AM
I have a couple of these in black:

http://s7d3.scene7.com/is/image/SallyBeauty/SBS-172108?wid=225&hei=225&fmt=jpeg,rgb&qlt=85,1&op_sharpen=1&resMode=bicub&op_usm=0.9,1.0,4,0&iccEmbed=0 (http://www.sallybeauty.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-SA-Site/default/Product-Scene7Popup?pid=SBS-172108)

I pop them on over a bun to make it look more special sometimes - does that count?

November 8th, 2011, 08:58 AM
I've ben tempted, but I would never get them... Waste of money that I can spend on hair products that can better my real hair! :D

November 8th, 2011, 09:01 AM
Oh yes of course! I'm extension queen :) I'm doing better though but I had years of wearing them solid.

November 8th, 2011, 09:18 AM
I've never bothered.

When I first started my growing journey, all I wanted was to get back the hair I had - waist length unlayered hair. I am exceedingly lucky that even at waist my hair is quite thick with hardly any taper (or at least it will be when I trim off the hairdresser-thinned and dyed ends - at the moment there is some taper)
I hope this trend continues and my hair remains thick at tailbone and classic. If my hair were thinner, I could definitely understand the desire for extensions to add volume to what you already have! But for length I can wait :)

November 8th, 2011, 09:53 AM
I used to braid extensions into my hair in the summer. They would last for a few weeks before needing to be taken out or redone. I really liked having waist-length braids, except that the braiding would take me about 20-22 hours. That's a lot of braiding for one person, and it's best to get it all done at once or the hair just looks funny. Also, they could get heavy if they weren't done right!

November 8th, 2011, 03:40 PM
I've ben tempted, but I would never get them... Waste of money that I can spend on hair products that can better my real hair! :D
Thats exactly what i thougt too :)

November 8th, 2011, 05:10 PM
- Oh yes,
Used to have black, purple and white extensions on clips and wear them all the time ^^

Nowadays I wear synthetic dreads every now and then and want to let my natural colour come out, but it's dark enough so I can wear black and it doesnt look weird or anything . . and I let myself bleach and dye my sidecuts, last night made them blue/purple . .
So I let myself still do some stuff like that, because I know the feeling of havign long hair is nice . Still I enjoy taking dreads or human hair clips out, because sometimes long hair is annoying and short hair is so much easier . .

Extensions are SO annoying. Ive learned that after never putting them in again for 3 months. My hair is in MUCH better condition too.

I've ben tempted, but I would never get them... Waste of money that I can spend on hair products that can better my real hair! :D

I sadly didnt make that realization til recently. :( But im getting better.

Oh yes of course! I'm extension queen :) I'm doing better though but I had years of wearing them solid.

Lol, my friends called me that in highschool, since i was probably the only girl there, that wore them and shocked people with the fact that I wore them. Yes, i was THAT good at hiding the fact that my hair wasnt mine at all. LOL

November 8th, 2011, 06:08 PM
Hi, I wore them for a year after bad damage and left me with thin yucky hailr. I did the clip in thing, to hide my own hair. It helped me for awhile, but I eventually tired of them. I got so tired of spending so much time taking them in and out. Myown hair has finally really thickened up, and is a little longer and my wave is coming back. I still don't like how short it is so I always wear it up now.

November 9th, 2011, 01:39 AM
Hi, I wore them for a year after bad damage and left me with thin yucky hailr. I did the clip in thing, to hide my own hair. It helped me for awhile, but I eventually tired of them. I got so tired of spending so much time taking them in and out. Myown hair has finally really thickened up, and is a little longer and my wave is coming back. I still don't like how short it is so I always wear it up now.

Your hair looks a lot thicker than mine! Dont be ashamed.

November 9th, 2011, 06:33 AM
Kinda. I have had wefts glued and sewn in in the past and they were always very real looking, like the OP I was very particular about them being undetectable!
I have been thinking about getting micro-rings put in recently, until my hair is a few inches longer than it is now...having a consultation tomorrow so we'll see. I know it isn't great for my hair but it'll stop me trimming off the mullet and lead to longer hair in the long run!

November 9th, 2011, 07:27 PM
BAHAHA.... yes!

I went through an extensions phase way before "white girl weave" existed. I grew up somewhere in a majority AA area and my homegirls were more than happy to sew in my ponytails or help me pick out my falls. :D

Then I went to college, hung out with mostly suburbanites, and was very likely ridiculed for wearing them. But here we are, nearly a decade after my last trip to the "House of Beauty" in the old 'hood and I can buy Jessica Simpson brand extensions via the internet.


November 9th, 2011, 07:48 PM
I can almost always tell when someone has extensions. I don't know if it's from lack of proper care, or just because I have a good eye for them. I live in a college town so I see it a lot.

November 10th, 2011, 12:06 AM
BAHAHA.... yes!

I went through an extensions phase way before "white girl weave" existed. I grew up somewhere in a majority AA area and my homegirls were more than happy to sew in my ponytails or help me pick out my falls. :D

Then I went to college, hung out with mostly suburbanites, and was very likely ridiculed for wearing them. But here we are, nearly a decade after my last trip to the "House of Beauty" in the old 'hood and I can buy Jessica Simpson brand extensions via the internet.


I know right?! xD Though it is funny when i find out girls that i thought had GORGEOUS hair, also wore extensions.

November 10th, 2011, 12:55 AM
http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/389469_10150355127746555_505191554_8946783_5523456 36_n.jpg

I've only just bought a set... they're helping me through a weird-length-for-my-waves stage... they're about 4inches longer than my hair so they blend quite well... it's my first ever set though, and the back of my head hurts after 6hours or so (they're clip-ins)

November 10th, 2011, 04:53 AM
I did, for about 6 months. I just wanted the feel of having thicker hair (I had always had fine hair on the thinner side). I wanted to know what it felt like to not have a skinny ponytail and to feel a lot of lush hair down my back. Since then I have decided to love my own texture (it's ethereal and fairy-like!) and I am growing out from a pixie right now!

November 10th, 2011, 09:08 AM
I've never been tempted. I'm basically just way too low-maintenance/lazy to do anything to my hair that requires very much upkeep or thought. I had one encounter with hair color and decided it was not for me, and since then I've never wanted to change my hair in any unnatural way beyond trims/cuts.

November 18th, 2011, 12:29 PM
As promised here are mine



November 18th, 2011, 01:26 PM
I have debated back and forth for years if I should get some high quality clip-ins. The jury is still out. Although I would love to have a nice, thick mass of hair, I just am not sure I'm willing to risk the health of my hair. (Which isn't short, it's BSL.)

November 18th, 2011, 06:32 PM
Haha, yeah i have extensions that are sitting in my closet right now, and i went about 3 months without touching them, wore them for about 2 hours yesterday and started to remember how annoying they felt. So i know extensions will only be once in awhile thing, if i want to look *nice*. Not an everyday thing like i used to :p

November 18th, 2011, 07:00 PM
yes, when i was 16 i had one hell of a mullet. with extensions as the "Party"-part. It was freaky.

It was very uncomfortable to wear them and i didn't have the energy for it so I took them out after a few weeks.

November 18th, 2011, 07:30 PM
I have been tempted.. but everyone I know would know they are fake plus they are so expensive! I want my hair to be long and healthy, naturally. Even though I'm only just past BSL when I wear my hair down sometimes I've had people ask if I'm wearing extensions, it's nice to be able to say it's my real hair :) Can't wait for natural waist length hair!

November 18th, 2011, 07:33 PM
Plus, even though I understand why people wear them.. I kind of see extensions as cheating >.< I'm spending lots of time and dedication to grow my hair, while people just clip in the extra inches in minutes! /hmph, lol.

November 18th, 2011, 08:01 PM
I had a dark brown very long set that I wore before I cut my hair into a pixie when I was around 14, I wore them sometimes and they make me feel pretty, they were clipins.

I had my pixie for years and when I was 17 I bleached my hair white and bought blonde clip-pins. Then I got sick of having to apply them all of the time so I got fusion extensions and they were very expensive and after a couple months were dreading and when I took them out they had to be picked out with a lice pick and ruined my hair.

I haven't worn them since about last January or December so almost a year for me :) I do have some long wefts I have no used yet in blonde and I am getting them dyed on Monday to match my virgin hair color and plan on wearing them often! They will be about hip length and I'm really excited to curl them and feel like I have pretty long curly hair sometimes.

I will come back and post pics of my new clipins on Monday night and I will post pictures of my old clipins and when I had fusion extensions as well.

Dark Rapunzel
November 18th, 2011, 08:26 PM
I've wanted extensions in the past but to add thickness. My hair is already quite thick, but I really like recreating hairstyles from The Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones and stuff like that so I wanted thick hair to make them look as good as the wigs worn by the actresses. I'm also considering buying fake bangs. That way I won't have to deal with actually cutting my hair and growing them out, because I know I'll get tired of them!

November 19th, 2011, 08:31 PM
:) They are a fun accessory. Ill give em that.