View Full Version : Should I worry?

October 29th, 2011, 07:27 PM
My boyfriend loves it when I brush and braid his hair. So since I've been playing with is hair more, I've been paying deeper attention to it. His hair is very think, grows extremely fast and have natural highlights. So in the back of his head is his "cow lick", for lack of a better term. The hair here doesn't seem thinner but you can see his scalp as if he is going bald there. I've been with his for near three years and have been watching that spot, it doesn't seem to be getting thinner. Could it just be the "cow lick" that is making it look that way or could he be loosing his hair there because of it?

October 29th, 2011, 07:34 PM
Gah! :justy:

I have a spot like that at the back of my head, and I'm really self-conscious about it. :(

I think it's just the cowlick making the hair around it look thinner/part so that you can see the scalp. At least, this is the explanation which makes the most sense to me.

I guess this isn't an option for him, but I try to make half-ups over this spot and then convert the half-ups into updos, or make my updos cover that spot so it doesn't look like I have severe scalp cleavage there.

October 29th, 2011, 08:22 PM
I guess I just wonder....why is it YOUR worry?

If he doesn't have an issue with it, why do you?

Male pattern baldness is usually around the temples and the top/crown of the head, not an odd spot in the back. I wouldn't focus on it too much.

October 29th, 2011, 09:43 PM
First off, thank you both for replying.

@ gretchen_hair, it is my worry because he also worries. Also, he keeps telling me that if he starts to lose his hair, hes shaving his head, which neither of us want. So I thought, best to check and see if it is something to worry about so we can try and do something now rather than later.

October 29th, 2011, 11:11 PM
Really it could be either. Has it always been thinner looking there?

October 29th, 2011, 11:21 PM
I think my sister has something like that in her hair. Her hair is naturally thinner than mine but as far as I remember she has always had a cowlick type thing in the back of her head that exposed some of her scalp. Unless if has gotten worse I think it's probably just part of his hair pattern.

October 29th, 2011, 11:56 PM
Really it could be either. Has it always been thinner looking there?

I haven't noticed it looking any thinner. I make sure to give him a scalp massage as often as I can to try and keep blood flow normal.

Unless if has gotten worse I think it's probably just part of his hair pattern.

Really what I'm hoping it is.