View Full Version : It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood

July 5th, 2008, 11:25 AM
Since yesterday was a holiday, we missed our regular trash pickup day. We had a big birthday party/cookout, so plenty of stuff that needed to go out.

I was up earlyish this morning and decided to do an SMT. I didn't have a shower cap, so I recycled a plastic grocery bag tied daintily in front. Then, while still in my robe, I hear the garbage trucks. I run outside to see if I have time to haul the stuff out. (Of course not.) Next, I see the neighbor out doing the same thing. He looks over at me.

Eeek! I'm wearing my robe and I have a bag on my head!

But, HE is wearing what appears to be a royal blue union suit!

I think we're even.

Gothic Lolita
July 5th, 2008, 11:26 AM
haha, you made me laugh out loud!

July 5th, 2008, 11:42 AM
haha, you made me laugh out loud!

July 5th, 2008, 11:47 AM
oh man! I have unfortunately had similar circumstances occur... :oops:

It is always with the garbage or the recycling... same thing, you hear the trucks coming and you have a particularly large bunch of stuff that week b/c of holiday, family visits, spring cleaning, etc.!

July 5th, 2008, 12:01 PM
But, HE is wearing what appears to be a royal blue union suit!

I think we're even.

Yes, I think that you are even!

and now I'm burning with curiosity about why he was wearing a blue union suit. Is it that cold? Were they out of red ones? Did it have a buttoned flap in the back? :)

July 5th, 2008, 12:09 PM
That was pretty funny :rollin:Yes..that's an even draw!

July 5th, 2008, 12:14 PM
Yes, I think that you are even!

and now I'm burning with curiosity about why he was wearing a blue union suit. Is it that cold? Were they out of red ones? Did it have a buttoned flap in the back? :)

I didn't get a good enough look to see if there was a flap in the back! I made a rather hasty return to the house myself!

No, it's not really cold here -- a bit cool, "good sleeping weather", next to the lake. We were hoping for higher temps yesterday so the kids would have fun swimming. Being kids, they went in anyway and shivered a bit.

July 5th, 2008, 12:28 PM
I had to look up what a union suit was, but know that I know: :rollin: I wish I could have seen you both, looking at each other :lol:

And yes, you're definitely even.

Silver & Gold
July 5th, 2008, 01:23 PM
Tooooo funny! I can't tell you how often I've thought about this type of scenario when I'm doing a treatment. I just pray that nobody come to the door, or that there isn't a sudden emergency that would force me out in public.
Oh, and as far as the union suit? Yeah, your are definitely even!

July 5th, 2008, 01:26 PM
*chuckle* Well, so what did you two do? I'm dying to know. Did you two acknowledge each other with an awkward smile and wave or did you two do an about-face and briskly haul tail?

July 5th, 2008, 01:37 PM
I'm also curious as to whether you just noticed each other and made a very quick getaway, or whether there was the ever-so-awkward "Hello, goodmorning....*runaway*".

I'm feeling rather crummy today, but this story really helped brighten my day. Thanks. :)

July 5th, 2008, 02:20 PM
:rollin: That's funny!
Definitely even :eyebrows:

July 5th, 2008, 02:47 PM
Ok, that story just made my day! :rollin:

July 5th, 2008, 05:32 PM
My garbage collectors have seen me in just about every state of en déshabillé imagineable! (all but nekkid)

Too many times, I've asked hubby to take out the garbage to the curb the night before... only to notice early in the AM, as I'm waving good-bye to him, driving out to work - that he never bothered to remember.

Too many times, I hear the truck rattling and growling down the street... and have to rush out back, grab the can(s), and run up front with them. Ir's a 90-foot+ driveway.

Without time to dress or cover properly, they've seen me:

in panty-shorts (men's-style panties) and a tee-shirt

in a bathrobe and clearly nothing else undedrneath

in a long tee-shirt and panties

in a large bath sheet wrapped around me, with a turbie on my freaxin head

in a flippin trench-style raincoat, and clearly nothing underneath

in a slicker with a bra peepin out (and panties, but not seen)

in a skimpy sarong, with a turbie on my head, and my hair dripping conditioner

and once - in a long tee-shirt (nothing else... I thought I was wearing panties - but discovered by their bugged-out eyes that..... I wasn't :o)

OTOH - I did once accidentally push hubby out the front door buck-butt nekkid, and unintentionally lock him out..... with, his luck, our then-mayor driving down the street on his way to City Hall for work. :o

It wasn't my fault! Really!!

A baby squirrel had fallen into our then-uncapped chimney. (All 3 chimenys are now capped, ever since this particular incident.) All our cats had ringed around it, and were closing in for a very cruel and messy torture-then-kill session. My dog (a large terrier mix) was joining in. I was shrieking, waving a loaded pistol around waaaaay too dangerously.

Hubby came running down the stairs double-time, at my shrieks.

He got one look at my gun hand... and dove. Hit the ground. (wisely)

I put the gun up. He stood, grabbed my dining room table cloth, and dropped my lace cloth over the stupid little squirrel baby, scooping it up into my lovely grandmother's vintage lace. :(

Still shrieking, now at him for using my lace table cloth -- I opened the front door, shoved him out onto the step, and slammed the door, screaming at him NOT to let it go inside my front garden... to let it outside my picket fence.

Habit took over. I automatically double-locked the front door. Halfway up the stairs, I heard a car honking loudly, and a male voice hollering.

OMG!! It hit me: I'd locked him out, totally naked!!

Quickly unlocking the front door, I found our mayor, hollering out to hubby, asking if he was alright, okay... or what.

Hubby had tried to cover himself with my grandmother's antique lace.

Boy, was HE ever ticked off at me when he got back inside our house.

It's not like I'd meant it.....

July 5th, 2008, 06:34 PM
I'm also curious as to whether you just noticed each other and made a very quick getaway, or whether there was the ever-so-awkward "Hello, goodmorning....*runaway*".

I'm feeling rather crummy today, but this story really helped brighten my day. Thanks. :)

Well, I *tried* to make a quick getaway, but the neighbor politely called out to ask me if I wanted him to carry a big box that was against the side of the house out to the road for me.

"uh, uh, sure!" I said as I ran back into the house.

I guess all is well now -- my boyfriend is cooking us hamburgers on the grill and the neighbor came over (wearing shorts and t-shirt) and didn't seem to find anything odd about our morning encounter!

July 5th, 2008, 10:35 PM
I guess all is well now -- my boyfriend is cooking us hamburgers on the grill and the neighbor came over (wearing shorts and t-shirt) and didn't seem to find anything odd about our morning encounter!

Maybe he thinks in normal for women to wear plastic bags on their heads. Is he married? Maybe his wife wears bags on her head every day.

July 5th, 2008, 10:42 PM
That is a great story!


My parents know an (unmarried) elderly lady who wears an onion bag on her head at night to keep her hair set. To me, that tops a plastic bag any day! :p

July 6th, 2008, 01:25 AM
Here, we have big dumpsters in our allies and we don't have to run our trash out for trash day. That's pretty funny though.

Sometimes I wonder, how much more comfortable would we be, if we all knew what we did in the privacy of our homes. (not dirty now)

I mean, the people who always look so pulled together have their moments too.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt

July 6th, 2008, 08:56 AM
drive by WNTW coming.....