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March 13th, 2008, 07:21 PM
Hi everyone! I am new here, before was just reading this forum. This forum is reat,lots of great advises.
I was just curious how many hairs a day do you lose? I dnt know maybe I shuldnt worry, but now I am losing much more har than before especially after washing.:(
Would be just interesting to find out.
Thank you!:)

Feisty Redhead
March 13th, 2008, 07:30 PM
I've never counted, and I'm not good at making guesses on such things. So I haven't a clue. I try not to think about it. I have been shedding more lately because of the season change... or maybe I only THINK I'm shedding more because my hair has gotten significantly longer so it just looks like more hair's shedding when it's the same number. Hard to say. Either way though I try not to focus on it and instead just focus on taking good care of my hair so it can look and feel it's best. :D

That said I think I recall hearing in the past that the average person sheds something around 100 hairs a day. I don't know how true/accurate that is though.

Neon Gloss
March 13th, 2008, 07:30 PM
Hm, 50-150 per day I believe.

I say don't worry about it unless you can actually pull out this number of hair at once. This happened to my mom because she had cancer.

Did you dye your hair recently? I noticed that when I used to dye mine, it fell out a lot more.

March 13th, 2008, 07:55 PM
There have been days when I've lost handfuls of hair. Also days when I don't notice any hair loss. I don't pay much attention to it either way, other than an occasional HOLY COW! (no offense intended to cows or worshippers of cows or anything that is holy)

March 13th, 2008, 07:55 PM
I seem to shed the most after washing, too. I think that may be because the water loosens more hair... (Just making a guess here)

March 13th, 2008, 07:58 PM
(no offense intended to cows or worshippers of cows or anything that is holy)

*giggles* That really tickled me!

Moving back to the topic- It depends on the day. On shampoo days I'd say somewhere in the neighborhood of 30-75 hairs. CO days are probably around 3-25. I try not to count. It makes me sad to see hairs leave.

March 13th, 2008, 08:07 PM
It depends. When I'm going through a shed phase I'll often loose 150+ hairs per day. But other than shed phases, if I wash twice a week my shed rate is around 80 per day.

ETA: Certain things make me shed abnormaly, such as SLS, conditioner left on my scalp more than a minute or so, washing less than once a week, and brushing.

March 14th, 2008, 02:16 AM
I lose maybe 30-50 hairs a day. Some days I lose more than others...not sure why.

March 14th, 2008, 02:32 AM
I don't count, but - far more than I'd like, especially when I wash my hair.

It was pointed out to me recently though that 50 waist-length hairs makes a far bigger handful than 50 shoulder-length. So maybe I'm not shedding that much - it feels like it, though. Even looking at the floor after combing sometimes makes me go :disbelief (have to love the amount of smileys here!)

March 14th, 2008, 05:05 AM
I usually don't count, but I have recently done so a couple of times when I thought I was shedding more than usually. I counted about 50 shed hairs then so I suppose I have nothing to worry about. I did lose more hairs when I used shampoo though, but the difference was caused by breakage rather than shedding. Since I quit using shampoo I have very little, if any, breakage :D

wolf girl
March 14th, 2008, 05:41 AM
Like everyone else, I loose more on wash days but I seem to loose about 50 a day.

March 14th, 2008, 05:46 AM
Hm, 50-150 per day I believe.

I say don't worry about it unless you can actually pull out this number of hair at once. This happened to my mom because she had cancer.

Did you dye your hair recently? I noticed that when I used to dye mine, it fell out a lot more.
Yes, I dye my hair, but I used to dye them for such a long time and it didnt affect the shedding...:rolleyes:
I am 23 now and I remember for instance when I was 20 I used to lose less hair...that's weird cause I lose more hair when I dry them, not while washing...maybe I am just too obsessed with it:)

March 14th, 2008, 05:52 AM
Before LHC I used to lose alot of hairs, but since I found a routine that suits me and keeps my scalp happy; i'm lucky if I lose 10 hairs a day and because of that my hair has thickened up alot.

UP Lisa
March 14th, 2008, 06:00 AM
It does depend somewhat on how thick your hair is. Some people have more hair to lose. Generally fine hairs have more individual hairs.

harley mama
March 14th, 2008, 07:15 AM
There have been days when I've lost handfuls of hair. Also days when I don't notice any hair loss. I don't pay much attention to it either way, other than an occasional HOLY COW! (no offense intended to cows or worshippers of cows or anything that is holy)

Spidermom, you are so funny! Thanks for the early morning smile! :D

Currently, my hair is departing my scalp in huge masses. Mine is due to illness and I expect it will recover just fine once I finish chemo. Normally, I shed 50-100 per day. There are many reasons for shedding more than usual. Season changes, health, damage to hair or scalp, stress. I don't panic to much unless it continues for more than a few weeks.

Silver & Gold
March 14th, 2008, 07:25 AM
I think I must go in fits and spurts. When I'm in a shedding cycle I can lose about 50-100 (guessing) that I notice mainly when I wash. Right now I lose maybe 3 when I wash.
My daughter-in-law says the same. There will be times she swears she loses little if any hair and other times she sheds like crazy.

March 14th, 2008, 08:13 AM

I've tried to count my shed hairs in the shower, but it's hard to get completely accurate numbers because the amount of time between washes varies. Plus I do shed some hairs between washes, and I shed more when I wash with some conditioners than with others.

But I think I shed at least 80-100 a day, sometimes more. And I don't have thick hair. Also, about half my shed hairs are 8" or under.. I think those are from around my hairline? I hope so anyway.

The good news is that it's waist length when wet, even with damage doesn't look too thin, and it's still growing like crazy. So relatively heavy shedding doesn't mean you can't have long hair.. though I don't know that I will ever make it to extreme lengths.

March 14th, 2008, 08:20 AM
I wash daily and though never counted, i used to loose enough hair a day to , yes daily, clog up the drain cover terribly. I would find shed hairs throughout my house, bottom of my socks, you name it.

I stopped using conditioner entirely during my shampoo routine, now I'm lucky to loose ONE hair during a wash and comb out. I brush with a bbb every night, and its no longer filling up with hair. I can now actually count around 5-15 shed hairs a day, and no longer finding them on me, the dog, the carpet.

I have a feeling i might be super sensitive to something in most conditioners (I've tried a LOT with the same shed), making me shed when i use it. I actually do NOT recommend stopping conditioner, its just something that worked for me, and heavy shedders might try just to see.

March 14th, 2008, 08:27 AM
I definitely shed more on was days, at a guess I would say between 70-100. I don't really notice my shed rate on non-wash days but will always be surprised by the number of hairballs on the floor, in my car etc

March 14th, 2008, 10:33 AM
Wow, Kirin, that's amazing! You're lucky.

I'm a huge shedder. I haven't actually counted, but I'm guessing in the range of 50-150. Some days are worse, others,especially when I do water only, it seems I shed less.

Also, I have this nice fuzzy look most of the time, since there are so many new hairs growing in at various lengths. That's kind of frustrating. I'm happy that new, healthy hair is growing in to replace the shed hairs, just frustrating that they have to stick up everywhere! :rolleyes:

March 14th, 2008, 11:16 AM
I find that wearing hair up for long stretches at a time seems to increase shed but I think hair that came loose during the day fall out during combing when the hair is taken down rather than one at a time during the day like it would if the hair was worn loose.

I have never counted my hairs but I would estimate 50 or less on an average day.

March 14th, 2008, 11:34 AM
I don't think I've ever lost more than 20-30 hairs naturally in a day. I've certainly pulled out more than that from rough brushing in the past, but I don't notice much shedding otherwise...

March 14th, 2008, 11:56 AM
I think I shed about 30 hairs a day:rolleyes:.But during my post partum shedding I could shed about 200 a day:(.

March 14th, 2008, 12:23 PM
I never count, but I can tell you it's way more now that I'm back to CO washing (particularly when/after I wash it) than it was when I was doing WO. I may need to find a better compromise between the two methods.

March 14th, 2008, 01:21 PM
Im glad this thread was posted. I was thinking about posting this very thread last night in the shower when I was running my fingers through my freshly conditioned hair and getting hair stuck all over my fingers.

But I dont think I shed more than about 10 when I comb, and about 30-50 when I wash. I think the longer it gets it just looks like more? I swear I never remember losing hair when I was younger and had shorter hair.

March 14th, 2008, 01:30 PM
I'm not gentle with my hair at all and I only lose around 5 to 10 a day. I just don't shed very much and I have very thick wavy hair. There are only a few in the shower drain when I wash my hair.

March 14th, 2008, 02:12 PM
I did count. My "high season" hair loss is around 70 a day. "low season" is around 30 - 40 a day. Unfortunately my low season is only about 3 - 4 months a year. My hair is dark and very visible. So I don't think there are too many missed and not counted. DH has fine hair and we're never sure how much hair he loses.

March 14th, 2008, 11:36 PM
i seem to go through phases where i loose loads say 100 and other times where i loose none, i too only really notice when im washing it

March 15th, 2008, 02:42 AM

I've tried to count my shed hairs in the shower, but it's hard to get completely accurate numbers because the amount of time between washes varies. Plus I do shed some hairs between washes, and I shed more when I wash with some conditioners than with others.

But I think I shed at least 80-100 a day, sometimes more. And I don't have thick hair. Also, about half my shed hairs are 8" or under.. I think those are from around my hairline? I hope so anyway.

The good news is that it's waist length when wet, even with damage doesn't look too thin, and it's still growing like crazy. So relatively heavy shedding doesn't mean you can't have long hair.. though I don't know that I will ever make it to extreme lengths.
Yes, I shed short hairs too which are 8" or under so I dont know why maybe I just have to quit beeing so obsessed about it and that's ok...:cool:

March 17th, 2008, 09:30 AM
Really not many. It got less though since I started using Sulfate free products which sort of irrtated my scalp.
So about 5-10 in the morning and maybe 15 more over the day = 35 ? Sounds good.

March 17th, 2008, 10:14 AM
This is so true about longer hair making thicker shed-hair balls! I have to admit I once counted the hairs in the shower, a typical output so to speak :p, and it was something like 20 hairs. But I also shed a few hairs when combing.

I also noticed an increase in shedding for a few weeks last autumn, which is just one of those seasonal things, I suppose.

March 20th, 2008, 05:14 AM
165...i made a little hair extension out of that! If i did that every night for like,...a month i recon i'd have an i pony tail!!!!! I probably shoudl but i'm too lazy for that!

April 10th, 2008, 03:57 PM
I never thought about the fact that longer hairs make normal shedding seem like more. Now I don't feel **quite** so bad about my shedding.

April 10th, 2008, 04:05 PM
Some days I won't lose any, other day after an oil it seems I lose much more. I hate it when it comes out four to five strands at a time because it just seems like so much. Like was mentioned though.....because it's long it may just appear that we lose more, and also the fact that we are so aware of our hair that anything different is spotted immediately when those who are not obsessed like us don't notice or could care less.

April 10th, 2008, 04:15 PM
Supposedly the average is 100 hairs a day, but mine is more like 50-80 now that I CO. When I used shampoo, I shed much, much more, probably above the 100/day average.

Ohio Sky
April 10th, 2008, 04:25 PM
On days where I keep my hair up and then braid it for bed, I only comb once and lose around 10-15 hairs while combing, and thats it all day, really.
However, if I use a poo bar (were still arguing) I will lose around 25 hairs in the shower, 50 more while trying to comb, and then 25 more if I change my do at any point.

Since giving up SLS and PPD, I dont really experience any breakage, and I dont shed much except when I have tangles.

My hair used to come out in handfuls, and I can imagine that the "average" person uses chemicals, so numbers like that often dont affect many LHC members.

April 10th, 2008, 04:47 PM
I'm at the end of the biggest shedding of my life.

I was losing 100-200 hairs daily. Just running my hand over my hair would get a handful. I am blaming it on stress - 8 year old son in the hospital, dad being diagnosed with COPD and severe emphysema, me being in the ER twice and then finding out I happen to be allegic to caffiene. Fun.

Now, with less stress and some aloe, I get maybe 50.

April 10th, 2008, 05:01 PM
Oh, ImperfectBrat (by the way, I love your name), I'm sorry about your troubles.
I don't know. Lately I've been having to run my hands through the water left at the end of my shower to get all the hair, otherwise I get accused of not cleaning out the hair catcher in the drain. I do, but there will be enough hair floating around to fill it up again. I'll have to count next time I take a shower.

April 10th, 2008, 05:08 PM
The amount of hair I lose varies. Probably anywhere from 50-75 a day, and I shampoo most days. I do oil my hair and use a shea and cocoa butter mix a lot.

April 10th, 2008, 05:47 PM
My biggest shed occurs in early autumn and ends in late winter (average per day 50-100 hairs). The decreased amount of shed varies between 10 and 30 hairs per day.

April 10th, 2008, 05:54 PM
A lot! I always have and I haven’t gone bald yet, thank goodness. There are days though that it looks like a small animal is hanging out in my drain after I wash my hair. Kinda scary!

April 10th, 2008, 05:58 PM
I always thought I lost an OK amount of hair - roughly 100 - until I came to LHC. It seems that many people here are able to reduce the shed. I am sadly not one of them

April 11th, 2008, 09:08 PM
I've never really counted, but I know I shed very little. On days that I wash my hair, I may see one or two hairs on my hands but that's about it. Even when I clean my brush there is very little hair in it.

I wouldn't worry about you shedding unless your hair is coming out in chunks, or if you are losing a lot over a long period of time. i believe the average hair loss for a day is about 100 hairs.

Riot Crrl
April 11th, 2008, 11:27 PM
When I used to brush my hair, the brush was packed full after a week to the point it wouldn't work anymore. After a month or two, I could have made myself a sweater, or a new head.

Now it's 3-5 hairs a day, seriously. More on days that I have to rinse out henna, but still only 10-15.

I know it seems like I lose more and don't notice, but my hair is either up, or down and curly with gel in it, so the sheds seem to stay put. The usual suspects like pillow, clothes and chair do not have hairs on them.

April 12th, 2008, 02:01 AM
I make a rough estimate. When I used to wash my hair everyday, I was literally pulling it out in the shower. It really scared me. Now I don't wash it as often and hair only tend to come out when I brush, so i'd say about 30-50 a day. 50-70 on a wash day.

April 12th, 2008, 02:11 AM
Anywhere from 10 to 50ish, depending on what kind of mood my hair is in.
On wash days it is at the high end, the day after wash days it is on the low end.

April 12th, 2008, 02:22 AM
I lost more when I colored and blowdried, or at least it seemed that way.Now It changes , sometimes I dont shed any hairs, and other times I guesstimate between 10-15, I think I have lost more than 20 on a few occassions. I dont worry about it though, because I know if I do shed its because of natural reasons, and not from me abusing it. Plus I look at the positive, those old shed hairs make room for new baby soft hairs.

April 12th, 2008, 03:40 AM
165 a day, more as my hair is oilier.
I have considerable taper, mostly due to damage though. I'm sure it would be noticable without it though.

Lady Godiva
April 12th, 2008, 07:27 AM
Not including fallout related to washing every 3-4 days, I think I lose between 5-10 strands a day. This is because I don't fully detangle every day, but simply neaten and re-up my hair. However, before showering, I fully detangle, and probably 25-30 come out, which account for the previous several days' accumulation. After shower detangling nets about 25-30 more.

April 12th, 2008, 01:00 PM
My daily average which includes washing, brushing and daily fall out on shirt, is 15 a day.

I did a personal study on this because I used to lose over 100 a day. I discovered it was conditioner (yes, evil conditioner) that caused my hair to fall out. I no longer use conditioner and wash with a cone free shampoo or herbs. And use oils for conditioning. And I'm very happy for it to not lose so much hair! :cheese:

April 13th, 2008, 05:30 PM
Okay, I lose about 10 when I comb, and 1-2 if I take it down and put it back up or run my hands through it. I was shocked when I counted, because it seems like so much more. I just have long hairs.

April 13th, 2008, 05:32 PM
Hi everyone! I am new here, before was just reading this forum. This forum is reat,lots of great advises.
I was just curious how many hairs a day do you lose? I dnt know maybe I shuldnt worry, but now I am losing much more har than before especially after washing.:(
Would be just interesting to find out.
Thank you!:)

I was a little worried a while ago cause I started seeing way more hair than usual come out in the shower, but I'm thinking it's probably just the change of weather.
Don't worry :)

April 15th, 2008, 05:45 PM
I lose to many to count. That is why I have altered my washing routine to twice per week. I used to wash every other day, but now that my hair is hip length (well almost, I had a couple of inches trimmed) it seems to fall out in droves. The other day I took my hair down and was greeted with 15 hairs that no longer wanted to be my friend. It was awful. My vacuum hates my hair-I recently pulled a full toupee out of it.

So, what do I do? Really, that is not a rhetorical question. What do I do? I am currently using the long hair formula of Herbal Essences (both shampoo and conditioner because my combs break when I don't use conditioner).

Neon Gloss
April 27th, 2008, 07:21 PM
Alright, let me change that number to 200-250+. My hair has been falling out A LOT since I started going cone-free. I believe that the culprit is most likely my hair clip with a lot of teeth, which I use to put my hair up daily (can't really use hairsticks because I teach a dance class and whatnot). Either way, just thought I'd update the number. :\

August 6th, 2012, 04:28 AM
I haven't done a study on my hair to get an average but when I detangled this morning I lost no hairs and when I washed my hair this evening I lost 27. Am assuming that a wash would bring any lost hairs to the surface, so to speak. So hopefully on a non wash day the loss would be less. (None would be nice, but hey we are not in a perfect world, lol).

August 6th, 2012, 04:37 AM
I've never counted my entire daily shed. Once I counted the hair that was at the shower drain after I got done washing it and it was 80+. But my hair falls out all the time ... it's all over the apartment. I vacuumed two days ago and now I can SEE a bunch of strands lying around the floor ... but it's been like that all of my life :shrug:

August 6th, 2012, 04:38 AM
When I used to straighten my hair, my lap would be full of hair. But I don't straighten my hair anymore. I still naturally lose a lot of hair, especially when I brush it (which I don't do anyway) or just braid it or tie it up. My friends are always picking off hairs from my clothes. Luckily my hair is thick! :)

August 6th, 2012, 04:48 AM
Few during brushing since I got my tangle teezer, around 5-15 each time I brush. I rarely find shed hairs in my bed or on my clothes either.
But on washing days - BOOM. 200 shed hairs right there. :shocked:

January 18th, 2023, 02:34 PM
About 20-25 when fingercombing, and 25-30 when brushing.

January 18th, 2023, 04:14 PM
I don't count them!

I weigh the hair I collect every 2 weeks and from that deduce the weight and hence total length of hair I lose every day (on average). Currently I lose about 16 meters of hair every day. While some are shorter and some are longer, my average strand length I appears visually to lie between 3 and 4 feet. This means I average 12-16 strands lost every day. Of course it varies by the day. Post wash detangling is the day of greatest loss.

THis is NORMAL for me now. In the past it has been quite a bit more. 100 hairs per day IS NOT NORMAL!

January 18th, 2023, 05:17 PM
I have no way of knowing my daily shed because I don't even let my hair down or detangle it daily. I'd do much better to follow something like foreveryours' technique and weigh my shed. Since I don't have predictability in my detangle nor wash schedule, I'd have to weigh then take into account the number of days since the last weigh and do some kind of average from that, maybe from wash to wash so that it includes the larger shed from my pre-wash brushing.
It would be interesting to observe for some cycles. I have wondered what is normal for me.

January 18th, 2023, 06:56 PM
I wash my hair everyday, and that's usually where I notice hair fall. Some days it's more than others but not a concerning amount. After I henna my hair I notice alot of hair fall after rinsing. I'd say probably about 10-15 hair after a shower.. sometimes less.

January 23rd, 2023, 05:52 PM
I used to lose quite a bit more when I had longer hair, and it's not the length of the hairs at all. I no longer get breakage, so that's a good thing.

January 23rd, 2023, 06:06 PM
I actually counted today during my wash because I was curious. It was about 30 in the shower, another 5 while detangling, and then I'd estimate another 15 or so lost in the course of the day for a grand total of 50. My shedding has calmed down a lot. I was losing like five times that amount or more there for a few years.