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View Full Version : I cut in BANGS! And now I remember why I grew them out...

September 1st, 2011, 10:40 AM
Hey all!

So, I had thought about cutting myself bangs again (I haven't had them for about 2 years) for a while now, and having seen a recent thread on it, and gotten the go ahead from a couple RL people, I cut them in.

I remember why I like them. They soften my face. They show off my hair when I have it pulled back. They hide my ridiculously high forehead.

I also remembered why I didn't like them. The main being that my natural part is so strong, it even parts my bangs.

Along with this weird parting tendency is the (not pictured above) fact that on either side of the part the hair curls in opposite directions. On the larger part, the hair curls inward (good). On the smaller part, it curls outward, which has the tendency to make that side look ~ 1/2 inch longer, even when its a blunt cut. Hence, my slip into the sin of flat ironning.

Has anyone had a similar problem with their part/the way their hair curls with bangs? Did you find a solution (other than heat styling)? In a way I don't mind ironing this little bit of hair, but I have enjoyed freedom from heat styling for 3 1/2 years and I'm not keen to return full time.

September 1st, 2011, 10:55 AM
The only solution I found was to grow my bangs out. :S

Actually, I had them and liked them for about fifteen years. Then my texture changed and became more curly, and suddenly my bangs were a mess of kinks and cowlicks and wouldn't behave even if I heat styled them three times a day. The only way my hair will behave itself is if it has enough weight for gravity to make it behave. :D

September 1st, 2011, 11:16 AM
For me, the key is to blow dry them into place. After a month or so they conformed and the parting problem was gone. My bangs are much thicker than yours though, so that might have helped.

Audrey Horne
September 1st, 2011, 11:17 AM
I had the same problem with my bangs and I hated it because even styling wouldn't help.
Btw your forehead doesn't look high to me on this photo.

September 1st, 2011, 11:30 AM
For me, the key is to blow dry them into place. After a month or so they conformed and the parting problem was gone. My bangs are a lot thicker than yours though, so that might have helped.

I'll have to try the blowdrying (assuming I can find my dryer anymore...) I did at one point have very thick bangs and the curls interlocked enough that it hid the part.

Btw your forehead doesn't look high to me on this photo.

When my forehead is isolated from the rest of me it doesn't look that bad. But I have a 4 1/2 finger forehead, if you know what I mean, and it can look a little odd with the rest of me considered. It looks great on my dad, not so great on me.

September 1st, 2011, 11:45 AM
Hi - I am so like you. I cut and grow, cut and grow. It seems to be seasonal too - I like it in the winter and in the summer I don't as it gets my forehead all sweaty. Anyway, I usually wet it, clip it in front while I do make up etc and then blast with the cold air from the hairdryer, which I find works quite well.
Good luck!

September 1st, 2011, 12:15 PM
Yeah, I have the same part issue. Last time I got bangs cut they were pretty darn thick to help take care of that. A big round brush and my blowdryer did help though :)

elbow chic
September 1st, 2011, 12:24 PM
Ha, they are cute! The natural part gives it character, I think.

But I feel ya-- every time I cut bangs in I remember why I grew them out, and every time I grow them out I remember why I had them in the first place. :p

I do not have a strong natural part, but my bangs do flip around haphazardly. It wasn't noticeable if I kept them very short, more mid-forehead than eyebrow-grazing. Keeping them that short did not give them enough room to flip or curl.

September 1st, 2011, 01:08 PM
Hey all!

So, I had thought about cutting myself bangs again (I haven't had them for about 2 years) for a while now, and having seen a recent thread on it, and gotten the go ahead from a couple RL people, I cut them in.

I remember why I like them. They soften my face. They show off my hair when I have it pulled back. They hide my ridiculously high forehead.

I also remembered why I didn't like them. The main being that my natural part is so strong, it even parts my bangs.

Along with this weird parting tendency is the (not pictured above) fact that on either side of the part the hair curls in opposite directions. On the larger part, the hair curls inward (good). On the smaller part, it curls outward, which has the tendency to make that side look ~ 1/2 inch longer, even when its a blunt cut. Hence, my slip into the sin of flat ironning.

Has anyone had a similar problem with their part/the way their hair curls with bangs? Did you find a solution (other than heat styling)? In a way I don't mind ironing this little bit of hair, but I have enjoyed freedom from heat styling for 3 1/2 years and I'm not keen to return full time.

I too just recently re-cut my bangs. They were well past jaw length. I have my days that they want to do what I want and other days i just hate them. I do find I still tend to pin them up off my face alot. So my advice is bobby pins! :)

September 1st, 2011, 01:48 PM
okay, i don't know if this works but i saw it in someone's youtube video when i was googling bangs (i got new bangs myself :)) --> http://www.cosmelandusa.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=1546 - apparently, you clip your bangs in place while it dries, with a blow dryer or air dry! worth a try!

September 1st, 2011, 01:53 PM
There's these curlers called Caruso. It's been years since I've used them but they are spongy rollers that you place on a steaming base for a few seconds, then roll your hair (bangs) until they are dry, just a few minutes. The curl stays in and there is not hot metal appliance on your hair. I don't know if they even make the Caruso things anymore. Anyway, a couple of large size curlers placed just right would do the trick!

September 1st, 2011, 02:03 PM
Ive had bangs as long as I can remember and am now growing them out due to weird curls that I get. I dont straighten them... (all the time...)

September 1st, 2011, 02:06 PM
my bangs also tend to part and curl at the sides so I do flip bangs solves the whole problem :-)

September 1st, 2011, 02:33 PM
Thank you all so much for your replies and advice! I foresee a week or so of experimentation ahead *rubs hands together eagerly*

Ha, they are cute! The natural part gives it character, I think.

But I feel ya-- every time I cut bangs in I remember why I grew them out, and every time I grow them out I remember why I had them in the first place. :p

I do not have a strong natural part, but my bangs do flip around haphazardly. It wasn't noticeable if I kept them very short, more mid-forehead than eyebrow-grazing. Keeping them that short did not give them enough room to flip or curl.

Thanks! After walking around and catching myself in random mirrors out of the corner of my eye, I think I might be coming to terms with the part. maybe.

I might have to try them shorter. I admit I was afraid to go too short and then regret it. There were about 3 stages of sheep-dog bangs before I got to the length in the picture. But being able to see them on my periphery is getting a bit annoying.

my bangs also tend to part and curl at the sides so I do flip bangs solves the whole problem :-)

What are flip bangs? my google results all seem to use "flip" as an expletive.

September 1st, 2011, 04:59 PM
I was just reading about styling my new bangs and saw a fashion article that said that bangs that part/split like that are "70's chic" and very in style! Maybe this will make you feel a little better?

September 1st, 2011, 05:00 PM
You could try one of those GIANT jumbo foam rollers on your bangs while you're sleeping to help re-train your part, maybe?

September 1st, 2011, 06:04 PM
I was just reading about styling my new bangs and saw a fashion article that said that bangs that part/split like that are "70's chic" and very in style! Maybe this will make you feel a little better?

You know, I've never been one to follow fashion, but oddly that does make me feel better. Thanks :)

I washed my bangs with clarifying shampoo (I usually CO on saturdays, so the hair probably had a good bit of sebum and oil on it) and just them them dry and which way they liked. They are slightly curly and fluffy, and somehow I don't think the part is quite as...weird?


I'm certainly not reconciled to what my hair seems to want to do, but DH commented that this is closer to the bangs I had when I first met him (and the only part of my hair he knew for quite a while, since I covered the rest of my hair back then), and he kinda prefers them curly.

Gosh, I forgot the emotional rollercoaster that comes with doing something drastically different with my hair. Thanks for riding it out with me, y'all :flower:

September 1st, 2011, 06:20 PM
Not weird at all, looks very pretty!

I wish I could remember where that article was, it showed 2 diferent models with their bangs split and it was totally on purpose :)

September 1st, 2011, 06:23 PM
I never had bangs because I have wicked cowlicks. Now I can pull them off if they are very wispy and long enough to have some weight to pull them down properly.

September 1st, 2011, 06:29 PM
I know what you mean about the challenge of a part in your bangs. In my case it's a cowlick on one side. :( I usually have to use a curling iron to get them to look like I want. By the way, your forehead doesn't look high to me!

September 1st, 2011, 06:49 PM
My bangs have a huuuge cowlick thing (being 2c, I think it should be expected some wave there). What worked for me for a long time was to dry it gelled, brushed into an updo. I could comb it out and looked straight.

At the moment my bangs are relaxed though, and I'm very happy with that. I'm also growing them out, if the wave goes away due to weight, I might stop relaxing it. They're at chin.

September 1st, 2011, 07:50 PM
I not only have a very pronounced part/cowlick, I also have a high forehead that looks severe when my hair is pulled straight back.

My solution? Long sideswept bangs. They work with my part and require very little styling. The shortest part is at about eyebrow length, then it angles down to my earlobe and joins my hair pretty seamlessly.

September 1st, 2011, 07:54 PM
My bangs are like that, except the side that curves back into the middle also curves up first. I looks like a backwards c. It takes so much styling effort to correct it that I just grow out my bangs now.

September 1st, 2011, 08:45 PM
I have the same issues as the OP. I got a cowlick that parts them right down the middle. I did a google search a while back for 'parted bangs' and I really love the look.

Parted bangs (http://www.google.com/search?q=parted+bangs&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=WhK&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=u0JgTqLFL8KvsQKB9vAa&ved=0CBkQsAQ&biw=1303&bih=679)

I also re-cut bangs recently...and I think I went too short and too full. Bah! I love the softness of face-framing hairs, so all is not lost.

September 1st, 2011, 11:08 PM
The part will disappear over time, really! Just make sure you continue to comb your hair towards the front.

What helps me keep my bangs nice is that while they air dry I first comb them kind of swayed to the right, and then after a bit comb them swaying to the left, and continue to do that. I don't know why, but the end result is that not only is my part less stubborn but my bangs also tend to lay normally after it's all dry.

Another thing I've done before is to bobby pin my bangs into place after they are damp and then just take out the pins when they completely dry. Don't put it in when they are totally damp though, or you will have a crease from the bobby pin!

Good luck!

September 1st, 2011, 11:27 PM
Mine did the curling to the inside and out thing too, until I started wearing them side swept, so the curls work together and it looks like i curl my bangs to get them to all lay in the same direction. I don't the tips just go that way naturally. :) Also, when I decided to change the side of my head I parted my hair on, I combed my hair how I wanted it, then jumped in the shower and washed my hair with the part in (so no mussing it around!), then let it air dry like that. It really helped it stick, maybe you could try that?

September 1st, 2011, 11:29 PM
Mine are curlier than yours,they also part ,and one side always looks longer than the other due to the curl pattern but I like it as it looks natural ,goes with my curly hair.Personally I 'm not fond of perfectly even bangs but that's me.