View Full Version : Astro signs and hair

purple dust
August 30th, 2011, 03:14 AM
This post is for entertainment purposes... supposedly, Leos are the most hair-obsessed people ever. However, this site has some sort of nostalgia, since it[s about lost hair aesthetics and ways of caring of hair, something more Cancer like.

Libras are knowledgeable in beauty rutines, while Virgos know all about Health regimens.

So, do you fit into your hair profile according to the stars? Yes, no, why and what's your sign?

August 30th, 2011, 03:29 AM
I'm curious as to what being Taurus would say about my hair and I, but google's not my friend! The only thing I could find was some article telling me I have a thick neck and little teeth. ._.

August 30th, 2011, 03:44 AM
Hm, Gemini hair could be versatile and ever-changing, but to grow long you need some consitency.
I however do have varying ups and down in how much I care for my hair, some months I'll be all over it, brewing things and sitting with stuff on my hair for hours on end, some months it's just (not-so)-benign neglect.

purple dust
August 30th, 2011, 03:50 AM
I think Taurus would like it comfy, not worrying too much about it, except in how it smells so it can lure more men!! hahaha

I think Geminis like to know and talk about all the ideas on can encounter on the net about different ways to taking care of hair, but hey! there's more subjects in life to talk about!! And then, back to the hair.

August 30th, 2011, 03:53 AM
Google isn't telling me much about Aquarians and hair care, mostly about hair colour. Different sites say "sandy or dark flaxen," "brown shade," "frequently straight and silky, likely to be blonde, sandy or light brown," "unique type of hair texture."

August 30th, 2011, 04:10 AM
I'm a Gemini, but I guess I'm not a tipical one, because I tend to be consistent with things I do and don't feel the need for frequent changes... And I'm not very social or out-going eather... With my hair it also wouldn't be very tipical for a Gemini, I only chopped it once as part of my teenage rebellion (but went really short), and only colored it mahogany-red for a short while, and hennaed for a year or so... No wild changes on a whim, even the chop was something I planned for several months...
I guess I'm a really wierd Gemini, LOL :D

August 30th, 2011, 04:17 AM
hmm,and what about Pisces? I think I am really hair-obsessed:eyebrows:

purple dust
August 30th, 2011, 04:24 AM
Aquarians love to experiment with hair??

Night-Kitten: yes, perhaps Moon sign or Ascendant in Capricorn??

Syrena: Have you ever felt more in tune with the universe while taking care of your hair?? I'm kidding... but my Pisces hair-obsessed friend swears she had a Henna dye ephiphany

August 30th, 2011, 04:28 AM
What about Capricorns? :) I'm interested.

August 30th, 2011, 05:28 AM
I'm not really one for astrology but I'm a leo and definitely obsessed with my hair xD (as shown by the amount of time I spent on this website alone)

August 30th, 2011, 05:34 AM
Interesting. Now I'm curious about Aries. xD

August 30th, 2011, 05:57 AM
Sigh, no wonder my hair has never been much longer the shoulder length. As a saggitarius, I'm ever changing, afraid of commitment, flighty and tend to make bold and later-regretted chages to my hair.

August 30th, 2011, 06:09 AM
I'm a saggitarius... I think it would mean that I am spontanious and sporty, so I prefer comfy hairstyles that suit my lifestyle. But I like the big "ooomph" of an elaborae hairdo from time to time :)

August 30th, 2011, 06:11 AM
Yeah for me as a Sag (very close to Scorp though) I have to debate with myself endlessly on what I want to do with my hair then just become impatient and do something random! Leo's indeed are known for having "wild manes of hair". With my moon in Leo I have a touch of that.

From what I've seen Pisces can have very pretty hair but neurotically want to wash it often. ;)
The Taureans I have known indeed usually have very thick hair that is simple yet luxurious.
Aries I would imagine being trend setters with new styles and colors. Virgos may be more inclined towards being artistic with Other peoples hair. Thats the only ones I can think of right now. Yay, fun thread!

August 30th, 2011, 06:15 AM
I'm a Leo and I have a mane that is unmanageable.

That is my hair to a T.

August 30th, 2011, 06:20 AM
So I guess because I am a Virgo I can have whatever hair I want, it just has to be neat.

Explains my wanting a blunt hemline then :lol:

August 30th, 2011, 06:22 AM
I am a lion but my hair is not thick as it should be as a lion,most of the charcacter discriptions of the lion does'n look like i am :)

But i know that i have a lock who dont want to look normal,and its just in my forehead (pony)It looks like i am an alien sometimes :D

August 30th, 2011, 06:25 AM
I'm a Capricorn, but my hair doesn't really match very well. Capricorns are meant to have dark (fine, mine is medium-dark chestnut brown), straight (yes), thin (nope) and with poor texture (nope). I have a Scorpio ascendant, which also matches with darkness, but I neither have curls, nor coarse strands.
However, looking to my moon sign of pisces it makes sense, because pisces have soft (yep), wavy (slight flick at the ends, holds braidwaves), darkish brown (yep), frequently long ( :D ), and unable to hold a style (trying to get my hair to curl is a total pain).

So yeah.

My mum is a Scorpio, and hers is indeed dark (before she started dyeing lighter to cover her grey), coarse, thick and curly.

My brother is also a Capricorn with Scorpio ascendant and Pisces moon (twins) and he has dark, thick, coarse hair, but it's kind of 2b/c wavy

August 30th, 2011, 06:36 AM
I'm a lucky Leo and I'm all about my mane!! (even pre-lhc when I thought I was doing all I could it was my secret obsession!!) whenever I get a chop urge it's always left me feeling like something is not quite right when above shoulder :)

August 30th, 2011, 06:39 AM
I'm a Leo, and definitely obsessed about my hair. Even way before I found LHC. :D My hair itself isn't very lion-like though.

August 30th, 2011, 06:42 AM
I'm a Sagittarius, but I'm not very impulsive when it comes to my hair, and supposedly Sagittarius is the sign most likely to do something spontaneous. I do have a Leo ascendant, though, so maybe that's got more to do with it - my hair can get a bit leonine.

August 30th, 2011, 07:03 AM
I'm a Gemini on the cusp of Taurus. I vacillate between needing to change it all the time (which accounts for all the colors, cuts, extensions, etc) and getting REALLY stubborn when I decide to grow it (last time I got to waist in under 4 years). Right now I'm in the stubborn "I am growing it OUT by God" phase.

August 30th, 2011, 07:14 AM
Maybe I should compile a little of what I found on various sites. Remember that ascendants and moon signs could also be considered.

Aries:traditionally coarse, with reddish tones to whatever the natural hair colour is. May dye redder at some point in their life (hello henna). May be impatient in terms of growth

Taurus: supposed to be dark and curly. Patient and stubborn which may translate into success in growing hair

Gemini: often dark brown or black. Has tendencies of the need for changeability, so may become bored with any one style.

Cancer: often fine and delicate, light brown, perhaps lacking in volume. Protectiveness may be seen over the hair, which may be taken wrongly as touchiness by others (I'm thinking about when people seem to want to touch other peoples long hair)

Leo: supposed to be golden blonde, stiff, perhaps unmanageable. Often strong, and able to withstand more damage. May often like extravagant styles, and likes rich golds and reds, which may translate into hair colours when dyeing hair.

Virgo: between mid-brown to black, often very straight. Has patience and talent for skilled work, which may mean many intricate styles.

Libra: traditionally blonde, with a slight wave, and glossy. Also indecisive, and may change styles often. However, styles are likely to be simple if done themselves.

Scorpio: thick, curly, coarse and dark. Has willpower and self-control which enables them to grow out healthy, thick hair.

Saggitarius: light to mid brown, strong growth, glossy and with a high hairline. Also optimistic, and will likely survive setbacks when growing, however may be changeable in their ideas.

Capricorn: dark, straight, thin, with poor texture. Will have the determination to grow hair very long, and to learn many intricate styles. However, has a lack of imagination when trying to think of styles themselves. Likes darker colours.

Aquarius: dark, sandy coloured, some aquarians may have very fine, very light hair. Often healthy looking.

Pisces: soft, wavy, dark in colour, often grown long, and does not hold style well. Rather indecisive.

Can't think of anything else at the moment.

August 30th, 2011, 08:07 AM
Virgo: between mid-brown to black, often very straight. Has patience and talent for skilled work, which may mean many intricate styles.

Mid-brown to black - nope.
Very straight - yep.
Patience and talent? Nope. Skill with styles? Nope. :lol:

I don't know what my moon sign is, or any ascendant (I don't even know what they are TBH).

Curly Hermione
August 30th, 2011, 08:14 AM
I'm a Libra and i suppose i know about beauty routines.

August 30th, 2011, 08:17 AM
Virgo: between mid-brown to black, often very straight. Has patience and talent for skilled work, which may mean many intricate styles.

Well, I have dark brown fairly straight hair. I do have patience. But the intricate styles...nooooo.

August 30th, 2011, 08:19 AM
I'm a Cancer...and that description definitely fits!

August 30th, 2011, 10:32 AM
Well like a typical Taurus, I am very into catering to the senses..

I tend towards simple and classic hairstyles maintaining a natural look about them and would agree with one earlier post where someone said about nice smells to lure men! But mostly for my own sensual pleasure. :)

Any tauruses agree? ;)

Becky Safari
August 30th, 2011, 10:40 AM
I'm a Capricorn, and that description could not be more wrong for me! It's awful.

August 30th, 2011, 10:59 AM
As Tigereye said, ascendant and moon sign should definitely be taken into account as well :) As at least for me, they tell so much more about me and hold true for me than the sun sign (the one conventionally called your "star sign")!

My sun sign is Sagittarius, my ascendant is Libra and my moon sign Cancer.
In astrology, the ascendant is often seen to tell about the "outer you", the looks etc, whereas moon sign reveals the real, "inner you". (Can you tell astrology is a hobby of mine? ;)) So, hair-wise, the ascendant should be a very important factor to consider! :)

The descriptions Tigereye gave don't seem to match me very well, though, in any of my signs - except the simplicity of styles of Libra, the optimism of Sagittarius, and fine and delicate hair of Cancer :)

But as a Libra ascendant, I'm very conscious of my looks and love balance, which I try to strive for in haircare, too :) And I do have nostalgia, love for old, as a Cancer moon, in my opinion everything was more beautiful in earlier times, I love medieval looks (both hair and clothes), among other things...

As a saggitarius, I'm ever changing, afraid of commitment, flighty and tend to make bold and later-regretted chages to my hair.
I must admit my sun sign description is also true for me in the boldness and love of change what comes to hair colour ;) I love to change it (a former dye addict) and don't mind dramatic colour changes...

August 30th, 2011, 11:06 AM
:) I think that no matter what astrology sign,,everyone here is hair-obsessed :D

"Pisces: soft, wavy, dark in colour, often grown long, and does not hold style well. Rather indecisive."

My hair is not dark and wavy but otherwise it suits well. My hair never holds style, it is very slippery :(

August 30th, 2011, 11:13 AM
Just to add, for those of you who don't know your ascendant and/or moon sign, here are quick and easy tools to find them out:



They may be much more fitting to your personality in many ways than the sun sign (aka "star sign") :)

August 30th, 2011, 11:14 AM
Scorpio: thick, curly, coarse and dark. Has willpower and self-control which enables them to grow out healthy, thick hair.

Thick- Check
Curly- No
Course- No
Dark- Somewhat
Willpower/Self Control-Checkx3

August 30th, 2011, 11:36 AM
Capricorn: dark, straight, thin, with poor texture. Will have the determination to grow hair very long, and to learn many intricate styles. However, has a lack of imagination when trying to think of styles themselves. Likes darker colours.

This is very spot on to me. The only thing is my hair is not that dark, and the texture is poor right now from severe damage but typically my virgin hair is incredibly strong and I used to grow for a year then cut every summer as a child with minimum splits, I don't remember any damage :) But still one could say my texture is poor considering how ugly it is :(
I am so determined to grow my hair long, even if it takes me my whole life.
I do like brighter colors though, such as pastels.

August 30th, 2011, 11:42 AM
I'm a Leo. I've always been hair obsessed, even when I was a child. My hair is really thick, medium/coarse, wavy/curly. It has its own life. :D The colour does not fit though.

August 30th, 2011, 11:55 AM
I'm a Virgo, with Leo ascending. My hair is more like a Leo. Your ascendant usually tells more about your appearance than your sun sign.

August 30th, 2011, 01:38 PM
I am a Virgo, and I would say that I have a wide knowledge of natural hair remedies and potions... But after the articles released about the stars actually being different, that would make me a Leo, which I would also agree with... Hmm ;)

Columbia River
August 30th, 2011, 02:13 PM
I'm a Virgo and I LOVE my sign.
My hair is a level five ash brown. It is totally straight, I have a fine hair but a lot of it.
I'm using natural products, vitamins and supplements to grow it out.
My dream hair would be straight, silky, mid back, and extremely streamlined.
I have a lot of anxiety about getting it there. ;)
Yep. I would say it fit's my sun sign.

August 30th, 2011, 02:51 PM
Okay, my Sun is in Taurus, Ascendant is in Leo, and Moon is in Aquarius.

Taurus: supposed to be dark and curly. Patient and stubborn which may translate into success in growing hair

Dark? Yes, my natural color is a medium brown.
Curly? Nope, my hair is straight and bendy. :D
Patient? Yes! I am willing to take whatever steps to get my hair long and healthy. Hair is only going to grow so fast, so there's no point in being impatient unless I can do something I can do to immediately improve it (5" cut to rid myself of layers). I've also had long hair for most of my childhood.
Stubborn? Yes! I am very persistent with what I want and it is very difficult to convince me to try other styles or convince me that I need to change my hair.

Leo: supposed to be golden blonde, stiff, perhaps unmanageable. Often strong, and able to withstand more damage. May often like extravagant styles, and likes rich golds and reds, which may translate into hair colours when dyeing hair.

Golden Blonde? No, but my natural color does have a lot of gold in it. Plus when I henna, it always fades to a coppery color so it still has some golden tones to it, too.
Stiff? Sort of. My hair is extremely determined to sit the way it grows naturally, so certain styles are difficult to accomplish.
Unmanageable? Generally no. I do get annoying frizz and it does get BIG when it's wavy or curly. Oh, and it does get supersoft/slippery, which can be a royal pain sometimes. Other than that, I have extremely manageable hair.
Strong? I'd say it's strong for such a fine texture. Most other people who have my strand type have hair that snaps if you so much as look at it. I have low porosity, so my hair is resistant and henna actually fades a little after a while. I don't seem to have many issues with mechanical damage, probably because my hair is so slippery.
Likes extravagant styles? Yes? My friends often accuse me of making such complicated hairstyles.
Likes rich golds and reds? Yes! That is why I henna!
Thick? Yes!

Aquarius: dark, sandy coloured, some aquarians may have very fine, very light hair. Often healthy looking.

Dark? Yes.
Sandy colored? Chemical processes cause it to fade to a sandy color...
Very fine? Yes.
Healthy-looking? Yes, even when it was very damaged it was still quite shiny.

August 30th, 2011, 02:52 PM
Both my Sun and Moon signs are Aries. My ascendant is Leo. Apparently I can't escape masculine fire signs. No wonder I'm such a pyro. hehe.

Aries:traditionally coarse, with reddish tones to whatever the natural hair colour is. May dye redder at some point in their life (hello henna). May be impatient in terms of growth

I have noticed that my hair is somewhat red toned in the sun (almost and auburn-ish but still more brown) and I'm practically obsessed with red hair, but my skin is very yellow-y olive toned and reds don't flatter my skin tone nearly as well as browns do. I'm not really impatient with length, I didn't even notice how much it's grown all summer, as I posted in a different thread.

Leo: supposed to be golden blonde, stiff, perhaps unmanageable. Often strong, and able to withstand more damage. May often like extravagant styles, and likes rich golds and reds, which may translate into hair colours when dyeing hair.

As for Leo- clearly not blond, my texture is as fine and thin (and weightless and moveable) as gossamer, no stiffness here. Somewhat unmanageable, mainly due to how light and airy it is, and actually stronger than one would expect from hair as fine as mine. Again, love reds.

August 30th, 2011, 02:53 PM
I'm LEO and totally obsessed with my hair, after my eyes, are the thing I love the most in my body.
I live for it as well.

August 30th, 2011, 02:54 PM
Pisces: ama match on all count, wave is only on left side for some reason though...hair is v v dark, almost black. someone commented earlier about pisces and frequent washing: this is also me, i don't like the feeling of wet hair drying (sometimes feels like i can feel each follicle drying seperately) but I love how my hair feels when wet in the shower. :crush:

August 30th, 2011, 02:59 PM
Except that my hair is like utterly coarse, this Pisces fits perfect!

Pisces: soft, wavy, dark in colour, often grown long, and does not hold style well. Rather indecisive.

this is what I found online was this :

"Pisces would spend hours styling their hair if they didn't get so distracted by other things: finding a shirt that matches their pants, making coffee, composing a poem, picking out a pair of shoes, finishing a quick watercolor, or throwing out the toast they just burned. In the end, the Fish wears their hair au naturel -- by default."

So utterly true...

August 30th, 2011, 04:07 PM
"Virgo: between mid-brown to black, often very straight. Has patience and talent for skilled work..."

Wow- this is me to a T. Although when colored my hair is dark golden brown with a reddish hue, my natural color is a very dark ash brown. Stick straight & baby fine.

August 30th, 2011, 04:18 PM
I'm not really one for astrology but I'm a leo and definitely obsessed with my hair xD (as shown by the amount of time I spent on this website alone)

I'll second that!

August 30th, 2011, 04:22 PM
That's interesting, Aries is pretty much true for me, I'm a natural dark auburn but have always had very edgy colours and styles.
Mainly reds, pinks and purples. But when it comes to being impatient with growth I am in as far as it isn't growing fast enough now, but I have grown to knee, waist and classic from bobs or pixies previously.
Mainly I think my hair fits my Aries traits in that I like strong bold colours and styles. Things I would consider softer like highlights, fairytale ends and waves don't appeal on me or seem to fit, although on others I love them. Also when it comes to colours I'd rather have White/platinum than blonde. Black than brown. Pillarbox red than henna. Cartoon purple than plum. :shrug:

Maybe I should start reading my star signs ;)

August 30th, 2011, 05:43 PM
I'm a Gemini so I like to talk about subjects that interest me (hair care!). My moon is in Leo so I am obsessed with my hair with Libra rising which for me means I'm always wanting to part my hair in the middle!!

purple dust
August 30th, 2011, 06:23 PM
Cappys are cost-effective? Investing in their hair but know how much treatments are worth... :confused:

purple dust
August 30th, 2011, 06:40 PM
Now I think is relevant to add that Saggitarians aren't afraid of color or clearly debating/staing opinions on hairdressers.

Aries are trend-setters for sure, women love the bob and aren't afraid of chopping it off.

Leos are mane-obsessed, afraid of frizz and they don't wear hair, the hair wears them hehe

I am a Libra Sun, Cappy Ascendant and Moon in Aries. I didn't realize how much men love my hair until I asked a group of them whether to chop it off or color it... they practically begged me not to :)

Pros: Love hair routines, glossy, curls that often relax into waves. I like simple, medieval hairstyles. My hair is naturally very black, strong, curly and with volume. I have the patience to grow it but not to Search and Destroy.

Cons: So undecisive that the hair must match the overall outfit, then change the accesories, then the hair products... that it's distressing. I don't play enough with it. It's very coarse and porous, I spend a lot on conditioner. Not good texture.

Diesel Tech
August 30th, 2011, 06:55 PM
Cancer: often fine and delicate, light brown, perhaps lacking in volume. Protectiveness may be seen over the hair, which may be taken wrongly as touchiness by others (I'm thinking about when people seem to want to touch other peoples long hair)

Weird, that's exactly how I am. Yes I am a cancer.

August 30th, 2011, 07:39 PM
I'm a Leo, but my actual personality is more Virgo. But I like the idea of being a Leo with a long mane of hair! :D

As an aside, I was reading about my sign in the Chinese zodiac (Water Monkey), and it specifically said that the female Water Monkeys tends to "take great care with her hair." DBF laughed when he read that (he knows all about my LHC obsession).

August 30th, 2011, 08:15 PM
Aries are trend-setters for sure, women love the bob and aren't afraid of chopping it off.

I do this!! I used to always get frustrated with my hair in the past (because of damage from heat styling and dying) and would always chop it to between chin and shoulder every couple years. It was a regular cycle of chop, hate it short because it makes me look like a 12 year old girl/chipmunk, grow to roughly bsl, get irritated at the mess of hair, chop....repeat until i stopped dying 3 years ago and started having healthier hair. Going for short hair (no pixies though, too much maintenance) or a completely new color was never something i agonized over. If I wanted it, I did it. :D

August 30th, 2011, 08:27 PM
Aquarius here.. my hair is dark, but not sandy colored. Very thin/fine? According to my mom, before I began to color/heat damage my hair, I had very thick hair. It was also very straight though. And it has always been shiny. So it sort of fits :p

August 30th, 2011, 09:09 PM
Well like a typical Taurus, I am very into catering to the senses..

I tend towards simple and classic hairstyles maintaining a natural look about them and would agree with one earlier post where someone said about nice smells to lure men! But mostly for my own sensual pleasure. :)

Any tauruses agree? ;)

When you put it that way, it definitely makes sense! Not too sure about the 'dark curls' thing though. I'm a blatant Taurus in every way bar that one!

Always been pretty adamant about having nice smelling hair!

August 30th, 2011, 09:29 PM
I'm a Gemini, but I guess I'm not a tipical one, because I tend to be consistent with things I do and don't feel the need for frequent changes... And I'm not very social or out-going eather... With my hair it also wouldn't be very tipical for a Gemini, I only chopped it once as part of my teenage rebellion (but went really short), and only colored it mahogany-red for a short while, and hennaed for a year or so... No wild changes on a whim, even the chop was something I planned for several months...
I guess I'm a really wierd Gemini, LOL :D

Is your birthday close to another sign? I understand that can influence your "behavior" - maybe closer to Cancer?

Chinese Zodiac - not sure if I'm water or not, but I'm a monkey, too and have always wanted beautiful hair. (Zesty's post)
Western Zodiac - Gemini: OMG, when I was younger I couldn't keep a hairstyle or color to save my life, finally I realized my hair is the one in control and I need to just let it do what it wants, which seems to look best the longer it gets.

My hair is naturally read and has darkened to browner tones, my sister and mother are also Geminis, and their hair is brown.

August 30th, 2011, 10:50 PM
i'm an aries... so i know what i want and will stop at nothing until i get it... and the BEST of it... which is long hair! :D

August 31st, 2011, 01:46 AM
Just to add, for those of you who don't know your ascendant and/or moon sign, here are quick and easy tools to find them out:



They may be much more fitting to your personality in many ways than the sun sign (aka "star sign") :)

Thank you for the link!

You have learn me something new :) i'm also very interested in astro,but i didn't know that we have a moon sign,mine is taurus who looks very much to my personality,much more than the star sign lion. My ascedant is scorpion.

August 31st, 2011, 01:53 AM
^ Yeah, that's why you have to enter your place of birth there as well, from that it calculates the time zone :)

edit: Ok, now I have to edit as well since you removed the question I was replying to, Summergame ;) But I'm glad to be of help! :)

August 31st, 2011, 04:00 AM
Leo: supposed to be golden blonde, stiff, perhaps unmanageable. Often strong, and able to withstand more damage. May often like extravagant styles, and likes rich golds and reds, which may translate into hair colours when dyeing hair.

Saggitarius: light to mid brown, strong growth, glossy and with a high hairline. Also optimistic, and will likely survive setbacks when growing, however may be changeable in their ideas.[/QUOTE]

Both my sun and ascendant sings are Leo, and my moon sign is Sagittarius. The descriptions above are actually pretty accurate, I have dark golden blond hair that bends and frizzes easily, and I have pretty high hairline for a woman. I didn't really get much damage when I used permanent dyes, so my hair is pretty strong. And I did have a big setback in growing when I chopped the dyed pits off, and I don't mind cutting layers etc. off since I know it'll grow back. The only thing that's not really me is that I don't like very extravagant styles and my growth is only average.

Thanks for the links Rosetta, I didn't know what my moon sign was :)

August 31st, 2011, 05:09 AM
^ Yeah, that's why you have to enter your place of birth there as well, from that it calculates the time zone :)

edit: Ok, now I have to edit as well since you removed the question I was replying to, Summergame ;) But I'm glad to be of help! :)

Yes i'm sorry,i just saw it to that you can give your destination in :-)

December 3rd, 2011, 01:53 PM
I investigated all the buzz around natal charts a while back and found out that I have an abundance of air energy in my chart.

Libra Sun, Aquarius Moon, Gemini Ascendant. No wonder the hair is so... flyaway! :D

Edit: Had to revisit this post purely to edit it since a new natal chart reading shows Capricorn Moon. Hmm.

December 3rd, 2011, 02:00 PM
Aries, and I'm impatient with my hair growth. I also make impulsive choices regarding my hair and its colour. I also want my hair to be red like my favorite colour. haha

December 3rd, 2011, 02:12 PM
I am an aries:) and i have been obsesses with hair and beauty as long as i can rwmember :)

December 3rd, 2011, 02:20 PM
I am a Taurus, my moon sign is Aries, My ascendant is Aries, and because I have a handy dandy book from the library, I know my planet is Venus during Aries.

I have no idea what that means for my hair, but it is not dark, nor coarse, nor curly, and I have persistence but little patience.

December 3rd, 2011, 03:28 PM
According to "http://www.astrology.com/how-do-you-handle-your-hair/2-d-d-49314"

The signs do their hair thus...

Ephemeral Aries can't be bothered with too much maintenance. In fact, it sometimes seems like Aries would forget their hair entirely if it weren't attached to their heads. How to explain, then, how this laissez-faire approach always ends up looking so good?

Sensual Taurus gives their hair a hundred strokes before bed to keep their locks gorgeous. Then they probably double that in the morning before leaving the house. Add some high-quality hair product, and it's clear why every day is a good hair day for the beautiful Bull.

Gemini is not one to have the same hairstyle their entire life. They might grow it way down their back, then chop it off on a whim. Of all the signs, they're by far the most likely to sport brunette hair one day, then strawberry blonde the next. Experimentation trumps vanity every time with the Twins.

When it comes to how they like their locks shorn, Cancer tends to go the conservative route. Short for boys, long for girls -- a classic, tasteful cut either way. Every once in a while, though, the Crab follows their intuition and tries something totally new.

Lovely Leo is just a teeny bit vain when it comes to their mane: it's nice, and they know it. Curly or straight, light or dark, long or short, the Lion takes good care of their hair. Leo may be the only sign that would duck into somebody else's bathroom and use their hairdryer, gel and hairspray without compunction.

Virgo likes their 'do done sensibly. They want to look good, sure, but they don't want a lot of hassle. After all, there are a lot of things to do in a day without having to fuss with a complicated haircut. With a minimum of effort, Virgo manages to look put-together.

Libra might wear their hair long, short or in-between, but one thing you'll seldom see on these lovers of justice is an asymmetrical haircut. No matter how hip they may be, the idea that one side was long and the other short would drive a balance-loving Libra nuts.

Scorpio may go for days without washing their hair -- in fact, they could go for months without a visit to the stylist. They'd rather just cut their hair themselves and save the money for something else. Funny thing is, people want to run their fingers through the sexy Scorpion's hair, no matter what.

Sagittarius likes their hair the way James Bond likes his martinis: uncomplicated. The active Archer is too busy to be bothered with a high-maintenance head of hair. They want to get outside and explore the world as soon as possible, so they keep their cuts to the point.

Understated Capricorn has a weakness for their hair: that is, they really, really like it to look good. The Goat knows just what they want, too, whether it's a pageboy or a nouveau crop, and they're willing to spend a little more than they should to get it just right.

Aquarius definitely pays attention to how their locks look. They don't leave the house without a glance in the mirror. But they aren't going to go in for too much in the way of products or styling. If the Water Carrier's hair looks good at a glance, that's enough for them.

Pisces would spend hours styling their hair if they didn't get so distracted by other things: finding a shirt that matches their pants, making coffee, composing a poem, picking out a pair of shoes, finishing a quick watercolor, or throwing out the toast they just burned. In the end, the Fish wears their hair au naturel -- by default.

December 3rd, 2011, 03:37 PM
My birthday is the day that Leo rolls over to Virgo. I think I'm an awkward mix of both :p . I reckon hair obsessed from the Leo part and perfectionist from Virgo describes me pretty well.

Leo: supposed to be golden blonde
Virgo: between mid-brown to black
So that explains my mixed up hair colour lol

December 3rd, 2011, 03:38 PM
Saggitarius: light to mid brown, strong growth, glossy and with a high hairline. Also optimistic, and will likely survive setbacks when growing, however may be changeable in their ideas.

Sagittarius likes their hair the way James Bond likes his martinis: uncomplicated. The active Archer is too busy to be bothered with a high-maintenance head of hair. They want to get outside and explore the world as soon as possible, so they keep their cuts to the point.

I'm a Sagittarius, and it's true----I can not be bothered with styling my hair. I hate doing hair(and makeup). My hair is mid-brown, and shiny, but I cannot say that I have strong growth. :( I have had many hair set backs, and yes I perservere through them!

December 3rd, 2011, 05:07 PM
Well, I am a Leo and I was never "obsessed" before I found this site. :D

The only thing I ever did was keep people away from my head with sissors as much as possible. Wash once a week or so and if I had to go somewhere important, comb/brush it out and pull it up into a pony tail. Otherwise, it went up into something without any help with tangles or else. I just waited until I washed and then let the conditioner do its thing. Lol!

December 3rd, 2011, 05:12 PM
I'm curious as to what being Taurus would say about my hair and I, but google's not my friend! The only thing I could find was some article telling me I have a thick neck and little teeth. ._.


Well like a typical Taurus, I am very into catering to the senses..

I tend towards simple and classic hairstyles maintaining a natural look about them and would agree with one earlier post where someone said about nice smells to lure men! But mostly for my own sensual pleasure. :)

Any tauruses agree? ;)

I'm a Taurus and I'm worried about how my hair smells, too! :) I stopped using ACV because SO didn't like the smell it left in my hair. I'm trying to find something else that will work well with my hair, but no luck thus far. :( But I really miss how he used to enjoy burying his nose in my head! :p

December 3rd, 2011, 06:01 PM
My sign does not fit me at all. Not personality-wise, or hair-wise. :P

December 3rd, 2011, 06:12 PM
I'm a Capricorn on the very cusp of Sagittarian (literally one/two more days depending and I would be Sag). I am told all the time I am very much a hybrid of these two signs and I feel as if I am, too. The hair description of light brown, high forehead of Sagittarian fits me and the Capricorn preference for darker hair colours also fits me as I have always wanted dark hair and have dyed my hair dark for years and years. Im not sure I agree with the description of Capricorns having hair of poor texture though. Unless they mean poor as in breaks easily? Cos I'm definitely in that club. But I think that if managed and looked after accordingly hair of all textures can look good. :shrug:

ETA: just learned that my Ascendant is Sagittarius and my Moon sign is Taurus! Well I am definitely stubborn!

December 3rd, 2011, 07:32 PM
Libra: traditionally blonde, with a slight wave, and glossy. Also indecisive, and may change styles often. However, styles are likely to be simple if done themselves.

I'm a Libra, and this sounds pretty much like me. :o If I could have a different style daily, I'd be thrilled.

December 3rd, 2011, 07:37 PM
^ I'm also a libra, but I have orange, curly, frizzy hair. Once I find a style I like, it doesn't change for years...

December 3rd, 2011, 08:16 PM

December 3rd, 2011, 08:20 PM
Aries:traditionally coarse, with reddish tones to whatever the natural hair colour is. May dye redder at some point in their life (hello henna). May be impatient in terms of growth

that's me!

December 3rd, 2011, 09:02 PM
In the end, the Fish wears their hair au naturel -- by default.

This is totally me...only because I cannot stand to feel 'stuff' in my hair.
I've never colored my hair either.
And obviously since joining LHC have quit using a hair dryer nor have I ever used a flat iron thing.:D

I don't even use conditioner anymore because it makes my hair feel "coated" no matter how much I rinse & it does not matter how lightweight the conditioner might feel.

But I'm also this way with my skin care as well...very interesting.:drama:

Pisces: soft, wavy, dark in colour, often grown long, and does not hold style well. Rather indecisive.
{^^^This one fits me perfectly :)}

December 3rd, 2011, 09:29 PM
Sensual Taurus gives their hair a hundred strokes before bed to keep their locks gorgeous. Then they probably double that in the morning before leaving the house. Add some high-quality hair product, and it's clear why every day is a good hair day for the beautiful Bull.

Taurus: supposed to be dark and curly. Patient and stubborn which may translate into success in growing hair

Both of these hit the nail on the head with me. :p When my hair doesn't feel, look. and smell good, I am preparing to have an awful day :D

December 3rd, 2011, 10:20 PM
I am a Virgo and I don't know all about health........ Some but not tons

December 3rd, 2011, 11:13 PM
I'm an astrology nut and Taurus is the only one that seems to be particularly hair-obsessed. They are the most materialistic sign of them all and so physical beauty, physical health being an extension of achieving beauty, is a focus of theirs. They strive for it. They also prefer practicality yet luxury/pleasure; living the good life (even with preferring a simple lifestyle). There is a certain beauty that comes with long hair and it is practical because it can be put up and once you understand how it works it is easier to care for. Long hair is also something that brings about pleasure, like my reasoning for wanting to grow my hair suggests. I am a Taurus, but I am funny in that way. I value my spiritual well-being as much, if not more than, I do my physical, so I imagine my moon sign or other signs in my houses would influence that.

This is my reasoning for wanting to grow my hair that would suggest that I am, indeed, a Taurus. A clip from my profile:

"Another reason I want to grow it long is that I find running my fingers through my hair to be therapeutic/relaxing.

I also like to nurture and pamper myself sometimes and that includes my hair, and long hair is also a sign, not only to others but to myself, of patience, tolerance, and determination, when it is in good condition. "

December 4th, 2011, 12:17 AM
I'm a Leo and I've always been totally obsessed with my hair and fairly confident about it. Every Leo I've ever known- male or female- is pretty similar.

December 4th, 2011, 12:58 AM
Leo: supposed to be golden blonde, stiff, perhaps unmanageable. Often strong, and able to withstand more damage. May often like extravagant styles, and likes rich golds and reds, which may translate into hair colours when dyeing hair.

Yep this fits me a bit, the colour, extravagant styles etc, I am utterly hair obsessed and have been told that

December 4th, 2011, 01:15 AM
I'm a Leo and quite hair-obsessed, especially since I found LHC.
My hair is straight and rather fine, not lion-like. But I dye it with henna and love to curl it :eyebrows: I'm afraid of damaging it though.
I would find nothing to use in someone else's bathroom, I stick to my own conditioner and coconut oil :p

December 4th, 2011, 01:33 AM
Scorpio: thick, curly, coarse and dark. Has willpower and self-control which enables them to grow out healthy, thick hair.

All of it's true, except for the curly part. Mine's only slightly wavy.

Scorpio may go for days without washing their hair -- in fact, they could go for months without a visit to the stylist. They'd rather just cut their hair themselves and save the money for something else. Funny thing is, people want to run their fingers through the sexy Scorpion's hair, no matter what.

So true! It's been a year and a half since I last went in for a trim, since then I've been taking care of splits on my own and focusing on growing out the length. Only an inch or so away from tailbone!

December 4th, 2011, 09:26 AM
THe description for pisces fits in a lot of ways: hair slip makes styling more work, dark and slightly wavy, and prefers natural styling. I change it often, as I get bored and distracted. It does make growing out fun because I am going to try just about anything at whatever length I am at.
Hair obsessed? Yup, always have been. I notice everyone's hair.

December 4th, 2011, 03:28 PM
Leo here. More hair obsessed that the mainstream, but not overly so (in my definition, haha). As a kid I did have a huge, shaggy golden mane though ;)

December 4th, 2011, 03:46 PM
capricorns are said to have dark, thin hair which is the total opposite to my hair which is blonde and thick. They are also said to be petite which is the opposite to me as im tall... ah well :)

December 4th, 2011, 08:24 PM
Aquarius: dark, sandy coloured, some aquarians may have very fine, very light hair. Often healthy looking.

This is true, for the most part. My hair is only darkening, is definitely sandy, and is very fine. As for looking healthy, it does when I take care if it...not so much when I'm not.

December 6th, 2011, 01:54 AM
Leo: supposed to be golden blonde, stiff, perhaps unmanageable. Often strong, and able to withstand more damage. May often like extravagant styles, and likes rich golds and reds, which may translate into hair colours when dyeing hair.

Yep this fits me a bit, the colour, extravagant styles etc, I am utterly hair obsessed and have been told that

For the record, my best friend is a Leo, and I'm a Capricorn. Well, I've always thought that I was the more hair-obsessed of the two of us (I'm CONSTANTLY talking about my hair, the process of growing it [what could be a more boring topic? It's really just "waiting" to the LHC uninitiated] out, and other hair-related items of interest. My poor friend! >horrible realization<) but that ^ post reminds me that whenever I see her, she's got a new haircut and different color hair. I've always wondered how her hair could withstand all the dying she subjects it to (usually in red tones. Whoa!) and now I wonder if it's her Leo side showing through? :D

December 6th, 2011, 02:27 AM
Oh yeah, i'm hair obsessed alright! And im a leo...

December 6th, 2011, 05:44 PM
"Scorpio: thick, curly, coarse and dark. Has willpower and self-control which enables them to grow out healthy, thick hair."

- I have thick curly dark hair but it's not coarse, it's like silk :D
Hopefully the 2nd bit is true too (:

Don't have long hair yet :P

December 6th, 2011, 05:52 PM
I'm a leo and I am definately hair obsessed lol but we also have rising signs which can also determine different aspects of ourselves whether it being our personalities and appearance. Like me being a leo, I'm supposed to be wild and completely out going but I can be quite reserved, my rising sign is Scorpio.

Maybe we have different tendancies towards our hair? :)

December 6th, 2011, 06:20 PM
I'm a gemini and there's definitely consensus with the other geminis here!
I'm pretty consistent generally (often surprises people), but i love trying new things, my haircare routine has been changing like the wind! Every time I read something new, I learn all about it, try it out, and talk about it with everyone!

December 6th, 2011, 07:50 PM
I'm a Scorpio, but the only part of the description that is true is that my hair is dark. Oh thickness and curls... How nice that would be! The willpower part is true though!

December 6th, 2011, 09:47 PM
Very interesting! I'm a Gemini and agree with most. I am strong and consistant about most things but love variety. No, NEED variety and multi-tasking. I am happiest when on the )PC, TV on, and Youtube going while posting on a forum.
Or creating.
And agree with Leah~
I am hair obsessive, but I just want to be beautiful and have beautiful hair. That's all.
My son and daughter are Libras, he changes his hair and beard often, her hair is longer and thicken than mine, but she always wears it clipped up. (5 kids, maybe that's why?)
My mom was an Aries, wonderful, creative, wise woman who's hair was always beautiful and she was too!

December 6th, 2011, 11:50 PM
Leo: supposed to be golden blonde, stiff, perhaps unmanageable. Often strong, and able to withstand more damage. May often like extravagant styles, and likes rich golds and reds, which may translate into hair colours when dyeing hair.

Pretty close, actually!

Lets see: My hair was (is) a golden/strawberry blonde (with lots of red undertones) I've been dying it dark for years now so I have no idea whats going on under there now...It was always unmanagable! My mom couldn't do a thing with it when I was young! Stiff? Well as a teen... heck yeah, but that was more from all the aquanet I used ;)

It's very strong considering the of awful things I have done to it in the past!

I love big hair and hair jewels etc. ( not sure if that is the same as extravagant)

and you can ALWAYS see the red in my hair! And I LOVE IT! I love a deep rich color that highlights my all my red..

So it's pretty spot on with me :D

and then i read this:

Lovely Leo is just a teeny bit vain when it comes to their mane: it's nice, and they know it. Curly or straight, light or dark, long or short, the Lion takes good care of their hair. Leo may be the only sign that would duck into somebody else's bathroom and use their hairdryer, gel and hairspray without compunction.
...this made me laugh because I have done that! Granted they were a good friend so they didn't care but until now I never thought it was a weird thing :p oh well...us Leo's...don't invite us over unless you hide your hairstuff :D

December 7th, 2011, 03:04 AM

You may notice a lock of hair (resembling the bull's forelock), or a curl that hangs in the center of the forehead. Not all, but many Taureans have curly or wavy hair. It's usually dark, like the eyes and skin. Even the occasional blonde, light-eyed and fair-skinned Taurus people will never suggest fragility of mind or character.

About Taurus women:

She's probably fond of warm baths herself, with lots of lotions and oils and bubbles. Taurean bath*rooms often look like Cleopatra's private quarters. You keep expecting to see a slave appear and start waving a palm leaf fan.

Linda Goodman's Sun Signs (http://www.mizii.com/englishwiz/library/names/zodiac/taurus.htm)

Finally, there's the sense of touch. Taurus women are the ones who complain that your sweater is "scratchy." It doesn't "feel nice." They can almost tell the color of a fabric by stroking it with their eyes closed. The materials she wears will be soft and luxurious to the touch, never irritating, and she'll probably dress with simplicity and taste.

I do like good smells and natural, gentle cosmetics. My hair is straight but I have curly "horns" at the sides that lift upwards if I don't hinder them from doing so.

I do look bovine, too...

the women born under the Sun sign will have an intangible, elusive bovine quality about them. The look in the female Taurean's eyes will be serene and limpid, yet steady. She will move gracefully, indolently, but with a suggestion of hidden strength. As for the males, the neck will often be thick or muscular, the shoulders, chest or back, or all three, broad and strong. The entire body will be well proportioned, whether short or tall.

I have a short, thick neck.

Yes, I think it's quite easy to guess that I'm a Taurus. My ascending Sagittarius may have made me a bit less serene, but still...

My hair is fine but also strong. I have not seen a split end in more than thirty years.

Of the Fae
December 7th, 2011, 03:17 AM
I'm actually an Aries :P
This means I am fickle and a fighter, I guess :P
I cut it short like ten times and regretted each time. This is typical, because an Aries is usually impulsive. However, the sun sign is not the only important one! What sign is your moonsign and your ascendant?
These are also related factors :)

They usually have a high forehead and deep eyes. This is also correct.

December 7th, 2011, 04:12 AM
This thread is funny!
I've found another interesting link: Astrological Guide To Hair Care (http://www.hairboutique.com/tips/articles.php?f=tip010.htm).

I am a taurus and, well, their analysis seems quiet right to me!

December 7th, 2011, 05:06 AM
Yes, very true, that's also me :-)

December 7th, 2011, 05:33 AM
Sigh, no wonder my hair has never been much longer the shoulder length. As a saggitarius, I'm ever changing, afraid of commitment, flighty and tend to make bold and later-regretted chages to my hair.

O this explains things:D i'm a saggitarius zs wel, with leo as ascendant...