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October 11th, 2011, 09:23 AM
I'm just wondering if anyone collects rainwater and uses it to wash their hair?

When I was younger there was a lady in town who had classic length black hair that was absolutely gorgeous, and she always said she used the water from her rain barrels to wash her hair and that was why it looked so nice.

What do you think?

October 11th, 2011, 09:33 AM
I have never thought about this. Thinking about it now, I wonder what differences be with water for somebody collecting it. Some areas get a lot of acid rain. I take it that would not be very good on the hair.

October 11th, 2011, 09:35 AM
My grandmother would only wash her hair with water from the rain barrel, which was kind of disgusting because when there was no water, she didn't wash her hair, and her head smelled funky. Ewwwwwww!

My hair looks pretty when I've been caught in the rain. It really brings out the wurlies.

Red Rapunzel
October 11th, 2011, 09:46 AM
I've washed with natural rain water and it does leave my hair softer. Maybe the chlorine and other chemicals in our drinking water take their toll on our hair - drying it out somewhat. I prefer the feel of my hair after a rain water or a soft water wash.

October 11th, 2011, 10:53 AM
it's so dry here all the time , that when we get a thick fog or it rains I love to go out into .. When my hair air drys it is so so soft from doing it... Never collected it on purpose, but do find there is something about it that reacts well to your hair...

heidi w.
October 11th, 2011, 11:27 AM
If you go this route closely examine the setup of your rain barrel. Otherwise there can be a lot of dirt at the bottom of the rain barrel. Also heating it up and such concerns for washing hair....and then there's the concern of acid rain.

heidi w.

October 11th, 2011, 11:37 AM
We don't get acid rain here. (that I know of)
My neighbours have those barrels that sit at the bottom of the evestrophe spout and they are covered over- they use the water for their garden all summer even though we usually don't get much rain. (but when it does rain it pours and the barrels fill up fast).

If you only used about 12 cups each wash, it would last for a while I think?

heidi w.
October 11th, 2011, 11:45 AM
I would think some kind of screen to the rain barrel may be in order if you intend to wash your hair with it.

$100 barrel with screen (second row, blue plastic)

Lots to research about a rain barrel.

heidi w.

heidi w.
October 11th, 2011, 11:50 AM
Keep in mind that most rain barrels collect rainwater from downspouts of gutter system(s) to use the collected water to water a garden, so some insects and dirt in the water isn't so bad. But if the water is used for personal hygiene, you may have to buy a higher end rain barrel, and still think about customizing somehow for your intended use. Remember downspouts can be dirty or even stuffed with leaves, for example.

heidi w.

October 11th, 2011, 12:22 PM
Just make sure there aren't mosquito larvae in your rain water. (Not only a nasty rinse, but your neighbors won't appreciate it if you start a mosquito farm.) It's a pretty good source for soft water, and costs less than buying distilled.

October 11th, 2011, 12:44 PM
Just make sure there aren't mosquito larvae in your rain water. (Not only a nasty rinse, but your neighbors won't appreciate it if you start a mosquito farm.) It's a pretty good source for soft water, and costs less than buying distilled.

ewww. My neighbours have covered ones that are sealed except for the down spout, I think I'd get one like that. Most of the year it's too cold here for mosqitos anyways!

October 11th, 2011, 01:51 PM
We don't get summer rain here, so what comes through our downspouts in the first few rains of the wet season along with the water is everything that's collected on our roof and in the gutters for about six months. Out here, that's a lot of dust/dirt, grit, leaf bits, bugs, bird droppings, and so forth. Since I live in a rural part of a fairly metropolitan area (SF Bay Area), I won't go the rainwater route, but if you're in a clean-air area, I don't see why it wouldn't work well for you...but you might want to strain the water if you're collecting from a downspout. :)

Columbia River
October 11th, 2011, 02:45 PM
I live in Portland, Oregon...my hair looks like a drowned rat after it dries from rain water...really sad, and I love the rain.

October 11th, 2011, 02:59 PM
We don't get summer rain here, so what comes through our downspouts in the first few rains of the wet season along with the water is everything that's collected on our roof and in the gutters for about six months. Out here, that's a lot of dust/dirt, grit, leaf bits, bugs, bird droppings, and so forth. Since I live in a rural part of a fairly metropolitan area (SF Bay Area), I won't go the rainwater route, but if you're in a clean-air area, I don't see why it wouldn't work well for you...but you might want to strain the water if you're collecting from a downspout. :)

I live way way way north of you. :) I think I will wait till next summer to try it. The white stuff is running late this year but it will be here soon.

I'm going to try melting it and using IT to rinse first!

October 11th, 2011, 03:13 PM
I am currently on only using rain water only because I live in a area where its cold and rainy this time of the year.
I use bowls to collect it first than I put it through two strainers (one a coffee filter) and I store it in a old water jug. I have a pump to get the water in a bowl. I use a couple of drops of tea tree oil in it before I CWC and sometimes use a vinegar rinse before.
My hair has that crazy thick random strands that is just as thick as fishing line. This is the only thing that has made my hair managable and brought back the slight wave to my hair.

October 11th, 2011, 03:22 PM
I am currently on only using rain water only because I live in a area where its cold and rainy this time of the year.
I use bowls to collect it first than I put it through two strainers (one a coffee filter) and I store it in a old water jug. I have a pump to get the water in a bowl. I use a couple of drops of tea tree oil in it before I CWC and sometimes use a vinegar rinse before.
My hair has that crazy thick random strands that is just as thick as fishing line. This is the only thing that has made my hair managable and brought back the slight wave to my hair.

Neat!! I'm in Canada too! Will you use snow in the winter, or are you in one of the southern areas?

October 11th, 2011, 03:29 PM
I'm in a really random place that only gets maybe 2 weeks worth of snow all winter. It really loves to rain around here. What I'm worried about is what I will do when Summer comes around. I think I might have to switch to collecting water from a waterfall that comes from the mountains.

October 11th, 2011, 03:35 PM
We collect rain water & also water from a window A/C. I use both because they are soft (our well water is very hard). & they well is all but dry because of our Texas drought. The soft water is nice on my hair. Also I only use about 2 cups now to clean my shoulder length hair. I cut back to shoulder partly because of the water situation. No showers to manage the BSL hair. One cup has 1 T baking soda & quite hot water. I put it in a squeeze bottle & bend over the sink, put it on my scalp & rub around with fingertips. Keep squeezing it on. The rinse with the other cup. Amazing, but perfectly clean, shiny, soft hair. Quick & easy.

October 11th, 2011, 04:15 PM
ugh-computer issues.

October 11th, 2011, 04:19 PM
I'm in a really random place that only gets maybe 2 weeks worth of snow all winter. It really loves to rain around here. What I'm worried about is what I will do when Summer comes around. I think I might have to switch to collecting water from a waterfall that comes from the mountains.

Waterfall water is quite good I've found. I get snow from now till May most years. :rolleyes:

We collect rain water & also water from a window A/C. I use both because they are soft (our well water is very hard). & they well is all but dry because of our Texas drought. The soft water is nice on my hair. Also I only use about 2 cups now to clean my shoulder length hair. I cut back to shoulder partly because of the water situation. No showers to manage the BSL hair. One cup has 1 T baking soda & quite hot water. I put it in a squeeze bottle & bend over the sink, put it on my scalp & rub around with fingertips. Keep squeezing it on. The rinse with the other cup. Amazing, but perfectly clean, shiny, soft hair. Quick & easy.

:D That's amazing! Will your drought be over soon or is Texas like that all year?

October 11th, 2011, 04:48 PM
Everytime I carry a white umbrella when it rains, I notice tons of brown stains on it afterwards! Obviously the atmosphere is so polluted in my city, that I should avoid rainwater completely!