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November 3rd, 2011, 03:42 PM
Hello my fellow hair growers:)
I tried searching for this but did not find anything that has helped me.. and i feel pretty stupid considering that im a hairdresser.. i am struggeling with the last inch of my hair being really velcro like, and it feels dry and brittle. My hair is almost bsl and previously chemically treated, but i have always taken good care of it to try minimizing the damage. I hennagloss now every 3-4 week TO keep my hair shiny and strong. I microtrim monthly and cut only millimeters at a time. I wash daily with a very dilluted shampo, always condition, and use white vinegar rinse every shower. I gently dry my hair with a towel on my head for 15 minutes and no rubbing or anything. , then put in fox's shea buttter cream, let it airdry and brush when dry with a tangle teezer.heatsyling Maybe once every 2-3 months.. What else can i do to make my hair less velcro-y??
Thanks in advance:)

November 3rd, 2011, 03:56 PM
hmmmm... You might need a trim... Have you tried doing a deep CO treatment?

November 3rd, 2011, 03:58 PM
Oils in my opinion :) i suggest ricinus oil, it's the heaviest for me, I think it could be useful, maybe as a leave in.
My hair also love honey, I use to mix a half of conditioner and a half of honey and put it on my hair 4-5 hours before washing.
I also think could be a good method put oils only on your ends just before washing your hair, so they are more protected!

Have a good grow :D

November 3rd, 2011, 04:00 PM
Sometimes you need to clarify. All that good conditioning stuff builds up on your hair. From time to time, I will think my hair is destoyed, it's so rough-feeling and tangly, sticking together like Velcro. Then I do a thorough wash with full-strength shampoo from scalp to tips, and my hair gets nice and silky again. I never buy a special clarifying shampoo.

PS - if the clarifying wash doesn't do it, try a deep conditioning treatment, and if THAT doesn't solve the problem, you might need to cut those ends off. That's what I do.

November 3rd, 2011, 04:02 PM
I agree with spidermom. Sounds like build up to me.

November 3rd, 2011, 04:05 PM
Hey, I am too! :] It sounds like you take good care of your hair. I have this same problem in the ends of my layers on top. Im sorry to not be much of a help but personally im just considering trimming a little less than an inch off my layers only. :(( which i dont want to really do but id rather cut it off so it stops breaking off and making my hair even worse

November 3rd, 2011, 04:20 PM
Thanks for all the replies :) Maybe it is buildup, because i am very good putting a little bit of this and that in my hair:P to much of everything good right? i forgot to mention that i try sleeping with coconut oil in my hair every now and then. And my ends are not split, just acting really stupid:P i try to avoid cones to, but i switch so much on my products because i never find "the" product. And i really hard try not to cut until 1 january :P i sooooooo badly want to be full bsl by new year:P

November 3rd, 2011, 04:41 PM
My usual solution is to try treatments in this order:
1) Clarify. Buildup might be the problem.
2) Moisturize. Solves lots of dryness problems, such as protein buildup.
3) If you've got chemical damage or know your hair likes protein, protein treat hair, then do another moisture treatment immediately after. If your hair has no stretch to it, don't do protein.
4) If all else fails, then trim.

November 3rd, 2011, 05:18 PM
My usual solution is to try treatments in this order:
1) Clarify. Buildup might be the problem.
2) Moisturize. Solves lots of dryness problems, such as protein buildup.
3) If you've got chemical damage or know your hair likes protein, protein treat hair, then do another moisture treatment immediately after. If your hair has no stretch to it, don't do protein.
4) If all else fails, then trim.

Agreed. Clarifying followed by a deep moisture treatment will fix most ills for me. :)

November 3rd, 2011, 05:27 PM
I agree with Anje. I recommend clarifying, doing some sort of extreme deep treatment (Olive oil perhaps, that *really* does the job for me), followed by a microtrim. If that doesn't work.. I really think you need to just cut off the velcroey parts!

November 7th, 2011, 11:10 AM
Oh my godness! Today i found the answer to my prayers! I was so depressed after trying clarifying, vinegar rinses, smt, oiling with coconut, argan and evoo and my hair was still supervelcro.. i even never got tangles brfore but today when i woke up i almost was dreaded in my neck hairs.. later today i went to the store and browsed trough the oil shelf and bougth a bottle of grapeseed oil. I got home and mixed up grapeseed, three drops of pure argan and a drop of ylangylang. I washed my hair, towel dried and applied some drops of my mix throug my hair and let it airdry..

My Oh my!! Silky soft, no tangles and no velcro!!! I LOVE graepseed oil!!!

November 7th, 2011, 12:01 PM
Oh good; glad you found the answer.