View Full Version : Silly question about DTs...

allnight avenue
September 17th, 2011, 10:55 AM
I don't DT my hair nearly as often as I should, so I was inspired this morning to throw some olive oil on my hair for a few hours because I have to wash my hair this weekend anyway. That's when I've always done DTs - the day of/before wash day - and how I've thought everyone else does them too.

Then I realized....I've put a number of leave-in conditioners and serums in my hair over the past week, as I always do. Those have cones in them that I'm sure have built up on my hair. With all those cones in the way, how could the EVOO really penetrate the hair?

Would it be better to clarify my hair, then DT, then wash it again? That would mean washing it twice in a day, which I try to avoid. (I wash my hair every 5 or 6 days.)

I know this is an incredibly basic quandary but somehow I just thought of it. Thoughts?

September 17th, 2011, 11:11 AM
The majority of hairs are going to benefit in spite of the cones, I think, unless you dunked your hair into coney serum so that it coated every single strand. But a deep treatment after you clarify would also be a good idea.

allnight avenue
September 17th, 2011, 11:17 AM
All right, good to know I'm not sitting around with a tuque on for no good reason! Thanks.

September 17th, 2011, 11:32 AM
I hope you like the results.

September 17th, 2011, 12:24 PM
I don't DT my hair nearly as often as I should, so I was inspired this morning to throw some olive oil on my hair for a few hours because I have to wash my hair this weekend anyway. That's when I've always done DTs - the day of/before wash day - and how I've thought everyone else does them too.

Then I realized....I've put a number of leave-in conditioners and serums in my hair over the past week, as I always do. Those have cones in them that I'm sure have built up on my hair. With all those cones in the way, how could the EVOO really penetrate the hair?

Would it be better to clarify my hair, then DT, then wash it again? That would mean washing it twice in a day, which I try to avoid. (I wash my hair every 5 or 6 days.)

I know this is an incredibly basic quandary but somehow I just thought of it. Thoughts?

I have no useful advice, but thanks for asking this question! I actually have the same doubt sometimes about pre-wash treatments :o

September 17th, 2011, 01:42 PM
Because of the build-up I have pretty much gotten away from cones and leave ins that are not pure oils. It seems to me that my DTs are more effective, but it may be that the cumulative effects of weekly treatments are kicking in.

Join us on the weekly DT challenge thread! http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=73320

ETA: You could clarify, do your DT, and use conditioner to wash the DT out.