View Full Version : So, lately I've had the urge

September 10th, 2011, 03:38 PM
To straighten my hair. I haven't in a few years, so I was thinking that it would be lovely to see my actual length for once.

I've also been cone free as well, so I was thinking that if I used a coney conditioner and heat protecting spray that would help to minimize the heat damage.

I also have a ceramic flat iron, with heat settings, so I would do it at medium low.

Good plan? bad plan?

September 10th, 2011, 03:44 PM
It doesn't hurt to do it once in a while, especially for a special occasion. Just don't get addicted to it because it looks amazing if done sparingly but once you do it more often the condition of your hair becomes compromised and you really depend on it more! Coney shampoos and conditioners such as Pantene (they have a new line called breakage to strength that supposedly has keratin in it- never tried it though) and heat protectants would be a good idea. My favorite is the Paul Mitchell super skinny serum but I never use flat irons. They have ones specifically made for flat iron use as well, some of them spray (better more even and lighter distribution) and are more oil-like than serum-like. Make sure to take pictures too!

September 10th, 2011, 03:45 PM
Straightening every now and then won't ruin your hair. If you want to stay cone free you can buy cone free heat protectants. Mine is a brand called Muk. Was about $24 dollars though. Whenever I straighten I only go over each peice of hair once which you can do with a good straightner and then on my next wash do a moisture treatment.

If you do, make sure you get lots of photos!

September 10th, 2011, 03:46 PM
It doesn't hurt to do it once in a while, especially for a special occasion. Just don't get addicted to it because it looks amazing if done sparingly but once you do it more often the condition of your hair becomes compromised and you really depend on it more! Coney shampoos and conditioners such as Pantene (they have a new line called breakage to strength that supposedly has keratin in it- never tried it though) and heat protectants would be a good idea. My favorite is the Paul Mitchell super skinny serum but I never use flat irons. They have ones specifically made for flat iron use as well, some of them spray (better more even and lighter distribution) and are more oil-like than serum-like. Make sure to take pictures too!

Wow we said almost exactly the same thing at the same time! Good minds :)

September 10th, 2011, 03:47 PM
I think it's fine to do it once in a while. I love my hair straight too. I enjoy it the most when it's been straightened. I would hate to give up those few times a year when I really love my hair.

September 10th, 2011, 03:47 PM
Oh, go ahead, it's only ONCE.

But maybe you should wait for a special occasion that might be coming up soon? Hit two birds with one stone? And yeah, like caiti42 said, take pics of the shiny coney straightness!

September 10th, 2011, 03:53 PM
I think it's fine to do it once in a while. I love my hair straight too. I enjoy it the most when it's been straightened. I would hate to give up those few times a year when I really love my hair.

You have the best hair I have ever seen, with the lovely curls and waves and length and gorgeousness, you're a hair model without the airbrush and special lighting! And you can make it look BETTER? I think not. *scrambles to your profile to peek in albums*

September 10th, 2011, 04:10 PM
Well, the other ladies already said what I would have! But yes, try to hit two birds with one stone, and take lots of pictures! :D

September 10th, 2011, 04:13 PM
I also agree a few times a year wouldn't be too bad. You could try to dry it in banded ponytails though. Would be a little straighter, and then you could brush it out and wrap it for a few minutes if it isn't straight enough for you. Just the banded ponies would be like 2a though.

September 10th, 2011, 04:49 PM
I've tried that and wrapping, and sometimes it works sort of... but my hair likes to be curly.

I'm thinking soon, and then probably on halloween. That is the most special thing I've got coming up that I know about yet :)

September 10th, 2011, 04:54 PM
I would suggest blow drying with a barrel brush once your hair is about 2/3 dry to break up the wave (your hair may look slightly puffy), and then touch it up with the hair straightener. That way, you can get a majority of the work done with lower heat and it will still have body.

September 10th, 2011, 05:01 PM
Barrel brush frighten me greatly, I'm not coordinated enough to brush with them.

I plan on letting my hair air dry in a banded poytail overnight, then flattening it.

October 24th, 2011, 11:25 AM
Bumping this because I did it!!!
it is so floaty when it is down, I'm not quite used to it. But i'm also going to take advantage of it and do a micro trim before I wash it next

October 24th, 2011, 04:17 PM
I wouldn't do it if I were you. But I'm not you.

If you want to straighten out your hair you can try roller setting with really big rollers [3 inches or more].