View Full Version : Almost a year ago..

September 24th, 2011, 05:31 AM
I posted this thread:

I thought I could figure out the thin hair mystery by myself with all the wise stuff that I can find here. But I'm almost at the same point as I was a year ago. The difference is that I shed a little less in the shower. But I think that i need some brainstorming by the LHF for my next "hair-year"

September 24th, 2011, 07:00 AM
What have you already tried? :)

September 24th, 2011, 08:41 AM
I've gone on and off with CO for a couple of years. The last time I started getting a red rash from the cheap no-cone conditioner I've used. After that I switched to Urtekram without sulfates. After trying Bodyshops Rainforeststuff that dried out my hair. I think I Started Monistat (Daktar) treatments about then, but with no change. I'm doing oliveoil treatment over night sometimes.

And Im taking supplements(vitamins) . My nails are, and has always been stunning, and really strong. So I belive it's not malnourishment. The "grande showershedding" stopped when I started taking probiotics. But my hair is still thinning out on the "frontside" of the head. Not that its baldly thin, but my babyhair looks like bangs. (My picture is taken When I got tired of the baby hair and cut the few long hairs so it formed a fringe)

September 24th, 2011, 08:57 AM
Your fringe doesn't look as thin & wispy as I would have expected. I also have those fine hairs at the front (and all over my head :)).

I have a problem with losing more hairs than necessary when I do certain things which usually involve glopping something moisturizing and heavy all over my hair (even at the ends). As a result, I do scalp-washes whenever I can, rather than a full wash. C-W-C method was even too vigorous for my hair and I had the shower-drain clog thing going too, not to mention the furry animal in the trash can after combing it out. So look up scalp washing. There is an article about it and many threads. There are several ways of washing just your scalp and not wetting the ends. This keeps it more tangle-free, for me. Therefore I don't rip out as many hairs trying to detangle after a wash, and the heaviness of the conditioner doesn't pull it all out either, because I don't use it!

I also had to give up heavy, cloying oils like coconut oil and even jojoba oil. I now only use a miniscule drop of camellia oil on the very ends. It's very light. The other stuff would make my hair stick together and all come out when I tried to detangle. No matter how gentle I was with the detangling.

I know you say you get plenty of nutrients, but it might be worth checking with the doctor to make sure your thyroid levels are normal. This is a common problem among women. Low thyoid levels make me shed like crazy.

September 24th, 2011, 09:06 AM
Your hair looks pretty in your profile pic, I dont really see thin wispy hair at all. :)

September 24th, 2011, 10:15 AM
Have you considered the baby hairs might be new growth? =)

September 24th, 2011, 10:15 AM
I know you say you get plenty of nutrients, but it might be worth checking with the doctor to make sure your thyroid levels are normal. This is a common problem among women. Low thyoid levels make me shed like crazy.

I haven't checked my thyroid levels but I got my celialki(gluten) and laktose tolerance checked up. Nothing there though..

September 24th, 2011, 11:57 AM
Thank you so much, Longhairedlady! My hair is really, really groomed and fluffed and fixed in that picture. It doesn't look like that at all IRL. I had a hairdresserfriend over who tried to fix the catastrophe haircut I did with the bang.

September 24th, 2011, 12:24 PM
I think starting with the doctor and making sure you are healthy is the best place to start. While you are there ask him about vitamin supplements.

Start keeping a hair journal - record what you do, and the effects. Don't change too many things at once or you won't know what works and what doesn't.

I have found that castor oil diluted with a lighter oil like camillia applied to scalp and left overnight decreased my sheds noticeably, although I had originally started using it to speed growth.

October 6th, 2011, 06:56 AM
My thyroid levels are fine.
