View Full Version : Should I get Clip-In Extensions?? :-(

November 3rd, 2011, 02:27 PM
I've recently got a new job that is higher paying and quite hard work. I've been working so hard lately and have been feeling very down about myself in general (hair included, the length is damaged and it's growing so slowly...) and i'm not feeling or looking my prettiest... :o

So like a lot of people who don't feel particularly happy with themselves, I have my heart set on one thing that might make me feel better!

Hair Extensions! :eyebrows:

I have seen a little (okay, more than a little!) negativity on the boards towards extensions, clip-ins or wefts or bonded... I knwo they can be damaging but I would really love to buy some just to try them out. I feel that now I have a little more money i deserve a bit of a perky-upper!

So... My main question is,... has anyone got any? Or have they had them in the past? Any advice or horror-stories welcome!

November 3rd, 2011, 02:47 PM
I have hair extensions I used to use occasionally. I think that they are really fun and make me feel so hot when i wear them. Now my hair doesn't match them but I still think they were a good experiment. If you want them i say go for it, they're super fun for a change

November 3rd, 2011, 02:59 PM
i hate clip in ones. id rather have shorter hair than clip ins. they irritate my head in general. and my hair is too short so it doesnt blend very well. i think one of the worst looks is when you can tell that someone has extensions

November 3rd, 2011, 03:10 PM
I have to quote Akilina, I really don't like the way they look... and I hate the idea of wearing someone else's hair ...

November 3rd, 2011, 03:38 PM
Personally, I think you are better off spending more money on hair care treatments. Why buy something that can potentially further damage your hair? Instead, why not pamper yourself and buy some henna. Henna has a lot of benefits to hair. There have been many people in LHC who claim that henna has fixed their "damaged" hair. You don't even need to get henna that will make your hair red because you can get neutral henna called cassia that won't stain your hair unless your blond but still benefit from all the good of regular henna. If not, then pamper yourself and buy some horn combs, mason pearson boar brushes, etc. I can think of so many things I can buy to pamper my hair healthier if I started making more money! Take advantage of your financial situation, and re-evaluate what you can buy that is good for your hair, because a happy healthy hair means a happy healthy you! Good luck!

November 3rd, 2011, 04:44 PM
Personally, I think you are better off spending more money on hair care treatments. Why buy something that can potentially further damage your hair? Instead, why not pamper yourself and buy some henna. Henna has a lot of benefits to hair. There have been many people in LHC who claim that henna has fixed their "damaged" hair. You don't even need to get henna that will make your hair red because you can get neutral henna called cassia that won't stain your hair unless your blond but still benefit from all the good of regular henna. If not, then pamper yourself and buy some horn combs, mason pearson boar brushes, etc. I can think of so many things I can buy to pamper my hair healthier if I started making more money! Take advantage of your financial situation, and re-evaluate what you can buy that is good for your hair, because a happy healthy hair means a happy healthy you! Good luck!

I agree with this. :) Long hair takes patience and care, taking the easy route is not likely to help your hair. It would be really sad if extensions ended up causing more damage.

Whatever you decide, best of luck and I hope you're happy with it. :flower:

November 3rd, 2011, 05:05 PM
I think you should do what ever it is that makes you happy. Extensions, just like all other things considered harmfull to hair, are not always bad. It all depends on how you apply them, how stong your hair is and basically how well you care for them and your hair while using them. I know extensions always have a bad rap and it's not always fair. everyone has different experiences with all forms of hair treatments and you will have to see what works for you. I have had far far more damage done to my hair from having it highlighted than from my extensions.

November 3rd, 2011, 05:21 PM
How easy is your hair colour to match? I had a fake ponytail many eons ago, and I really liked it, until I saw a photo someone had taken where I happened to be wearing it. It looked like a small animal had attached itself to my head. :o The colour was just off, y'know? Not by much, but enough that it looked ridiculously false. If your hair is dyed, maybe it'll be easier to find a match, but if you can't find a close match, be careful.

November 3rd, 2011, 05:36 PM
Hi, I wore clip in extensions for about one year due to it being really short and damaged cause I didn't feel pretty. I wore them every day and they were the biggest pain in the you know what. Every day of an hour or so putting them in, parting it, curling parts, straightening parts, damaging my own hair further. The clips would hurt my scalp and make me concious of them all day long. BUT, i couldn't live without them because taking them out made me freak out how bad and my own hair looked shorter! cause you get used to seeing it long. I have a picture on my site. So yeah, I think it is a bad idea because of my experience. I have finally gotten the health and thickness of my hair backthrough really taking good care of it, no more heat! although i am still waiting for it to get long :) so right now I wear it up every day.

November 4th, 2011, 12:48 PM
Personally, I think you are better off spending more money on hair care treatments. Why buy something that can potentially further damage your hair? Instead, why not pamper yourself and buy some henna. Henna has a lot of benefits to hair. There have been many people in LHC who claim that henna has fixed their "damaged" hair. You don't even need to get henna that will make your hair red because you can get neutral henna called cassia that won't stain your hair unless your blond but still benefit from all the good of regular henna. If not, then pamper yourself and buy some horn combs, mason pearson boar brushes, etc. I can think of so many things I can buy to pamper my hair healthier if I started making more money! Take advantage of your financial situation, and re-evaluate what you can buy that is good for your hair, because a happy healthy hair means a happy healthy you! Good luck!

I agree with this. :) Long hair takes patience and care, taking the easy route is not likely to help your hair. It would be really sad if extensions ended up causing more damage.

Whatever you decide, best of luck and I hope you're happy with it. :flower:

With regards to these two replies, I have already bought a few super-healthy things for my hair, I have a years supply of coconut oil and a few new hair toys I have bought... I will be buying more... I just think no amount of natural and healthy product is going to make me love y hair until it is a little longer than this length.. The nature of my waves means that they're not pulled down by the weight of hair at the moment... clip-ins would hide this wierd fluffy stage for me until it's a little longer and not flipping all over the place...

I know that many girls on here feel comfortable with updo's all of the time.. i like the idea of putting it up and forgetting for a year, but i'm really insecure about my face shape and symettry, as well as the size of my buns and updo's... that's why I wear my hair down most of the time... :(

I think you should do what ever it is that makes you happy. Extensions, just like all other things considered harmfull to hair, are not always bad. It all depends on how you apply them, how stong your hair is and basically how well you care for them and your hair while using them. I know extensions always have a bad rap and it's not always fair. everyone has different experiences with all forms of hair treatments and you will have to see what works for you. I have had far far more damage done to my hair from having it highlighted than from my extensions.

How easy is your hair colour to match? I had a fake ponytail many eons ago, and I really liked it, until I saw a photo someone had taken where I happened to be wearing it. It looked like a small animal had attached itself to my head. :o The colour was just off, y'know? Not by much, but enough that it looked ridiculously false. If your hair is dyed, maybe it'll be easier to find a match, but if you can't find a close match, be careful.

Thanks rocket, I got your PM too and it was really helpful... Pepperminttea, i'm going for a colour match on Sunday hopefully and to see how they feel in my hair... I might get the girl to take a few flash photos to see any hidden colour differences.. thanks for the pointer! :cheese:

Hi, I wore clip in extensions for about one year due to it being really short and damaged cause I didn't feel pretty. I wore them every day and they were the biggest pain in the you know what. Every day of an hour or so putting them in, parting it, curling parts, straightening parts, damaging my own hair further. The clips would hurt my scalp and make me concious of them all day long. BUT, i couldn't live without them because taking them out made me freak out how bad and my own hair looked shorter! cause you get used to seeing it long. I have a picture on my site. So yeah, I think it is a bad idea because of my experience. I have finally gotten the health and thickness of my hair backthrough really taking good care of it, no more heat! although i am still waiting for it to get long :) so right now I wear it up every day.

This is what i'm most worried about... if I get dependant on them this will make it harder to go back to natural when my hair is a few inches longer next year.. I won't be heat styling either though, I just got my caruso curling rollers and they're non-damaging! :D

November 4th, 2011, 01:06 PM
I love Jessica Simpson extensions! Best type I have evere used! Because they are layered they blend really well providing u match the colour :)

November 4th, 2011, 01:08 PM
Well, I did extension streaks for fun and they were clip in, but I put them in right before going out and do not lean on anything that could pull on them. You definitely can NOT sleep in them. I only wore them for a fun weekend but I think anything else could be potentially damaging. I think for a rare once in a while thing they are fine but I would never do it for every day.

November 4th, 2011, 01:56 PM
i think they can look really natural if you get the right ones but i don't really like the thought that you are wearing somebody elses hair that they have cut short. You don't always know where the hair came from either...

November 4th, 2011, 07:35 PM
Id kill to have my hair the length yours is. Lol.
Ive worn extensions in the past, and my hair has gotten heathier WITHOUT them.
You build up insecurities every day by wearing hair extensions, and thinking (like i did) that you need them in order to feel pretty.
Dont succumb to this by getting extensions.
I wore them from freshman year to senior year, years i could have used working on my hair and getting trims and being kind to my hair and not using heat on it, etc.
I think, if maybe you got a trim every few months and cut away what you say is damaged, took REALLY good care of your hair, and treated it like silk, no heat or anything and maybe gave putting your hair up a chance, youll see an improvement and you wont have to resort to wearing someone elses hair, like i did.
So much money and so many insecurities made with those things.

November 4th, 2011, 08:00 PM
Get the extensions.

You don't have to wear them every day and they will give you more flexibility in updos.

Go look at Lilithedarkmoon's you tube channel she does updos with extensions and with her natural hair which is quite a bit shorter.

November 4th, 2011, 10:19 PM
My one warning is that the clip part can damage your hair, causing it to break.

A while ago I got a disasterous hair cut and really wanted hair extensions and thought about them constantly for a couple months, but I never did do it because I couldn't birng myself to spend the money... In the end I'm glad I didn't. I appreciate my own hair now that it's getting longer.

Which isn't to say no to your idea... You may be very happy with them, since you're obviously a different person than me.

November 4th, 2011, 11:50 PM
If hair extensions, clip-in or any other method, make yourself feel more confident and overall happier then you should get them. I don't think it matters about how they feel on someone elses head as long as they feel good on yours ~ :)