View Full Version : Tangly roots

August 30th, 2011, 01:26 PM
Hi, I'm growing out dyed and bleached hair and the first 8 inches are natural. I don't understand why my natural roots are so tangly when wet. I can't french braid it, even if I try to detangle my hair with a wide toothed comb. I don't rub the towel against my scalp, I'm very gentle with it and I air dry my hair all the time. Once it's totally dry my roots aren't tangled anymore. I didn't have this problem when my roots were dyed. I wash my roots every other day with a sulfate-free shampoo with argan oil or a dandruff shampoo for itchy/flaky/dry scalp that contains sulfates. Do you have any idea why my roots tangle like that when wet?

I wash my hair at night. I would like to french braid it while damp and sleep in with it.


August 30th, 2011, 01:57 PM
I have that same problem but I'm not sure why is it. Maybe when we wash our hair, it's own weight compress the roots. The best solution would be CO but my hair doesn't really like that so I just wait till it's a little bit drier and start fingercombing.

August 30th, 2011, 04:33 PM
I get this. I think it's because my non damaged roots are pulled down so much bythe weight of my hair, and I occasionally condition the roots to avoid this if I need to comb and hairdry quickly. If I'm letting it airdry I literally just put it in a towel turban then leave it for an hour for the roots to dry before I detangle the length, when it's dry it seems to untangle itself. I think perhaps it tangles because my undyed natural hair is porous and a bit rough when wet?!

Perhaps if you can just leave it to dry a little or try a really diluted conditioner? I often put conditioner on the lengths, then kind of half rinse and use the sopping wet diluted/conditioned ends to add a bit of conditioner to the roots before rinsing completely.
Hope that makes sense! :)