View Full Version : Oily hair problems

September 13th, 2011, 06:34 PM
I did an ACV (12 oz water and tablespoon ACV) rinse Saturday night when I showered after my shampoo/conditioner. My mom still wants to sit there and tell me that conditioner causes oil when I don't even use it on my scalp only my ends (on Monday). She thinks she knows more than she does. I don't think conditioner causes oil but tell me if I am wrong. It is not even a cone conditioner at that. I have a theory of what maybe my problem is. I have used Sebulex shampoo for many years. I have never use no conditioner while doing this and I still had oil problems then. I think this shampoo is stripping all of my natural oil out of my hair. It will be fine for a day and half or so and then be oily again. I think my oil glands are trained that when it is shampooed to respond by producing more oil. How often to do this ACV rinse? I wash my hair three times a week (Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday). Maybe I need to wash more often. I get from others on here that longer your hair is the less you need to shampoo/condition it. Mine in still about bottom of earlobe/collar length. I put light protein conditioner on ends and voluminizing shampoo on my whole head after applying the conditioner (Aubrey Organics ones). Let it set on head while washing my body and then rinse. Do I need to try something different? Or is this I case where I need to let my oil glands readjust to different products before making another move?

September 13th, 2011, 06:38 PM
I have an oily scalp and COwashing has really done wonders. For about a week I would get just as oily as when I was shampooing, but now I think things are adjusting and my scalp no longer produces so much oil. I am still COwashing every day, but only out of habit really, I could stretch to every other day.

September 13th, 2011, 08:00 PM
The more you strip natural oils from your skin, the more oil it will produce. My face and scalp are both oily, and definitely for me washing more often makes it worse. Here's what's worked:

1. Stretching washes. The longer I go before a wash, the longer I can go after...
2. Switching to low-poo. Harsher detergents strip more oil, so try switching away from SLS.
3. I haven't experimented with CO enough, but it definitely has been better than SLS, oil-wise.

4. I haven't personally done this, but based on just logic, I would not keep shampoo on your head while you shower. If you're doing CWC, it might be better to let the conditioner sit alone (just on your length), then use shampoo just on your scalp as quickly as possible.

September 14th, 2011, 01:07 AM
Too hotter water causes hair to go greasy too, try lowering the temperature a bit and finish with a cool rinse. My hair used to always get too greasy, a hair dresser gave me this advice and ive never had greasy hair since.

September 14th, 2011, 06:22 AM
Too hotter water causes hair to go greasy too, try lowering the temperature a bit and finish with a cool rinse. My hair used to always get too greasy, a hair dresser gave me this advice and ive never had greasy hair since.

Until I found this forum I use to shower with hot water. Probably not hot enough to burn skin but definitely hot enough to potentially damage hair. Steam would be rising in bathroom when I finished a shower because it was set so hot. I may have some problems with damage once I get to about shoulder length and beyond. I fry dry my hair too. In fact I have burned my hand countless times with hair dryer for keeping it in one spot too long. I can only imagine what this was doing to the hair. I have never thought about using a cooling rinse though or the fact that hot water causes oil. I adjust water only to point that I remove the heat as of now.