View Full Version : What's your hair like while air drying?

October 1st, 2011, 12:40 AM
Hi everybody :)
I was wondering how many people have hair that looks frizzy as it dries? Even after a CO wash? I envy girls with stick straight hair that can air dry! Lol! I have slightly wavy hair. Once it's totally dry and several hours have passed it looks ok but then the day is almost over. Maybe I should try stretching my CO washes? But my length feels dry sometimes if I don't. Anybody else have this dilemma???

October 1st, 2011, 12:45 AM
I used to get frizzies really bad. After I shower, I put a little bit of coconut oil on my palms and rub it together, then put it in my hair sort of like a leave in conditioner. It knocked out my frizzies, and after I suggested the same thing to my mom, who has vastly curlier hair than I do, she also loves it. But, that's just for me, it might not work well for you. Everyone's hair is different. :/

October 1st, 2011, 12:49 AM
My hair is frizzy while it dries, but then once its dry and brushed, its fine. :shrug:

October 1st, 2011, 12:59 AM
I used to get frizzies really bad. After I shower, I put a little bit of coconut oil on my palms and rub it together, then put it in my hair sort of like a leave in conditioner. It knocked out my frizzies, and after I suggested the same thing to my mom, who has vastly curlier hair than I do, she also loves it. But, that's just for me, it might not work well for you. Everyone's hair is different. :/

Yeah I've been trying to make this work for me too. I either don't use enough or use too much. Ughhhh. I think doing tiny applications throughout the day works for me??? I made kimberlilys hair butter :) that's what I've been using. Is it possible that even a CO wash can be drying???

October 1st, 2011, 01:01 AM
Oops! What I meant to ask but forgot to was: how much coconut oil do you use?

October 1st, 2011, 01:03 AM
My hair's usually bunned when it is air-drying, ha-ha! :D
The reason of course is it's insane frizziness..argh! Even when I CO-wash. I don't like putting coconut oil as leave-in on wet and frizzy hair because I can easily overdo it. That's why i just bun it when it is 50% dry already and the frizz is still controllable. Then I get nice spiral waves :)

October 1st, 2011, 01:07 AM
My hair's usually bunned when it is air-drying, ha-ha! :D
The reason of course is it's insane frizziness..argh! Even when I CO-wash. I don't like putting coconut oil as leave-in on wet and frizzy hair because I can easily overdo it. That's why i just bun it when it is 50% dry already and the frizz is still controllable. Then I get nice spiral waves :)

But doesn't it take almost a whole day to dry?:)

October 1st, 2011, 01:17 AM
My hair is always frizzy when it air dries, no matter what I do or put in it. It doesn't flatten down or smooth out until I sleep on it at least one night. I've come to like oiling it at night and putting it in braided pigtails. It helps smooth out the frizz, keeps it from getting tangled and makes nice waves. It's nice and smooth and shiny the next morning. I love it.

October 1st, 2011, 01:23 AM
A horrible, frizzed and tangled mess. But usually a few drops of jojoba oil helps smoothes it down. It also takes all day to dry so my hair only ever looks good right before I go to bed. D: I usally now that its long enough, I'll bun it up and braid it at night - then the next morning it looks good.

October 1st, 2011, 01:28 AM
Mine is never frizzy anymore :-)

Looks like that is unusual though? Lol

October 1st, 2011, 01:33 AM
I have slightly wavy hair. Once it's totally dry and several hours have passed it looks ok but then the day is almost over.

This is my hair lol. I was always so confused because my hair dries straight when I use cones- but it is still frizzy and completely horrid for several hours after it has dried and typically doesn't calm down until later in the evening (despite the fact that I frequently wash early morning).

Now that I'm mostly cone-free I now know that I actually have waves in my hair which is most likely why its frizzy- but my hair still hates me on wash day :p

October 1st, 2011, 01:36 AM
I have stick-straight hair, and I blow dry my hair every time I wash, because I hate the way it looks when it air-dries. It's all piecey and it doesn't have the same extra-sleek sheen as it does when I blow dry. You can see the difference below - air dried on the left, blow dried on the right:

http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff33/shoppingpiglet/hair20100806-2.jpg http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff33/shoppingpiglet/hair201008-2.jpg

October 1st, 2011, 05:24 AM
My hair is less frizzy when I air dry but it is very clumpy but then the clumps turn into wurls so all is good. when I blowdry it looks duller and the frizz just explodes!

October 1st, 2011, 08:08 AM
My hair is a bit on the frisky side while I'm drying it but entirely manageable and no problems with tangling. It is braided as soon as my hair is completely dry (20 minutes).

October 1st, 2011, 08:13 AM
My hair is awful while it's drying! :p My hair is pretty well straight with some random waves, but when it's drying it's frizzy and feels horrible. Before I learned this I would freak out every time I did a new treatment or used a new product, because I thought it had messed up my hair. But really it just feels this way while it's damp and once it dries it's lovely again. Great incentive for stretching washes.

Glad I'm not the only one. :blossom:

October 1st, 2011, 08:21 AM
My hair is less frizzy when I air dry but it is very clumpy but then the clumps turn into wurls so all is good. when I blowdry it looks duller and the frizz just explodes!

This is my hair as well. The only sad thing is, when I brush my hair after it dries, I lose some of my waves.

October 1st, 2011, 08:38 AM
Mine dries a little frizzy sometimes, a little poofy sometimes (even with only a touch of wave). My layers go all wonky.
I have been applying a smidge of coconut oil while hair is still damp and it helps.

October 1st, 2011, 08:46 AM
While mine is drying, it's an absolute mess! If I had to describe it in 5 words or less, I'd say it resembles a bird's nest or lion's mane. It's a tangled, voluminous mess.

But oddly, after it dries, it just reverts back to being straight and I only have to run my fingers through or comb through with a wide tooth comb to get it to sleek down :confused:

I attribute the tangles to old damage

October 1st, 2011, 08:49 AM
My hair feels really frizzy while its drying, but if I leave it alone and don't touch it, then it dries really pretty with hardly any frizz. I think thats the key sometimes... just leaving it alone and not playing with it while its drying.

October 1st, 2011, 09:05 AM
My hair is not frizzy yet. I stopped blow drying my hair in anticipation that it eventually will once it gains length. I have thick, wavy hair like my mother and youngest sister and their's does that. My hair will not lay right unless I comb it how I want it to lay when it gets dry. It totally misbehaves all way into the next day if I don't. I don't see how others let the hair air dry untouched (since they don't want to comb it wet) because mine would be sticking all over the place once it dries if I did that. I shower in the evening so I don't have to concern myself with styling too much until the next morning. After I detangle and boar bristle brush on the next morning, I tend to lose much of the wave in my hair. I take regular hair brush then brush down and outwards over the hair strands to try to restore some wave and volume to the hair. My hair is back to normal at this point.

October 1st, 2011, 09:48 AM
Mine is never frizzy anymore :-)

Looks like that is unusual though? Lol

You're soooooooooo lucky!!!! :) What do you mean by 'anymore'? Are you doing something different?

October 1st, 2011, 09:50 AM
My hair looks horrible in between... totally wet, it's smooth and totally dry, it's wavy and relatively smooth. Drying, it's a clumpy, frizzy mess. That's why lately I braid it [varying my braids every day to practice], and it eliminates all that. :)

October 1st, 2011, 09:59 AM
Luxepiggy: I wanna bonk you on the head! :p your hair is gorgeous air dried! And it looks so healthy for a blow drier user. Very pretty :)

October 1st, 2011, 10:01 AM
It's air drying right now, so I can report that it looks... like beach hair.

October 1st, 2011, 10:29 AM
Well, my twice-chemically straighten and once-dyed hair air dries horribly. It poofs with a million little hairs sticking out. The only non frizzy part is the roots I'm trying to grow out. But I'm willing to suffer through it- I don't really want to damage my hair with a blow drier.

Before I ever got my hair all ruined, it would air dry perfect without any product. Nice big curls and everything. But I would later need some sort of leave in conditioner, because my hair gets a bit too.. volumized. My hair's quite thick.

October 1st, 2011, 12:28 PM
Nice thread, good to know I'm not the only one!

When air-drying my hair is messy and frizzy. Once it dries, it looks better. If I need to go out while it's still drying I have to do buns, twirls, or any other tricks to tame it a bit!

October 1st, 2011, 12:28 PM
Once I grew out and rehabbed the seriously heat damaged part of my hair, air drying became much easier. It's still a little frizzy as it dries, but this is why I wash in the evening or before bed!

October 1st, 2011, 12:38 PM
Luxepiggy: I wanna bonk you on the head! :p your hair is gorgeous air dried! And it looks so healthy for a blow drier user. Very pretty :)


Hehe . . . (^(oo)^)

Red Rapunzel
October 1st, 2011, 12:56 PM
Mine dries naturally to a thickened, dry wavy frizz. I like that it looks so much thicker, but it is very hard to get a wide-toothed comb through it and I have to be careful combing it or bits will break off.

Cassie 123
October 1st, 2011, 01:43 PM
Yup, this is my hair, too. I tried to do an official hairtyping photo this week but I had to bun my awful hair long before it dried - I just couldn't stand it! shudder: But once it's dry, it's not really what I would consider frizzy anymore, though I wouldn't exactly call it sleek, either.

I deal with it by washing (CO) just once every 5-7 days and by damp-bunning on wash day. It is fully dry by the second day.

October 1st, 2011, 02:11 PM
You're soooooooooo lucky!!!! :) What do you mean by 'anymore'? Are you doing something different?

I put it down to products. I no longer use SLS shampoos on a regular basis, and no cones in my conditioner. I occasionally use a leave in with cones but not always.

When I used cheap SLS shampoo and cone conditioner I had terrible frizz. Not anymore though :)

I count my lucky stars every day!

October 1st, 2011, 02:57 PM
I guess it would be good to add that I too no longer use SLS or cones in my shampoo or conditioner. And in a much belated response to your question GracieRae, I use less than a pea sized amount.
I found that less is more. That's dependent on your length and thickness, though. I have thick hair, but it's fairly short. If you have thick, long hair, I'd suggest about a dime sized amount.
And if you stretch your washes (I do a little bit) and my hair is frizzy when it's not a wash day, I spritz it a little bit with plain old water to get it just a little damp, and put a little bit of coconut oil on the length.
Hope this helps, and or works for you.
Good Luck! :)

October 1st, 2011, 03:30 PM
I will get some minor frizz if the conditioner I used to wash with is too light or not moisturizing enough, but it usually calms one or two days after washing or with the help of my spritz bottle. I don't get many tangles as long as I don't mess with my hair too much and most of the ones I do get somehow manage to detangle themselves once my hair is completely dry.

October 1st, 2011, 03:42 PM
My hair looks frizzy and poofy while it dries no matter what. The next day, it smooths out, looks shiny and just like I like it. Example, that pic on my profile(not avatar)is a same day wash. It is still damp in that pic. Yup. Frizzy and poofy. Recorded for all time in a famiy picture. :scared:

October 1st, 2011, 03:45 PM
My hair air dries quickly but I help it along by flipping it upside down and give it a shake several times plus the microfiber turban and the dry air where I live help. My hair looks the absolute best immediately after a wash. It dries like it's been blown out BUT in 1-2 hours it goes flat and stringy then the roots get oily and the top portions of my hair start to wave in a ugly pattern and the bottom portions look stringier and thinner. I have to wear it up, wash it again, or set it in a heatless wave pattern to make it all look uniform.

October 1st, 2011, 03:58 PM
If I'm air drying I like to wash in the early evening/late afternoon. Then it looks great when I get up in the morning. When I air dry in the morning I feel like I've wasted a good hair day. :)

October 1st, 2011, 08:33 PM
My hair isnt frizzy at all while its wet but after it dries it frizzes up. I found that a couple drops of coconut oil helps a lot.

going gray
October 1st, 2011, 09:08 PM
It was a huge frizzed up mess, impossible to manage no matter what I did. So I used jumbo rollers to control it until it dried. Other than a blowout at the salon, it was my only choice.

October 1st, 2011, 11:44 PM
Like this:


That's my hair damp (about half-way dry), after being detangled and putting in leave-ins, just before being damp bunned. As you can tell, there is quite a bit of frizz halo. Day 2 after washing is definitely better. :)

October 2nd, 2011, 12:21 AM
The shorter flyaways will always dry faster than the majority of your hair, so I figure it's not much of a problem. For the most part, I don't even look at my hair while it's drying. It only takes up to an hour if I'm inside, but a five minute walk to the supermarket and back will dry it out almost completely, and then I'm ready to chuck a little coconut oil in it!