View Full Version : S&d Question Plz!

October 6th, 2011, 01:03 PM
I have massive amounts of split ends. I had a trim around august time but it seems like I might need another one soon.

Is it really possible to s&d my whole head? would it not look weird? I honestly have that many.

I've never thought about trimming my own hair since it's all a bunch of different lenghts due to layers.

(last time I ever ask a hair dresser to blend my ends more :mad:)

do you go through every strand?

October 6th, 2011, 01:16 PM
You can TRY to go through every strand but I don't think S&Ding is something you can ever "finish". New splits are usually being born daily so it is a neverending cycle plus if you don't use really sharp scissors you could just be worsening the issue.