View Full Version : I miss my blue hair! (pic)

October 22nd, 2011, 10:43 PM
I had my hair midnight blue for 4 months or so. I loved it but I was scared after a while the dye would penetrate to deep for me to remove. I didn't want to have to grow it out so I removed it.

Here in sunlight what I loved about it.

http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x223/misspurd06/243034_1989552586411_1471249053_32147852_7874506_o .jpg

and indoor lighting it just looked black which I didn't find all that attractive on me. (my hair isn't short it's a faux bob)

http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x223/misspurd06/259467_2056108290262_1471249053_32237073_6470352_o .jpg

It took many days and lots of damage and emotional distress to get the blue out.

Sometimes I find a blue hair here and there and miss it. I think about dying it blue again.

Then, I think about how hard it was to remove.

My motto is "when in doubt, don't"

But, I'm conflicted. Give the blue another go or don't damage my hard won blonde.

Opinions please!

October 22nd, 2011, 10:49 PM
My opinion is that you have a very nice skin complextion that I think you can pull off anything you want. I actually think you can pull off a jet black but that's what I just think. I'm not experienced in hair colouring because I can never keep up with the upkeep but seeing people with fun colours makes me smile.

October 22nd, 2011, 11:01 PM
I think the blue was gorgeous, but since you already went through so much to remove it I probably wouldn't do it. Would you be happy with a few streaks or clip in extensions? That way you could get the color in bits without having to remove it from your whole head again. Whatever you decide good luck. :)

October 22nd, 2011, 11:10 PM
I miss my blue too, and I also destroyed my hair trying to get rid of it back in April. My hair has fully recovered now with all damage being cut out and the rest given some serious TLC. I missed my colours so despite going no dye i did bleach a streak in to change colour as i please. When i miss the all over colours I get wigs generally short ones too since i'm dedicated to growing my hair long. I have a lovely turquoise bob that looks very realistic. The wigs also allow me to have a no hassle full fringe/bangs since i can only successfully keep a side fringe/bang with no heat.