View Full Version : Dry shampoo question

October 15th, 2011, 05:28 AM
What are everyones views on dry shampoo? I'm trying to stretch my washes more and more, though even after the first day of not washing is my hair it's looking shiney/greasy. I was thinking about using some dry shampoo (the canned kind) for the days my hair feels icky. Do any of you do this? Should i go out and buy a can? or do you have any other de-greasing tips and tricks? Thank you!

October 15th, 2011, 05:30 AM
I use the Bastise brand in the can for in between days. Or just baby powder. It's a lot cheaper and works fine on my dark hair.

October 15th, 2011, 05:35 AM
I use the Bastise brand in the can for in between days. Or just baby powder. It's a lot cheaper and works fine on my dark hair.

Ah yes! This was the brand i was planning on getting. I wanted to hear peoples input on dry shampoo first though. Is it bad for hair?

October 15th, 2011, 05:50 AM
I just use talcum powder :)

October 15th, 2011, 06:37 AM
I've never noticed any damage with dry shampoo. I'll put another vote in for Batiste. Psssst will work in a pinch, but they redesigned the packaging and it clogs constantly now.

October 15th, 2011, 07:01 AM
I used to use Klorane and I'm pondering whether to buy some more. It's rather expensive and doesn't seem to last for a very long time, but does an awesome job at covering up the root greasies. When I came here, I religiously washed every day. I stretched washes a bit (using dry shampoo in the beginning) but it hasn't been my main focus once I got to washing every other day. I'm now attempting to wash only twice a week, and I know that the only way to do it will be to, well, just do it. But dry shampoo helps.

October 15th, 2011, 11:18 AM
What are everyones views on dry shampoo? I'm trying to stretch my washes more and more, though even after the first day of not washing is my hair it's looking shiney/greasy. I was thinking about using some dry shampoo (the canned kind) for the days my hair feels icky. Do any of you do this? Should i go out and buy a can? or do you have any other de-greasing tips and tricks? Thank you!

Dry shampoo cleans your hair by means of friction, per Dr. George Michael, Czar of Long Hair. When it is applied to the hair, it absorbs oils the way a blotter does, but your hair is still dirty. It takes vigorous motions to remove the "shampoo" and these are not good routines for long hair. In addition, such products aren't very effective cleansers, and the powders dull the hair. (George Michael's Secrets for Beautiful Hair, Doubleday 1981).

To help stretch your washings, try brushing with a bbb every day. Make sure the brush is squeaky clean every time you use it. I use this method and it has helped me to stretch washes (I wash my hair once a month).

October 15th, 2011, 11:25 AM
I agree with Madora, I think it would be damaging for long hair; however, I do use it on my bangs every now and then, since they get cut constantly anyway.

October 15th, 2011, 11:54 AM
I've used lots of different dry shampoos (Batiste, Tresemme, Sauve). Also rubbing baby powder into your roots has the exact same effect. I don't think it would be that bad for your hair. But it does make it look a little dull. It gives it a thicker texture, which is good if you need that. The ones I've tried have been EXTREMELY perfume-y which I don't prefer (I smell it very strongly for hours and I wonder if people near me think I'm wearing cloying perfume). Which is why I prefer baby powder.
You can rub a tiny bit into your roots, then carefully brush through with a BBB or a comb.

October 15th, 2011, 12:12 PM
I dont like dry shampoo.. My scalp gets very itchy.
But I sometimes use baby powder (only as emergency)