View Full Version : Crunchy ends?

October 16th, 2011, 09:55 AM
Hello everyone I am wondering if I can get some help.

My hair feels great after I have a shower, and all through out that day. But then night comes and I braid my hair in one braid for the night. The next morning my hair at the bottom, about the 2" in crunchy, and the whole hair looks terrible so I put it up in a bun.

Basically I feel like I get 1 good day of hair to 3-4 bad days.

I remember reading about some kind of treatment that takes off product stuck on your ends. I don't have apple cider vinegar, just regular though. Would that still work?

Also if the braid is just leaving my hair a total disaster what else can I do. I actually just left it out last night and it's not as bad this morning, but I am sure that this will cause too many split ends.

Thanks for any ideas.

October 16th, 2011, 10:33 AM
Hello everyone I am wondering if I can get some help.

My hair feels great after I have a shower, and all through out that day. But then night comes and I braid my hair in one braid for the night. The next morning my hair at the bottom, about the 2" in crunchy, and the whole hair looks terrible so I put it up in a bun.

Basically I feel like I get 1 good day of hair to 3-4 bad days.

I remember reading about some kind of treatment that takes off product stuck on your ends. I don't have apple cider vinegar, just regular though. Would that still work?

Also if the braid is just leaving my hair a total disaster what else can I do. I actually just left it out last night and it's not as bad this morning, but I am sure that this will cause too many split ends.

Thanks for any ideas.

I'm at a loss understanding why, after braiding your hair at night, it should look terrible the next morning.

It sounds like your hair (all of it) might be suffering either from a buildup problem, or too much protein.

Using a clarifying shampoo might help. Good luck!

October 16th, 2011, 10:55 AM
I agree that it sounds like build-up. Clarifying is the fast remedy for that.

I sleep on satin acetate bedding. You can try a satin pillow case.

I always sleep with my hair loose (it is a few inches above waist in length) and that has not caused any split ends.

October 16th, 2011, 03:20 PM
i agree with both of the above posts. as another suggestion, you might want to try lightly oiling the ends?

October 16th, 2011, 03:55 PM
Do you know if it is product buildup or severely dry ends? I always had pretty healthy hair but for a couple of years my ends were getting crunchy. It wasn't product buildup because I didn't use products in my hair besides a shampoo and conditioner, and neither had silicone, mineral oil, lanolin, etc. When I started doing CO wash (I LOVE Wen but most people would agree that it is expensive and it has a little bit of cones in it, so it may not be for you) and lightly oiling the ends of my hair with coconut oil when damp after washing, it completely transformed my hair and I no longer have that problem.

I would try like the others says and clarify your hair, if that doesn't work then try backing off protein treatments if you use any, if it is still crunchy then try addressing the hydration of your hair. If none of that works, then I would say you need to trim your hair.

October 16th, 2011, 03:57 PM
My ends are like that and I realized they are just dry. A couple drops of coconut oil makes a big difference. Olive oil would work too if you dont have coconut.